New Book of Random NSC stuff

By the-pulls

23.4K 1.4K 923

Decided to get rid of the old one for some reason But this'll just be filled with whatever Read it if you wan... More

I'm in tears
Headcanons that are headcanons
THQ except it's in the Sims 4 (ACT 1)
Coming... Eventually
The beginning of the end
Okay, but...
Theories for the ending...
W e l l
Just thought I'd say a few things
Yes mmmm
Not NSC realated, but...
Consider: Lion King AU
Consider: Disenchantment AU
Consider: Wizard of Oz AU
Consider: The Nightmare Before Christmas AU
Before I forget again
More headcanons
A bunch of THQ memes
Harry Potter AU
Before i forget again
Beetlejuice AU
Nobody asked for this, but-
Even more headcanons
Beetlejuice AU
Pokémon AU
Harry Potter AU: Year One
Disney Characters AU
Fnaf au (?)
Inside Out AU
I don't know why I imagine this, but-
Im just gonna talk
Talk some more
This is so funny im gonna cry
Evil Scientist AU
Just gonna talk mooore
Even MORE talking
Mafia AU + Prison AU pics
hey punk
Important stuff
Some more important stuff + memes
B r u h
Consider: a better version of Mean Girls the Musical AU
B r u h
Totally Forgot: Superhero AU
Not very important but
Fanart for people because i can
THRQ vines
MEME REVIEW (latest THRQ episode)
Relating to Richard on a spiritual level because i cant sleep
Important questions and some info
Let's talk about Don
THRQ Vines pt. 2
Brutally Honest ACT I
Brutally Honest ACT II
Uni-Chan Annoys Me
a serious chat
Three... Two... One..?
The End
Really the End
Oh yeah....
[TATTLETAIL COMIC] Chapter One: Child's Play
Heyyy (another art idea)
Fixing Don Tropes
Fixing THQ fanfic Tropes: Dresses
Finally a Cover
I talk about stuff
The Future of the Dres&Don Show
I am speed
Brutally Honest Song List
Somebody stop me
*visible confusion*
Coming Out
whats up simps
Still alive
No I Refuse
Onë quäeśtiön
Serious stuff
When it comes to the stories
[TATTLETAIL COMIC] Chapter Two: Open the Box
[TATTLETAIL COMIC] Chapter Six: Turn the Page
[TATTLETAIL COMIC] Chapter Eight: Night of the Living Toys
Tattletail Comic Notes/Plots
Things are getting better
Historically Inaccurate: notes
Historically Inaccurate: plot
unfinished Apocalypse AU
Until Someone Gets Hurt (unfinished)
It's up
Ch Ch Ch Changesss (Important!)
Hey I Made Some Playlists
We Migrating Boys

Unfinished Murder Mystery Dinner Party

69 3 0
By the-pulls

I basically stole the idea for this story from Edgar Allan Poe's Murder Mystery Dinner Party on YouTube. It's really good, check it out

Hope it isn't too early to post this. I just wanna clear my notes and get some story stuff outta the way

Nick: The Host
Jon: The Jokester
Ashlie: The Knight
Uni: The Gardner
Dawn: The Author
Wiliker: The Carpenter
Lindsey: The Innocent
Dick: The Poet
Don: The Inventor
Duni: The Romantic
Ducy and LinDsey: The Gossips

-Nick and Jon discuss the party as Jon sets the table, giving exposition until there's a knock at the door

-Guests arrive
Jon (lives across the street)

