
By JoshTanner

852 19 8

Within the confines of the colonial space station known as The Duran, citizens begin disappearing one by one... More

All That Remains
Last Ditch Effort Part 1 (Good End)

The Creature

362 7 3
By JoshTanner

Tucked away in ventilation ducts, a young man sat, idling. Staring at the blades of a grated fan as they turned slowly, the metal creaking with each rotation. The maintenance light behind it casting dim, yellow light in the cramped space. The young man had made the place into a very crude living space. Some blankets and pillows he'd gathered made up his bed, along with some cans of food that he'd been surviving off of. Even a couple magazines to help keep his sanity, or whatever remained of it.

The Duran, a colonial space station, was his former home. Now he hides away in its depths like a scared rat. But what more could he do? It was suicide to go out into the public sectors, and even the industrial areas were beginning to become too dangerous to frequent for more rations. Even the vents weren't safe, as he'd been forced to up and abandon his shelters more than once. When was the last time he'd even seen another living person? Or even spoken? Sometimes the sound of his inner voice seemed foreign to him.

The station had come under attack by some... "things." What it was had been a mystery, but everyone had panicked. Station security was useless, and gangs formed and pilfered from shops and residences. It was short lived though. People started disappearing in the beginning, and those disappearances began to occur more frequently. Groups of people were vanishing and leaving all their things behind. Sometimes there were screams, followed by vicious thuds.

"A... Adam." The young man murmured his name to nobody. As though he needed to be reminded that he even had a name.

Even that squeak felt too loud. How long had it been? Maybe three weeks? It was hard to say. So many sleepless nights had made it impossible to keep track with any kind of accuracy. Mostly, he'd been going off of how many cans of food he had eaten. That's how he counted the days. It was a worthless way of pretending to keep track. All the manuals he managed to scrounge up about survival said that the most important thing to do in a survival situation was to keep a sense of home and maintain calm and hope.

Pretty hard to maintain hope at this rate...

Cupping his face in his hands, tears threatened to spill out again. This time spent idling was simply procrastination. Adam needed to get out there again and find more water, since he was nearly out. The water still worked everywhere, but he couldn't afford to go out whenever he pleased to get a drink. So squirreling away what he could in this shelter was the safest thing to do.

Only trouble was that when he was out there was no other choice than to go out into the public areas and find a fountain or a residence. But the walls had ears, more or less. Already he'd had a few close encounters. Nearly being discovered by the things that now roamed the station.

There was no point in hiding here in this hole anymore. If he didn't go get the water, that would be it. All this self preservation would have been meaningless. Hell, it may still end up becoming meaningless. A shiver ran through him at the thought.

Crawling on all fours through the vents was easy enough, given his shorter stature. For a twenty-one year old male, he was below average for height among his peers. Topping out at 5'6, but that was something that had contributed to his survival without a doubt.

Guess all those six footers don't feel so cocky now...

Nearing a ventilation access port, Adam hesitated. The vents were kept locked unless you had a tool for it, which he did indeed possess. It was a small, screwdriver-like tool, that when inserted into a slot would unlock the grate that barred his way. Doing just that, the grate swung open an inch. With a deep breath, he pushed himself forward.

The grate let out into a cramped hallway, which looked as though it had been put through the wringer. Scorch marks were on some of the walls, vulgar graffiti, and a few brownish flecks of splatter from oxidized blood. There was only a little of it, and no bodies, so it was likely caused in a fist fight.

The automatic evening lights were on, which dimly lit the hall in a white fluorescent light every five meters or so. It was foreboding, but it was quiet at first glance. On the wall just ahead of Adam there was a sign filled with numbers. Room numbers, presumably. So this was a residential district. Adam had not yet been here, so these were foreign grounds. It was a symptom of having to pick up and leave recently. The last place he rested his head was being closed in on by the infestation, he just knew it. Something like a developing sixth sense.

Stepping out into the hall, Adam closed the grate enough to allow a small crack of space to be left. Should he need to make a quick escape he wouldn't have to fumble with the tool. God forbid he needed to run at all...

Stepping carefully as to make as little sound as possible, Adam began investigating the area. Despite the way things looked in the hall, the residences had been spared the same damages. Aside from maybe looting. There were a number of locked doors that had survived unmarked. Which boded well for him should he need to come back here for food.

Of course logic dictated to find the residence closest to his getaway, but should he need to sneak away, he didn't want anything to deduce his hiding place. Because if something followed him into the vents, well... that was it.

