Just one look. (Mark Tuan Fan...

By VeroMM21

981 12 6

"Of course you were just a fan.. not really much of anyone special just an ordinary young adult, who works, s... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Authors note
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 16

Part 15

31 1 3
By VeroMM21

After Liza and I arrived at our hotel, we both were getting ready for bed when my phone rang. It was a message from Mark "Hey! Just wanted to see if you two made it back to your hotel safe?" I couldn't help but smile while reading it. "Hmm I wonder who could be texting you...'Liza said sarcastically.  I just rolled my eyes at her and replied back; "Hey! Yeah, we made it back safe and sound. Thank you so much for the dinner tonight it was absolutely amazing getting to hang out with you guys, also the concert was beyond amazing. :)" Sent*

The night has definitely been an amazing one, beyond anyone could imagine in a lifetime. Getting to experience a GOT7 concert in Korea and getting to have dinner and hang out with them is wild! I can't believe that me and Mark even connected this way in a way we both don't really know what it is at all. But lets see where it takes us.


Yay! today is New years eve and its gonna be a wild day , we are beyond excited! Tonight we will be hanging out with GOT7 again and even get to ring in the new year with them.  As for now, this morning we both woke up and got ready, we decided that tonight we want to look our best and dress cute even if we aren't really going anywhere. We want to look refreshed this coming new year. So we decided that we are gonna be going to get facials and just relax and enjoy, especially since the concert last night was so crazy my face could use a refresher. 

After the facials, We went to a nearby café ordered some yummy drinks and sat near the window just people watching. As we waited patiently for our drinks I was just looking outside daydreaming about everything that happened last night. Liza can't stop looking herself in the mirror she is obsessed with how her skin looks. "Hmm, so what do you think will happen tonight?" Liza slowly speaks. "What do you mean what will happen tonight?" I say curiously. "Oh come on Y/N you know exactly what I mean?" Liza says raising her eyebrows. I look at her still not getting what she means. "You and Mark?.. What do you think will happen? Do you think he'll try and give you a new years kiss?" She says winking at me. I look at her puzzled.. than starting thinking.. that wouldn't happen. "Psssh, why would that even happen? We aren't dating and there is no way he would be thinking like that." I say twirling my straw around in my drink. But deep down I started to think about it, what if he tries to kiss me? what would I do? Hmm, there is no way in this world would Mark freakin Tuan ever even think about it. Like no just no. I had so many thoughts running through my head. 

We finished our drinks, walked around the markets just to sight see. We had plenty of time to kill before it was time to get ready.    After hours of walking around, we went back to our hotel. While Liza does her hair,  I decided to just lay down and relax. I was on my phone watching all the fancams I took and came across the photo of me and Mark. I was smiling like big goof in the photo I couldn't help but giggle while looking at it. I went through my jeans pocket to look for the note that Mark had given me last night, I was rereading the crumple piece of paper over and over in my head.

Tonight I want to look good, I want to look simple yet cute! I was trying so many outfits even the new stuff I bought to find the perfect outfit. Honestly I just really wanted to impress Mark tonight. 

This is the outfit I decided to wear with some really cute high heel booties. I wore my hair loosely curled with a cute long chained necklace. Finally I was done getting ready. We went down stairs got into our cab on our way to meet to guys, I messaged Mark; "Hey just wanted to let you guys know that we are on our way right now. It should be about 20 mins. What should we do when we get there?"  Within 5-10 mins my phone went off it was a phone call from Mark. I showed Liza with wide eyes... we haven't ever spoke on the phone just through messages, it kind of made me anxious. I answered really slow "Uh..Hi!" I said trying to not sound to excited. "Hey Y/N!" As Mark said my name I couldn't help but smile so big just hearing his voice. ".. We are about 20 mins away from arriving at the dorms, so I'm sure we will end up meeting you guys there." Mark was kind of shouting , the background you could the boys being loud and hyper. "Alright we will see you when you two get here." As he hangs up fast you could hear  Yugyeom and Bam screaming bye in the background. 

20 mins passes by as we pulled up to the dorms, two black vans pulled up behind our cab. As we got out of the car we saw JB, Jinyoung, Younjae get out of the first van, the second van was Yugyeom, Bambam, Mark, and Jackson. As we walked towards them they all looked so gorgeous with their hair and makeup all done. They just got done filming their new music video that is gonna be releasing after the new year.  Bambam walk towards us shouting "WHATS UP LADIES? ARE YOU READY TO PARTY?!" Liza and I couldn't help but laugh. I shouted "Hell Yeah we are!" Which caused all the other boys turned around to look at me with a surprised look on their faces. "Dang, I thought you were the quiet type?" Jackson said. I looked at everyone they all started laughing. I looked over at Mark who winked at me, I put my head down smiled yet embarrassed. 

As we were walking to the dorms, I noticed Liza walk fast so she could be near Jinyoung who was walking JB and Youngjae they all started having their own conversation in Korean. I stayed a little behind to walk with Mark, as we were walking he leaned over and quietly said; "You look really pretty tonight." I just looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself." I smiled and kept walking. 

We made it to the dorms and when we walked the place was kind of a mess, I looked at Liza trying to not laugh, JB and Youngjae ran past us so quick to start cleaning up a little bit. I don't know why but for some reason we found it funny. I felt kind of bad because they all have been so busy with there own stuff that they forgot to clean up. "We could help clean up the trash while you guys go get cleaned up." Liza said with a cute shy smile on her face. "Oh no no you two don't have to do that, its not right you are our guest." Jinyoung said only looking at Liza. "its really no problem, its just mostly trash so we can just get all thrown out." Liza said only looking at Jinyoung.  Everyone notice the moment between them. "Alright alright break it up, you guys pick up the trash we will go get ready." Jackson interrupted.  As the boys were walking down the hallway to their room you could hear them making fun of Jinyoung and making kissy sounds. Mark walked down the hallway turning around to look at me while giving me that smirk and winking. 

You know, me and Mark haven't really actually talked much since we saw each other in person well just yesterday. But to me I feel like he is someone that's just comfy to be around we don't need a  whole lot of words to say to each other. I snapped out of my train of thought and helped pick up the trash and ramen cups on the coffee table. Bambam was the first one to come back "Oh man we gotta order some food and snacks for tonight, also some drinks? What should we order?" Bambam said while scrolling through food apps. "How about some pizza that's always good, since there is a lot of us as well." Yugyeom said grabbing a small bag of crackers from the kitchen. "Alright how about drinks?.." Jinyoung said. Youngjae raises his hands "I'll go" he offered. "I'll go too with." Mark says too as he raises his hand. 

Mark and Youngjae walked to the small little store that was right down the street from the dorms. They got a couple bottle of soju as well as some champagne. Walking through aisles looking at some snack Youngjae stands next to Mark "Hyung what do you think will happen tonight?" Youngjae says excitingly , Mark looked at him puzzled "What do you mean?" Mark says questioning. "I mean with Y/N do you think that you'll have a first new years kiss with her?" youngjae says while grabbing a bag of chips. Mark didn't answer just looked down and smiled ."I'm not too sure yet, I really would like too though." 

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