What is Family? (The Loud Hou...

Door Author-King

59.8K 736 425

After an 11 year old child named Lincoln Loud suffered from all of the unfair and unacceptable bull shit that... Meer

CHAPTER.2: Welcome to Hell
CHAPTER.3: New friends, new home?
CHAPTER.4: Meanwhile
CHAPTER.5: Finding out the sad truth
CHAPTER.6: The Radio Demon
CHAPTER.7: Lincoln's safety in Hell
CHAPTER.8: The new member of the I.M.P.
CHAPTER.9: Lincoln's first kill
CHAPTER.10: A broken family
CHAPTER.11: Busted
CHAPTER.12: Oliver Tree

CHAPTER.1: A child

11K 113 27
Door Author-King

(Royal Woods, Ketcham Park.)

It was August 4th, and the year was 2020

The night is brisk and calm and clear, and it seems everything there is all silent, except for the sound of crickets, and the sight of Fireflies.

A shadowy figure waits around the park, this figure has a pistol and is waiting for someone. "Damn it. Where the hell is he? He said he has something for me to use so I can be able to make quick bucks on them." The man sneezes and puts his hat back on. "Ding dang cold air, this had better not be some kind of prank. Ol' Flip isn't looking for a hospital bill."

The man who runs Flip's Food n' Fuel is just waiting there in the cold night, but who is he seeing and what does he seek.

Then another figure goes to him and the voice sounds a bit high and shrill almost. "Hey, you the guy I'm supposed to meet?" The figure is wearing a brown trench coat and dark blue hat and has some black boots and his hands in his pockets.

Flip is confused by this figure. "That depends, what do you got for me?"

"Yeah, I got what you need." The figure shows Flip, the briefcase with some candy that has been known in New York.

"Oh yeah, now that's what I like to see. Foreign candy to sell at a high price. This is free right?" asked Flip.

"Why yes it is, but before you do get your hands on this. I have one thing to ask of you, do you recall a person named Harold Demento?" asked the figure.

"Umm, yeah why? The last time I heard from him was five years ago and he was my old pal and we made such good business, especially when he helped me make the Flippie" replied Flip.

"You mean the recipe of the drink you stole from him?" asked the figure.

Flip gets nervous hearing this. "What? What the heck are you talking about? I was the one who made the Flippie, he was the one who helped and let me take all the credit, there's no way I would've stolen the idea and used it for my own gain."

"Hmm, that's not what he told me" replied the Figure as he holds onto the briefcase.

"Hey, his words are nothing, besides, he's... Wait, how do you know him? He died years ago!" said Flip.

"Let's just say, he told me of the wrongs you did before he died, by your own hands!" said the figure.

"What? Who the heck are you? How do you know this?!" asked Flip as he backs away from him. "Are you some kind of cop?!"

"Nope, just an assassin, from Hell!" The figure then removes his trench coat and shows to be an actual demon.

A demon named Blitzo. The O is silent in his name. Blitzo is a very lanky jester-like imp with a pointed tail who conversely has wide-proportioned hands, pointed feet with a boot-like heel, and a narrow head with curved horns. His eyes have black lines running down the eyelids and his sclera are yellow with red irises.

Blitzo has crimson skin with trace white blotches that cover his right eye and the tip of his tail, black-and-white striped horns with black spines between them running to his tail, and black stripes around his tail. A heart-shaped skull symbol rests on his forehead. He wears a torn black collared coat with red buttons, black boots (incidentally sharing the same shape as his feet), and large black gloves with yellow eyes on them. Blitzo also has a red skull charm around his neck.

Blitzo is holding a barb-wired baseball bat and a knife and has a menacing grin. "What happens now is gonna be bloody beyond anything from you my good man, so sorry this has to be this way shit head!"

Flip gets freaked out by this creature and has no clue what he or it is. "What the? What in the ding dang heck are you supposed to be?!"

"A demon and I was sent here by your deceased friend, to assassinate you" replied Blitzo.

This shocks Flip. "Wait! How much is he paying you?!"

Blitzo then recalls and goes through his phone. "More than ten thousand dollars."

"What?! Dang it! I can't do that, or even surrender all the moolah I got in my register" said Flip.

"Then I guess it's time to make sure the client gets what he wants!" Flip turns around and sees two more demons, but smaller than the tall one.

Moxxie. Moxxie is a demon who has red skin with white freckles on his cheeks. His white pointy hair leads up to his curvy black and white striped horns. He also has yellow sclera with what seems to be no irises and only slit pupils. Moxxie has a long red thin tail with a quadrilateral barb at the end, as well as lanky digitigrade legs ending in what appears to be cloven red hooves, reminiscent of artiodactylids.

