Happy Merry Everything (Charl...

By vividlittlevox

129K 4.5K 4.2K

You're home for the holidays when a wrong number texts you on Christmas Eve. With a joyful heart and your bet... More

Twas the Night Before Christmas
You'll Shoot Your Eye Out
If You're Feeling Brave
Auld Lang Syne
If You're Willing, I Am Too.
How Do We Do This?
Heart Shaped Box
It's Nice to Meet You
I'm Scared.
Pillow Talk
Good Morning
I Don't Think That's Crazy At All.
Come What May
Opening Night pt. 1
Opening Night pt. 2 - Showtime
Opening Night pt. 3 - Encore
Mrs. Charlie Barber
2 Weeks.
In a New York Minute
Ghosts and Other Things
Digging Up The Past
Baubles, Bangles, and Beads
New York Bear Bear
LA Bear Bear
The Winner Takes It All
Love and Mercy
Mom and Dad
Once More With Feeling
Stormy Weather pt. 1 - Grow As We Go
Stormy Weather pt. 2 - Wedding Bell Blues
Daddy Phase
Wild Horses
Just a Little Something
Saturday Night pt. 1
Saturday Night pt. 2
Secrets Pt. 1
Secrets pt. 2
Happy Birthday Charlie

Now What?

2.7K 92 36
By vividlittlevox

Charlie was up early. He did his best not to disturb you when he rose, leaving you in bed to sleep in. It had been a late night for the two of you. You had been up for hours on end attempting to find a way to navigate the whole "married" situation. New York's theatre elite suddenly thought you were husband and wife. It went without saying how amusing it was considering you and Charlie only slept together for the first time a couple of nights days ago. You had wracked your brains trying to devise some sort of solution but, try as you might, kept coming up empty. When you woke, the conversation was still at the forefront of your mind.

"Can't we just contact them?" you had mused. It made sense to you. They made an error in publishing. Surely they'd be apologetic and want to be accurate in their reporting.

His words were heated."And say what exactly? 'Sorry to bother you, but the woman you listed as my wife is just my girlfriend?' It would be different if we were related and they had fucked up. Asking them to change it just makes me sound like I'm saying, "Please! No! Don't give her any ideas. I'm not ready to give her a ring yet!" Charlie Barber. The divorced commitment-phobic dick. Christ. We made Playbill. Do you want us to make Page Six too?"

He held his face in his hands and took a deep breath, calming himself down. He slowly reached over to touch your arm. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have--there was no need for that. It's not your fault any more than it is mine. We're in this together. I'm sorry I lost my cool for a second."

You knew deep down Charlie wasn't angry with you. He was frustrated and you were too. It was an annoying conundrum for the both of you to have to endure and although his career was of a higher profile, you, too, would have to deal with the ramifications.

You couldn't lie there any longer. You got up, made the bed, and quickly got dressed. You could hear voices coming from the living room. Charlie, Henry...and Nicole. Why was she here?

You quickly fixed your hair and put in your earrings. There was no way you could brush your teeth without them noticing you were up so as you quietly crept out of the bedroom you did the next best thing: mouthwash.

You looked presentable, pretty even, but still felt self-conscious. For whatever reason, you thought you had something to prove. You gently reminded yourself you weren't in competition with her, that she had willingly given him away. As you came out of the hallway, Nicole and Henry were stepping out the front door, Charlie behind them closing the door. You were a little sad you didn't get to say goodbye to Henry, but realized it might have been for the best.

You dashed back into the bathroom to brush up while you still could and by the time you were swishing water around in your mouth to rinse, you heard the front door open and close again.

You made your way out and stepped into the living room. Charlie's eyes lit up when he saw you. He was holding a rather large box. "Hi," you said softly.

"Morning," He said, sitting the box down. "Did we wake you?" You shook your head, crossing your arms. "No, today was supposed to be a work day so I woke up when I normally do. I just wasn't sure if it was better to come out or stay in bed."

He looked panicked. "Shit. I'm so sorry. I didn't even think about it." You held your hand up, shaking your head again.

"It's alright. I'm using my PTO. I wanted to be able to support you no matter what happened with the play so I took a few days off."

He came over to you and wrapped his arms around you, his chin coming to rest on your shoulder. You still weren't used to the way Charlie towered over you. Sometimes you wondered how his back felt from the act of hugging you alone. All of that bending over seemed taxing.

"I love you so much." His lips planted soft kisses against your neck and breathed you in. "You always smell so good." He moved to gently kiss your lips. "Are we okay?"

You smiled against his lips and kissed him back. "We're fine, promise." You could feel his body relaxing against yours.

You peered behind him at the large gift wrapped item in the floor. "What's that?"

Charlie face wrinkled in a grimace. "Should I not have asked?" His eyes met yours.

"It's-- a wedding gift." There was no controlling it. You scrunched up your face at the thought.

"I don't understand."

Charlie moved away to pick up the wrapped package and set it on the coffee table. "I'm guessing Nicole was one of many who picked up on the printing faux pas from yesterday. Whatever's in here will definitely let me know if she took it literally or not."

