CINDE, The Kings Mate (boyxbo...

By BigNeptune

4.7M 188K 40.3K

Cinde, that's his name. A slave to his family and to anyone he might know. When the eclipse comes to town the... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Follow Up

Chapter Twelve

166K 6.5K 918
By BigNeptune

        Wearing these chains really made me realize exactly how out of shape I was for a wolf. I mean for a wolf of course for a human I was pretty good. The thing is the human population seek security, ease and comfort. Werewolves priorities are mainly based on instinct, survival and strength.

        When you are a slave while you make tend to the mill for a week till your arms are bloody and numb it never really gives you the muscle one would expect of a wolf.

        See humans never really see the difference between us however I can always tell. For starters, we're a pretty rugged bunch, secondly those who stay in wolf form for excess amount of time tend to have an almost child like yet wrinkling human form. 

        I'm sliding off point, I'm unhealthy, that much is clear. I could barely move to the bathroom with this lumbering mound of metal chained to my ankle. When I did the first thing I noticed was my reflection in the silver framed mirror, and it made me wonder why Veldore even wanted me.

        I wasn't good looking, that was obvious enough. Then again I suppose it was Luna's gift, the gift to be able to see your lover and not they're faults. To be able to love them for the better and worse in them.

        My figure was so thin and frail, my arms looked like they might snap if your twisted them too far. My face was pale with translucent skin and annoyingly feminine lips. I think if I where to name a feature of mine I did not hate, it would be my eyelashes. Maybe it is not normal for a male to find such things endearing but I liked them, they cast a pretty shadow across my face.

        I sat on the floor beside the bath and sighed, entwining the stolen keys around my index finger.

        I saw a spider scuttle down from the corner of the spider webbed walls and sighed again. I was locked up in a room with no where to go and nothing to do with a dratted lump of metal chained to my ankle and my only company a spider.

        Time seemed to still as I glared at the keeps, swallowing back my frustration as it came in shivers. They all seemed strangely small for the doors and I was pretty sure I remembered on of the other men wearing keys much larger than this on his belt.

        Was it? Could it be? The key for my chains? There where roughly eight on the ring and I gladly tried each one through the lock.

        I almost gasped in joy when the first key fitted perfectly however it would not turn and remained stiff. I was still glad to know I was right about them being the keys to my restraints.

        I was getting almost beyond irritated when I finally heard that CH'CK I'd been waiting for as I slid the key side ways on the eighth try. I moaned in euphoric relief as I slid the shackle off. Something about being in those chains made me feel so trapped, so pushed in a corner.

        I enjoyed the feeling of agility as I wandered around the bathroom a little more, proud of myself, humming a silly little tune as I admired the place.


        Nearly jumping out of my skin I ran for the shackle and smashed it against my ankle roughly, bruising my self as I did so and nervously rushed for the bathroom door, my clammy hands slipping off the handle. When I opened it and rushed forward I fell face first towards the rug. Oh, right, the chunk of metal.

        I groaned silently as I chugged it along slowly making my way to the door and pulling both the brass handles open wide.

        Of course I expected it to be a maid, or a soldier, not Veldore. Veldore was the king and as everyone knew the kings duties where never over and he was only truly expected to return to his bed chambers when sleep called for him.

        However nothing could prepare me for this. Seeing him. Eddergan.

        I jumped and took a step back, suddenly unsure of what I should be doing in this case.

        Why was he here? He must by now know I was Veldores mate? Veldore had practically kidnapped me from my home after publicly searching for me for nearly a week it was news bound to spread like a forest of rum trees set on fire.

        "Well hello, what a surprise to see you here." He slurred, his voice announcing anything but.

        "...yes..." Came my small pathetic reply.

        "Such a strange luck that fate has placed me by your side again, this must be Luna's doing no?"

        I looked up at him horrified. Was he flirting with his brothers mate? Would someone do such a thing?

        "Oh don't look so surprised, your acting as though I ever had morals to begin with." He stepped inside and I took a weary step back.

        "That kick to my privates really hurt you know... For such a dainty form you seem to have quite a bite."

        He took another stride forward and I took another small step back. Then he reached behind him and the massive dark oak doors banged loudly as he shut them. I took another step back, stumbling of my chains.

        "Did you tell Veldore about me? Tried to get me killed aye?" He moved forward too fast for me to react and lent a hand on my cheek, whispering with heavy breath into my ear. "I like that."

        His second hand wrapped itself around my waist and started moving lower towards my bottom. I stared at him with ever wide eyes, my face an obvious expression of disgust.

        I whisper screamed a raspy "no!" and shoved him back as far as I could. He didn't fall however he moved slightly and gave me the opening to run.

