i could never hate you {toni...

By arabellawallis

37.9K 1.2K 146

"when are you going to get it through your head that i could never hate you?" i do not own the wilds or the c... More

00 . the beginning
01 . the island
03 . jeanette
04 . the phone
05 . survival shows
06 . friendships and relationships
07 . thunderstorms
08 . heart to hearts
09 . the black box and apologies
please read ♡
10 . days drone on, emotions run strong
not an update ...
11 . waterfalls and revelations

02 . the 'accident'

3K 103 3
By arabellawallis

The trio made their way further up the grass, Toni and Marley muttering whatever came to their minds the way they've always done, choosing to ignore the disapproving noises coming from the blonde ahead of them. 

"You know what I bet?" Marley asked, walking backwards to face Toni.

"That we'll be filthy rich when they find us?" Toni guessed, earning a smile from Marley.

"Actually yeah. I mean think about it we can sue for damages and claim loads of benefits off this shit show." Marley gushed, dreaming up a life outside the island even though she knew there was little chance of it coming true. "Not that you need the money right, Princess?" she calls to Shelby, who hides the smile on her face before turning to the pair of them.

"Just be quiet and keep a listen out for water." she said, eyes glancing between the two of them, sensing Toni's hostile nature. 

"You know I think it's your ponytail, it's putting us off," Marley retorted.

"Yeah I mean I've been looking at it for so long I think it thinks it's better than me," Tony added snappily. At this, Shelby turned around, gesturing in front of her. 

"Then why don't the two of you lead the way."

"Fine." Tony snapped, and the two of them walked slightly ahead. "Princess?" she muttered to Marley. "What was that about?"

"It's a joke, Toni, relax," Marley replied before the two of them rolled their eyes hearing the blonde start praying aloud. 

"Weren't you just telling us to shut up and listen for water?" Tony whirled to face the blonde.

"It's different," Shelby said, "when you pray, God opens your senses." That earned a scoff from Toni.

"God is such a joke." Toni said. 

"Yeah, you know he's just a brainwashing tool that's used to enslave the masses?" Marley piped up.

"Even if He were a brainwashing tool," Shelby said, taking a step closer to Marley, Toni moving between them slightly, "Don't you ever think your brains could use a good ol' scrub?" Shelby asked. 

"Fuck off." Marley spat, turning round and continuing to walk, Toni matching her pace, something as simple as her presence calming Marley slightly, who chose to ignore the blonde behind them as she continuously prayed aloud, the sound along irritating Marley to her wits end, which Toni noticed, her own anger resurfacing. Continuing up through the grass, Toni saw an opportunity when Marley pushed a couple branches out the way for them to get past, Toni took over holding them before harshly letting them back into Shelby's face causing her to fall down the path they had just walked up, screaming as she did. 

"Shit, Shelby," Toni said, fear crossing her once angry features as her and Marley hurried back to help her. "I'm so sorry," she started.

"It's alright, I'm fine," Shelby said, bringing a hand to her temple, her fingers coming away covered in blood. 

"Shit, we are so sorry," Marley said softly, her and Toni going to help hoist Shelby back to her feet, the blonde simply shaking them off.

"You too should go on back." she said, turning to face them. "I will too but I think you should get a head start. I would prefer to do the walk back alone." With solemn, guilty faces, the pair headed back towards the others.

"Toni.." Marley spoke, reaching out to take hold of the girl's arm. "It was an accident.."

"We both know it wasn't Marley. I let my anger get the better of me again." Toni snapped, shaking the girl's hand off her arm, walking ahead to find the group again, Marley following close behind before she stopped. "You alright? We're nearly back." 

"Yeah, yeah I'm good I just have to pee. You keep going." Marley replied with a smile, watching as Toni's eyes scanned her face before she left. In truth, Marley didn't have to pee, but she ripped off the bottom half of her shirt and waited for Shelby to catch up.

"I told the two of y'all to walk ahead."

"Yeah, I know it's just, look we're sorry okay?" Marley said, folding the ripped half of her shirt into a small square and holding it to Shelby's face as she looked at the girl in shock. "I can be nice, Shelby, don't seem so surprised." she replied with a chuckle, earning a small smile from the girl in response. "Come on, we're not far from the others," she finished before the two made their way back to the group, Toni watching them, confusion and annoyance in her eyes as she looked over the pair.

