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  • Candy Heart (Yandere x Reader)
    20.5K 699 35

    Halloween is your favorite holiday. The moment you were introduced to all of the spooky costumes, perfectly sweet candy, and devious tricks to be played, you fell in love. However, you've quickly come to a shocking conclusion: Strangely enough, it turns out Halloween loves you right back. In one of the most dangerous...

  • Captured Creation (Yandere Male x Reader)
    386K 20.5K 55

    Finally graduated from college at the age of twenty, (F/N) (L/N) attains her dream job at a famous toy store. Enchantment and beauty await her, but what happens when she meets a rather quiet man in the store one day? She knows this man isn't the store's owner, so who is he? Moreover, why does he visit the store almost...

  • Enclosed Perimeters (Yandere M. x F. Reader)
    752K 33.6K 66

    With summer vacation starting for (F/n) (L/n), she finds herself taking on a new job to earn some extra money. It's a simple one: watch over a neighbor's house for two weeks. Is there a catch to the easy job, though? What lies in wait for her within the home? Is it an unexpected romance or something much more sinister...

  • The Seven Deadly Sins (Yandere Boys X Reader)
    1.2M 38.9K 36

    Pride Gluttony Wrath Lust Greed Envy Sloth When each of the Seven Deadly Sins seem to have taken human form in the personalities of seven different boys it would be an inevitable difficulty to work for them. However, it would be deemed even harder to distance oneself once they grow an unyielding attachment and strong...

  • Infatuation (Yandere Boys x Reader)
    8.3M 277K 92

    After six new boys meet (Y/n), they begin an unhealthy obsession over the female and soon take it too far. There's not much chance of her escaping their thoughts or hands but she's definitely going to try when she's had enough.