Guests (in order from appearance):
-Dashlie (arrives "fashionably late" only to realize she was the first and missed the time change sent out in the group messenger pigeon. She leaves early to come back later)
-Duni (will be waiting out in the bushes for Uni to show up)
-Ashlie (is wearing her hair up under a hat and a fake mustache, going by "Sir Ashlyn Thomas the Impeccable". Jon says he does not recall inviting any Knight to the party, but Nick says it's Ashlie, trying to remind Ashlie that he gave up on the dare for her to roleplay a character for so long. Ashlie denies this and lists her character's likes and dislikes, mocking roleplay forms. Then Nick calls her out and Ashlie says he's no fun before throwing down the hat and ripping the mustache off. Jon gasps and she heads to the dining room)
-Uni and Dawn (arrive normally. Jon nearly slams the door in Dawn's face as Ashlie leaves, as he didn't see him walking up. Nick and Jon invite the two in. Shortly after, Duni arrives after Jon says it'll be a while until guests should arrive, these are just the early arrivers, then he decides to just chill by the door with Nick)
-Davis and Lindsey (Davis and Jon say each other's names and lame exposition before Davis trots off. Lindsey was looking for Ashlie to go to the party with but she came across Sir Ashlyn instead, and she just ended up arriving at the same time as Davis)
-Dick (first no one is there when they open the door, which is impossible for someone to disappear in the time it took from them knocking and Jon answering the door since Jon literally closed the door after Lindsey and then heard the knocking, then opened the door. Jon says that to Nick before they both turn back to see Dick in the doorframe. There's a literal raven on his shoulder, Jon questions if it is real but doesn't get an answer. Dick speaks in rhymes and Nick questions this and gets a vague answer. Nick looks at Jon and asks quietly if Dick was on the guest list and yes he was; the next they look at the door no one is there. Then Dick speaks behind them, scaring them again as he says he will be in the dinning room)
-Wiliker (came here for his cousin)
-*Lucy and Diliker (not guests. awkwardly arrive behind Wiliker, asking for directions to a fancy-sounding restaurant. Wiliker questions that this is the guy Lucy is going out with. After an awkward exchange, Jon gives the directions and Diliker and Lucy leave)
-Don (arrives normally yet a bit awkward, showing he doesn't know how to socialize much. He's an inventor and brought a microwave... ok. Jon makes a joke and Nick laughs, and a few seconds later Don laughs and points out that that was a joke. Jon says yep. Don says he will go now but awkwardly steps around the two. Jon points to the dinning room before Don thanks him and leaves. Jon hisses about how awkward he was)
-DDawn (arrives normally. Acts sus. Nick says it's a murder mystery party and DDawn grins evilly. Nick promises there will be no real murdering and DDawn suspiciously says "yes I would hope so" before laughing evilly, afterwards apologizing and saying he just remembered something funny before shaking the hosts' hands and assuming the party is being held in the dinning room, which Nick confirms)
-Ducy and LinDsey (arrives as obnoxious dates, wanting to meet some fine boys. Nick reminds them that this is a murder mystery party and they laugh, saying of course it is. Then they skip to the dinning room)

Ducy was not expected, but Ducy says it's ok and decides to make Dashlie scoot over and make room.
Guests introduce themselves. Richard recites "Alone" by Edgar Allen Poe

-Davis "dies". Jon and Don announce there is a murder at the same time but Jon yells at Don. Dawn is ordered to take notes. Nick gets blamed for the murder, but then it shifts to Jon since he has actual motive. But although he hated Davis, he would never kill. Richard retells the tail of Hop-Frog by Edgar Allen Poe. Jon accuses Dick of thinking he killed Davis just because he's a jester. Jon defends he'd never kill anyone in front of all these people. Their arguing gets interrupted by LinDsey, still having a coughing fit. She does not want to hang around anymore and takes off down the hallway. Her coughing stops, Uni points this out and assumes she got better, but the coughing resumes. Then it abruptly stops as LinDsey dies

-LinDsey dies. She always did have an ugly dress, Dashlie points out. Nick says no one leaves the house until the killer is caught. Everyone disagrees, saying they will be trapped in a house with a killer. But Nick rationalizes that if the killer is not caught, then they will be unleashing a murderer out onto the streets. Every passing second tonight is another chance for the murderer to kill another innocent person. They will stow the bodies away in the body-storing room and then see the notes Dawn collected. Dashlie questions why he has a body-storing room, but Nick makes her feel inferior by questioning "You don't?" and Ashlie backing him up by saying "Mine's in my attic"

-Return to dinning room as they struggle to figure out what could've killed LinDsey. Sir Ashlyn points out that the "flowers" Nick had set up on the table were actually Hemlock. Nick says that Jon was the one who set the table and decorated it. Jon says, again, if he ever wanted to kill anyone, it wouldn't be in front of all these people because of potential witnesses. He even takes out a journal apparently filled with ways he would kill all his friends. "As one does" Ashlie concernedly says. They see who was seated next to Davis and LinDsey at the time
Uni, DDawn
Lindsey, Dashlie, Ducy
And question them there and then
They all testify they aren't guilty. People accuse Nick, who defends himself, and Jon asks for Dawn's notes, who has written down info that was brought up in the introductions. They question how he got the pictures and red string and had time to set it all up so quickly, but they don't go any further as Dawn gives information on who the killer could be, saying the most likely to kill them would be Uni. Duni defends him.
There is not enough evidence yet. Dashlie says they are just supposed to sit around and wait? That's dumb. Don snidely remarks if she wants to split up and look for clues, and Jon points out that that is smart

