A New Dawn (A&O AU)

By starkat555

26 0 0

Props to my friend on discord for making most of this story and creating the AU itself. As a god, apples life... More

The Flight To Earth (Part 1)

26 0 0
By starkat555

Time: ???
Day: ???
Year: 2016
"A new beginning is something we all need once in a while"
P.O.V: Apple

"Why must this day already be here?" I thought to myself after opening up my eyes.

Hello. My name is Apple.

I am the God of Time of this generation, so it is my responsibility to prevent bad things from happening by rewinding time. It was truly an honour being one of the gods with the most important responsibilities. At one point, the people in my world called me the greatest God of Time yet, and it made me feel amazing. People said that about me until I departed for the mortals world and met... him. That's when everything I knew and was told had changed...

The sunlight felt strong and harsh beaming down on my face, so it must mean that it's already around Ten or Eleven. I never personally enjoyed waking up, but today, waking up was worse than usual. For once in my life, I had actually planned to sleep in today considering last night, I was on the border of Otherworld, my homeland, with my dearest friend, Spinach. Her and I were out on the border because I was making my map to the land below (which is basically useless, now that I'm considering it. I couldn't see anything but clouds). That's the main reason I'm so groggy today. Maybe... I don't know... twenty hundred years ago? My father was teaching me how to fly and use my time bending powers when we almost flew over the border. Both of us were quite shaken up considering once a god goes over the border, their powers are disabled until they go back over it again. That's when he decided to tell me about his time in the land below, or should I say... Earth. That's where he said he met my mother and my uncle Falafel. He told me about all of the wonderful things about Earth. He told me about all of the kind and great people he met. He told me about the smells: the beautiful scent of flowers, the food that smells so good, it makes your mouth water, the smell of something called "grass" after being cut, and much more. He told me about the sights: Things like "sunsets", "shooting stars", and the thing I'm most curious about: Christmas trees. Father told me about how Christmas trees were used on something called Christmas, which was something the mortals celebrated on the Twenty-Fifth of December each year. About ten hundred years ago, the godly council members decided to host a Christmas here in Otherworld. I cannot remember much about it, but all I do remember is that was when the council gifted me the grandest present of all: The title of God of Time.

I was laying in my bed for a solid Ten minutes, not wanting to get up and leave the warm embrace of my white cloud blanket. The cold winter air of Otherworld was wafting in through my window and onto my face. The sensation of the cold wind was sending chills throughout my body, and prevented me from falling back into slumber.
"Apple." I hear a woman's voice echo from... somewhere. It was hard to determine where the voice came from exactly as I was hearing a bunch of other noises such as the wind when the woman spoke. Sure enough, the voice was enough to get me up and going. Before long, I sat up from my bed and rubbed my eyes. Seeing as I had a busy day ahead of me, I had no choice but to get up. Plus, laying down was no benefit considering all of the stuff I had to do today. I have to clean up my room (which is absolutely filthy), make myself breakfast since my parents are out having a talk with the council about something, and I have to fly all around Otherworld to pick up things that I'll need for my departure. "Over here." The voice echoed from somewhere again. This time, I was determined to find who was speaking to me. I got off my bed after Fifteen minutes of just laying and sitting on it to look around my room and find whoever was trying to communicate with me. At first, I was simply looking around my room, but as I expected, nothing was in plain sight. Maybe this person was hiding somewhere like under my bed or on the balcony. Seeing as my bed was the thing I was closest to, I decided to check underneath it. I slowly got down onto my knees, then I went even lower by plopping onto my stomach. After glancing around at the space underneath my bed, I knew nothing apart from an ungodly amount of dust was under it. After using my bed to get up from the dirty floor, I quickly brushed myself off and was about to start walking to the balcony when suddenly...
"What a bad seeker you are." I locked eyes with one of the godly council members. Specifically, the member of wisdom who we call The Wise One.

In our world, The Wise One is the figure of perfection and beauty.
The mortals pray to her when they want to become wiser. Some even call her a goddess of great mystery as she speaks words almost nobody these days can understand. Words in a forgotten foreign language, or something of the sorts.
"Apple. What are you doing?" The wise one asked me. She seemed impatient, maybe even angry. That's when I remembered.
This morning, I was supposed to go to the council with my parents at nine, but I guess they didn't try to wake me up. "I-I am so sorry, O Wise one. I was trying to rest because it's my big day and all-" while I was trying to explain why I was still in bed, two hours late to a council meeting, she cut me off. "Oh apple. You know your parents are grabbing all of the things you need already." She told me. Since she was such an important figure in Otherworld, I couldn't try to talk over her or else I could be erased. Like always, I didn't understand what she meant by "your parents are grabbing all of the things you need". Maybe it isn't supposed to make sense until later, that's usually how it is. The wise one is able to predict things before they happen sometimes. So with that in mind, she's implying that my parents will be packing my stuff sooner or later today. "...So they started packing my stuff?" I asked her. I already knew the answer, I just wanted to see what she had to say.
"Of course, Apple. They did it hours ago. Last night after you went to bed, in fact." She pointed towards his closet, which abruptly swung open. That made Apple jump, as the gold handle of the door slammed on the wall and made a loud noise. Inside the closet, there was a black Travel backpack. It's contents were unknown, but as The wise one walked over to pick it up and hand it to Apple, it seemed he had a slightly rough time trying to lift it. "Take it. It has things such as foods that mortals call "pretzels". The trip to earth will be long." The wise one held the bag out in front of her, asking Apple to take it. It was true, the journey to the land below would be long and quite possibly cold. Apple wasn't allowed to be seen flying about, so he would have to be escorted to the top of the tallest mountain, Mount Everest, just to have to climb all the way down to earth. "Now come. You still have somewhere to be." The wise one then went running to the balcony before jumping off. Seconds later before she hit the ground, she began to fly towards the centre of otherworld. The Chamber of wisdom. One of the three balance chambers, along with the other two, The chamber of courage, belonging to The courageous one and at the southernmost point of otherworld, and The chamber of power, belonging to The powerful one and at the northernmost point of otherworld.

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