X-Men (Male Reader)

By IvanBullock

138K 4.3K 2.6K

Their world was destroyed, turned to ruin by the arrival of Apocalypse. With no other option, Charles Xavier... More

The Day The World Ended
Our New World
New Bonds
The Teachers and Students
Our Youth
Night of the Sentinel
Weapon X Pt. 1
Weapon X Pt. 2
A Thief's Heart
Reunions and Investigations
Burying the Past Pt.1
Burying the Past Pt. 2
Burying the Past Pt. 3
Our Friendships
The Choices We Make
The Brotherhood Pt. 1
The Brotherhood Pt. 2
The Brotherhood Pt. 3
A New Day

First Class

7.8K 249 103
By IvanBullock

Jean grunted as she diverted the missiles away the best she could. She threw them away and let go of her control so that the erupted a safe distance away from the ships and men.

Jean: Do you have any idea how much I wish I was in AP Calculus?!

2 Hours Earlier....

Emma: No luck on bad mutants. How does he use this thing?

Bobby: Maybe we could just shave your head?

Emma: Touch my hair, and you melt.

Bobby raised his hands in fear while you sighed. You were leaning against the control panel of Xavier's weird mind room. Cherebro was no help after all. No mission. Looks like Scott dragged you out here for no reason after all.

Jean: This was stupid anyway. I mean, what would the Professor say if he found out we were in here?

Y/N: Probably try to ground us.

Jean: Exactly. Plus now we have the others on our backs too.

Emma: Didn't know you were so scared of authority.

Jean shot her a look before you heard a ding that echoed across the room. You all stood around confused before you realized it was your phone. You pulled it out and looked at it.

Y/N: Hey. Here's something.

You held your phone out for the others to see.

Y/N: Cape Citadel is experiencing weird things going on. Some dude walked in and barricaded himself inside the central command.

The others looked at each other before Scott grinned.

Scott: Looks like we found our first mission.


Scott stood in front of the central command station which was covered by all kinds of debris. He sighed before Emma and you got in his head.

Y/N: Anything, Cyclops?

Scott: Yeah. I'm at the central command. This guy really locked himself in there good. And I mean all kinds of metal armored vehicles good.

Emma: Anyway you can get through?

Scott gave it some thought before he brought his hand up to his visor.

Scott: I'm gonna try and blast my way through.

He opened his visor and hit the vehicles with his lasers. It only did a bit of damage.

Scott: Not gonna work. I need more power. Well, the Professor always did say not to hold back.

Scott grinned as he opened his visor up all the way.

Scott: Here goes. Full bore!

His blast managed to get some of the bigger vehicles away, but he failed to notice the anchor above him flying right at him. When he finally noticed it, he leaped out of the way as it slammed into the ground where he once stood. However, his visor was still open.

His blast ended up hitting a building nearby but Emma was quick to rush forward and stop the debris from falling on anyone.

Emma: Watch it, One Eye!

Jean stood on the gravel road that was located directly infront of the large mansion. She didn't want to be here. She had no choice in the matter, really. After her parents shipped her here out of fear of she might do, she just learned to accept her fate.

She approached the large door but had no way to knock. So she just let herself in. It was quiet. Almost eerily quiet. The man in the wheelchair did say there were only a few people here.

She set her suitcase down beside her and looked around at the old building. It was clean. And it was huge. Guess it was a mansion after all.

Jean: Hello?

She failed to noticed a boy rushing down the hall looking at sheets of paper. He also failed to notice the suitcase that was laying directly infront of him. The boy tripped on the case and let out a cry before he landed right on top of the girl.

Scott: Woah!

The two crashed down and Scott's glasses went sliding away. Jean winced but smiled as she looked up at the boy who was trying his best to keep his eyes close.

Jean: So, the two kinds of jokes I can think of right now are lame or dirty. Pick your poison.

Scott: My glasses! Where are my glasses?!

Jean looked to her right and pulled the glasses over to her. She then placed them back on the boy's face. He opened his eyes and stood back up.

Jean: Um. You're welcome?

Scott: Sorry! Thanks!

Scott grabbed his papers and contiued his way down the hall. Jean scoffed at his manners but another hand appeared to help her out.

Y/N: That's Summers. Scott Summers. He's kinda always like that.

Jean looked up at you to see you smiling at her. She took your hand and you helped her to her feet.

Jean: You're that boy who was with the Professor.

Y/N: Yep. I didn't really get to introduce myself, did I? My name is Y/N L/N. Or, Tag if you're nasty.

You winked at her while she laughed at.

Jean: Jean Grey.

Y/N: So I've gathered. Welcome to the home of us freaks. Want me to show you around? I can give you an insiders tour.

Jean smiled as you picked up her suitcase.

Jean: I'd love that.

You nodded and started down the hall.

Jean: Oh, and about that Scott boy. What was he wearing?

Y/N: Oh. Yeah. Our uniforms. Believe it or not, you kinda get used to the spandex.
You sighed as you spotted Warren flying overhead avoiding jets. Fighter jets.

