The House (MxM - Completed)

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The House | An MxM Love Story ° • ° • ° • ° • ° • ° • ° • ° • ° • ° • ° • ° • Three bedrooms, three roommate... Daha Fazla

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Interlude: The Bedroom
Chapter Ten: Epilogue
Bonus Chapter: Julian

Chapter Eight

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m20anderson tarafından

**Rating Warning**

This is story is rated mature -- this chapter contains graphic sexual details. If you are not comfortable with that, please do not continue reading.

· · · · ·

Liam woke up with Morgan in his bed. The sun had woken him up and he noticed the bedside table lamp was still on. It was around ten.

Morgan was sleeping on his stomach with his head to his side, his arms sloppily splayed out above his head. Liam couldn't believe he was in his that. 

Last night was like a dream. He'd never had sex like that before.

It wasn't just sex, like he was used to, a one-and-done kind of thing that he was afraid of. It felt like more of an experience... Which was a little cheesy, but it had still left Liam in a daze. Morgan was good in bed.

Sometimes Morgan had stopped to laugh about something when they were right in the middle of it, like when Liam almost fell off the side of the bed when he tried to be on top, or when he got stuck in the blanket with his leg and had to roll out of it. Sometimes Morgan would stop moving on top of him just to hold his head and kiss him, for a long time. Liam couldn't get enough of his lips on his. When they were finally done he had held him, with both arms, and kissed his neck. Liam fell asleep like that. It was so nice. He'd never experienced something like that before in his life. He blushed thinking about it.

He was honestly still pretty exhausted. And sore... But he'd do that with Morgan again, whenever he wanted. If he was using him for sex, Liam didn't care. 

Did that make him kind of a slut for Morgan?

He turned around to hug Morgan's back before he got up and stumbled into his robe to run out to the bathroom and shower.

"Liam." Dave was sitting at the dining room table drinking coffee, looking at his phone. Liam froze.

"Oh, hey." He had tried his best to be quiet last night, but they both had gone on for quite a while... He hoped Dave hadn't heard them.

"We're out of food. Do you think Morgan cares if I borrow his car? I can go get a few things... He hasn't woken up yet."

Liam looked over to Morgan's bedroom door, which was closed, and then back at his. "That's...probably fine, Dave. You should go do that."

"Want to come?"

"...No, I'm gonna go take a shower, but thanks."

Dave finally looked up at him from his phone and Liam kept walking quickly until he finally got into the bathroom and shut the door. 

· · · · ·

When Dave got back with food, way faster than Liam thought, Morgan was running butt-naked out of the bathroom and into his bedroom with what looked like just a hand towel covering his waist.

Morgan had come into the bathroom when Liam was almost done showering. He hadn't bothered locking the door, but hadn't expected to see him step into the shower with him either... Kissing Morgan under the shower was hot. Things kind of just got out of hand. He probably lost track of time.

"No, no, NO." Dave repeated, throwing the bags of food onto the kitchen counter. "LIAM."

Liam left the bathroom in his robe again but shielded his face from embarrassment and quickly walked back into his bedroom to shut the door behind him. 

He quickly got dressed and went back out to help Dave put away the food, but Dave kept glaring over at him. He wish he'd stop.

"Liam, were you having sex in the bathroom..."


"Liam, you were totally just having sex in the bathroom with Morgan."

"No... We didn't--"

"I don't need to know the details, Liam, Jesus..."

"I didn't Dave..."

"You promised." Dave looked over at him now, pouring his cereal into his bowl.

"I'm sorry, Dave. I didn't think you'd be back so fast..."

 Dave rolled his eyes and poured the milk into the bowl.

"Dave... Are you straight?" Liam sat down at the kitchen table. His face was probably still red, he could feel it.

"...No. Why the hell would a straight guy room with you gay, horny morons?! Do you really think they would have stayed after all this fucking shit?"

"My gaydar has been broken lately."

"Yeah, I believe it."

"So... Are you seeing anyone?" Dave never talked about himself much. He was a fun member of their group. His deadpan sense of humor was probably one of Liam's favorite, but he didn't talk much about his life outside of the house. He mostly just played his piano when he wasn't fooling around with the rest of them. He was just so...quiet. Kind of like Julian. He wondered what Julian was up to these days.

"...Are you asking me out?"

"What?! No..." Liam laughed. Dave was smiling, so he was hoping he was being sarcastic. He probably was. "Want to share a room together?" Liam asked.


"I'm trying to get Ethan to come back. Oh! I thought up this bunkbed idea we could do. Hear me out, before you walk away Dave. DAAAAAAVE..."

Dave was already into his bedroom, Ethan's old room, with the door shut at that point. Why did no one like his bunkbed idea?!

