Living Again

By HiddenWriter

1.3M 21.6K 2.1K

Marissa Miller survived the tragic accident that killed her family and dog. Since that fateful day, things ha... More

Living Again~ One
Living Again~ Two
Living Again~ Three
Living Again~ Four
Living Again~ Five
Living Again~ Six
Living Again~ Seven
Living Again~ Eight
Living Again~ Nine
Living Again~ Ten
Living Again~ Eleven
Living Again~ Twelve
Living Again~ Thirteen
Living Again~ Fourteen
Living Again~ Fifteen
Living Again~ Sixteen
Living Again~ Seventeen
Living Again~ Eighteen
Living Again~ Nineteen
Living Again~ Twenty
Living Again~ Twenty-One
Living Again~ Twenty-Two
Living Again~ Twenty-Three
Living Again~ Twenty-Four
Living Again~ Twenty-Five
Living Again~ Twenty-Six
Living Again~ Twenty-Eight
Living Again~ Twenty-Nine
Living Again~ Thirty
Living Again~ Thirty-One
Living Again~ Thirty-Two
Living Again~ Thirty-Three
Living Again~ Thirty-Four
Living Again~ Thirty-Five
Living Again~ Thirty-Six
Living Again~ Thirty-Seven
Living Again~ Thirty-Eight
Living Again~ Thirty-Nine
Living Again~ Forty (LAST CHAPTER!)

Living Again~ Twenty-Seven

25.6K 442 39
By HiddenWriter


Tuesday was here. All classes with Ethan. I hadn't even seen his face yet and I was already regretting this whole one week break thing. Maybe we should have just taken a break over the weekend? I mean, the weekend is when the family gathering was. I sighed. This was EXACTLY why I needed the break. I'm obsessed with him.

I walked towards my locker which was now my usual meeting place with Hannah and Hailey.

"Hey Hannah..." I greeted her while getting my books out from my locker. "Where's your sister?"

She rolled her wide brown eyes while fiddling with her books and said, "She forgot to set her alarm again so she's probably rushing to get here before the bell."

I laughed at that then Hannah dragged me towards our first class because she hated being late, unlike her sister. They were practically opposites. Hannah was neat and smart, she wanted to become a doctor. She always had her wavy brown hair in a high ponytail bringing out her high cheekbones. Hailey was easy-going and always left things to the last minute, she wanted to be a musician. She always had her earphones hanging around her neck and she her black hair had dark blue highlights which looks awesome on her. They're so different but both likeable in their own ways, I'm so glad I fit in with them or else I would be a loner like before. I never wanted to feel that alone again, and I think that's why I feel the need to help Luke out.

We stepped into the classroom and we were the first ones there. We greeted the teacher and took our seat near the back. It was maths and the teacher was really boring. Plus, she liked to pick on students when they weren't paying attention, specially the ones sitting in front.

I listened to Hannah chat away about something she did over the summer as students slowly began showing up. Ethan would be here any moment, my heart was racing. I need to stop being so anxious. Brianna came in followed by Tyler. She waved at me cheerfully and I smiled back. I noticed them sit at the back seats with their friends. Where on earth is he?

I saw Luke enter the room and waved him over, he grinned gratefully and sat on my other side. Just seconds later Hailey came in panting just before the bell rang. I couldn't help but laugh. She was just in time. But where was he? Maybe I should ask Tyler since they're probably roommates..

Everyone settled in and the teacher stood up from her chair to begin the lesson. That's when the door swung open and there he was. His face flushed from running. He was wearing light faded jeans and a black top with a few buttons undone at the top, his hair was a mess too. A very good-looking mess. He immediately caught my eyes and I smiled shyly. Then he turned his head to the teacher who was looking at him disapprovingly. 

She inquired, "Would you like to explain yourself Mr Reed?"

He shrugged smoothly, "Not really."

She wasn't satisfied, "Do you have a late pass?"

"Uh... no." When it was obvious she wasn't letting this go, his features completely transformed as he said this in the most alluring and guilty voice, "I'm so sorry Ms Adams, it will never happen again."

She paused a moment then sighed, "Alright i'll let you off with a warning ."

Some people in the class laughed and I just shook my head in disbelief, he could be an actor. He walked gracefully past me and out of the corner of my eye and saw him sit down on the seat right behind me. Oh no.

I somehow managed to pay attention to the teacher, even though all my senses were aware the he was inches away. Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrate. I took it out, keeping it under the table so the teacher wouldn't see.

I know I'm cheating but I just have to say this: you look beautiful today.


I blushed. Gosh, he's making this harder than it already is! I sneaked a quick glance at him and he was looking straight at me. Okay, that didn't help. He was so gorgeous, it was just unfair. I striped my eyes off of him and concentrated on the teacher again, writing down every word that escaped her mouth in order to stay distracted, that didn't stop me from hearing the soft chuckle from behind me. 

The rest of the day passed by just like this, Ethan didn't text me again but he was always glancing at me, and I guess I knew that because I was looking at him too. Don't blame us, we couldn't help it. I think even Brianna noticed because as we were leaving for lunch she nudged me playfully as she walked past. I just laughed it off.

I sat down in the cafteria with Hailey, Hannah and Luke. The sisters seemed fine with me bringing in Luke to our table because he was obviously a nice guy, and plus, I think they were drawn in by his looks and charm. He was a nice addition to our group. 

"How about you ladies sit here and I get us some drinks?" We nodded gratefully, such a gentleman. "What would you like?"

"Iced lemon tea!" Hannah and Hailey said at the same time, then looked at each other then we all began laughing.

Luke looked at me, "You want anything?"

I shook my head, holding up my water bottle, "I'm good."

He walked off, just a second later Brianna showed up out of no where with a concerned look on her face. She began speaking, "Why are you suddenly hanging out with Luke?"

