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  • The End For All
    1K 62 16

    Rose x 12 Take the endings of all loved Companions, and add a dash and happy endings for them, a little Missy ((Master)), some Bad Wolf, and a fight. You have yourself the perfect Rose x Doctor story. "Doctor what are we looking for?" Clara yelled over the bustle of people. She looked around at her surroundings. "Whe...

  • Two Doctors
    33 5 2

  • The 13th Doctor
    613 38 5

    Basically what I imagine the 13 regeneration to be like. Purely my imagination. Try and bear with me considering it's pretty obvious I am not Steven Moffat...Or am I? Anyways... Meet the 13th Doctor and his companion Charlotte Ackworth.

  • My Mad Man With A Box (Doctor Who Fanfiction)
    862K 31.8K 33

    Violet is a 17 year old girl, who has always believed in this bowtie wearing time traveler. She meets this man when he sonics his way into her house. These are adventures that she and the Doctor take with many twists and turns in the way.

  • The lost child of Gallifrey (Doctor Who Fanfic)
    412K 13.6K 29

    Amelia rose smith is an extremely intelligent 11 year old. After 9 years of living with her foster mother Amelia is kidnapped by strange Aliens were she meets a total mad man, and finally finds out who her parents are and most importantly who she is. This is totally for entertainment per- posses only. All rights go to...