Will of the Stars -SoW fanfic...

By Cloudless_Skyy

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We all have demons... and sometimes they win. ... More

Chapter Ⅰ: First snowfall
Chapter Ⅱ: Cold hugs
Chapter Ⅲ: Stars
Chapter Ⅳ: forests
Chapter Ⅴ: Gift
Chapter Ⅵ: Mountain
Chapter Ⅶ: light
Chapter Ⅸ: Captive
Chapter Ⅹ: hellfire
Chapter Ⅺ: Death
Chapter Ⅻ: Broken Crown
Chapter ⅫⅠ : Past and present
Chapter ⅩⅠV: Family
Chapter ⅩV: Will of the stars
Lost time (epilogue)

Chapter Ⅷ: Storm

402 14 22
By Cloudless_Skyy


Lightning cracked the sky, the blue and purple hues illuminated everything as rain poured from the clouds, getting anything and everything soaked.

Amaya sat holding her daughter, who was shaking from fear of the storm.

The mother had sung to her child in an attempt to calm her down.

"Just close your eyes,

the sun is going down

You'll be alright,

no one can hurt you now

Come morning light,

you and I'll be safe and sound

Just close your eyes, you'll be alright

Come morning light,

you and I'll be safe and sound"

Amaya softly hummed the rest of the song calming her daughter down, Amaya glanced over at Achillean's empty cot. He had woken up just that morning and had left to go get something

Amaya glanced up to see the tent door flap open. Achillean walked inside his side had been wrapped with clean gauze and his hair had been fixed, it wasn't as messy and unkempt as it had been.

A strike of lightning flashed in the sky behind Him a loud crack of thunder rumbled soon after. Amaya felt her daughter move closer to her, nuzzling into her side, as she trembled slightly.

Amaya pulled a blanket closer around her, making her child feel safer.

when Achillean had woken up Amaya felt relieved.

She had asked the stars for help.

He was the help they sent.

"Are you feeling better?" Amaya asked.

Achillean nodded poking at his side testing the wound. "Better.. just hurting is all,"

Amaya nodded, gesturing to the spot beside her.

Getting the hint Achillean moved to sit next to Amaya. the sound of the rain roared just above the roof of the tent. part of Amaya worried that the tent might collapse from the weight of the pooling rainwater, but it never caved in.

With Ember fast asleep on the Voltaris' lap, Amaya felt at peace, for once.

She leaned her head on Achillean's shoulder, feeling the warmth of his body heat mix with her own.

"I don't think I've ever thanked you for helping me and Ember," Amaya whispered, Achillean wrapped his arm around her shoulder, "There isn't a need, you have given me something I never thought I would find in this war."

"And what might that be?"

"Peace, and a closeness with you." He paused. "I do not yet understand what I feel, but it is a wonderful contrast to the pain I've felt because of this war."


Achillean nuzzled the top of Amaya's head, all of his worries had melted away in the moments he shared with her, for once he didn't have to worry about the war effort or what he was going to have to do next.

he could just be.. himself. not some war hero, not a champion.

Just Achillean.

hearing voices outside of the tent, he got up from his spot next to Amaya; feeling the cold penetrate his skin again.

He peered outside of the tent spotting the two Sendaris brothers bickering. like always. He sighed, shaking his head as he made his way over to them, shaking the exhaustion from his body.

"What are the two of you fighting over this time?"

"Nothing important." Galleous quickly cut in, stopping Thalleous from saying something; which earned him a glare from the other.

Huffing at his brother's interruption, Thalleous turned towards the Nestoris. "I've heard of your Voltaris friend,"

Achillean grew tense, he knew the other would not like the idea of a Voltaris being in the camp.

"No sarcastic comment?" He asked, the Tidesinger knew of his habit of sarcastic and crude remarks.

"I have no comment," He retorted. "You already know what I'm thinking."

Achillean did not respond. He did know what the other was thinking. It was no secret as to what Thalleous thought of the Voltaris clan.


Achillean softly exhaled, his thoughts going a million miles a second. He was glad to get away for a moment, even if his peace did not last as long as he would like. He glanced over at Amaya, her eyes shining brightly as they reflected the soft snowfall.

He felt Amaya's hand brush against his own, Achillean clasped his hand over hers; gently squeezing it. He glanced at her again and she met his gaze with a soft smile, a faint blush painted across her face.

He felt his face heat up at how close they were, he glanced at her, his warm breath brushed across her face. "Can I?" he whispered, his finger gently brushing across her cheeks, Nestoris bit his lip.

Amaya met his gaze, nodding. The space between them closed as his soft lips gently pressed against hers, Amaya kissed him back, it all felt natural, and the feeling between the two of them was genuine and real. like it was supposed to happen. Achillean pulled Amaya close to him, feeling a warmth spread through his chest. He found his worries absent from his mind. He could just be in this moment forever.

He couldn't find the ability to speak, not that any words needed to be said at that point in time. Part of Achillean told himself that it was a terrible idea to gain attachment to someone- especially in this way, the way he felt about Amaya.

But their moment was cut short as a crack of a twig alerted them of someone's presence.

Both Ardoni looked around for the source of the noise.

Achillean quickly pulled out his staff in case he would have to fight, he shuddered slightly feeling the magic from the enchantment flood through him.

at the edge of the clearing, shadowed by the trees stood another Ardoni, adorned in red markings.

markings that Achillean was, regretfully, dreading seeing.

"Tsk, tsk. letting your guard down as always, Achillean. Why am I not surprised."

