تحديد الكل
  • Before
    18.6M 437K 20

    He never knew life could be this way, but truly if he did, he wouldn't have cared. He cared about nothing, not even himself until her. Before her, he was empty/ Before her he knew nothing of joy or completion, and this is his journey to his life After her.

  • I promise, I hate you
    1.5M 61.2K 103

    #1 Romantiek #1 Populair

  • To the moon and back
    797 79 23

    Love is a dangerous game when you fall in love at a young age. You never do forget your first time and the boy you kissed back when you were seventeen could hunt you down until you'll take your one last breath on this earth. The outline of my first story tells the tearing lifetime of Penelope and Edward who tasted in...

  • The Bad Boy meets Ms. Nobody [ON HOLD]
    101K 4.3K 6

    Meet Kyle Pierce. Tilson High's infamous bad boy. He was known for being a trouble maker and also known to be extremely attractive. And besides that, he was a mystery. He was every girl's dream, yet no one seems to get a hold of him. Meet Faye Rade, the girl who no one really bothers to acknowledge her existence. And...

  • Je kent me niet
    4.5K 274 16

    Er komt een nieuw meisje bij Daan in de klas; Sarah. Ze zijn meteen beste vrienden, maar Daan merkt iets raars aan Sarah. Ze is geheimzinnig en heeft rare reacties op bepaalde gebeurtenissen. Er blijkt iets te zijn met Sarah wat niemand had verwacht... Lezen op eigen risico. Ik update bijna nooit :P

  • A Beautiful and Terrible Truth
    659K 14.9K 40

    [Sequel to Secret] "Ah, the truth, a beautiful and terrible thing that must be treated with care." Courtney has been entrusted with a mission that only Dumbledore believes she can complete. A cycle that must be stopped; A cycle that brings a beautiful, yet terrible, truth to light for Courtney...and for Draco. Friends...

  • Lost in the waves
    155 6 2

    "A story about a girl who got thrown in a labyrinth of wrong decisions."