"Shelby. Marley." Martha called as the girls walked over to join them. Noticing Toni stood back, looking nervous, Marley joined the girl, standing by her side, their shoulders brushing each others, watching as the girl's enveloped Shelby in conversation.

"What happened to your shirt?" 

"Oh, I ripped the bottom half so she could put a little pressure on her head," Marley shrugged in response. "I figured it was the least I could do to help." she added, sensing the hostility radiating off Toni.

"Right I forgot the two of you are such good fucking friends," Toni said, moving away from Marley and over to the others. 

"Toni.." Marley sighed before going to follow her.

"Guys! Hey, guys, the phone's working!" They all turned to see Rachel waving them over, pure joy written across her face and they all rushed over. "We have to be strategic about this call. We have one bar and very low battery." she continued in an attempt to take charge of the situation at hand. "So every second counts."

"Can I just say I am ready to make the call." Shelby stated, taking a step forwards. "My aunt she's a 911 operator-"

"- No. We don't know where we are and if we're closer to Japan then 911 will be useless." Rachel snapped.

"Japan's emergency number is 119." Nora piped up, but Rachel ignored her.

"Look," Rachel said, "we only have to get into contact with one person so everyone should have someone in mind. Make sure you know their number by heart and make sure that they love you enough to be waiting at the phone right now." At this, Marley sighed and sat on the floor beside Toni's legs, leaning her head against them trying to seek some kind of reassurance. 

"I haven't got anyone other than Toni and Martha so.." she said softly, looking down at the sand to distract herself from the looks she was getting from the others.

"You're not calling Mom and Dad?" Nora asked Rachel, confusion written across her face.

"They're in Morocco, Nora, I doubt they even know yet. I'm calling coach."

"No." Nora stated, snatching the phone from her sister. "Not her, you're not calling her."

"Nora give me the phone!" the other girls simply watched in amazement, Toni sitting beside Marley.

"Sorry about overreacting," she whispered, as if nervous to admit it.

"It's fine. We have a past we can't help it," Marley replied quietly with a small smile.

"I'm calling Dad's cell."

"They won't answer, Nora, listen to me."

Their argument was cut off by the phone beeping and Rachel took a step back from her sister, disappointment lacing her features. 

"Great job, Nora, really."

"Do you mind if I try?" Shelby cut in, taking the phone from Nora's hands. "If I know the Goodkinds they'll be pacing holes in the carpet right now." she muttered, dialling her parent's number.

"I'm not listening to this shit anymore," Marley whispered to Toni, standing up and making her way over to the rocks, lifting herself to sit on one as Toni watched after her.

"Don't bother." Marley heard Dot say from where she was, "Andrew's probably dick deep in Christa Findlay right now." Toni took the phone from Shelby, handing it to Martha, who immediately dialled her mother's number, again with no luck. Marley then saw Fatin take the phone, anger seething from her as she dialled her parents, walking off slightly to get away from the noise of the now arguing group of girls.

"Hey are you alright?" Leah asked Jeanette, as she covered her mouth and backed away from the group, Marley watching confused. 

"I'm sorry.." Jeanette muttered, turning away and spitting blood onto the sand, before straightening up with a dazed look in her eyes.

"Jeanette?" Leah asked, concerned. Marley got down from the rock and made her way over, watching in fear as Jeanette fell face first on to the floor.

"Hey, it's ringing!" Fatin exclaimed, holding the group's attention. All but three of them at least. 

Marley helped Leah roll Jeanette onto her back, the worst being confirmed at the state of Jeanette's body, with a shaky hand, Marley used her sleeve to wipe the blood from the side of the girl's mouth. 

"Holy shit.." Marley muttered as Leah stared in shock at the scene before her. 

"Shit, it's dead," Fatin stated, hitting the sides of the phone.

"Guys?!" Leah called out, bringing the attention to the scene at hand. "She .. she's dead." Marley stood from beside Jeanette, moving to stand next to Martha, who linked her arm with hers, unknowingly holding the girl up, Toni watching from beside them.

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