"What do you want?" Achillean cut him off, he knew what the other did, the mind games he played.

"You already know," Ingressus replied.

"No I don't, you constantly hunt me down only to never kill me. What game are you playing?"

"One that I plan to win." Ingressus took a few steps forward, his stride was unwavering and powerful, his gaze landed on Amaya, his lips twitching into a smirk, beside him Achillean could feel Amaya grow tense; he moved his hand out in a protective motion, his amber eyes hardening.

"Protective are we?"

"If you try anything you'll find out,"

"I just might," He threatened darkly.

Achillean pulled Amaya closer, readying his song to get them both away if the situation got to that point. The tension in the air grew to be so thick it was hard to breathe like a fog had just settled on them and wouldn't let go.

As Ingressus drew closer, Achillean took his chance and used his song to get himself and Amaya a little further away from the other Voltaris. He grabbed her hand and started to run.

but they didn't make it far.

The two legends fought, going at each other, for what felt like the thousandth time. but like all the other fights, neither would remain victorious; however, this time around one would lose for what would feel like months.

Achillean wiped the blood from his lip, getting it smeared across his face, his lungs burned with each step he took, each attack he sent towards the other.

Ingressus kicked his ribcage knocking the air from his lungs, it was as if he were being choked despite no hand around his throat. He recovered quickly, slamming his polearm into the other's side knocking Ingressus back several feet. He growled, a dangerous look shining in his eyes.

behind Amaya a crack split the air, causing the female to squeak slightly, jumping away from the sound. A dark portal had been summoned, the purple light from the magic washed over all three Ardoni.

"Just in time," Achillean heard Ingressus whisper-growl, he locked eyes with the Voltaris, as he ran at him, but just before colliding using a mobileport to get to Amaya, with one swift motion he held her captive his sword rested against her throat, restraining any form of struggle from the female.


Ingressus could feel Amaya's pounding heart against his chest, it was a parallel to his own, calm heartbeat.

"Ah, ah not another step," Ingressus threatened Achillean, who had a panicked look in his eyes.

"You wouldn't- you won't hurt her,"

"Are you sure about that?" He tilted his head, his red eyes narrowed to tiny slits. "Try it," he dared. "Take another step and see what happens."

"I know you-" Achillean tried, Ingressus could tell he didn't want to believe his brother had fallen so far into corruption he would be willing to hurt and even kill blood from his own clan.

"No you don't, you never have, and never will," Ingressus snarled, tightening his grip on Amaya, ceasing her struggles completely.

"But I've tried!" Achillean shouted, he almost never raised his voice, no matter the situation.

"And you've failed, why do you think this war happened in the first place?"

At that his adversary fell silent, Ingressus' face twisted into a smirk. A sense of accomplishment washed over him, silencing the Tidesinger was something he couldn't manage to do often enough.

"Nothing to say?" Ingressus mocked.

Achillean looked like he wanted to say so much, but he remained silent. His amber pupils were shaking with tension and fear.

"Let me go-" Amaya whispered,

"Not happening," he growled in her ear.

"Y-you are the master of the Voltaris-you took an oath to protect the members of the c-clan-"

"I'm protecting you from him. He is not to be trusted." Each word from Ingressus was an accusation, he dug his nails deeper into her skin making the Voltaris whimper. "And last time I checked you abandoned the rest of us," he hissed.

Achillean took a step forwards, making Ingressus force Amaya's head up with his sword, hinting at the fact he wouldn't hesitate to slit her throat.

"Ingressus-" Achillean tried, Ingressus swore he could hear the pounding of the Nestoris' heart from where he stood, he lowered his sword slightly, the game had only just begun, he would twist the situation to be in his favor, give Achillean a false sense of security and then strike.

For a brief moment, the Nestoris actually looked hopeful that the other might let her go.

But things were never that simple.


Achillean's heart felt like it might explode

He knew what Ingressus could do to her, he knew what he would do.

The thought made his heart twisted inside, the only reason she was in this position was that he.. He had allowed himself to get close with someone else, he swore at the start of the war he wouldn't- he couldn't get close with someone else. If they weren't close, Deathsinger couldn't use them against the Tidesinger. He had already lost someone to the Deathsinger... he couldn't bear losing someone else again... not so soon.

Not Amaya.

Not to the same person who took Ingressus from him, his brother...

"Nothing to say?" The male Voltaris must have wanted to hear the Tidesinger plead. Achillean locked gazes with Ingressus, the other still had that dangerous glint in his eyes.

He tightened his grip on his polearm, he didn't want to test if Ingressus would actually slit her throat if he moved or not. It was a risk he didn't want to take.

For a moment the corruption and darkness faded from his eyes and he lowered the sword from Amaya's throat, and Achillean had foolishly allowed himself to hope.

With the portal quickly dimming his hope grew.

Without a seconds moment of hesitation, Ingressus pulled Amaya through the portal, and just like that Achillean was left alone, with only the sound of his rapidly beating heart and the dying portal.

He slammed his fist into the side of the, now deactivated obsidian portal frame. Panic and fear as well as slight frustration clawed at his heart, threatening to tear it out.

"I won't leave you there," he whispered out loud, he exhaled, swallowing his cry. He felt like he was drowning. "Just.. hold on.. Please.."

Authors note:

rewrites go brrr 

I'm 70% sure that at some point I will find the need to rewrite sections of older chapters and entire chapters. but who knows.

anyway, thank you for reading. 

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