Game over...

Picking an open residence that seemed far away enough for his liking, he unsaddled his backpack and reached into it for his empty water bottles. Going into the bathroom, Adam turned the faucet on with a slight creak, but the water flowed freely, and thus he began to fill his bottles one at a time. The sound of the water flowing was noisy, the only sounds other than that were from the ventilation that pumped oxygen into the station. If things were normal, you'd never have been able to hear that over all the sounds of life aboard The Duran.

Two bottles filled, Adam still had three more to go, and they were larger bottles. It made him uneasy to be standing here. The only thing he had for defense was his stealth. If he was discovered then there'd be nothing between him and whatever came next.

Admittedly, he didn't have a clue what happened to the people who disappeared. Only that they weren't heard from again. Adam had luckily not seen any bodies in all this time, but that didn't mean the people were still alive, either. They could be dead somewhere else, gathered up for God only knows what purpose. Or trapped somewhere to fulfill some sort of alien goal that nobody could understand till it was too late. Either way, it wasn't something Adam was going to discover, hopefully.

It was almost humorous in a dark sort of way. Aliens attack the station and somehow Adam is one of the very few people to keep out of their grasp. Maybe he's the only one left? There was hardly any activity anywhere. Anybody who knew what was happening knew that groups were a death sentence, since they attracted too much attention. Everyone was a loner nowadays. Assuming anyone was left at all.

The water bottle overfilled a little and spilled over the rim during his distraction. The cold water snapped him out of it, making him curse in a hushed tone. Being so tired had dulled him, It was dangerous to be so overstretched, but so was sleeping. He hated this rock in a hard place situation so damn much-

A heavy thud sounded somewhere in the hallway. Adam's blood ran cold, that was a familiar sound. It did not bode well for him. There was no running right now, he had to hide!

Frantically searching for somewhere to hide, Adam was on the verge of panic. A wall locker caught his eye, it was a very cramped space, but if he took off his pack he could fit without a doubt.

Losing the backpack, he set it aside under the dinner table of the residence before climbing into the dark locker and shutting the door as quietly as possible. The locker had been stripped clean of all contents thanks to looters, so there was more space than anticipated. It made a perfect hiding place for him. In the door of the locker were slits that allowed him to peer out with a somewhat obstructed view. But for the most part he could see what was happening.

Watching out from the slits he couldn't see much at all. From the bathroom the water was still running noisily. In his haste to hide himself he hadn't thought to shut it off. The noise would likely attract unwanted attention. Too late to do anything about it now except remain quiet and hope for the best. Not like he could do much more than that anyway.

From the hall, thudding footsteps could be heard approaching, gaining more bass as they came ever closer. It was so near now, Adam felt his hands becoming clammy as the creature would soon come into view, surely. Hopefully that saying about predators being able to smell fear was nothing but a myth. Otherwise Adam may as well scream his location out loud.

The footsteps stopped near the threshold of the door, it was likely peering in, seeing what there was to see from there. What reason did it have to be cautious? Nothing stopped it, no matter what people threw at it. Why was it even investigating this area? What had attracted it? Was it the water flowing through the pipes? If it's senses were that acute, hiding would have no effect whatsoever. But Adam knew these things well enough. They were very perceptive, but not perfect. All he needed to do was be careful, remain calm...


From the doorway the footsteps came again. Entering the confines of the residence and echoing off the walls within to what seemed like deafening effect. The beast's image was now visible to Adam through his hiding place. It resembled an attractive human female, but with very obvious traits that spoke of its alien nature.

It was massive, maybe seven feet tall by his guess. It had to lurch forwards to be able to fit in the space of the residence without bumping its head. It's body was deceptively lithe, athletic, even. But it was stronger than any human could ever be, it could destroy any normal human being, should it choose to. The hair of the creature was long enough to just cover the nape of its pale skinned neck, and was a purplish black color that seemed to shimmer in the light. Each one had unique hair, varying from longer and shorter. It was some of the very little deviation from their otherwise uniform bodies. The other being their faces, which were also unique to each individual.

Along its figure, trailing down from its chest at the sides down to its legs, were smooth, black, scale-like growths. Each one resembled a plate of armor, and were likely used to that effect. It's breasts were covered by that same carapace, as were it's forearms and legs- which were covered in smaller, more maneuverable scales- giving it an armored appearance. Though the midriff was uncovered, as were the thighs. Though it was more than fast enough to make up for those vulnerable areas.

