Jack Kline x Reader One-shots

By JackCowboyKelly

66.8K 1K 586

A book of one-shots about the adorable little Nephilim we know as Jack Kline. Most of the time you'll be Dean... More

Quarantine (edited)
There's a Naked Man! (edited)
Moriah pt.1 (edited)
Running Home to You (edited)
4 pt. 2
Jack in the Box (edited)
12 Pt. 2
15 pt. 2
Crazy Bitch (edited)
17 pt. 2
Last Holiday (edited)
First Date (edited)
20 pt. 2

Family (edited)

812 23 41
By JackCowboyKelly

An AU where the Supernatural world doesn't exist, meaning Kelly is alive, so she was able to raise Jack, Cas is his step dad and Sam and Dean are the uncles everyone loves. Anyway in this, Jack is introducing you to the others since you both have been dating for a while. This imagine was suggested by GreenParrot314 Thank you for the wonderful idea! Also, sorry this took so long. School is really annoying and so is writers block.


~3rd P.O.V.~

Y/N and Jack were on a date. Jack had taken her out to a restaurant. Nothing too fancy. Just your average diner.

They were quietly eating their food when Jack suddenly spoke up. "My parents really want to meet you."

Y/N choked on her drink and quickly looked up at him. "Huh?" She asked, surprised by his sudden comment. It just came out of nowhere.

"My mom and dad really want to meet you. We've been dating for a while now, so I thought now would be a good time to ask you to come over." Y/N looked at Jack, hesitant to answer. It's not that she didn't want to meet them. No, not at all. It was just that she was nervous. Would they like her? Would they think that she's good enough for their son? "It's okay, Y/N. You don't have to." He said, sound slightly disappointed as he looked at his plate of food.

"No! I mean- yes. I'd love to meet them. From what you told me, they seem really sweet." She said with a small smile. Jack returned the smile and they continued to eat their food. "Besides, I'm really hoping that they're the kind of parents who took baby pictures of you."

Jack shook his head. "On second thought, maybe you shouldn't come." He said, half jokingly. His parents (mainly Kelly) loved to remind him how adorable he was as a baby, and he did not doubt for one second that she would show Y/N some of the many embarrassing pictures of his younger self.

~Time skip brought to you by y=-(sin(x^(1.7/6)+4)+(1/x))+10~

Jack parked his car in the driveway of his old home and quickly got out of it to open the door for his girlfriend. He stuck out his hand for her to hold and helped her our of the car.

"Such a gentleman." Y/N said with a chuckle at the end of her sentence.

"Only for you." He replied. She playfully rolled her eyes and they walked down the path and were soon at the front door.

A small pit grew in Y/N's stomach as she began to nervously shake her hands as if they were wet and she couldn't find anything to dry them off with. "How do I look? Is my hair okay? Do I have too much make-up on? Oh no, what if I don't have enough?" Y/N began to ramble. Jack could sense she was nervous so he gently held her hands and looked her in the eyes.

"You look as beautiful as always." He said, slowly. Y/N smiled. She didn't know how she had landed Jack as her boyfriend. He was too good for her.

"Thanks, Jack. I'm sorry, I'm just feeling nervous, I guess." She apologized after taking a deep breath.

"It's fine, Y/N. My parents will love you. There's no need to be worried." Y/N nodded and Jack took that as a hint to ring the doorbell. A few seconds later, a middle aged woman answered the door.

She had long, straight dark brown hair and green eyes. She wore a smile on her face and Y/N immediately knew it was Jacks mother.

"Jack! Took you long enough to show up." She joked as she wrapped her son in a hug. She let go and looked towards Y/N. "You must be Y/N. It's nice to finally meet you. Can I give you a hug?" She asked. Y/N nodded and Kelly didn't hesitate to wrap the girl in her arms.

"It's nice to finally meet you too, Mrs. Novak." (let's say Cas has Jimmy's last name and Kelly took it when they got married) Y/N breathed out. Kelly was squeezing the life out of her and it was hard to speak and breath at the same time.

"Call me Kelly." She said, finally letting the poor girl go.

"Okay, then. It's nice to meet you, Kelly." Y/N said, correcting herself.

"That's better. Now come on in, you two. It's freezing outside." Kelly lead them into the living room and the three sat down.

"My husband, Castiel will be here in a few minutes. Would you guys like anything to drink." They both shook their heads and a man, about six feet tall walked into the room. He had short, brown hair and beautiful blue eyes.

"Oh, Castiel. This is Y/N. Jack's girlfriend." Cas gave her a polite smile and nod. He sat down next to his wife and leaned forward, folding his hands together and put them in his lap.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Y/N." She returned the smile.

"It's nice to finally meet you too, Mr. Novak." Cas let out a small chuckle and shook his head.

"Call me Cas, or Castiel if it makes you more comfortable." Y/N nodded.