I narrowed my eyes and looked past her at her table and saw that Ethan was looking this way too, I couldn't read his face. I decided to play innocent and said, "Nothing, he has no friends so I thought why not I help him out?"

Brianna rolled her eyes, "Are you serious? Out of all the people you could choose to be friends with it had to be him?"

This time, I rolled my eyes, "He's a nice guy and he's sorry for what he did to Ethan and your group, get over it."

She sighed then shrugged, "I'll just tell Ethan I tried my best." 

"Wait... Ethan sent you to talk to me?" She nodded. "Does he really hate Luke?" She nodded again. "Is he pissed?" 

"Kinda. So tell me, what exactly did Luke say to you?"

I told her quickly, before Luke shows up. She just nodded and walked away just as we saw him making his way here. I looked at Ethan and he was talking to Bri, probably about everything I said. 

Luke handed Hannah and Hailey their drinks. Then put a Nescafe can in front of me.

I said, "I didn't want anything, you didn't have to get this."

He shrugged, "You looked like you could use some caffiene."

I laughed, "Is it that obvious?"

He shrugged again with a half smile on his face, "I'm just observant."

Ethan didn't talk to me all day on Wednesday, but not in the I'm-upset-with-you way, he still smiled at me and looked towards my direction a lot, but just didn't try anything else. I need to stop overthinking things. My friendship with Luke is completely harmless since he's just misunderstood by Ethan and his friends and they're too chilidish to forgive him and get over it. 

I was walking to Art class with just Luke since Hannah and Hailey don't take art. We stepped into the class along with the other students to see that there was a big blank piece of paper and a charcoal pencil on each desk.

The class was a lot of fun. I kept looking at Ethan's back. How his black shirt clung to his body. ANYWAYS. We could sketch whatever we wanted and I ended up with a bunch of pretty flowers springing out of a bouquet. One we were done we were supposed to pin our papers on this gigantic board, we all took turns going up to the front and pinning our work of art then describe it a little. I saw Ethan and Tyler, who were sitting in front of me and Luke, go up to put up their work. Tyler was first, he put up his work. I frowned. I couldn't figure out what it was. 

The teacher voiced my thoughts, "So Tyler, what is this?"

"It's abstract." He said simply, but the teacher raised her brows so he tried to make his explanation longer, "I was playing with different shades."

The teacher laughed and let it go, his explanation did sort of make sense since he just drew random lines then filled them in with dark and light shades. Next was Ethan, he put up his sketch and I just stared at it. It was a close up of two faces. On the left was the handsome face of a guy and on the right was a pretty girl, their facial features made them look sad somehow. And in the middle, was a simple clock, thought he had drawn it so it was faded in the background. Just under the clock and the faces of the couple, he had wrote down 'I'm waiting for you...'


The teacher looked at it and said, "Ok, well I guess there's not much to explain."

Ethan just gave her a smile and walked back to his seat, watching me the whole time. Why did he have to make it so damn hard to stay away? I looked at my own sketch, and I wished I had made something for him but it was too late since it was our turn to present. Luke went first, he had drawn some scenery type thing with mountains and all, it was hard to tell. Then I put up mine and simply said, "I don't think there's much to say about mine."

The teacher nodded, smiling, "It's pretty Marissa."

As I walked back to my seat, I saw Ethan give Luke a glare as he walked past but his expression soon change when he looked at me. I smiled shyly like the idiot I am and just mouthed 'Thanks' for the sketch.

The last class was Biology which was a complete bore, but still interesting as the teacher was good. Ethan wasn't in this class so that helped. Hailey and Luke didn't take it either, so I was with Hannah, who helped me understand a lot of the things we were being taught. I really believed she would be a good doctor. Now that I thought about it, I had no idea what I wanted to study in college or university. But I still have a year so no rush.

I excused myself from the class to go to the toilet. As I rounded the corner in the corridor, I heard someone talking. We were not allowed to be in the hallways during class time so this was weird. I followed the sounds then at a short distance, I saw Luke who was facing towards me but hadn't seen me. And there was a girl in front of him, and of course I would recognise her anywhere, Rebecca. They seemed to be arguing over something. I thought he wasn't friends with her anymore?

But then suddenly he stopped trying to be quiet and said, "Rebecca, I don't want to be your friend anymore. Just leave me the hell alone. Is that so hard to do?"

He looked past her and saw me, then before she could say anything walked towards me saying, "Marissa! What are you doing here?"

I saw Rebecca turn around with a gasp. Just looking at her face disgusts me. Luke wrapped an arm around my shoulder and whispered in my ear, "Let's get away before she blows up."

I couldn't help but laugh at that. Before we left Rebecca tried to insult me by saying, "I see you and Ethan aren't so lovey-dovey anymore."

I just rolled my eyes, not even bothering to explain it to her, her little brain wouldn't even understand. I said bye to Luke and went to the restroom like I intended to.

That night as I sat around the table with Claire and Joe I could feel something was up with Claire. She kept smiling randomly during the meal. Once we were done I was about to head up to do my homework when she stopped me.

She said, "I have news for you guys."

There was a dramatic pause then her eyes lit up and and she blurted out, "I'm pregnant!"

I gasped. then was about to go over to hug her but Joe beat me to it. He literally carried and twirled her around. His eyes full of nothing but happiness. They have been wanting kids for so long. This is just too great!

Once their little moment was over I hugged them both tight and congratulated them.

"Now you get to have a sister!" She said and I smiled in response. This was great. "We'll anounce it to everyone on the family gathering this weekend!"

I went to bed that night feeling amazingly happy, I even said goodnight to my mom and dad in my head, just to let them know that through all this, I still love them more then ever. 

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