sleepy bois adoption au

By yormother0000

71K 2.7K 1.7K

Wilbur and Techno were adopted by Phil at 1 year old, basically making Phil their real father, soon they foun... More



7K 279 263
By yormother0000

                                                                                     (Tommy POV)

run away.

The words lingered in my brain. Maybe it's better for Tubbo, he'll probably be mad, but he can get over it, right? Soon enough he'll forget about me, and he'll have a family of his own without me to mess it up. After about an hour of sitting against the door, letting my thoughts go at each other I decided for the better.

I'm running away.

I quickly ran over to the window, smiling at how easy it opened, no lock. Phil probably wasn't expecting me to sneak out in his defense.

I silenting searched through the draws before finding a few outfits that would last me, I also packed a bandana, Tubbo had a matching one, I'll take it to remember him.Throwing the backpack over my shoulder, I walk over to Tubbo.

I rubbed his head and whispered to him "I love you.".

I wiped away a tear I didn't realize I had cried and continued on. Opening the window I slid out, thankfully we were on the first floor so the drop was only a couple feet. I made sure to close the window and turned around. Taking a big sigh I headed off for the woods.

(Nobody's POV)

Tubbo woke up with drool sliding down the side of his face. He rubbed his eyes open."tommy?". Looking around he was surprised when Tommy wasn't in the room.

Shrugging, he assumed he was talking to Phil, or in the bathroom. Tubbo got up and went to get a change of clothes, he was startled when all of Tommy's clothes were gone, this is when he started to freak out. He ran over to the bathroom, no Tommy, went to Techno's room, no Tommy, he searched the whole hall, but Tommy wasn't there. Tubbo's only hope was that he was in the kitchen, picking up into a run Tubbo was meet by Phil at the entrance of the kitchen.

"Hey, little guy I was just about to wake y-" Phil was cut off by Tubbo.

"Is Tommy in here?" Tubbo said in a worried voice looking around or his brother.

"Um, no he should be in y'alls room, he came down this morning, but headed straight back there, why?" Phil said, his voice starting to get more concerned.

"He's not in our room, or the bathroom, or Techno's or Wilbur's room, either, I can't find him".

Phil quickly ran down the hall opening each door looking for Tommy, he expected Tommy to be mad about the conversation, but not lash out.

In about five minutes Phil and Tubbo had searched the whole house. Phil was out of breath when he got back to the kitchen

"I'll call Techno and Wil, tell them to come home, if he ran off Techno knows the area the best." (uman GPS) Phil said pulling out his phone.

"But why would he run off, we just got here." Tubbo said.

Phil lowered his phone taking a gulp "Tommy and I got into a little argument this morning, and he kind of stormed out."

Tubbo's eyes widened "No, but he wouldn't run away, he wouldn't leave me, that's not him!" Tubbo practically yelled.

Phil took Tubbo by the shoulders "Look Tubbo, I'm sure he just wanted to blow off some steam, if we don't find him, he'll probably find his way back soon enough ."

Tubbo was more mad than sad now, thoughts started to run through his mind, "does he not want me", "am I a burden to him", "why would he leave".

(Wil POV)

I was sitting at lunch laughing with a couple of friends when I noticed Techno out of the corner of my eyes. He usually sat by a tree keeping to himself. He was on the phone with somebody and he seemed nervous, he stood up and started coming my way.

"Hey, can we talk." he said basically pulling me out of my chair. Dragging me to the hall he told me Phil couldn't find Tommy in the house this morning, and they had an argument.

"I know the area well enough to know where you could camp out, I'll take the north side of town and you go west." Techno basically commanded me.

"Um, yeah sure I guess." I said with a blank expression, I still was angry about this morning.

"hey, I'm sorry about earlier, really, I just didn't think to wake you up, I know you want to be part of the boys life as much as I do." Techno said actually sounding sorry.

"It's alright, I shouldn't be mad with you." I said realizing I was kind of overreacting.

Techno shoot me a smile and headed off, as did I.

(Tommy POV)

It been about an hour or two since I'd left, I wonder if they had noticed yet. I'd gotten a good ways into the woods and found a nice little area to camp out. I layed down, and stared into the sky, leaving myself alone with my thoughts. I zoned out for a couple of minutes before I heard some ruffling coming from behind a bush, I quickly got up and slowly approached. I jumped when a gray bunny jumped out, and took a sigh of relief.

"Jesus Christ" I muttered to myself. Turning around, a dark tall figure towered over me.

"Shit" I said realizing it was Techno.

I quickly took off, not looking back just trying to run as fast as possible. Once I was a good distance away I turned around surprised to see no one behind me. Only when I turned around was Techno already in front of me.

"So going for a little stroll huh?" He said with a smirk.

I tried to turn around and run the opposite direction, but he grabbed my shirt causing me to almost fall backwards.

"Nice try" he said grabbing a hold off my wrist and leading me out of the woods.

I guess he was expecting me to go willingly which he was wrong.

I dug my feet into the ground and tugged back "I'm not going anywhere.".

"Come on kid you really think you can get away now, look I heard Phil and you had an argument, but I'm sure it was just a heat of the moment type of thing, he's just worried about you now." Techno said pulling me harder, which of course my strength didn't hold up and I gave in to him, but still tried to pull away every so often.

"I don't care how he feels, I'm not going back, it's better if i'm gone anyway, for Tubbo.". 

Techno stopped at me saying this and turned around grabbing me by the shoulders, which hurt a little.

"Tubbo had been worried sick, Tommy you're the only thing that's keeping him together, he needs you."

I looked to the floor as tears started to flood my eyes. trying to hold it together, I didn't want to cry in front of Techno, but soon enough the started to come down my face until I pretty much broke into sobs. I felt a wave of embarrassment come over until I was embraced into a hug by Techno. This took me by surprise, Techno didn't seem like the most comforting person, but I still gave in and sat there for a few minutes letting it out.

"shhh, shh, it's okay, i'm here." he said holding me.

After I had calmed down techno said "Okay we should probably head back now, it's getting late."

I simply nodded and looked to the ground still a little embarrassed


wow 1269 word count pogchamp. I'm not in love with the beginning of this chapter, but I am kind of proud of the end. I have been pushing these chapters out kind of fast (only started writing this on Monday), so if I don't post for a day or two, it's because I'm trying to figure out the plot, or it's christmas :). Also thank you all for the support we hit 100 views today, and this being my first write means a lot, thanks :))

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