"So, Y/N. Jack speaks very highly of you. You're all he ever talks about these days." Y/N blushed and glanced at Jack. His cheeks were a light shade of pink and his head rested in his hands as he tried to hide his face due to embarrassment.

"Really? Well, what does he say?" She asked, deciding to torture the poor boy more.

"Well-" Kelly was interrupted by a knock at the door. "That must be your uncles. I'll go get it." Jack and Y/N looked at her, confusion clear on their faces.

"Sam and Dean decided to pay us a visit last minute. I hope you two don't mind." Cas said once seeing their expressions. Y/N shook her head with a smile.

"No, I don't mind at all. I'd love to meet more of Jack's family." Kelly then walked back into the room with two men behind her.

One was slightly taller with long, brown hair. He had a kind, but slightly awkward smile on his face. The other man, who was not as tall had short, dark blonde hair. Y/N noticed that both men were very attractive. But not more attractive than Jack, of course.

"Y/N, this is Sam and Dean. Jack's uncles." Kelly said, pointing to each man when she announced their names. Y/N stood up from her spot on the couch and held out her hand to Sam.

"It's nice to finally meet you guys." Sam politely shook her head and nodded in agreement.

"You too." He responded.

"I hope Jack here is treating you right." Dean said as he shook her hand. Y/N laughed.

"Yes, he is. He knows I'd kick his ass if he didn't." Everyone laughed, but both Y/N and Jack knew it was true. But they also knew that it would never come that.

After a couple of minutes of talking, Kelly called Y/N's name and asked her to help her in the kitchen. She immediately said yes, knowing it was the least she could do for her and Cas since they invited her into their home.

"What do you need help with?" Y/N asked once they walked in. Kelly waved off the question and laughed.

"I don't need help with anything. Just asked you in here to show you something." Kelly then looked around before opening up one of the cabinets. "I know Jack hates it when I take this out, but I just had to show you." Y/N gasped when she saw Kelly bring a book out.

"Is that Jack's baby book?" She asked with wide eyes.

Kelly nodded with a smile. "Yes. Oh, he was such an adorable baby. One time, when he was five, he dressed up as an Angel for Halloween. He said he wanted to be just like Cas. Everyone calls him an Angel. He's helped a lot of people."

Kelly flipped open the book and it landed on a page with a little Jack. He was dressed up in a suit and blue tie. He had on a tan coat. It was the closest thing they had to a Trenchcoat. He also had a pair of white wings on his back.

"Cas used to wear this to work everyday, so this is the only thing Jack really saw him in. It used to be his signature look." She then flipped to another page and Y/N pointed to an unfamiliar face.

He looked kind of pissed. He was looking off towards the side, away from the camera, and away from a very happy looking Cas and Kelly with a newborn baby in her hands.

"Who's that?" She asked, pointing to the man. Kelly let out a long sigh.

"That's Jack's birth father. Also a distant relative of Cas. I haven't seen him since Jack was a baby and I couldn't be more happy about that. He was a horrible boyfriend and even worse father. We don't talk about him, but Jack doesn't seem to mind. He sees Cas as his real dad, not Lucifer."

Y/N held in a chuckle.

"Lucifer?" She asked. Of course she had heard of that name. He was an Angel who had been cast down by God because of his hatred for humans. She found it kind of fitting that an ass like him would have the same name.

"Yeah. I should've known when I first heard his name. The only good thing that came out of the relationship was Jack. That boy is my whole world." Y/N smiled, knowing Jack had a family who really cared about him. He deserved it.

"Mom? Y/N?" They heard Jack say. Kelly quickly hid the book and both her and Y/N pretended to do something. "Everything okay in here?" He asked.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Why do you ask?" Y/N was very convincing, so Jack believed her. He walked towards her and shrugged his shoulders.

"I was just checking up on you." He leaned closer to Y/N. She thought that he saw going to give her a hug, but his hand went right passed her and he stuck a finger into the mashed potatoes.

Y/N gasped as he put his finger in his mouth. "Jack!" She yelled, playfully hitting him on the arm.

He looked at her innocently, as if he had done nothing wrong. "What?" He asked. Y/N rolled her eyes and pointed back towards the living room.

"Go." She said. Jack raised his hands in defense and gave her a quick peck on her lips before leaving.

"He looks really happy with you." Kelly said once he was gone. Y/N blushed and looked towards her.

"Really?" She asked.

Kelly nodded. "Yeah. Jack is a sweet kid. He deserves more than he thinks. He's so lucky to have found you." Kelly then gave her a hug and Y/N hugged back.

"Thank you. That really means a lot. And it's good to know that Jack was raised by you and Cas. You two are good people."

Not long after, dinner was finally ready. It was filled light conversation and some joke told by the one and only Dean Winchester. The night went on and Jack was happy, knowing that his family accepted his girlfriend with open arms.

I wish I could've done something else for the ending, but this was all I could come up with. I hope you guys enjoyed, though!

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