Another alien feature was the tail, which was a very long spine-like protrusion that ran the length of its body and more. It was a prehensile tail, and at the end of it was a sharp, menacing, blade that could be used for defense of itself. Much more often it was used as an offensive tool. The same could be said of its hands. They were covered in more of that black carapace material, but they also ended in pointed claws. Resembling a medieval gauntlet, they were deadly.

Perhaps the most unsettling feature was their eyes. They were bright red, and glowed dully. Anyone who came close enough to notice that glow and live to tell of it was rare. What was worse was that behind those eyes was an intelligence. It was still fairly easy to fool once you understood how it reacted, but one could never underestimate it. It would adapt over time. The same distractions would lose their effect. Wherever you trapped it, it would escape. It never spoke, making noises like grunts or throaty growls and hisses. All of which sounded vaguely human, which was frightening on its own.

To anyone who lacked experience with these beings they could be fooled by its appearance. Enticing people to approach, which was a fatal mistake. There were never any male versions of whatever they were, which was reminiscent of a bee hive. As all the workers were female in a bee colony. Thankfully, they didn't swarm like bees. Perhaps they even had a hive?

While being on the run, Adam made sure to study his enemy as best he could. Noting the nonexistent weaknesses it had and how best to avoid it. This time he'd been caught with his pants down, but hopefully it'd just do a cursory sweep and be on its way.

With slow, methodical movements it took in its surroundings, scanning over the locker with no visible suspicion. Still too early to be at ease, but things certainly looked promising for Adam upon first glance. Literally.

It followed the source of the noise in the space, the running faucet. She- it, seemed to be a tad perplexed by what it saw. Reaching a hand out towards the liquid and touching it with a fingertip. It flinched away from the water, surprised or maybe even pained. A small hiss escaped it. Had the water been too cold for its liking?

With one quick movement the creature swung its fist against the faucet, bending it with ease and subsequently stopping the flow of water. There went his water source... hopefully she didn't smash anymore than this one.

With the room now silent, she turned around and put her attention to the rest of the residence. Was she aware that something was amiss? Did she sense or smell him? Whatever the case, he'd just have to wait her out. Being stuck in this locker was beginning to feel like being in a coffin. Thankfully Adam wasn't claustrophobic, but the small space certainly didn't make him feel as much safe as it did trapped now.

With her in the kitchen Adam couldn't see her anymore except for her long tail swaying side to side. Maybe he could make a break for it while her back was turned? There was no way to remain sneaky with her being right there, but in this small space he may be able to outrun her to the exit, shut the door on her, and buy himself enough time to make it back to his vent hideaway. Could he grab his bag in that time though? It had all his water in it and a few other supplies, after all. Maybe he could come back for it later?

As he was formulating his plan, she turned around and became visible again. Beginning to direct her attention towards the floor. Rather, the kitchen table where his bag had been hidden.

Grabbing the edge of the kitchen table, she flung it away like it was nothing. Tossing it against the door of the locker by chance, making Adam flinch away from the viewport. Somehow he'd managed to not gasp, and thankfully the door remained closed and unbroken. Returning to the slits he watched intently.

In her hand was his bag, dangled from its straps. It seemed like she was curious of it, manipulating it in both her hands, looking it over with scrutiny clear on her face. Taking it in for every detail, going as far as to put her face against it and rub against it like a cat. God, she couldn't pick up his scent with that, could she?

Unceremoniously, she allowed the bag to drop to the floor with a thud, and turned back around towards the bathroom with a purpose. Inside the bathroom was a shower with a closed curtain. That's where her attention was focused.

She knew he was hiding somewhere!

There wasn't any question, now he had to run before it was too late!

With her bladed tail, she stabbed through the shower curtain. As she pulled her tail back it pulled the whole curtain rod and curtains down on top of her body and over her head.

Now was his chance!

Bursting out of the locker, Adam went for the door, snatching up his bag as he did. Making sure to hit the control panel beside the door on the way out to shut it behind him. Adam didn't stop to look behind him, only hearing a violent slam against the door followed by an angry, hissing growl as it closed. It probably bodied the door as it shut. Sprinting, Adam nearly tripped as he frantically ran back to the vent before that thing broke down the door or found another way out.