        My legs clambered through the open door and into the bathroom, quaking with nervous fear. I reached for the window, planning to smash through it if I had to yet to my extreme fright was pulled back by the heavy strains of my chain and it's dead weight.

        He strode into the room, his movements slow and precise. He crossed the ever thickening length of chains as he eyed me up and down. I was pressed up against the bath with both my hands frozen above my head shielding my body from the inevitable doom this perverted pig would bring it to.

        The moment I felt his hands clasping my wrists I squealed and tried my best to scratch the wretched soul as hard as I could however he soon had my hands pinned up against the wall and I could no longer move. All my limbs pulled in awkward positions.

        "Stop struggling." He smirked. "Let me enjoy you!"

        "Veldore will kill you! He will kill you and..."

        "And he will kill you, for the highest treason." He lent close and tutted. "The kings mate, cheating on him... No that wouldn't go down well at all now would it?"

        I felt my brows point to the middle top of my forehead as I no doubt gave him a pleading look.

        He really had me in a corner this time. Both literally and figuratively.

        "Why would you do this?! I thought Veldore was your brother!"

        He smirked at me, anger flickering dangerously in the back of his blue eyes. Ice cold eyes.

        He ran a hand down my cheek and I shivered, and not in the pleasant way. "The man you call my brother... Is nothing but a traitor. Did you know that I am older than him? By three years? Yet he is the king and I am the duke!"

        Not really interested in hearing anything this pervert had to say I almost shrugged but caught myself. This was a good chance to give myself some more time. Maybe I could think of a way to escape before he ran out of insulting lies to spread about Veldore.

        "Why?" I asked, sounding truly curious.

        He seemed almost too eager to reply. "My mate had betrayed my, she had slept with another and was sentenced to death." He spat, pausing long enough for the surprise in my face to settle in. Well I'll be damned, he did once upon a time have a heart. "And at almost evil coincidence so had our father. My heart was filled with the most solemn of blues and every night I wept by the side of my mates coffin, and the Veldore, just comes along and, in my momentary hour of weakness, steals my position of king!"

        I almost felt sorry for him, almost. Then he smashed his lips against mine and even the faintest possibility of remorse was erased. I wriggled as hard as I could, my arms trashing violently against his arms however I could not free myself from his grip. I was weak.

        "He deserves pain, my pain."

        He lent in again. "WAIT!" I yelled. He paused momentarily, surprised by my sudden show of courage. "What if I told you I was-"

        "Pregnant?" I finished, a wide smirk on his face. "Boy don't even try to pretend your omega, yes your a slave but an omega? I think not. If fact if I didn't know where you came from and where you belong I would have thought you an alpha."

        "I am-" I tried however once again he cut me off.

        "Not an omega. I'm not daft boy. Even if you where you think the day after you'd already know if a baby was poking around your stomach."

        I almost slapped myself at how stupid the excuse had sounded. He lean slipped a finger down my shirt and kept his other hands grip on my wrists tight.

        I willed myself not to sweat, though my hands felt damp already. Situations that cause me anxiety cause me to sweat, which gives off a bigger scent. And in this case it would mingle with Eddergans much easier. Sweat mingled almost matches the smell you get after mating. Only without the erotic atmosphere scent that somehow seemed to stick.

        Then to my utter relief there was a knocking at the door.

        He looked to the side, his body stick as a rabbit yet grip on me still as firm as wolfiron. And then they knocked again. And again.

        I breathed a sigh of relief as he got up and walked out of the conjoining bathroom to open the door.

        I was almost to relieved to bring myself to do anything however I snatched the cast away keys off from the bathroom corner and growled as I began to ruffle through them again to find the one with the three lines. When I found it I unlocked myself from the chain, scowling at the bruise and looked around for a hiding place.

        My instinct climbed me up onto the window sill and I hid behind the long velvet curtains.

        I heard some small muttering of "your not really supposed to be in here sir" and "his majesty won't be pleased" with some "I'm sorry of course I do not doubt your integrity" and the door closed and I heard it slam as he moved back towards the bathroom.

        I heard him gasp at my disappearance and smiled in satisfaction. 

        He wandered off outside and started checking the bedroom, I could hardly contain my euphoric joy. I had him outsmarted! And it was all due to my brave little wolf, I really should stop doubting the little fellow.

        Then I heard him call the servants in. I heard loud clashing as they picked up the chain and maybe also the keys. I heard one by one more and more gather inside the bathroom.

        I was getting more and more scared. If I got out now I would face Eddergan's perverse nature and humiliation of the eighth degree. And if I didn't I was going to be reported missing and have to deal with Veldores full and complete wrath.

        And I shivered at the mere prospect of it.

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