Unbreak Thy Heart

By nine_16hub

67 9 2

"Back the fuck off Man! You are no husband to me, so stop being delusional" I laugh and walk away. Olivia and... More


Prologue:How it all happens

37 4 2
By nine_16hub

Third persons p.o.v.

Walking down the street watching kids with their parents, tug her heart.

Those who are busy minding their own business and dont gave a damn about others,some were arguing,fighting and laughing with their partners.

Olivia smile seeing the small cafe. She opens the door that makes a sound of a ringing bell reminding a new costumer has arrive.

"Olivia my dear!"

"Hey mama, good morning"

"Good morning to you too! the usual?"

"Of course mama"

She smiled at the old lady wearing an apron and mittens. The old lady named Carla has no family, they died in a car accident many years ago and she was really devastated about it.

Then came Olivia bumping into her at the mall and they click!

Olivia help her move on and start a new life. Carla's late husband has been saving money and when Carla found out she was so happy and tell Olivia about it.

Not sure what to do about the money, Olivia tells her to open a cafe since Carla is the best when it comes to it.

She opens her store with the help of Olivia and now many would come more often.

Bit she's not her real mother, after a while she called her mama,the old lady was ecstatic to hear it.

" Olivia dear! Heres your coffee"

"Thank you mama"

" So tell me, how is life with your husband?"

"Its great mama! He is really caring and very possessive I may add."

The old lady laugh while Olivia just chuckle

"Its part of being a good husband dear, he just don't want sharing" she said teasingly. Olivia just rolled her eyes at her silliness.

"Yeah right! Oh, I mist get going! He'll throw a fit if he doesn't see me in 20 min."

"Ok dear, good luck with that"the old lady laugh and they both headed towards the entrance and bid their goodbyes to each other.

She brought no car since she wanted to exercise her feet because of her locking herself inside the house doing chores and wife duties like the good wife she is.

Walking down the busy street a man about forty or something sitting at the corner , a bonet in his head with bags around him caught her eyes.

"Excuse me sir! Hello my name is Olivia"

The old man is shocked since nobody approach him cause he stinks!

"How may I help you ma'am?" The old man said

"I just wanted to gave you this" she Immediately gave him her coffee she brought at the cafe.

"Thank you so much ma'am"

"Its no problem! By the way may I ask why are you here?"

"I don't have home ma'am and my family don't care at me anymore" He says at the verge of tears

"How dare them!.. Don't worry Uncle, all good things comes to those who wait" she smiled at him

The old man is glad at her kindness and beauty. She is such an angel

"By the way Uncle, I have to go, here take this" she open her purse and take $500 and gave it to him. To say the man is shocked was an understatement! he's flabbergasted.

"Thank you so much ma'am"

"Ohh just call me Olivia uncle! And do spend that looking for an apartment and starting a new life Uncle. Oh i really have to go its so nice meeting you"

The man smiled at her

"It so nice to meet you too my Angel, you are such kind and polite even if you dont know me. And angel?"

"Yes Uncle?" Olivia smiled

" Don't let others destroy you and whatever happens in your life don't forget that god is here protecting us, Thank you again and be safe!"

They bid their goodbyes and Olivia walk away while the man stands up watching her smiling and then he starts to walk away too in his spot and starts his life like the Angel told him.

At the mansion

Meanwhile at the house or more like mansion, a man pacing in the living room shouting at his men to track her wife down.

"Ace, calm down!"

"Mom! How am I supposed to calm down! I woke up feeling the sheet empty, My wife is missing!"

"Son, maybe she just have a morning walk"

His dad said, they thought his wife was just having her morning ritual as always but that doesn't bother Ace cause he knows Olivia would never leave the house without telling him.

At the gate of their gigantic mansion stood Olivia whos talking to their security telling her about Ace finding her even if she's just gone for 1 hour for fucks sake!

Olivia practically ran inside and make her way at the living room where everybody is.

Not knowing what to say Olivia stood there awkwardly facing her in-laws and husband together with the hired detective and private investigator and men.

"Hey guys"

She just stood their like a statue when all eyes focused on her then widen like it would pop out of their sockets if it's possible.

"Oh god baby, you scared the shit out of me!"

"I'm sorry hubby"

"Really? Sorry? Next time don't go out without telling me! You know I have rivals who wanted to take me down and you wifey are my weakness and I cant stand the fact if they would do something to you! What if you got snatched away....oh god I am such a horrible husband why......."

Her husband continue on rambling about her being a hard headed girl and his negative mind but Olivia just smile and hugs him. Which we know melt Ace!

