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  • So You're A Vampire
    1M 27.3K 53

    What happens when Harry Potter gets turned into a very protective Royal Living Vampire?

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  • Sherlock? Sick?
    8K 224 2

    John loves Sherlock, too much. but what happens when Sherlock actually get's sick? Is that even possible?

  • Sherlock, Why Didn't You Tell Me?
    62.5K 2.6K 20

    "Why didn't you tell me?" John said, a tear streaming down his face. "I could have helped." He said as he leaned in to hug Sherlock. But this time-Sherlock hugged back. ****WARNING: TRIGGER WARNING. SELF HARM AND ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. Please do not do something you will regret later I Wuv u!***

  • Icies Black- A living Miracle (Rewrite in Progress!)
    29.6K 954 12

    (New!)-"Now all he has to do is survive the lasting effects of his past and stay on top of his studies. It becomes a bit easier when a group of Slytherins take an interest in Icies. Hopefully his new friends can help him; in the end either falling to despair or becoming a Living Miracle." ___________________ (Original...

  • It All Started With The Flu (Johnlock Fanfiction)
    106K 3.8K 5

    Sherlock Holmes. The world's only consulting detective. He is a genius, a highly functioning sociopath and completely emotionless. He will always stay that way, but when a secret is revealed, will 221B Baker Street ever be the same again?!

  • Magic's Child
    108K 4K 5

    AU: Young Harry was born to the Potter family, but was not their child. He was created by magic to save the world. But when his twin is wrongly proclaimed the boy who lived, and Harry cast away, how will the wizarding world be effected? Follow magic's child on his trip through Hogwarts, and to the coming war. Major Du...

  • House of the Snakes
    40.5K 1.4K 3

    What if Harry shook the hand of the younger Malfoy that first night before the sorting? How would everything play out if Harry - the boy who lived- was sort into Slytherin? Slytherin Harry! Dark Harry! Smart Harry! Gryffindor bashing! Light bashing! Harry&Tom Riddle pairing. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the cha...

  • The Emerald Rose {Harry Potter}{Dark!Harry}
    157K 5.3K 8

    Harry James Potter. The saviour of the wizard world. A baby prodigy who killed the Dark Lord at merely one year old. The boy who lived, the golden boy... nicknames with no meaning. This supposed Harry James Potter is more than people could imagine. Just think of the face Dumbledore made when his so called "war weapon"...

  • The Potter Mate
    21.6K 489 2

    Harry Potter has been abused since he was a child after he was left with his mom's sister and her family. After a particular beating he aparates himself to Hogwarts and gets to the infirmary. This is a snarry story. I do not own any of the characters. J.K. Rowling does.

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  • My Submissive Soulmate
    6.6K 120 4

    Draco and Harry are soul mates and in love with each other. But they don't know the other is in love with them. Wizard claiming processes and mean students play a key role in the end of this story, read to find out how they come together through it all.

  • Summoner: The Novice (Book 1) SAMPLE OF NOW PUBLISHED BOOK
    7.3M 208K 84

    SAMPLE OF PUBLISHED BOOK THAT WAS FIRST WRITTEN ON WATTPAD. Fletcher was nothing more than a humble blacksmith's apprentice, when a chance encounter leads to the discovery that he has the ability to summon demons from another world. Chased from his village for a crime he did not commit, he must travel with his demon t...