Moxxie's outfit consists of a black coat with red buttons and white cuffs, black pants a white shirt that has a black turtleneck, a large red bow-tie, and fingerless gloves.

Millie. Millie is a short Imp with a long, demonic tail with white markings. She has eyes made up of yellow scleras and black pupils. She has long black eyelashes that extend beyond the sides of her hair.

She has two black horns with three thin white stripes and greyish-black hair with a white splotch in the center and bangs that cover half of her right horn. She has a beauty mark on her left cheek and a gap between her front teeth.

Her attire consists of black lipstick, a simple black choker, a cold-shoulder black crop top with gold buttons where the straps at the top meet the torso piece, torn black pants, fingerless black gloves, and black footwear that does not cover her hoof-like toes.

Millie also has a black tattoo in the shape of a heart on her right shoulder, and two white splotches on the insides and outsides of each of her elbows.

Flip freaks out from them. "This has got to be a joke right?! What the heck?! Demons?!"

"Yeah, that's right we're demons and right now you're about to get a shit load of a bloodshed" chuckled Millie. She has her mace and knife ready.

"Either we make this quick and fast, or nice and slow. Either way is gonna be fun for us and possibly fun for the client" replied Moxxie. He has an axe and a knife.

The demons advance onto Flip, then he decided to talk it out. "Wait!" The demons stop their advance to him. "What will it take to get you guys off my back?"

The three of them think. "Well, either you could pay to us higher than the guy who sent us, or you could hand over that recipe you stole from him" replied Blitzo.

"What?! No way, I don't think I even have that kind of cash and sure as heck I ain't gonna give up the Flippie to some demons! I worked hard taking it from.... I mean... Umm, is there anything else you guys want?" replied Flip.

Blitzo smirks. "Hey Loonie, was that all we needed from him to say?"

Then someone comes up from behind flip with her phone which recorded what he said. "Pretty much, the client will pay us twice for this" replied Loona.

Loona is a wolf-like hellhound. She has a dog-like muzzle with pointy teeth and a dark grey nose, red sclera with white irises, white fur with grey patches on her shoulders, a big bushy tail and voluminous grey hair swept to the side to reveal her ear.

Her outfit features a black choker that has white spikes. Her grey crop top has strings shaped like a star to resemble a pentagram to hold it up. Loona wears fingerless gloves and shorts with a crescent moon cut on the right side. She also wears black toeless stockings and is barefoot, due to her digitigrade stance. She has a piercing on her right eyebrow and two piercings in her left ear.

Flip gets up. "No, no. Wait, we can talk about...." He screams in pain as his right arm has been ripped off by Loona's claws. "Ow! What the heck?!" He holds onto his bleeding spot where his right arm once was.

"Yeah, shut the fuck up and take your death you ass hole, also you smell bad" replied Loona.

Flip turns around and he gets stabbed in the chest by Moxxie and Millie with their knives. Then Blitzo whacks him in the head with his barb-wired baseball bat, and then he gets his head sliced off by an axe and what's left of Flip is blood, gore and complete massacre.

"Whew! That was a thrill, he sure wasn't much of a challenge." Millie wipes off some blood from her chest and this makes Moxxie blush. "Oh come now honey, we can have some more fun when we get back home."

Blitzo chuckles. "Yeah, when no one is looking." Loona also chuckles.

Moxxie is annoyed by this. "Again, stop following us at home, sir!" He then helps his wife place all the parts of Flip into the sack. "Let's get this guy's parts to the client and get the cash."

Loona then goes through her phone. "I sent the guy a message we killed his old pal and we're gonna send him the remains, he's got the cash ready for us at the meeting point."

"Good, now let's get the fuck out of... Where the heck are we?" asked Blitzo.

Millie looks to the newspaper again. "Royal Woods Michigan, and doesn't seem much of a popular and known place, no wonder why this dick chose to hide here."

Blitzo then uses the book he has to open a portal back to their home, Hell. "Okay guys, let's get going."

But as they all head for the portal, Loona stops and her ears pick up something, crying. ' What the?' Normally, Loona wouldn't give two or three shits about anyone crying, but there was something about this crying. She is a demon, well hellhound and she can tell from emotions and others with their sadness.

Loona looks around the park to find the crying. Blitzo then watches as Moxxie and Millie go through the portal. He then notices someone isn't with them. "Loona? Loona? Loonie? Where the heck is she?"

