Its always Dark behind the Li...

By Witch_Light

646 26 15

(Twilight Fanfic) After the battle with Volturi, life has been great and peaceful. That is until Alice start... More

Its always Dark behind the Light

Chapter Two

130 11 6
By Witch_Light

Chapter Two:

   The day past pretty quickly as everyone was doing their own things; Edward and Bella with their daughter, Emmett and Rosalie together of course… Jasper was off doing something for Esme, which left Alice by herself on the bouncy looking out at the woods. The cool night air breeze hit ever so lightly, making a small smile appearing on the young vampire face. She turned her head and looked and saw everyone was busy… prefect timing. Alice, than in a blur was off the bouncy and running through the woods faster than any human being.

  The vampire soon was at the cliff. The water mist, and cold breeze hit her body, making her smile as it felt good to her. She looked down and saw the ocean waves hitting the rock part of the cliff. You and high areas; I swear I might have you jump one of these days.” Alice heard the male voice again, and her head perked up and looked around the area, seeing if it was outside of her head. But no one was there… just her and the ocean.

  Alice shook her head and went back to looking at the water. “No one there…” she whispered to herself. Than who was it? She didn’t know… did she want to know? Of course you want to know… you want to know what has been hidden for so long.  Alice looked around again, and didn’t see anything than back at the water. Jump… you always loved the thrill… Alice heard it talk again. It was a male voice, she knew that, but she couldn’t recall if she knew who it was, but one thing was clear… she heard that voice before, just couldn’t pin point it out.

  She took in a breath and moved a little bit more towards the edge, just to hear a voice behind her. “Alice, what are you doing?” She turned and was now face to face with Jacob… Alice quickly looked at the water, than back at him. “Nothing really, just needed to think on something. How have you been?” She asked him… she hadn’t really been able to talk to him since the war with the Aro people.  

   “Nothing much; just got back from talking with Sam.” The wolf said to her, and she did a small smile towards him, seeming like everything was alright. Wolves… always seem to be everywhere, but at the same time, not everywhere… The male voice said in her head… she shook her head lightly, shaking whatever thoughts were coming to her mind. “Are you alright Alice?” Jacob asked her, as he saw her shake her head lightly.

 Alice looked at him and nodded. “Of course; why do you ask?” She asked the wolf, trying to ignore the voice that was in her head. Why is the voice sound like someone I might now? It was starting to bug the vampire, trying to rack her brain on the matter.

   “You just seem like your mind is at other places that is all.” He said to her. Alice did a small smile at him. “Sorry. Just so many things are on my mind… But don’t worry too much, all is good.” She said and moved so she was next to him. “I know Bella daughter missed you since you been gone.” She teased him, and in a blur she was gone from him.

  Alice went deeper into the woods, wanting nothing more than her mind off things that were going on. She was having no vision of anyone thoughts or desicens if her and her family was in danger. But what was the voice? It was a male voice, and she could have sworn she heard it before. Was she finally going crazy now?

   “No, something wrong.” Alice said to herself as she walked through the woods. The vampire stopped, and took in a small breath, feeling everything around her, hearing anything and everything. Then she heard what she was wanting, a Dear going through the small part of trees she was nearby. In a blur she was behind a tree, watching it closely. Its movements; its breathing; its heartbeat going normal; it was the perfect moment to attack. Her eyes narrowed as she went in a stance…and soon she was on top of it, and her fangs sinked right into the animal neck.

  Doesn’t it feel like old times; Feeling the blood rushing in your mouth, and down your throat. The warm liquid making you crave more and more of it… Alice heard the voice again, and she bit harder, hitting the bone in the animal, and feeding harder, something she never done before. That’s it. Keep going…It’s your prey, no one else’s… Alice nodded at the voice, and soon she drained the animal, and the neck snapped.

   Alice stood up, blood going down her fangs and down her chin. Her eyes showing nothing but the hunger for the blood… It was like seeing someone new. A vampire that everyone knew that was nice, caring, and would never give into the monster that everyone believed vampire’s, was now, standing there, cold hearted, no emotions in their eyes as she looked down at the dead animal in front of her. Alice looked down at her hand seeing the blood… a dark smirk coming to her lips, than it was like everything went away…. She blinked and looked down and saw her covered in blood. “oh no….” she whispered, and looked down at the animal. She had never lost control; ever since her turning into a vampire… she always had control over it. The vampire ran her clean hand on her face wiping the blood away. Alice looked one more time at the animal and then in a blur she was gone out of the woods and going home.

  Everyone in the Cullen family was home but outside as Alice went around and walked into the house, for now, not them knowing she was there. But it wouldn’t take long for them to spell the blood that was on her. She walked to her and Jasper bed room, pausing as she looked around the room. It was a simple room. They had there things in it, nice chairs and they even had a bed to themselves even if they never slept since becoming what they were today. She lightly shook her head and moved to her walk in closet, grabbing some clean clothes, and going into the bathroom.

  Alice took off her clothes and went into the shower, turning the water on, and making sure it was hot as she washed her body, and hair… anything to wash away what she had done in the woods. She responded to the voice… which only left her with one thought. It was her maker voice. But an emotion came through with just the thought of that; it was anger, hatred for the person that made her. Alice shut the water and got out of the shower, putting on a pair of black pants, that hugged her legs, and a white t-shirt, hugging her in the right areas. She put a towel to her hair as her eyes went to the bloody clothes. She needed to burn them.

   “Alice?” Jasper voice was heard through there room. Alice head turned and in a blur she was in front of him, wrapping her arms around him, the towel dropping to the floor.

  “Hey.” She said with a warm, sweet smile on her face. “Are you alright?”

Jasper nodded and wrapped his arms around her small body. “Of course; But I smelled blood Alice. What happen?” He asked her, concern showing in his eyes.  The female vampire stayed quiet as she looked into his eyes. What was she going to say? That was lost control and was hearing a voice in her head? No… she couldn’t. Not yet anyway.

  “Animal hunting, it caught me off guard on how strong it was, so it was a bit… messing.” She said to him. Alice was always good at lying, but with Jasper, even if she did, he would know. His eyes looked at hers for a moment, but he understood, and nodded. She kissed his cheek. “Thank you.” She whispered to him.

   “Just tell me when you know for sure, whatever it is.” Jasper said to her. “But come on. Everyone outside, and hanging out. Emmett is trying to get Bella to go against him again, and Jacob is playing with Nessie.” Jasper said putting one of his hands into hers. She didn’t say anything as they walked out of there room, and going outside.

  But that was the biggest mistake there was. As Alice stepped out on the deck, and saw every one of my family, she felt happy, a smile crossing her face… that was until her eyes landed on Edward. Everything faded. Her smile, the joy in her eyes… it was like a switch went off. Her hand dropped from Jasper, and a hiss was coming from her mouth as she got in a deadly stance towards Edward.

   “Alice?” She heard Jasper voice like it was a whisper. Everyone around them froze as they looked at her, the Alice that would never do this… but the problem was; she wasn’t see Edward. She was seeing the vampire tracker; James.

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