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  • Jannah Speaks
    10.1K 989 36

    One day I was really upset about something and for some reason I decided to grab a pen and paper and when I finished what I had scribbled down I was like, "hey, that could be a poem." Weird, I know right? That's how I began this whole poetry thing (without being forced to by teachers). A little while later I posted it...

  • The Fifa World Cup 2014
    204 11 1

    Hey guyxxx!!... We all know that world cup is here!!... and I have written a short poetry on it :D please check it out :):)

  • Free Gaza! Free Humanity!
    365 30 1

    THIS IS A SHORT POETRY ON GAZA :( Please vote, comment & share!!!!!

  • True Jewels (Islamic Poem)
    5.8K 297 1

    A poem about seeing the true beauty of a woman's heart. Whether you wear hijab or not. Women should be respected for their minds and not their bodies.

  • Poem: My conversation with a muslim girl
    12.2K 519 1

    A conversation with a Muslim girl on why she covers her head with a scarf (hijab).

  • Diamond in the Sky (Islamic Poem)
    1.1K 108 1