Loona continues to look around the park, it may be nighttime but she can be able to see through the darkness, even with some lamps glowing. She then sees something, or better yet, someone.

' What the? A kid?' Loona goes over to the bench and sees this boy. Age is 11, wearing an orange polo, blue jeans, and white shoes. Well, one white shoe since the other one seems to be missing, he has a chipped tooth and freckles on his face and his clothes seem torn almost ripped apart, there are some bite marks on him and he has so many scratches all over him.

What was odd about this boy, was his air. White like snow. Loona could see he's crying, even in his sleep. ' What the heck happened to this kid? And why the heck is he even here, alone in the park, at night?' When the crew of I.M.P came to Royal Woods, Loona hasn't seen a single homeless person, almost like this town had a home for everyone, but this kid seems to be the first homeless person she's seen.

Loona then kneels down and looks at his face, she can see he has scratches and marks where blood was seeping. He looks like he bandaged himself and he smells as if he hasn't bathed in days. ' Something happened to him, something bad.'

Loona feels pity for this child, almost sorry, like when she was found and adopted by Blitzo all those years ago. Loona couldn't stand seeing this kid being left in the cold of night, and he's 11. ' This is like, against the law. Why is he out here?'

 Loona is always moody and grumpy. And she never gives a fuck about anyone or anything because she's an absolute heartless jerk. And her personality is best described as, a really moody, and rude dickhead that always never gives a fuck about anyone or anything. Never has, and never will. But when Loona found the poor boy, she felt quite really bad for him. Almost really sorry for him. And there was this small voice inside Loona's head, telling her to save the boy's life, immediately.

And so, Loona does the unthinkable. She puts her paws underneath the boy and carries him bridal style, he doesn't wake up, almost like he hasn't slept in days, or has had a hard time sleeping from something.

Loona sighs. She then feels something unexpected, the boy clings to her and clams down, his shivering is gone and he has a smile on his face and he nuzzles close to her. Loona smiles and she then carries the kid away from the bench, but then she turns around and sees some blood on the bench. She then realizes something was wrong. ' Oh shit.'

Loona then sees on his left side, he has a cut and it's slowly bleeding. ' I gotta get this kid some help, fast!' She then heads off to where the portal is, the portal back to hell.

She has a second thought about this, bringing a child to hell where it's... Well, hell of course. But she recalls the last time a child was taken to a hospital on earth, and they had to bring the kid with them since they didn't have insurance for the kid they shot, well the kid that Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie shot.

Loona then makes her choice. ' Fuck it, sorry kid, but you're going to hell with me. Okay, I think that sounded kinda fucked up.' She then makes her way to where the portal is. ' Hang in there kid, I'm getting you help.'

She then sees Blitzo come out of the bushes. "Loona, there you are. Where the.... Is that a kid? Wait. What are you doing?"

"No time, he needs help. We're taking him back to hell, now!" said Loona, and she sounds angry.

Blitzo knows not to tempt her when Loona is angry, he did raise her and so he goes with her. "This had better not be a mistake, like the last kid who we brought back and he was one annoying piece of shit."

"This kid doesn't seem like the last one, I know it, and I can feel it. Let's go, now!" Loona goes through the portal and so does Blitzo, Millie, and Moxxie.

And when they did, Loona, Blitzo, Moxxie and Millie came back to where they both live and where they belong, Hell.

That's right. The four of the Hellish Demons both live in the bone chilling, goosebump rising, new level of horror and fear afterlife called Hell.

Then Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie and Loona both entered back into where they both work at, the Immediate Murder Professionals headquarters. Or for short, the I.M.P. building.

It's a 75 feet tall building, and it contains 5 floors.

The first floor has a reception area and a waiting area. So it's basically where you get started with your kill order.

The second floor has one big room called the training room where all the I.M.P. members practice and train for their killing and what not.

The third floor has four different offices. One for Blitzo, one for Moxxie, one for Millie and one for Loona.

The fourth floor has a meeting room and a break room for those that work for the Immediate Murder Professionals only.

And lastly, the highest floor of the building. The fifth floor has two bedrooms, one for Blitzo and one for Loona.

When they entered inside the building, the very first thing that Loona did was rush all the way upstairs to the highest floor of the building all the way to her bedroom, carrying the still injured boy.

The three imp demons were a bit confused about what the teenage female hellhound just done.

What in the Satan's fuck does she want from the child and what is she going to do to him?  The three imp demons both thought to themselves with confusion.

Loona never gave a fuck about an injured child of any age, until now.

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