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  • C. Alex - We Put A Soul In A Computer
    59 35 6

    To exist, to have a hold-in this dimension, the energy that is a soul needs to latch on to something that already exists here, namely a body. Bodies are physical entities, they have brains and neurons shooting information all over the place, they have the ability to think and feel. How much of that is the brain? How...

  • C. Alex - The Hidden Webpage
    14 10 2

    Sometimes I find it hard to believe that I've been an internet user for twenty years now. That's older than some of my co-workers. It's over half my life. And still the internet feels like "the new thing." I used to take it for granted, like we all do. But at least I remember what it was like when it wasn't there. Whe...

  • C. Alex - It's inside your house
    6 6 1

    It wakes you. Not the moan of a withered hag or the fleeting voice of a dead man, but the low trill of wind slipping past your window. Air being pressed into a hushed breath. The shadows meld themselves back into your bedroom. You blink. The blurred, hazy object of your alarm clock focuses back to existence. 2:48 AM...

  • C. Alex - Notes In The Dark
    30 31 6

    I'm not sure how long humans are supposed to stay sane without human interaction but I've been doing alright so far I think. The silence is much worse anyway. The initial shock of it all was extremely unnerving though. After the panic attack and near mental breakdown I sat down determinedly, pen in hand and started wr...
