The Trouble Next Door (Book #...

By nevergoingtofindme

145K 6.5K 1.3K

(Book #3 of the mafia series) Sierra is now 21 years old and in her last year of collage She lives in this... More

Authors Note
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 27
Ch. 30
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 36
Ch. 37
Ch. 38
Ch. 40
Ch. 45
Ch. 46
Ch. 48
Ch. 49

Ch. 35

2.4K 126 19
By nevergoingtofindme

Hayden's POV:

"It's my graduation today. I graduated with all A's just like you wanted to mom.... well that's a lie in one of my classes I got a B" I say rubbing  the back of my head with my free hand as the other one is holding my graduation cap.

"Also soon grandfather is handing me the business later today. Just like you wanted to in your will dad. I think he's kind of salty about it though, I heard he's trying to go behind my back to take legal action to hand it over to Rudy" I say kind of laughing about it.

"Don't worry though, I already contacted my lawyer and we have a solid plan"

I never even thought about doing this all by myself.

Grandfather doesn't even know that I'm graduating today. All he knows is that it's a regular day and handing me the business papers today.

I wouldn't tell them that though because I know they'd most likely roll in their graves.

"Not that you guys care but at least one of us is graduating university" I say towards London and Dakotas grave no longer able to hold my tongue back.

"I better get going or else I'll be late to my own graduation!" I say while checking my watch to see that i already have to head out.

This time I wasn't rushing to go to my Bryce but I was running to go back to the apartments since I promised Sierra that we'd meet up at the lobby beforehand.

Believe it or not but the gravesite is a bus stop away from the apartments.

I barely made it to the bus before it took off.

As soon as I got back to the apartments I went to the lobby to find that it was empty.

I check my clock to see if I was late but it reads 9:00pm.

Graduation is in an hour and that's when I hear the elevator open up.

I look up and my eyes meet glossy green eyes that stare at me back.

My eyes soon trail down to take in her image and I grave it into my head as she is wearing a blue graduation gown that is open to reveal a mini black dress with a few red rose patterns trailing down the side of her dress which made her body shape look nice.


My eyes finally trail back to her face and for a moment they stopped on her lips that were now in a red lipstick and they just looked so full and so kissable.

That's when I finally averted my eyes from her lips and meet her eyes again.

"You look...." i trail off not knowing how to continue the sentence. "Whoa"

"You look whoa too" Sierra says back with a curious gaze.

"Sorry it's just whoa.... you left me speechless" I say and she laughs it off.

"Don't worry about it. I actually didn't know what to say either so I just went along with what you said" Sierra says and I smile over at her.

"So shall we?" I ask her while offering her an arm to grab onto.

"We shall" she says taking my arm In hers and with that we leave the building.

Little did we know.

Little did we know what was to come in the next few weeks.

But let us not concentrate on that for now.

We walked into the school together and immediately got separated into our groups.

"Have you thought about the fact that there are people out there who was born the same time, same place, and was placed in the same room as you when you were in the hospital?" I hear a guy say.

Now that, I did not want to hear today.

Great that will be on my mind for the rest of the day.

"George. I am so close to just punching the living daylights out of you" i hear another guy say besides him.

"No actually that is pretty interesting but i think I heard somewhere that you can contact the...." after another guy started talking i zoned out and scan the room just to see how many people are here.

"This ceremony couldn't take longer" I hear another guy say and I do another scan to see who it came from but I couldn't find who it was from.

Suddenly I feel someone huh me from the side causing me to go tense.

I look over to see who it is and I see Samantha giving me a hug.

"We should go over to your place after this whole thing is over with" Samantha says looking up at me and then winks.

I gently get her off of me and move her aside.

"I have plans later" I say and start to look around the room again.

"What plans?" Samantha instantly says and I give her a side look.

"Plans" I say and she scoffs.

"Yeah probably with that whore do a girl Sier-"

"I suggest not finishing that sentence if I were you" I say in a cold tone finally looking her dead in the eyes and then away.

