|A Spider's Tale|

By RambunctiousCat

161K 3K 1.7K

What would have happened if a more broken, desperate Gwen Stacy, fell into the universe of our happy well-man... More

Stark Home: Chapter 2
A Greater Understanding: Chapter 3
Being the New Kid...again: Chapter 4
The Prison Break: Chapter 5
We got our butts whipped: Chapter 6
The Battle of the bugs (and Rhino): Chapter 7
Infinity War-1: Chapter 8
Infinity War-2: Chapter 9
Infinity War-3: Chapter 10
The Decimation: Chapter 11
Good Captain...Bad Captain: Chapter 12
What Planet Are We On?: Chapter 13
Adapting: Chapter 14
What a Pair: Chapter 15
Tony's Gifts: Chapter 16
I got a Delivery for Tony Stank: Chapter 17
Graduation: Chapter 18
A Day Out: Chapter 19
We're our own Team: Chapter 20
Happy Valentines Day!
Good Things Don't Last: Chapter 21
Endgame-1: Chapter 22
Endgame-2: Chapter 23
Endgame-3: Chapter 24
Endgame-4: Chapter 25
Endgame 5: Chapter 26
Trip to Europe: Chapter 27
You're Who!?: Chapter 28
Oh look it's Aquaman! : Chapter 29
L'uomo del Misterio: Chapter 30
A Big Fiery Blob: Chapter 31
Capes & Chaos: Chapter 32
Edict Edith: Chapter 33
Ain't Nothin' But A Heartache: Chapter 34
Ain't Nothin But A Big Mistake: Chapter 35
A 'Plain' Ride: Chapter 36
Bagels and Beds : Chapter 37
An Avenger's Level Threat: Chapter 38

A New Spider: Chapter 1

17.9K 258 124
By RambunctiousCat

Peter's POV (kinda)

Swinging through New York never gets old, the feeling of freedom as I sling up through the sky always brightens my day. The conflict with the vulture had been a week ago, Mr. Stark had given him the suit back, and had offered him a spot on the Avengers!

Honestly, Peter knew that it had not been a test, but he truly felt that he wasn't ready for Avenger's level activity. While the Vulture, as he had been calling Liz's dad now. Had been a tough fight, he was not Avenger's level, he was just too young for that. 

Recently his Aunt May had discovered his identity, leading to her telling him off, that speech had been the first time she ever cursed in front of him (to May's knowledge at least), she was angry, but knew she couldn't stop him, so she said she reluctantly agreed to his 'heroing' as she called it. 

Mr. Stark had gotten her an 'As long as you want' vacation to Hawaii, "For her to cool off" she had left yesterday, so Peter was currently living with Mr. Stark and his now fiance Virginia 'Pepper' Potts, at their private home. Which many didn't actually know Mr. Stark owned. Peter had been bonding with both of them and very quickly started viewing them as parental figures. Which neither really minded. 

Suddenly Peter heard a cry for help. Swinging towards it brought him to an alley, there were two people, a man, and a women, surrounded by three muggers in black clothes. One had a gun drawn and Peter couldn't help but think of Uncle Ben. 

'No, that won't happen, not on my watch' 

Peter jumped down, making sure to web-up the fire-arm first, no-one needed to be shot. 

"Now, now boys, didn't mommy tell you? Stealing isn't nice!" he quipped, Mr. Stark said his quips need work, fewer movie references, and more masked insults and jokes. Peter honestly agreed, he found that when criminals were annoyed they were easier to take down...usually. 

Peter quickly swept the legs of the mugger who previously had the pistol, and webbed him to the ground, pinning all four limbs. Then he turned to the other two, one had a bat, and the other had a knife, Peter made a tsking sound as he then engaged the one with the bat. 

"Naughty boys! You know not to point knives at people, they're dangerous!" he said in a mocking tone. 

"Shut up bug!" One mugger swung his bat, Peter caught it and using his strength, crushed it into splinters. Then he started spouting facts about how spiders are arachnids. Whilst webbing the now disarmed crook to the wall. "You know, I keep saying this, Spiders are arachnids" he dodged a swipe from the last mugger and took his knife. "Spiders have two body sections, eight legs, no wings or antennae, and are not able to chew. Therefore they are an Arachnid!" 

He punched the guy in the face, he went out like a light. The couple thanked him and scurried out of the ally. Now time to call the police, then Tony. He jumped up at was about to shoot out a web when his spider-sense blared painfully, "argh!" Peter fell on his back. Above him, he saw a colorful portal thingy open, and out came a person! The person fell right on him and rolled off after a bit. 

