
By xSierraaskedx

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Lucifer himself, Vincent Romano, trained to strike and kill. His eyes plastered with fury and hatred. His wr... More

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138 30 9
By xSierraaskedx

I rubbed my eyes and rolled over, feeling soft sheets beneath me. Yawning, I opened my eyes and a stream of light fought to shine threw the thick drapes that covered the tall windows. My eyes widened.

This was not my room.

"Where the fuck am I," I mumbled.

I looked at the white pillow ensuring that I left no makeup scuffs. Then touched my face, looking at my clean fingers afterward.

"Lashes," I touched my eyelids and felt only my natural ones.

"Where are they?" I slung my feet over the edge of the bed and examined the nightstand next to me.

I darted toward the door and realized the familiar hallway. I must have fell asleep here last night.

The smell of eggs and syrup filled my nostrils. Vince must've had a chef.

I looked up at the giant clock that hung at the end of the hallway.

8:55 it read.

Shit. I got school.

Im definitely going to be late. Hopefully mom will think I just fell asleep at Quinn's place.

I walked back into the room I woke up in and noticed a chair behind the door that had an outfit laid out on it with a note.

Good morning Stella

I realized you fell asleep here last night so I put this outfit on the chair for school. Have a good day.

Ps. Vincent's probably downstairs ;)


I smiled at Talia's handwriting.

Making sure I don't waste anymore time, I hopped into the shower and joined it with brushing my teeth.

After showering, I slipped into the outfit Talia left for me and darted out of the room and down the stairs.

"Your up," I heard his low voice from the kitchen.

"Good morning to you too," I scowl at him earning a slight smile and I gasp.

"I see your not a morning person," he placed a plate of eggs on the table in front of me.

"You cook," I smiled up at him and looked down at the scrambled eggs and toast before me.

"It's eggs and toast," he stared at me making me look down at the food.

"Tell Talia thanks for wiping off my makeup last night," I pushed the egg around with my fork.

"I would if it was her who did," He went into the fridge and poured a glass of orange juice.

"And my lashes?" I asked in surprise.

"I put them in a case, they're in the bag my sister packed for you yesterday," he took a sip of the juice and I smiled at him, filling my mouth with toast.

A man that knows how to remove makeup and lashes? I have a feeling we'll get along just fine, despite the rumours.

"What time is it?" I asked him. He raised his watch to his face.

"9:30," he raised his head.

"Shit Vincent let's go," I stuffed a fork full of eggs into my mouth.

"Hold on," I held up a finger and stuffed another fork full into my mouth.

"Just sit and eat," he chuckled. The sound of his chuckled left my mouth agape.

"Did you just- laugh?" I pointed the fork at him and he rolled his eyes.

"That's what it took for you to laugh," I took up a piece of toast.

"Well your quite the comedian," he put his lips on the top of his glass hiding the smile that threatened to escape his lips.


He pulled up into the schools parking lot. By this time it was 10:00 and about 3rd period.

I hoped out of the car and Vince came over to meet me. He grabbed onto my hand, like he didn't the party.

The halls were empty as we maneuvered through them, heading to my first class which was Spanish. Vince still had a tight grip on my palms.

My Spanish was horrible, sometimes I wondered why I even took the class. My brain was literally moving jelly whenever I heard a foreign language.

Room 212

"There it is," I pointed toward at the door and

I lightly knocked on the door and opened it. Forgetting Vince still had my hand in grip, I started walking in and was forcibly pulled back.

"Lo siento por el retraso. Fue mi culpa," he looked at the Spanish teacher before letting my hand go.

"No hay problema," Mrs. Garcia answered, giving a tight lipped smile.

"See you after school," he looked at me and turned around.

"Where are you going," I whispered to him.

"I've got business to deal with," he pulled his phone out of his back pocket and tapped the screen.

I turned back around to a room full of eyes. They were all directed at me. Some gave dirty looks and others looked scared out of there mind.

With a smile I scurried to the back of the class to find a seat.

"He probably threatened her and her family," I heard a whisper from beside me and I rolled my eyes.

"If you must know I came with him on my own free will," I scowled at the girl beside me.

"He must have some bomb ass dick then," she side eyed me.

"I wouldn't know," I sat back in my chair and her puzzled face turned to mine.

"So he's isn't threatening you, he's not fucking you and your not a murderer so why hang around him?"

"He's really not that bad," I looked over at her and she raised her eyebrows.

"Not that bad? Do you even know what he does," a scowl grew on her face.

"Vaguely," I tapped my pen on the desk.

"One wrong move, he'll put your body in a ditch and no one would give a shit," she held her finger up, warning me.

"He wouldn't," I continued tapping my pen.

"He would and you know it," she smirked at me.

This bitch.

"You shouldn't be worried about me. You should be worried about what's going to happen to you," I finally said before removing myself from the conversation and listening to Mrs. Garcia.

"If that's a threat I can report you to the police you know," she pulled her chair further away from mine.

"You can't if your dead," I gave her a blank stare.

I learnt that from Vincent, I'll have to start using it on more people. It make them scared and that made me laugh.

"And according to you Vincent will surely throw your body in a Ditch and no one would do shit," I smiled at her.

Her scowl quickly faded from her face and her eyes turned deep.

"Please don't tell him," she pleaded and a smirk tugged at my sealed lips.

"No promises," I picked my bag up, shooting my hand in the air to get Mrs. Garcia's attention.

"May I use the bathroom," I took my hand down.

"You were late to my class young lady," she scolded me, waving her finger in the air.

"It's um girl problems," I lied.

"Ok Uh be quick," she pointed toward the door.

I walked out of the door quickly and strolled through the hallway, looking through class windows, searching for Jax.

After walking around for a bit I spotted him through a window in the hallway.

I knocked on the class door and opened it.

"Could I please speak to Jax," I looked at the teacher at the front of the class.

"Mr. Alfieri your excused," he nodded his head at Jax.

"What do you want?" Jax whispered walking out of the class and closing the door behind him.

"Where's Vince?" I gave him a blank look.

"Vince?" He furrowed his eyebrows, "Y'all have nicknames now?" He smirked.

"It's shorter to say, where is he," I rolled my eyes.

"He had to handle something," he scratched the back of his head.

"I didn't ask that. I asked where he was," My eyes widened.

"He doesn't want you involved in his mess Stella," a trace of worry in his voice and I scoffed.

"I already am," I fixed the hanging backpack on my shoulder.

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