Dark Trees and Light Leaves...

By OpticsEdge

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Humans are the pinnacle of sentient evolution... what a lie. Mother Earth is the pinnacle. Mother Earth is w... More

Clever Escape pt.1
Clever Escape pt.2
Kirin's Luck
The River of Moss

Before the Storm

1 0 0
By OpticsEdge

Trying new formatting. Feedback is appreciated.
Notes/warnings: Foul language. A twisted world where Mother Nature has gotten fed up with humans and plants take on the same configurations as Animalia but still take energy from the sun. This includes some extinct specie like dinosaurs and various crustaceans. Setting may be confusing to some. Think, futuristic city entwined with dead trees.
Also, when the symbol "~" appears, this signifies that the dream was cut off by waking up from REM sleep and that some details may be missed due to this fact. I have filled what I can.


I rushed my ass across the dorm. I hate the fact that these damn hoodies won't fit over my wings comfortably. I turned around and looked at the room one last time. Leafy green coverings are our sore excuse for blankets. The walls are all wood. Carvings in the bark litter them. Vandalism was never my thing so I never really paid attention to them. As a matter of fact, the city is all connected to a network of Darksoul trees. The buildings used to all be metal shells but are now entwined by trees that are as black as the night, and the leaves are as dull and grey as the many lost souls imprisoned here. I always look back at my room, I never know if I'll return back here every night or not... especially during war.

Hell! I got caught up in my thoughts again.

I turned and rushed to get to the commandant centre. Everyone was already a ways ahead.

The thunderstorm overhead was loud, it's dark clouds entwined with the red toxic sky. Those have definitely gotten worse recently. I once overheard stories of when the sky used to be blue as it reflected the pure clean oceans. Yeah definitely not now. I don't know why that is something one could remember during such a time but it is what it is.

I throw my hood over my head as I pass by a guard. They were known to randomly interrogate by-passers, luckily, this one left me alone. I shivered, thinking about their harsh actions towards us imprisoned citizens, forced to partake in this messed up war since infancy.

As soon as I knew I was out of sight, I took off into a sprint. My wings ruffled slightly underneath my hoodie. They were bound to begin aching soon but I didn't really have any other choice than to hide them.

I got to the corner of a building and stumbled to a walk. I tried to look relaxed, stuffing my hands into my pocket. They could be seen as me hiding something but combine it with sauntering and no one will batt an eye.

A pace away from turning right, a Century's foot of solid mud and rock came stomping down, nearly crushing me. I yelp, falling back. From atop the Century, I hear the annoying voice of the rider yell "Watch it!"

I don't reply, I'm not allowed to. If I could, I'd be cussing out the rude bitch. Instead, I get up and scurry away. This makes a good excuse for me to run the rest of the way down the street. The other guards, I only see two ahead of me, are staring. I slow down, keeping my head down and avoiding eye contact. I pass and they do not stop me.

I'm so lucky.

I enter the gate and walk into the building. The roots of the closest Darksoul tree spiral up and around the building, breaking through the metal walls at certain points. It is the largest in this whole sector and a perfect place for them to keep us all together and accounted for. I check the clock, I'm one minute from punishment. I hold up the tight identification bracelet around my right wrist to the check-in tree. The leaves of the tree glows dimly, signalling I have passed. I wait for a few seconds, hearing nothing. I exhale.

Since when was I holding my breath?

I proceed forward as soon as the thick branches part, powerful motors holding them back. Before me, multiple people of various ages kneeled before a line of soldiers.


Normally there is only one they call "perfect" standing facing us. There must be something going on. The clock clicks behind me and the branches snap shut, making a loud noise. I jump, anxiety shooting through me and I hastily make my way to my spot, not wanting attention. I'm known to be late and I don't need to be humiliated again.

I kneel, the one on my left making eye contact for a split-second. We are allies in this place of misery. Before us, one of the soldiers steps forward. The step is power though silent. Rubber rubs against metal as the armour shifts.

"Citizens of our king Soul's kingdom, I do hope you had a good sleep today, for it will be the last day you will ever get to rest peacefully..."

I never rest peacefully and I know I am not the only one.

"Starting today, you will be transported to the front lines by wagon and trained to be soldiers." his baritone voice lowers to a mumble, "or boney punching bags for the enemy..."


"No questions will be asked. We leave in a half-hour."

Well this is as abrupt as things get.

In all directions, I see people shuffle in place. Some change to a one-knee kneel as though they are prepared to run at moment's notice. I remain still and the one on my left does too. I don't even now their name and gender as the ragged clothes and dirt hide their name bar and I don't want to assume genders. I look up, the soldier steps back and they proceed to march out of the room.

This is when chaos ensues.

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