Never Thawed: Frozen Fanfic

By leahkpreston

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What if Anna's heart was never melted? What would happen to Elsa? Olaf? Everyone? Who would rule Arendale now... More

Never Thawed: Frozen Fanfic
Elsa's Trial
Prisoner visit
Cecilia's Lament
The Execution
Author's Q&A
A note from the other side
Suprises suprises
Wait, What?
Quick note
Plan from the other side

Into the woods

930 43 29
By leahkpreston

I trudge through the forest, thankful that most of the snow from my storm has melted. It's still extremely cold and while I don't really mind, I instantly feel guilt and regret for not bringing a coat for Anna.

She shivers slightly in her sleep. I don't know how but even though she is probably freezing, the cold helps her sleep. I will never understand this adorable child. Confused as I am, I know that I need to get her warned up quickly. These frosty conditions simply can not be good for her tiny, developing body.

I think of finding a nice cafe in the Arendale Village, then I remember that I can never return. I'm a fugitive. I sigh. "Sorry kiddo." I whisper and keep moving. For a second I consider turning around and popping back in to Kristoff's cabin, then I laugh at myself for even taking it into thought.

My pondering is a abruptly interrupted when I trip over a rock and stumble into a small stream. I land on my knees to keep from falling over an dunking the baby in the frigid water.

I wince in pain and slowly stand up.
I look down at my bloodied knees and cringe. Now I really need to find somewhere to stop.

I continue walking, every step agonizing, the cold wind stinging my scrapes. I am devastated when I look up to see nightfall slowly coming in.

"No! It can't be....I can't... How am I supposed to do this?" I whimper in pain. All hope lost, I plop down in the thin layer of snow and clutch Anna to my chest to make an effort of keeping her warm.

Suddenly, tears fall. It's all too much. I have nowhere to go, I'm lost and alone , and I've put Anna's life in danger.

It's happening again.

"I never should've done this. I should've just stayed in that stupid dungeon and let myself be killed," I whisper with finality.

"There you are!" I hear a warm, light voice say. I look up to see a small crooked nosed snowman grinning in front of me.

"Olaf." I smile at him. The little frosty guy from my childhood is just like I remember him. Happy and willing to help others.

He looks in my arms as spots Anna.

"AHHH!!! OH MY GOODNESS ELSA!! She's adorable!!
........who's is she?"

I laugh lightly and hold her out for him to see.

"Oh wait!" He says suddenly. "Never mind you can just tell me when we get there!"

"Wait. Olaf what do you mean when we get there? Get where??"

"Why the place where it all started! We're gonna visit an old friend of your sister's."

I still slightly wince at the mention of my sister, but the anxious excitement in me is overwhelming as I walk to the steps of. Nice warm.....

"Trading post?" I ask myself out loud.

Olaf grins. "And SAUNA!!!!!" He walks through the door.

"YOOHOO!! Oken? You have a visitor!"
Olaf calls with his snow flurry following behind him.

Great. So my only safe haven right now is a tourist thrift shop run by a red-neck german! least they have hot cocoa...and it's warm.

And FAAARRR away from Kristoff.

Hmm. Maybe I can stop here for a bit. Maybe I can do something on my own for Anna.

I can make the choice to protect her and keep her in a warm place. And I don't need the iceman's help.


HEEY!!! So?? As promised....


YAY!!!!! Yay for talking snowmen!"

So yeah. Updates are now gonna be either every Sat. Or Sun. Depending on my schedule. COMMENT!!! I love reading feedback (and how hillariously frustrated y'all get with me).

Thx for everything my Loyal Muffins!!


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