This time she huffs and walks away leaving me free again.

This is why I don't like to talk to people and note to self is to not screw people who you see on a daily basis.

They start to feel entitled.

Finally someone comes and gives us instructions on what to do as the ceremony was starting.

That's when I get a beep on my phone and I take it out to see Rudy's name pop up.

Where are the files?

Without even opening my phone I saw his message.

Don't dare play any games with me now boy.

Not even a congrats for graduating.

I decided to turn off my phone and start going with the rest of the group out and hear a lot of noise coming from the field.

I start my search again and see a few people worried or happy it really was just both and yet here I am, wondering who I was looking for.

I stop my search as someone starts to shout at us to get into formation.

That's when everything became a blur and in a flash I was holding my diploma as everyone was cheering in excitement and finally going off to their families.

My eyes started to search the giant crowds again and my legs started to have a mind of its own.

I didn't know where I was going but I knew that's where I would find whatever or whoever I was searching for.

That's how I ended up near the grand entrance, which was nearly empty, and that's when I finally see the figure of someone's back turned to me.

Immediately I recognized the figure and I try to sneak behind her.

Keyword, Try.

"Oh please, no one has ever succeeded in sneaking behind me" Sierra says as she swiftly turns around causing all of her curls to bounce behind her.

It reminded me of slinkies.

"Nor has anyone ever kept a secret from me that I haven't figured out" she then says which makes me pause for a second.

How did she figure it out? No..... just play it off it's okay.

Not it's not.

"I'm kidding" she says after seeing my reaction and then bursts out laughing.

Holy hell.

I start to laugh awkwardly trying to shake it off as she kept on laughing.

"Now hurry up, mystery boy. We have our reservation in a bit." Sierra says dragging me by the hand.

All the meanwhile I was still a bit spooked but yet I was memorized by this small, curly haired, girl who was a fire that cannot be wrecked with in my eyes.

That or it could have been the fact that her hair reminded me of the slinkies which made me so memorized with her.




No I'm not... most likely... it could be both.....

The whole trip to the restaurant was interesting.

We had watched a homeless person running away from the police butt naked.

That wasn't even the most Interesting part.

"OH MY GOD LOOK" Sierra had shouted out while pointing to a guy who looked like he was about to get down in one knee.

We both stood there along with some other people wanting to watch the reaction.

I had never thought about proposing but if I would I would most definitely not do it in public.

What if the girl says no? Now that would be awkward.

"Do you think she's going to say yes?" Sierra had whispered over to me.

I look more closely at the couple and had seen that the girl was taking a few pictures of the city streets.

Little did she know was that her boyfriend was getting ready to go on one knee.

He seemed worried and stressed out but hell who wouldn't have been.

"I have no clue..." I say still watching the couple.

Sierra doesn't say anything after that as we just watched.

Finally the girl turns around and gasp out loud as she puts her hands over her mouth.

"Jenni Simone, since the first day of college I knew you were going to be the one. When I had no one you were the one to be-"

Finally the girl had gotten out of shock and looked furious which did not seem good.

"I am so sorry but I'm going to have to stop you there, John. I thought we had agreed that we were going to stay friends..... we only had a small fling in our second year of college...I'm already married and have a kid" The girl named Jenni had said.

Me and sierra gasp as we had not expected that.

"No just listen to me Jenni. I know that we were meant to be with one another. We always had! Stephen won't stand in the way of-"

"No, John. I'm going to get going. I would have said this was a good trip but you just ruined it" Jenni says finally looking around and that's when me and Sierra try to make it look like we didn't see anything.

The second hand embarrassment we got for this man.

"No hear me-"

"That's enough, John!" She says all while storming off.

"Oh my god" both me and Sierra say.

"Oh my god indeed" I finally say.

I wrapped one arm around Sierra and we slowly backed away and left as soon as this guy started to get mad as to why everyone was still starring.

We got just in time to take the subway and a bus to get to the restaurant and a small walk but it was all worth it.