Like clockwork, Morgan came out of his room, fully dressed now. His hair was still kinda wet.

"What are you doing to Dave?"

Liam sank in his chair, "Nothing... He was mad."

Morgan laughed and sat down at Dave's piano, opening it up to look at the keys. Liam's eyes lit up.

"Are you gonna play?"

"...Not with you here."

"What?! Why?" Liam frowned, "...Is it ''s your thing with Dave?"

Morgan glared over at him from the piano but smiled. "Are you still jealous?"


Morgan laughed and stood up to walk over to him. He put his arms around his chest and hugged him from behind the chair. For some reason that made Liam feel better. He wrapped his hands around Morgan's arms and rested his lips against his skin. Morgan's arms moved as he grabbed Liam's jaw to move his face upwards and kissed him. 

Liam smiled and put one of his hands around the back of Morgan's head to kiss him again.

· · · · ·

Morgan asked him out a few days later, while they were eating breakfast together at the dining room table.

Liam wasn't sure Morgan was going to say anything about what they had been doing...much less officially ask him to be his boyfriend. He had just felt lucky to have captured Morgan's attention for so long. He just kept telling himself that this was good while it was lasting.

Liam joked that he would. That he'd be Morgan's boyfriend for the next four weeks. 

Morgan had gotten mad at him for it...for bringing up the whole monthly boyfriend thing. He was so mad.

They had never really been close enough to argue about anything, but that had been their first one. He'd never seen Morgan get so mad at him. It had really upset him that he joked about it. He had definitely hurt Morgan's feelings. 

He hadn't meant to. It was mostly for himself, to protect himself... He couldn't help but repeat Ethan's warnings in his mind. 

That's how that conversation ended, with Morgan storming off into his room after yelling at him.

Ethan had finally moved in, sharing his old room with Dave, and saw the whole argument from doing dishes in the kitchen.

Dave had caved on the extra roommate idea when he found out the house belonged to Ethan's parents and he wouldn't have to pay rent anymore if Ethan could stay there. Ethan was the only one he was willing to room with, probably because he wasn't messy and didn't go around sleeping with anyone, so it all worked out. The two beds barely fit into the bedroom though, and he knew Ethan hadn't been a fan of finally starting out his first real job and living like he was twelve.

Dave had been giving Liam a hard time about not just sharing a room with Morgan, but they weren't there yet... And now Morgan was mad at him.

"You okay?" Ethan asked from the kitchen.

"...Yeah. I think he's mad at me." Liam replied, messing with what was left of his breakfast.

Ethan laughed, "Yeah, no shit."

Liam frowned and when Ethan saw, he stopped doing the dishes and walked over to hug him in his chair. He felt Ethan kiss the side of his head.

"He just likes you a lot and is being dramatic about it, Liam. You're fine."

"He's mad at me." Liam felt Ethan's laugh blow his wavy hair around.

"Yeah... 'Cause he likes you a lot and you made it seem like he doesn't."

"...I was just joking."

"I know, but it's obviously a sore spot for him so...I wouldn't bring that up again."

Later that afternoon Morgan was back with Dave at the piano and Liam spent most of his time hiding in his bedroom alone with his guitar, definitely not still jealous. 

What if Morgan started feeling the way he seemed to feel about him towards...Dave? They spent way too much time together on that piano. It was almost inevitable. 

Liam didn't leave his bedroom until after he heard everyone finish eating dinner and the front door close. He looked out of the window and saw that Dave was borrowing Morgan's car again, but it was just Ethan in there with him. Where were they going?

He walked out of his bedroom and was kind of surprised to see Morgan was still there, at the piano.

"Hey." Liam tried to study his face to see if he was still mad.


Liam sat down on the couch and fiddled with his thumbs. He wasn't sure how to start apologizing.

"I'm really sorry that I --"

"I've been practicing something. Do you want to hear it?"

Liam looked over at him again but Morgan still wasn't looking back at him.


It was quiet for a while before Liam heard the piano notes. For some reason he wasn't expecting Morgan to be able to play something as complicated as what he was listening to right then.

He had heard this on the piano before from his bedroom, when Dave was out here with Morgan. He had assumed it was Dave playing.

He was completely entranced by whatever Morgan was playing. It was beautiful.

Morgan started singing as he continued playing then, pretty well actually considering Liam had never, ever heard his voice sing anything before, and Liam felt his heart completely drop out of his body. 

Morgan was singing and playing at the same time. Liam had never been able to do that on the guitar -- Morgan wouldn't quit teasing him about it ever since he'd brought it up at the cabin that one time.

