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  • Bad Wolf Family Saga (Book 1)
    22.2K 851 26

    Daisy Tyler is Rose Tyler's older sister by 2 years and known as the black sheep of the family for taking in her Goddaughter at the age of 16. Lucinda is a sweet and innocent 9-year-old. She also seems very protective of Daisy as Daisy is with her. The pair are almost always seen together, apart from when Daisy is wo...

  • Reborn (Book 1 of Doctor Who Universe)
    149 10 2

    Megan Heart is a Doctor Who fan who falls asleep on her bed and wakes up inside of Jackie Tyler's flat as Rose Tyler. Now Megan must act as Rose until she meets the Doctor and asks him to help her. But in the meantime of him helping her, will Megan continue doing everything Rose did, or will she change events and make...

  • Bad Wolf (Book One of the Doctor's Daughter)
    3.7K 28 19

    A long time ago, a Time Tot went missing out of her mother's house in London and ended up on the doorstep of Jackie Tyler's flat with no letter explaining who she is. So, that baby grew up with the name Jessica Tyler until she was 16 and learnt who she really is thanks to Captain Jack Harkness who has been protecting...

  • Torchwood (Book 2 of the Doctor's Daughter)
    265 2 2

    The Doctor has regenerated to save his daughter, Angel, from the Heart of the Tardis, not knowing it is her destiny to become the Bad Wolf and have the Time Vortex in her body. How will they cope when Torchwood 1 is lurking in the shadows along with the Army of Ghosts? Will Angel even survive to see the ghosts arrival?

  • Smith Family (Book 1 of Bad Wolf)
    1.9K 70 9

    Rosalie Pendragon Black and Draco Malfoy have spent their lives surrounded by wizards, witches, king, queen, knights, and guards. How will they be when The Doctor and Rose rescues them in Downing Street? Will they find a family they've never had before?

  • (ON HOLD!) Finding More Family In Cardiff (Book 2 of Bad Wolf)
    83 1 1

    (ON HOLD! - Currently working on Book 1 - 18/01/2023) Rosalie Pendragon Black/Smith is Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin Black's forgotten adopted daughter since Harry came into their lives. Thankfully, she and Draco has a father figure in their lives that picks them up each year in a blue box known as the Tardis. What ha...

  • (ON HOLD!) Victoria High School (Book 1 of Luna Harkness)
    84 0 2

    (Luna's life after Time Travelling Family - Book 5!) Luna Harkness Williams has grown up with a lovely couple who she sees as her parents since she can't remember her biological parents. What happens when she moves back to her old town, Victoria, and attends the last year at her high school? What is in store for her w...

  • Life On Earth (Book 5 of Time Travelling Family)
    61 0 2

    The Doctor has regenerated into his 11th self with Asteria's help and together they meet Amy Pond. But how will Asteria deal with the rollercoaster of events as she decides to stay on Earth to be with Aaron and the family? Will her and Aaron finally get their happily ever after, or will it be the start of their daught...

  • The End of 10 (Book 4 of Time Travelling Family)
    56 0 1

    Now the Daleks are gone, and the planets are back home safe, it's time for one Time Lord to get married to his soulmate. But what if the Doctor regenerates a different way not including the Master and other Time Lords? And all the while everything is going on, Asteria discovers she's pregnant and must try and tell Aar...

  • The Crucible (Book 3 of Time Travelling Family)
    44 0 1

    Everything is now restored back to how it should be before the Master took over. But how will the Doctor and Holly feel when they meet Donna again? And what happens when the Daleks are back? Will Holly live to see the Crucible happen, or will be there another to take her place?

  • Drums (Book 2 of Time Travelling Family)
    58 0 1

    After losing Rose to the parallel universe, Holly and her dad are now travelling on their own. But what is in store for the Time Lords when Martha Jones joins them inside the Tardis? And will Holly and Martha make sure the Doctor and Sarah Jane start their happily ever after, or will they crash and burn?

  • Family Reunited (Book 1 of Time Travelling Family)
    268 5 3

    A Time Lady called Holly ends up in 1941 after surviving in the Time War. Who is she to the Doctor, and why is he so concerned about her? And what if Captain Jack Harkness has a brother who is kidnapped by Daleks? How does Holly know him? Will Rose like Holly, or will there be problems all the way till Torchwood?