Y/N: Angel, report.

Warren: I'm a bit busy here, Tag.

Y/N: I need eyes in the sky, Angel. What's going on?

Warren: Well, I was seeing a lot of missiles. But those blew up. Now I'm seeing a lot of zombie fighter jets. Without pilots.

That was definitely weird. And very concerning.

Y/N: So, they're being controlled remotely?

Warren: I wouldn't say controlled.

He avoided another jet as it flew straight into the ocean.

Warren: More like, they're being thrown.

You tried to think about what could be causing this. Nothing really came to mind, though. You thanked Warren for his report and headed towards the central command while Bobby and Hank helped evacuate any innocents in the area.

Y/N: I've lived here the longest. Since I was six, actually. The Professor is kinda like my dad if you want to look at it that way.

Jean: That's crazy. So you can take anyone's powers and make them your own?

You nodded.

Y/N: I would've done it to you but, it's rude to take something from a girl without asking, right?

Jean smiled at your jokes which was honestly a nice change of pace.

Jean: So, do you find it kinda creepy when he goes and changes people's minds the way he does?

Y/N: I did at first. But you kinda start to learn that everything he does, he does it for us. Mutant kind. Plus, it's pretty great here, all things considered.

Jean: Is it now?

Your conversation was interrupted by loud footsteps heading your way. You grabbed Jean and stepped aside as Hank came running down the hall. He leaped off of the ground then off the wall so he landed behind you.

Hank: Come on, Poker. Time to do our thing.

Hank stopped when he saw Jean. He then dropped to one knee in front of her.

Hank: My stars and garters! I have seen a scarlet and I must know her name.

Jean laughed as Hank took her hand.

Y/N: Jean, meet Hank McCoy. Our resident Beast.

Hank kissed her knuckle and contiued his way down the hall. Jean smiled and turned to you.

Jean: Do people talk like that still?

Y/N: The thing about Hank is, he's the sweetest guy you'll ever meet. Smart as hell too. But he's not very good with socal situations. That only leaves Warren and Bobby. They should be in the Danger Room.

You lead Jean down the hall and to the room that you had previously mentioned. You stepped inside and found Hank already in there with Scott. The door opened behind you and you both turned around to see Bobby, butt ass naked, with a block of ice covering his privates.

Bobby: Gentlemen, I give you extreme athletic underwear! I was thinking, Ice Shorts by Drake.

Jean held in her laughter just as Bobby spotted her. He slowly brought his hands down to cover his junk while you shook your head.

Y/N: This is Bobby Drake. The Iceman.

Bobby: Dude, you could've told me New Girl was already here.

He covered his entire body in ice and sighed. The last to enter was none other than Warren. He saw Jean and nodded before he went to his own corner of the room. There, he brought out his wings.

Jean: Wow.

Y/N: That's Warren. He's kinda quiet but he'll warm up to you. And, that's everyone.

You turned back to Jean and smiled.

Y/N: So, wanna watch us get our asses kicked by a bunch of machines?
You stepped through the large hole and peeked inside the dark room.

???: You got through. For that, I congratulate you.

The deep voice echoed through the room. You looked around trying to see who was responsible.

Y/N: Who's there?! Are you responsible for all of this?!

A figure slowly emerged from the dark as you readied your lasers.

???: Do your worst. You've earned yourself a free hit.

You tried to read the person's mind, but it was blocked. You couldn't hear anything.

???: Oh, I see. My intel was correct after all. It is so nice to meet you again, Tag.

Without warning, a large wooden desk slammed into you and sent you flying out of the building and rolling to Jean.

Jean: Y/N!

She helped you up as the mysterious man floated outside. You all gathered to each other and watched the man levitate above you.

???: Hello children. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Magneto.

Magneto: Quite the mess we made where.

Bobby: Come down here and we'll make another one!

You held out your injured arm to stop him from approaching. Magneto was the one the others had warned you about. The one who lead the Brotherhood of Mutants. The same group that apparently killed this world's versions of you.

Magneto: I came here today to show the world once again who their future masters are. Thank your for the assistance.

He reached his hand out and a battleship began to rise out of the sea. Warren and you flew up as Magento began to leave.

Bobby: Where's he going?

Y/N: Just the one way to find out!

Jean: Y/N, stop!

You and Warren stopped and looked back down. Your entire team looked worn out and defeated. You knew some of your wounds were still healing but this was their idea. Scott approved it as the leader.

Now look what happened.

Magazine vanished and you and Warren returned to the ground. You all stood there in defeat before the sounds of a jet were heard overhead. You all looked up and watched as a black jet landed nearby. From it, the X-Men, Logan, and Ororo all got out.

Bobby: Oh. We're so busted.

Scott: Calm down. I'll handle this.

Y/N: Really? I think you handled this enough, Scott.

Scott turned to you with a raised brow.

Scott: What are you talking about?

Y/N: I'm talking about you being a leader. Why the hell did the Professor choose you? I will never know. But this whole plan was stupid. We're still recovering and we should be listening to these people. We're in their world.