It took Liam a while through the trance of the song to realize what Morgan was singing wasn't happy at all. It was sad. It was about things that Liam could relate to -- about not having anyone when you really need someone. About being alone. About liking to just forget sometimes.

Liam stood up then with tears already in his eyes and walked over to hug Morgan from behind at the piano when he was done. 

"...What song was that?"

"...I made it up... I kind of made it for you." 

Liam could feel Morgan's heart beating heavily against his chest. He could feel it beating on his arm. How was that possible?! The amount of feelings rushing through Liam's body right then were something he'd never felt before, on a level that really scared the shit out of him. 

"...Why is it so...sad?"

Morgan kind of laughed a little and Liam smiled.

"I started writing it a long time ago... After I had that argument with Julian. The first one... Dave kinda helped write the actual piano part. Actually, he wrote most of it -- all of it."

Liam laughed and kissed the side of Morgan's head. He was leaning onto him with his full upper body weight but Morgan seemed okay with it.

"...I'm sorry that you lost Julian as a friend."

"Don't be sorry. He changed... It sucks. God, he fucking hates me."

Morgan reached up and put a hand on Liam's head. "He had a super huge crush on you...since a while after you moved in, even. Two weeks after, I caught him watching you for like fifteen minutes in the living room playing your guitar and I called him out on it. Like, I'm pretty sure he wanted to kill me."

"Why does everyone keep saying that he liked me?"

"'Cause he did."

"I never, ever, saw that..."

"Yeah, I'm sure you didn't... I liked you first."

Liam laughed and hugged Morgan's head closer to his, "No, I probably liked you first... Don't be dumb."

"I liked you first." Morgan repeated, running his hands through Liam's hair. "I liked you when I met you... When you were drinking fruit punch at the barbecue with Ethan's mom. When you forgot what your name was and just smiled at me with these," He reached up to pinch one of Liam's cheeks. He was probably talking about his dimples. He forgot about them sometimes. "Until Ethan finally told me your name, and said you were our roommate."

Liam's face went red. That's right. That was the day Morgan had gotten out of the pool to say hi to him for the first time. He still remembered it vividly, though apparently his memory was a little skewed...

"And then we played giant Jenga... You pushed the tower over when it was my turn, when I was about to win... You made fun of me even though it wasn't my fault. You were...adorable." 

Liam could still feel his face burning red. He remembered that? It felt like such a long time ago. It was well over four years ago now.

"So, I liked you first."

"Morgan... At least you didn't forget your name."

Morgan laughed, but Liam hoped he understood what he was insinuating... That he liked Morgan back then, too. He hoped it was obvious.

"...I cannot believe that you wrote and sang a song for me..."

Liam was teasing by bringing it up out loud, but he was completely serious. 

Morgan stood up then and Liam nearly fell backwards. Morgan caught him by his arms and helped him find his footing before he pulled him in to a hug over the chair. 

Liam's ear was against Morgan's chest and he could feel his heart beating again, on the side of his face. That sickening feeling came back into his stomach and he felt his own heart speed up faster than he'd ever felt before. 

Liam gripped the back of Morgan's shirt with his hands before he pushed himself away to look up at him and smile, "Can you ask me again?"

"Ask you what?" Morgan was grinning really wide but his face was red. Liam had never seen him blush before. How long had his face been this red?

"Ask go out with you."


"Just ask me."

Morgan hadn't been able to wipe the smile from his face but he somehow didn't look as confident as he usually did.

"Will you go out with me?" 

Liam hated the way that came out of Morgan's mouth. It didn't sound confident at all. It wasn't like Morgan at all. Why did he say it like Liam was going to say no?

"...Well, I would, but it doesn't sound like you want me to."

Liam had already turned around to go back to his bedroom, but he was already smiling because he had predicted Morgan running up behind him and grabbing him up by his waist.

He threw his hands onto Morgan's arms to pry them off but then Morgan started tickling him and he bent over and collapsed onto the floor for a second. Morgan picked him back up and held his squirming body over the couch, threatening to throw him onto it.

"Morgan --"

"Say you'll go out with me..." 

Liam felt Morgan tickle him again and he accidentally kicked the side of the couch with his leg, yelling out in pain. Morgan stopped moving for a second and just held him.

"Liam... Will you go out with me? Will you be my boyfriend? ...Please?"

Liam was still gasping for air after all the gut-wrenching laughter, but turned around and hugged Morgan against him before saying yes. 

Morgan had said it perfectly then, and it had stopped Liam's heart just hearing him call him his boyfriend.

· · · · ·

Ethan was really excited that he got his old room back.

Morgan and Liam were in the middle room together now, and Dave had moved in to Liam's old room. 

It was really nice of Dave to let Ethan have his old room back.