  • Haunting of Torchwood (Book 1 of the Golden Wolf)
    31 1 1

    Since the day her parents were killed by Hydra, Lydia Tyler was adopted by Tony Stark, the one who apparently doesn't have a heart but really does once you get to know him properly. Then she met James Buchanan Barnes (Bucky Barnes) at age 19 and her whole life was flipped upside down since the word 'Hey' escaped past...

  • The Seer (Book 1)
    22 1 1

    Isabelle Forbes goes to sleep one night and wakes up outside of Torchwood. Is it a dream, or is it real? And what will happen when she learns who she really is? How will Isabelle react to the story lines changing slightly?

  • Torchwood's Girl (Book 1)
    135 5 2

    Melody Harkness is Captain Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones's biological daughter. When she falls asleep in her dad and pop's arms, she wakes up inside the Tardis. How will the Doctor react to her being on board? Will Rose like her? And how will Melody react to meeting her dad's past self?

  • The Guardian (Book 1)
    53 1 1

    Luna Smith is Sarah Jane Smith's daughter who has been brought up to believe her dad is dead. What happens when she goes with her mum to a school and meets him? How will the Doctor react to Luna? Will Luna and Rose get along, or will there be problems?

  • The Protector (Book 1)
    43 1 1

    Maddie Jones is a friend of Mickey and Rose. In secret, she is the Doctor's cousin who has been protecting the Earth with Sarah Jane Smith and UNIT under her real name, the Protector. What happens when the Doctor turns up at Rose's door step and sees his cousin for the first time in decades? And why does 'Bad Wolf' ke...

  • Sparks (Book 1 of Bad Wolf's Sister)
    33 2 1

    Sophia is the Doctor daughter, and finds herself stuck on Earth, London, Powell Estate after going to sleep in her bedroom. What happens when she sees ex-boyfriend, Jack, after her dad left him behind on the Game Station? And what does it mean for the Time Lords when there is a storm approaching?

  • The Doctor's Protector (Book 1)
    55 2 1

    Jessica Harkness is a Time Lady found barely alive by Captain Jack Harkness outside of Torchwood in Cardiff one evening. Since that night, he adopted her as his daughter. One day, Jessica meets the Doctor with her best friend and her whole life changes.

  • New Universe, New Me (Book 1 of Travelling In Time & Space)
    90 2 2

    Elizabeth Smith is an 18-year-old girl who is obsessed with Doctor Who and Torchwood. One day when she is walking home from college, Elizabeth is sucked into a portal and lands in the Doctor Who Universe. But she soon notices that it is slightly different from the TV show that she knows. Will Elizabeth adjust quickly...

  • The Cataclysm (Book 1 of the Cataclysm Saga)
    68 3 1

    After her dad, the Doctor, died on the Game Station by the Daleks, it is now down to the Cataclysm to take over saving the Universe in the Tardis. Luckily, she still has her best friend and sister, Rose Tyler, to help her through it all. What's in store when the word 'Torchwood' follows them?

  • The Girl Who Is Strong (Book 1 of Oncoming Wolf)
    40 0 1

    A young girl called Kara Smith falls through the rift in Cardiff when she is walking home from high school one and ends up meeting Captain Jack Harkness. What will happen when he discovers she is the Doctor's daughter. Will he let her work at Torchwood 3, or will she have to go back to high school? And just how much t...

  • Bodyguard | Doctor Who/Torchwood (Book 1 of Bonded)
    146 7 2

    One young Time Lady has been stuck in Cardiff since she ran after Mickey to make sure he was alright but came back to see her dad had left her. What she doesn't know is that Jack has been searching for her since they discovered she wasn't in the Tardis. What will happen the next time she sees them again, and will she...

  • Victoria Joy Tyler (Book One)
    190 8 2

    Victoria Joy Tyler (Joy Tyler) is an ordinary 19 year old who has been living with her auntie and cousin in London since her dad passed away from having a heart attack whilst driving. One day, she is shopping when the store mannequins come to life and just scratches the side of her head when it fires. What else she di...

  • Stuck In Camelot (Book 1 of Lonely Traveller Saga)
    40 3 1

    When the Tardis loses the Time Vortex, the Doctor's daughter is thrown out of the Tardis and finds herself in Camelot, lost and alone with no idea what to do. What happens when she meets King Arthur Pendragon and his servant, Merlin? Will she be forever stuck in Camelot?