Looking at her (he could now see it was a female) he saw that she to was In a spider-themed costume, from her legs up to mid-chest was black, though her feet were rimmed in a cyan color, then she had a white design up to her face, her mask was white, and her white eye lenses were rimmed with hot pink. A hood covered the back of her mask, which the inside off was lined with a hot pink web pattern. 

This pattern was also on her arms about half-way down, and armpits. When she had rolled off of him had seen a spider emblem on her back, the same color as her feet. When they made eye contact his spider-sense had the weirdest feeling it ever had, leading to the conclusion that she had must have made also. 

"You're like me" they both said. 

-Line Break- 

Gwen's POV a few hours ago (A/N this version of Gwen is not the one we're used to, so she is more of an OOC, so let's say she is earth-1565's Ghost-Spider)

Gwen's life sucked, one week ago today her Dad had died. It seemed that as soon as she got her powers bad things started happening to her. Two months ago her best friend Peter had also been killed by his own lab partner, Dr. Curtis Conners. 

Dr. Conners had decided to test a new serum on himself despite Peter's warnings. Peter found him just before he did it and tried to stop him. The serum changed Conners into a monstrous Lizard, larger than any human being. By the time Gwen got there, Conners was loose and Pete was badly injured, she rushed him into a hospital, but before they took him he told her what he thought could stop Conners and turn him back into himself. 

Gwen had stopped Conners, who went to jail for the illegal testing of an unsafe substance. And Gwen visited Peter, what she saw was horrible, Peter was sickly pale, and frail-looking. The doctors said that there had been an unknown toxin on the Lizard's claws, it was slowly killing Peter. All they could do was make him comfortable. 

Gwen told Peter all about her identity and her fights, Peter had said he was proud. He was always like her big brother, he had been serious at times, brooding. He had been bullied a ton, but he hadn't let that hinder him, he still tried to transform the world. He died in Gwen's arms, but not before telling Gwen how proud he was once more. 

Gwen after that was in a bad place, she had quit the band and stopped hanging out with her friends, she focused on her studies and being the 'Ghost-Spider'. Her dad had begun to worry and followed her once when she snuck out. She went home to find police at her house telling her that her Dad had been shot and killed while out that day. 

Gwen got even worse, she went from foster home to foster home, even though it had only been a week, she had already been placed at ten different places, all of which rejected her, saying "she was never home, snuck out all the time" which was true, she got into science 'for Peter' and upped her crime-fighting game 'for Dad' and was never home anymore, not that she considered those places her home. She had needed something to do, something to destract her from the depression looming over her.

So here she was facing this guy calling himself, 'The shocker'. This guy was boring, he used a padded blue jumpsuit as his costume, with a weird mask, on his hands were two gauntlets, if Gwen hadn't gotten into science this might've been a little tough, but now? His design was terrible and easily exploitable.  

All she had to do was shoot some webbing in it, and get close enough to grab the pulse conductors (which were uncovered) and the gauntlets shut down. Not that they were much of a problem in the first place. Once he was all webbed up and called the police, she decided to look at his gauntlets. Pulling off the webbing and looking at the design shown just how bad it was.

"This sucks!  You literally had the part making this whole device work on the outside! where it was extremely easy to grab! And the pulse level! If you weren't in that oven-mitt of a suit your arms would've melted off! Honestly, why?" 

She put a sticky note on the guy's face 'Here you go another baddie. -Ghost-Spider.' She jumped up and swung out, just as she pulled off a great flip 'That's gotta be at least three turns! Three!' Her spider-sense flared, she suddenly was seeing a ton of bright flashing colors, and then she fell on someone. 

 Rolling off she looked at who she fell on 'wait, am I in an alley?'  The person she fell on, looked like another spider hero, the costume was similar. It was a boy, his height suggested a 15-16-year-old. He had a red and blue suit, with white eyes rimmed in black, they seemed to squint, and blink when he did, which Gwen had to say was a nice touch. A small black spider was on his chest, and black accents were on his boots, arms, and legs. When she made full eye contact she got the weirdest feeling from her spider-sense.

It was a sense of familiarity like a kinship she didn't know existed like they were both knew each other already, yet they didn't. But she got the message loud and clear, and it seems he did as well. 

"You're like me." They both said.

done with the chapter!!! -RambunctiousCat

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