A little too nice.

Liam was totally on to Dave lately. Dave was fucking hilarious.

A few weeks ago, Liam had noticed that instead of staring dead-eyed at walls behind them, Dave was mostly just looking over at Ethan whenever they were out doing stuff. He still didn't have any emotion on his face whatsoever, but Liam saw him. 

He felt kind of bad for Dave, because he wasn't exactly Ethan's type. 

Dave didn't have any tattoos. He didn't look like a bad boy, not necessarily. He wasn't big, or threatening... Nothing like Julian. He figured Ethan was kind of into that, calling Julian 'daddy' and all. So gross. Dave was just an average, quiet, and hilariously foreboding normal dude.

Ethan seemed kind of oblivious about the whole thing, too. It was kinda cute.

Liam had grown to like Dave even more after finding out he was the one responsible for Morgan's song. Dave was definitely alright. 

He wondered what Dave was really like, under that weird facade he always had on. He'd been living there for a while now and Liam felt like he still didn't get him. He was fun though, and Liam was having even more fun watching him lately. Dave was talking to Ethan over on the other side of the pool and he had a cute little smirk on his face. He totally liked him.

"Every now and then I get a little bit lonely, and you're never coming 'round." Liam yelled dramatically from the edge of the pool, holding his red cup of some kind of alcoholic mixture into the air. Ethan jumped nearly a foot in the air looking across the pool at him. 

Dave looked unamused at the interruption and sipped his whiskey.

Morgan had already been in the pool most of that night and was looking up at him laughing, backstroking over to the side in case Liam did something stupid like fall in.

"Every now and then I get a little bit tired, of listening to the sound of my tears," Liam ran over to the other side of the pool, still balancing his cup, and Morgan kicked himself over to the opposite side.

"Every now and then I get a little bit nervous that the best of all the years have gone by, every now and then I get a little bit terrified, and then I see the look in your eyes," he almost yelled it out as one run-on sentence, running around the pool to try and catch Morgan at the side.

"Turn around, bright eyes," he heard Ethan yell from the other side.

"Every now and then I fall apart," Liam laughed, turning around and holding his hand out to Ethan.

"Turn around, bright eyes," Ethan yelled again, leaving a pissed off Dave to walk over to the side of the pool. Ethan was definitely drunk -- he was laughing hysterically trying to sing, and was definitely not walking in a straight line.

"Every now and then I fall apart," Liam pumped his fist into his side to get another laugh out of Ethan before he threw both of his hands into the air, spilling out of his red cup a little. "And I need you now tonight, and I need you more than ever," he reached out to Ethan again, who grabbed his hand.

"And if you only hold me tight, we'll be holding on forever," Ethan chimed in, slurring his words again. Liam pulled him into his arms, dramatically dipping him down.

"And we'll only be making it right, cause we'll never be wrong --" 

"Together we can take it to the end of the line," Ethan started laughing hysterically again after they sing that part in unison. Liam continued singing, because apparently Ethan had forgotten the rest of the lyrics.

"YOUR LOVE IS LIKE A SHADOW ON ME ALL OF THE TIME," Liam was just yelling now for some reason, probably the alcohol. He grabbed a hysterical Ethan to his chest when he tried to giggle and leave. "I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO, I'M ALWAYS IN THE DARK --"

Liam didn't finish because Morgan had swam over and pulled him into the pool by his leg. Ethan fell to the ground, but only one of his legs fell in.

Liam wasn't wearing a bathing suit and he wasn't sure where his phone was. Whatever was in his cup, something bright blue, dunked right into the pool and looked really weird clouding into the water.

He felt Morgan's hands tickling his waist under the water then and started squirming and kicking to free himself. He eventually kicked back up to the surface and gasped for air. 

He'd basically almost died.

Morgan's face was right in front of his, laughing and looking at him like he hadn't just almost suffocated him to death. 

Liam still gasped for air but grabbed Morgan's shoulders for leverage, "You almost killed me."

"What? No I didn't."

"You don't like Total Eclipse of the Heart?" Liam was already laughing. He forgave him, he guessed.

"I know why you don't sing now."

Morgan was giving him a teasing look but Liam's jaw was still hanging wide open through his smile. 

"I can't believe you. You're so mean." 

Morgan smiled and he felt his arms pull his body onto his in the water. Liam wrapped his legs around him and ran his fingers through his hair. Morgan put a hand on his face and kissed him.

"Lame. Gross." Ethan glared over from sitting on the side of the pool behind them.

Liam blushed and broke the kiss, letting go of Morgan, but he pulled him back and started floating away to the other side. 

"Don't watch then," Morgan said.

Ethan stuck his tongue out at him.

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