Sliding on the floor and hitting against the wall as he turned the corner, Adam saw the vent, wide open. The temperature control for this area must have blown it open. It didn't matter. Skidding to a halt, he tossed his bag inside first and then jumped inside himself, shutting the grate behind him. It would automatically lock. Not that it'd make a lot of difference if one of those things decided to tear the grate off it's hinges.

It was hard to control his breathing, but Adam tried to stop huffing with some success. A half smirk stretched along one side of his face at the sheer adrenaline high that filled him. It nearly made him laugh out loud. Best to get away from this area as soon as possible, the more he lingered the more chance there was of getting discovered.

Where had his bag gone?

The vent was dark, even with the maintenance lights, it would be a little bit before his eyes adjusted to see well in this rat maze again.

Crawling, Adam felt around in the dimness for his bag. There was a flashlight inside it. Eventually he found the strap of the bag and dragged it towards him. The bag was familiar, so he was able to feel around it to be able to open and search it without issue. Withdrawing his light from one of the pockets, he hoped the batteries were charged.

Clicking the light on he shined it down the vent.


Two dim, red, glowing, orbs stared at him as he shined his light down the ventilation shaft.

The light reflected off of the pale face of one of those creatures as it stared at him, unblinking, unmoving, only watching. It's head was cocked to the side, it's long, silken hair glowed in his light, which with her pale skin and red eyes gave her a ghostly appearance. Neither party moved as they met each other's eyes.

This section of vent had been specifically picked by him because it was too far away from the dangerous areas of the station for the vents to be a concern for the time being. How did she?-

The grate, it was fully open when he climbed in. In his panic he never considered that there may have been another one of those things scouting near here. She must have noticed the grate and climbed inside to investigate the peculiarity.

The two still locked eyes, unblinking and unmoving. Why didn't it lunge at him upon first seeing him? Did it take pleasure in watching him sit there in wide eyed horror?

Terror filled him, he wanted to scream, but his voice refused to come. Disbelief, anger, sadness, everything mixed In him and nullified each other to form a near indifference. Instinct told him to run, but the vent had locked behind him, there was nowhere to go. He couldn't outrun her, not in the vents, and not in the hall...

This was it... all that time surviving only delayed the inevitable. What a waste...

With one hand she moved forward, threatening to lunge in an almost cat-like manner. Instinctively, Adam dropped his flashlight and pressed his back against the vent grate, making it creak. The light now lit only one side of her face. Showing the dull red glow of her eyes on the opposite side of her face as she approached slowly. Despite there being no expression on her face, and maybe not even possessing an ability to feel pleasure, Adam knew she was enjoying this in some way...

At his back the grate tore away, and he spilled out onto the floor of the hallway, rolling backwards and landing on his belly. Shooting his gaze up, he saw that the one from the residence had broken free, and followed him. Towering over him, she tossed the broken grate away behind her as she glared down upon him. On all fours, Adam attempted to stand up, making it to his feet, but having his balance knocked off as her tail wrapped around his ankle and pulled it out from under him. Landing him on his back.

Frantically, Adam backpedaled, kicking with his legs as she watched him crawl away. The long, striding steps she took allowed her to catch up with no effort. Did these things just sadistically enjoy watching their prey squirm?!

From the vent the other emerged, sliding out silently and shooting her gaze between her sister and Adam. Watching with curiosity as the other continued to advance on him.

Eventually hitting a wall in his retreat, Adam saw he was at a dead end. Nowhere to run. Entirely cornered...

The two stood side by side, the one he'd trapped was easy to differentiate from the two, as she had shorter hair, and a furious expression. Heh, guess they were more human than he gave them credit for.

The angry one crouched briefly and launched towards him with hands outstretched. Adam brought his hands up to try and protect himself, but it did no good. It was a meaningless action as her hands clasped against his throat and began to squeeze. Pinning him to the floor as she crouched over his body.

Adam grasped at her wrists, fruitlessly trying to get her to release him. Kicking his legs out of instinct, Adam could not breathe. The focus of his gaze- in what was safe to assume were his last moments- were the eyes of his killer. That red glow seeming to burn brighter in her rage. Assuming there was even such a thing as hate in these beings.

It was becoming harder to think. The edges of his vision blurred, and it was impossible to get his body to move with the same vigor, feeling as though he was made of lead. His hands fell away from her wrists limply as his eyes rolled back in his head as a kind of sleep overtook him.

Was this what it felt like to die?...

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