Nick lays out his blueprint of the house. He just.... really had that on him, huh?
Clue teams:
Uni, Duni, Dawn: back half of Bottom Floor
Nick, Dashlie, Jon: front half of Second Floor
Dick, Don, Ducy: front half of Bottom Floor
Ashlie, Wiliker: Top Floor (attic technically, but it's furnished)
Lindsey, DDawn: back half of second floor
When everyone understands where they're going and what the place is like, Dawn offers to take the blueprints, and Nick is swayed by Dawn's polite voice that he doesn't even hesitate

-As the teams split up, Duni helps Nick with Davis and LinDsey's bodies. they will join their teams later as their teammates tell them where they're going

-Uni and Dawn. Venturing down the hallway to the other set of stairs and theorizing who the killer could be. Dawn has no opinion. They find a clue that unknowingly links Duni to the crimes

-Dick, Don, Ducy. Scoping out hallway LinDsey died in. Ducy finds a decent clue relating to Dashlie between the arguing occurring with Dick and Don, caused by Ducy lamenting over the murder, Don awkwardly conversing with her, and Dick being silent and creepy. Don gets mad with Dick cus he isn't responding to Don's words the way he wants him to. He's also being very suspicious. Dick could also recite a short poem in between the arguing. Don also gets mad and storms off so he can actually be a suspect for Wiliker's death

-Ashlie and Wiliker. They venture into a room and go into the elevator to get to the top floor. Lights go out and they cry

-Jon and Dashlie. Investigating the guest bedrooms while Dashlie somewhat hammers Jon with questions
Nick enters soon after their conversation). They find a clue that puts (someone) on the spot

-DDawn and Lindsey. In library. Lindsey asks what DDawn thinks of all this, and he gives his input. Lindsey listens and responds, then says she's afraid but is comfortable with DDawn since he seems smart and nice. DDawn was not expecting her kindness, to say the least, and he bashfully adds her compliments to his ego. They find a clue relating to Nick

-Uni and Dawn again. Duni being annoying and flirting with Uni. Duni finds another clue and then they hear screaming

-Ashlie and Wiliker. They free themselves from the elevator, Wiliker spluttering and cussing. He's upset and scared, and something so stupid as lights going off in an elevator is not very fun. They are on the second floor that was closest to where the dinning room was located

-Wiliker dies. He is electrocuted by Don's microwave when trying to open a door. Ashlie freaks

-Everyone rushes to the crime scene. They follow Ashlie's cries for help and find Don's microwave hooked up to the doorknob. Nick quickly unplugs and unhooks everything and opens the door to find Ashlie and Wiliker. Don is questioned.
Now it's time to question everyone who was on this side of the second floor. Nick Dashlie Jon? Well, Nick was gone for a hot minute, and who's to say Dashlie and Jon aren't in kahoots with one another? Dawn shoots the theory down with evidence, and he suggests they all head to the library to discuss the clues they found. But before, they need to clean up the body. Ashlie tries to act manly but can't pick Wiliker up. Then Uni tries but fails. Jon picks the body up after being tired of everything and then they head out

-Group gathers in library
They need to find out clues at Wiliker's crime scene. Split up again

Jon and Dawn

Ashlie, Uni, and Nick scope out the crime scene

Lindsey and Duni

Dick and Don stay in the library


-Dick talks to Don about his contraption. Discuss who the killer must be
Dick also successfully swoons Don with his poetry (probably the first time that's ever happened)

-Don dies. Richard was with him

Richard is questioned. He's in shock. Why would he kill him if he was the only one with him?

Jon is questioned because he obviously didn't like the guy that much

Nick is berated by Richard, saying he definitely planned for all this to happen. Who else will die in this sick game of his? Nick defends himself, and Dawn jumps to calm everyone down

-Jon enters the bathroom to clear his mind and contact the dead (information about this not entirely given). He washes his face and the next moment, Richard is next to him, startling Jon. Dick asks what he is doing and Jon hesitates before saying he was just trying to clear his head because of all the stress. They move out to the hall as Jon tries to be cool because Richard is surprisingly very intimidating, and he explains he is afraid in he could be next or someone he loves could be next. All of a sudden, Richard is behind him, startling Jon again as he turns around. Richard notes that Jon is weird, and he says he doesn't like him before turning and leaving

-Dawn dies

-Dick dies. He was strangled by the telephone wire while trying to call for help

-Ducy dies. Saw Dick's death happen and is hit over the head with a clock (Her time is up/She ran out of time/idk)

-Jon contacts the dead with Nick and Uni in the bathroom. Three guys in a bathroom eh ;). Jon rolls his eyes and starts the seance. One by one, the victims show out of order, recounting moments before their death or recounting their death.

Wiliker shows.

Ducy shows. She says she ran out of time, that she had no time to run, or something relating to her being hit over the head by the clock. She misses LinDsey, someone so close she never expected to feel the way she did towards her

Dawn shows.