" I am sorry! It wont happen again, I just dont want to woke you up. You are too cute like a baby when you sleep"

He groans and tell her that his handsome and manly not cute! He snorted

"Ok then gentlemen lets end this here my pretty hard-headed wife is back"

Olivia giggles while the men they hired walk out one by one.

Her In-laws smiled at her and hugs her. Telling she wont do it again unless she want to be locked up by his husband on their room.

Olivia gasp while her in laws just laugh.

Many days had passed and Ace got ready for work and then joins her wife at the kitchen cooking their breakfast as usual. Greeted her and kiss in both of her cheeks which makes Olivia blush crimson.

Ace smirks at her and sits down while his beloved wife prepared their food then began eating.

Ace picks his briefcase and tell his wife to be safe and have a lovely day.

Olivia kiss his lips and told him that she will wait till he gets back at 5 as usual.

Ace arrived at his company.
Rodriguez Industries has surely the one of the biggest and succesful company in the whole world.

The security greeted him and opens the glass door. While walking many of his employees greeted him and many girls beam at him.

He just ignore them all and walks inside!

His receptionist greeted him while Alex his assistant a thirty year old lady came in and told him his schedule for today.

He thank her and she smiled warmly at him.

While working a sound of a door knocking alert him. And ask to came in.

His Secretary came in with a brown envelop in his right hand.

"Sir someone left this at the reception for you but it states its from anonymous"

"Ok leave it there"

After sometime he open the envelop to be met by photos of a woman on top of one of his competitors.

What the hell? He thought.
He can't believe , no this isn't real. How could his lovely Olivia do this to him.
This explains why she always gone to that cafe! Maybe they always meet there!

He's so hurt that he wanted to kill that man and make her wife pay for what she's done!

He called his secretary and told her that he had to go home early.

And walk away NO he practically run towards the elevator. While waiting he can't seem to take his head off the news that he recieved.

Her secretary was confused of his action but she just shrug it off. Maybe there is just an emergency concerning his wife.



His voice boom inside the mansion. Olivia whos in the garden is confused as to why he come home early and why he shout his name.
He never shouts at me!

"Yes hubby?"


"Yeah, me! What is it Ace"

" Your a fucking cheater! How could you Olivia. I gave you everything!"

"I don't know what your talking about"

"Ohh! Playing dumb are we, Huh? Olivia? You think I don't know how you ride that fuck's dick!

"Ace! What the hell? Are you nuts!"

" I'll show you what happend to liars and cheating whore like YOU!"

He suddenly pull her hair hard and drag her at their door. He throws her at the floor and kicked her stomach hard!

Olivia instantly cringed and gasp for air but thats not it! He punch, slap kicked then left her their.

Ace called his family informing them how Olivia cheat on him!

Later that night his family came furiously telling her how he deserves Ace's beatings that its not enough for the pain she caused Ace!

Everyday they tell her how she's a whore who open her legs for everyone. Her mother-in law once slap her and called her how she's a worthless bitch who can't do anything right!

Ace even take her to the basement tortured her there! He used all kinds of equipment. He used whips knifes and an electric chair!

Left with no food for one week and in the darkness down the basement for 5 months.

But the reality slap Olivia when Ace rape her!

She had enough. So she ran away! Ran away with bruises and cuts with torn clothes and bare foot.

That day Ace was told by his P.I. that it was all fake!

The photos were fake and his wife goes towards the cafe everyday for the owner is her friend, helping her there!

He quickly got home and called his parents about the situation. Ace cannot stop the flowing of his tears!

He didn't know what to do or how to ask for her forgiveness.

But his determined to beg on his knees and shower her with his love.

When he arrived at his mansion his parents are there and they all quickly ascended upstairs.

Opening the the door of her torture room they cringed at the foul smell like a dead rat!

But what greeted them is an empty room with blood at the wall and some on the floor.

Where is she! They thought. They called the guards and maids to search the whole mansion and find her wife.

Unfortunately no one saw her. He check the CCTV footage and there they all saw her limping and climbing a tree to reach the wall then jump outside.

They were all shock since she fall pretty hard. The fence was high but she took the pain and walk away.

Immediately they search her every street outside their mansion and ask if they saw a woman barefoot at the street but they all answered NO!

They got home praying for god that she's safe

Ohh please shes safe if she's faraway from you!

They hope that Olivia will forgive them all and Ace would stop at nothing to find her and make her love him again then have a happy family.

Little did they know this is just the beginning of their roller coaster life!

Thank you all for reading hope you all love it and please dont forget to vote🌟 and comment below if you love this story!

Have a nice day guys!


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