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  • Chosen (Partners in Crime Book 1)
    4.4K 521 19

    FBI Detective Dominic Wagner is a workaholic. His loud, rambunctious family might be the cause. As one of five siblings who does something like law enforcement, he is always caught up in some new case. When he decides to buy himself a house, he comes across a realtor whose life is on the line. He must protect her with...

  • Three Brothers
    1.3M 47.6K 38

    "I wish you were never born!" Ryan screamed, tears freely gliding down both our cheeks, his hand shaking in what seemed to be anger. "I told you to stay the fuck away from me, from all of us." "Fine!" I gulped, raising my voice just as loud, creating an even bigger gap in front of us, this wasn't the Ryan I loved. No...

  • I'd Wait For You (Christian romance)
    131K 8K 30

    Rachel, a high school graduate, is attending Emory University in hopes of achieving her goals. Her number one goal is that no matter how far she got in life that she will never forget the person who kept her the entire way...Jesus and she hoped that along the journey, with God being the author of her love story, she w...