Don shows, his face sad and crestfallen as he tells the tale of his untimely death as he were in the arms of a lover mere minutes before, safe as his lover (Richard) planted their lips on his face (kissed) then that serenity and happiness was stripped away from him (but it was a quick death)

LinDsey shows. Says how it's hard to breathe, that something doesn't feel right, that all she can think about is she is sorry to leave Ducy (only saw her as a friend).

Richard shows last, reciting a poem, the last words being that the next victim could be you.

They hear screaming outside

-Lindsey dies. Ashlie dies. DDawn is powered off and Dashlie is the only one that remains. She swears she didn't kill them, that she wasn't even in the room, and although she doesn't know what happened, she points out that DDawn might. She reminds everyone that Don could fix him, but then she realizes her mistake. Ashlie is still conscious. Instead of saying who her killer is, she reveals she is a woman. Then she dies. Dashlie is isolated as the others scope out the scene. Uni gets DDawn to power back on. Nick stays to question him as Uni and Jon go to check on Dashlie.

-DDawn utters out there was a backstabbing, and then he trades places with Nick, getting stabbed by the killer. Nick is about to be attacked, but Jon, Uni, and Dashlie enter the scene just in time. Jon attacks the killer and demands to be told who they are. Dashlie screams as someone else enters the room, about to attack Jon, but Uni fends them off

-The big fight between the two killers and the survivors (identities are kept secret still). The survivors seem outpowered, but then DDawn grabs killer 1's leg, knocking him off-balance before he can attack Dashlie. Dashlie and DDawn pin k1's down as Jon and Uni take killer 2's down. They are tied up together and are unmasked. Duni first. But then who...? Davis!? That explains why Davis didn't show up in the seance. Why did they kill all those people?

-Davis and Duni spill the tea as Dashlie hurries off to dial the police
Davis wanted to kill Jon right away, but Duni had explained it would be best to have Jon watch as his loved ones were torn away from him and then he was killed. Duni wanted to have Uni all to himself, so they teamed up
They explain Davis was "killed" right at the beginning to spook everyone and to be taken off the suspicion list. How did he fake having no pulse? Duni put a potion of sleeping in his soup, which made him fall asleep and seem close to death to have a slow pulse that's as barely noticeable. However, the effects were quick, and Davis woke up soon after they put him in the body storing room
-Lindsey was supposed to be first to go, but they confused Lindsey with LinDsey's food and put the water hemlock in the wrong Lindsey's food
-Wiliker was supposed to be Jon next, but they got confused. They instead used Wiliker's death to spook everyone again
-Don was killed because he was too smart for his own good and figured them out right at the beginning
-Dawn had too much valuable information on pining Davis and Duni to the crime
-Dick put himself at risk the moment he tried to call for help
-Ducy - was too much of a loudmouth and was gonna blab the moment she saw Duni kill Richard. She is killed seconds after in the hallway where she saw it happen
-Lindsey was killed right before Ashlie because she was in the same room
-Ashlie was all part of the plan
-Wanted to kill DDawn but didn't know the kill switch and instead powered him off. Dashlie wasn't in the room but they decided to pin the blame on her



Victims (in order):
LinDsey - poisoned by hemlock. Was supposed to be Lindsey but the name tags were confusing and

Wiliker - voice acted by Jon, so his voice was confused with Jon when he is killed

Don - proved to be too smart for his own good. Figured out who the killer was from the beginning. Had to be removed

Dawn - too much valuable information on pining Davis and Duni to the crime

Dick - put himself at risk the moment he tried to call for help

Ducy - was too much of a loudmouth and was gonna blab the moment she saw Duni kill Richard. She is killed seconds after in the hallway where she saw it happen

Lindsey - killed right before Ashlie because she was in the same room

Ashlie - all part of the plan

Short ideas

Jon looks down on Don (literally lol) for using this so-called "electricity." Red stone is the future (Jon will get mad at Don later when Wiliker dies from his microwave, saying electricity is bad new and bad and other stuff)

*Uni is an expert in gardening and herbs

*Before the murder*
Someone: *points out Richard's clothing choice* Who's funeral is it?
Richard, looking around the room: haven't decided yet
Then uh oh he gets in trouble because of a jokeeee

Dashlie: *insults Jon some way*

Jon, searching frantically through the room: I can't find it!

Dashlie: find what?

Jon, turning sharply: WHERE I ASKED FOR YOUR OPINION

Jon: That's prejudice!

Dick: 'Tis naught but deduction from whence a fool such as thyself proclaims abstinence upon a labored affair like this!

Anyways bye

Remember to check out Edgar Allan Poe's Murder Mystery Dinner Party on YouTube

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