The food was amazing I could have licked the plate,  it was that amazing.

I definitely just found my favorite spot to eat now.

We called the waitress over for the check to which she leaves to get right away.

"Do you have any plans after?" Sierra ask and I was about to say no until I realized I have a meeting later on.

I check my watch to see if I can manage any more time with her to see that there was about 2 hours away from my meeting.

So much for timing.

"I have a meeting in a little while and I have no clue how long it will last" I say finally meeting her eyes.

She showed a small disappointment but she seemed a bit curious and as if she expected me to be busy later.

"What about you? Have any more after plans?" I ask and she shakes her head no.

That's when I remember about the text that we all got yesterday.

The last party for all graduates.

"Not really....Unless you called Netflix and popcorn being busy." She says tubing the back of her neck.

"I'm pretty sure some people call it being busy"That's when the waitress leaves the check and I immediately get it as we continue on with the conversation. "But I'll most likely will be free later in the evening so how about you and I go to the party together?" I ask but then I realize that she might not even be with the idea of partying.

"That if if you want to come with or feel like partying" I add and she starts to think about it.

While she thinks I check the bill to see that it's in the hundreds.

Whoa, I reread the recipe to see if it's actually our bill and finally come to terms with it.

The food was pretty delicious so it would make sense.

"Yeah sure, i wasn't even planning on going but now that you brought it up I'm down to go" Sierra says and finally noticed that I'm holding onto the bill.

"Give me that!" She whisper shouts and takes away the bill from me.

"It's okay I'm already paying" I say showing that I already have my wallet out.

"You said that next time I can pay if I take you out" She says.

I knew that I had told her that but never had I ever wanted her to pay for her own meals as long as she still has me around.

That's how much we connected in such little time.

"Did I? I don't remember" I say putting my hand in my chin as if I'm trying to think.

"Hayden" she says in a dead serious voice.

Uuuu scary vibes now.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"I'm going to pay this time and you can pay the next time, how about that agreement?" She ask and I think about it.

I wanted to say no but I knew that would piss her off more.

"Fine" I mumble in a grunt.

"Okay" she says finally looking inside her purse and I didn't miss the little victory smile she had done while searching for her wallet.

That's when I avert my eyes to see that a guy carrying flowers started to walk around the store go to every table.

With no luck he had only sold two to another couple and finally we made eye contact from across the room.

He walks up to us as Sierra was paying the bill.

"Would you like to buy flowers?" He had asked in his broken English.

"How much for each?" I ask glancing at Sierra who is now focused in our interaction.

"15" he says and I look at the 5 bouquets of red and white roses.

"I'll take them all" I say and the guys eyes widen a bit.

"Are you sure?" He ask and I nod getting my wallet and handing him a hundred dollar bill.

"Let me get you-"

"It's fine, you can keep the change" I say not wanting him to go through the trouble of taking his cash out.

"Are you sure?" He ask again.

"Yes" i say as he hands me the bouquets.

With that he leaves with a smile in his face and I turn back to look at Sierra.

She had a surprised look on her face when I looked back at her.

"5 bouquets of roses?" She ask in shock.

"No, It's 5 bouquets of roses for the beautiful lady in front of me" I reply back and almost instantly she turned pink.

"T-Thank you" she says as I hand her the roses and I think she got even more pink when she heard herself stuttering.

"Shall we get going?" I ask and with that we were off.

We both went separate ways after that as I had to get ready for the meeting with my grandfather in a couple of hours.

I had taken another shower and dressed in a black suit as I am now sure that the man will make a fit about having to hand me my fathers company back.

Let's just hope the man doesn't make a fool of himself.

Yet my mind circled back to the girl next door.

How amazing would it have been if we had gotten to spend more time together rather then going to this meeting.

Yet I can't allow myself to get distracted at how close I am now of figuring out the family secret and how involved my parents were in it.


Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to comment and vote!!!!!

Hi everyone!!!!

Welcome everyone to a new year and let us stay safe and enjoy life!

See you all next chapter!

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