Bobby: There was no way we were going to sit back and do nothing. We're X-Men too.

Jean stepped back from the conversation as the X-Men approached you all.

Scott: Look, ever since you met that Raven girl, you've had this chip on your shoulder. If you have something you want to say, then say it.

You approached him in anger as your team watched.

Y/N: I don't think you should be leader. Look at what your "leadership" has gotten us so far.

Scott crossed his arms and looked at you.

Scott: Then who should be the leader? You? The guy who cracks jokes and doesn't take anything seriously?

Logan: How about you both shut the hell up?!

You and Scott froze at Logan's voice and turned to see the very angry X-Men standing there.

Ororo: You are all in so much trouble. In the Blackbird. Now!

You all stood there awkwardly.

Hank: If I may ask, what is a Blackbird?

Logan pointed at the jet and you all nodded. You all then quickly made your way over to the jet.
Xavier: We had gotten the reports of the attack just as you all left. You had no approval, no authorization, and no cause for you to go. Yet, you still did.

You and your team sat in the Professor's office as he lectured you with the other X-Men and the two teachers watched.

Xavier: You could've been seriously hurt and we would not have known.

This was just brutal. Getting yelled at by the guy who raised you. The same guy who you had failed in another world.

Xavier: We took you off of active duty for a reason. A purpose. You are not ready to face threats of this magnitude. Magneto had killed you once before. He would have no issue doing it again.

Everyone stayed quiet but, you found yourself grinning. Then you chuckled. Eveeyone looked at you while you started to laugh.

Bobby: Woah. He finally lost his mind.

Logan: Mind telling us what you find so funny?

You wiped your eye and looked at the Professor.

Y/N: That dude, Magneto, is the guy who killed us?! That dork?!

Everyone looked at you horrified while you kept laughing.

Y/N: Hahaha! That dude looked like a damn clown! I mean, he had a cape. A cape. You know how non-threatening that is? The dude controls metal. How did we lose to that lameass?

You kept laughing and soon enough, Warren was too. Then Hank. Than Bobby. Soon enough, your entire team was laughing about the the cheesy villain. The X-Men looked at you with open months while Logan and Ororo were honestly concerned.

Xavier: Magneto...

Bobby: It looks like he had horns. Like, little devil horns.

Warren: And, is his suit made of metal? Cause he flew by controlling it. How stupid is that?

Hank: What kind of name is Magneto anyway? Why not just call himself the Living Magnet?

Emma: Oh...Oh my stomach.

The Professor waited for you all to calm down before you cleared your throat.

Y/N: Anyway, uh, yeah. Sorry not sorry.

Xavier: Sorry, not sorry?

Y/N: Yeah. I was mad before cause I thought we messed up. But look at the facts, Professor. If we waited around for you bozos to show up and do things the "right" way, so many people could've gotten hurt or killed.

Scott: That is true. We saved lives. Magento may have gotten away but we did what you trained us to do. We protected the innocent.

Before the Professor could say anything, Kitty looked at her phone.

Kitty: Uh, Professor?

You all looked over to her as she set her phone to the TV screen. The news feed played as you all watched.

Reporter: We are live at Cape Citadel where just hours ago, Mutant extremist Magneto attacked the fleet of navy ships. Reports state that a team of X-Men were sent to stop him. While Magneto did get away, it appears this team of Mutants were successful in preventing any serious injuries or deaths. Reports also suggest that this team of X-Men consisted of Tag, Cyclops, Ms. Marvel, Beast, Angel, Iceman, and the White Queen. Rather or not these reports are accurate is yet to be determined.

You grinned and turned back to the Professor.

Y/N: Your move, X.

Xavier looked at you and smiled.

Xavier: Very well. However, you still must be punished. Training sessions in the Danger Room with Rogue for the next two weeks.

Your team wanted to groan, but it was fair. Regardless, you did something great today. Even if it didn't feel like it.

Y/N: Alright. Can we go eat now? I'm super hungry.

Emma: Same.

Xavier nodded and you all left the room. He smiled as he watched you all. Once the door was closed, however, his smile faded. He slowly opened his drawer and pulled out a photo frame. He then closed his eyes.

Xavier: Erik.

Magneto: I let your children live today, Charles. Out of respect for you and your mourning. But you can not expect...

Xavier opened his eyes and found himself face to face with Magneto in his mind. The two former friends stared each other down.

Xavier: I never expected you to become a terrorist. Even after all these years, I would like to see the good in you but that seems to not be possible.

Erik: If you and I could agree on what Mutants need, old friend, we would be standing side by side in the bones of hateful men. The same men you swore to protect.

Xavier: How did I fail you, Erik?

Erik: You did not fail. You closed your eyes. And I'm tired of trying to force them to open.

Erik grabbed his helmet and began to put it on.

Erik: Now get out of my head, Charles. The next time I meet you children, it will be the last.

Xavier sighed as he found himself back in his office. He took a deep breath and looked at the photo frame of him and his once friend. He placed it back into the drawer, and turned to the window.

Tomorrow was a new day, after all.

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