You inspected the wrapping, flipping open the card attached to the bow. "This is a potential gag gift from Nicole?"

"Or a real one. I don't know. I don't want to get into it."

"Should we open it?"

Charlie crossed to sit in the armchair. "Better not. I don't want to risk it. It might be loaded."


He half chuckled. "I'm only kidding."

"That shit's not funny, Charlie."

"Hey, we're not married anymore for a reason. Well, several, but there's really no telling what's in there."

"So...open it?"

Charlie's mouth was in a tight smile.

"Doesn't opening it say we're choosing and accepting our printed fate? If that's the case, I'm not so sure that's a good idea...especially since someone wasn't too keen on even having a hypothetical baby with me last night."

You rolled your eyes and plopped down on the couch. "You're never going to let that go are you?"

"Not until we're actually married and you're three months pregnant, no."

You tried to ignore the gravitas of his words. Instead, your hands fiddled with the ribbon on the outside of the gift. "If she went through the trouble of bringing it over, she might actually want us to open it. She did wrap it after all."

Charlie was silent, unsure if he wanted anything to do with the idea.

"How did you not know sooner by the way?"
"What do you mean?" He perked up.
"You said people emailed and texted you saying 'congratulations'. How did you not know?"
"I thought they were congratulating me on the show, so I didn't read them because we said we'd read the reviews together. I walked around with about 45 unread texts and who knows how many emails."

He sighed and stood up, walking over to the box. "Come with me," he said, lifting it from it's spot on the table. "Can you open the hall closet?"

You followed behind him and did as you were asked, opening the door. Charlie sat the box down in the floor before dusting off his hands.

"Now we won't be tempted as we figure things out. And if I'm being honest, depending on how this does actually turn out, I'd prefer our first official wedding gift to not be from Nicole."

You closed the door and crossed your arms. "So...now what? What do we do?"

He sighed and pulled you into his arms again. "I wish I had all the answers, but I don't." Charlie huffed out a chuckle.

"It's nothing..."
"No, tell me. I want to know."

He pressed his forehead to yours. "If we'd been together longer when this happened, I would have just asked you if you wanted to make it official."

You pulled back slightly and looked up at him. There was nothing but genuine adoration on his countenance as he looked back at you.
"You're serious?"
"Why not?"

His admission wasn't something you were prepared to hear.

"Your name with mine has a nice ring to it. I love you and love waking up with you and falling asleep with you in my arms. When we're apart, hearing from you is the best part of my day. And, I realize I'm only speaking from my point of view, but..." Charlie gave you some serious bedroom eyes. "...we fit perfectly together... in more ways than one."

You rolled your eyes, a smile appearing on your face. "There's more to marriage than that."

"Oh, I know. I'm well versed in this subject. I know all of the ins and outs. What to do, what not to do. I'm great at communication." He boasted. "And...I love everything about you, even the things I should know I should dislike."

You wrinkled your nose at him. "Like what?"

"Well...you can't watch a movie without popcorn and if we're eating anything during the movie you have to have the captions on--unless of course we're at the actual theater and then you can hear just fine. How you told me the Hershey's Kisses Christmas bell commercial makes you cry. The way you get excited over little things, like the way the city looks at night, seeing a random dog, or watching Bethesda fountain. The way you leave no trace of bagel uncovered because you have to slather the whole thing in cream cheese."

He held you closer, gazing into your eyes. "The soft little snores you make when you're sleeping really well."

"I do not snore."
"Mmm...yes, you do and it's adorable. The way you curl up next to me like you can't get close enough when you're cold. Oh and personal favorite..." His eyes grew dark as he leaned in closer, his hand coming to rest on your backside. "The way you sit in a little ball in the crook of the couch and balance full coffee mugs right on top of your knee. It drives me. fucking. crazy." His hand collided with your ass, taking you by surprise.

You giggled. "It's comfy."
"It's fucking dangerous is what it is."
"The coffee table is too far and I never make a mess."
"It's not the mess I'm worried about. It's watching the cup start to teeter when you shift positions and wondering if I'm going to have to take my little burn victim to the ER--that's what I'm worried about."
"Is that your new pet name for me?"
"Jesus Christ."

You couldn't help but laugh, pleased with yourself. "Never a dull moment with you, is there?" He said playfully.

Charlie hoisted you up and moved over to the sofa, keeping you in his lap as he sat down.

He sat quietly, studying your face, staring into your eyes like there was something he wanted to say.

"What is it, my love?"

He shook his head. "Not a thing."

You wrinkled your brow, pouting a little for the full effect. "Tell me? Pretty please?"

He pressed his forehead to yours. "You make me happier than you'll ever know."

You hummed with delight, your fingers dancing in the dark raven hair at the nape of his neck.

"I love you, Charlie."

"I love you too, sweetheart."

His hand softly came up to caress your cheek as his lips tenderly met yours. Your lips parted, granting him entrance, his tongue swirling with yours as your kisses grew more ferocious. Just then, a knock at the door.

He pulled away slowly; neither of you were expecting company. You scooted off of his lap to the cushion beside him.

Charlie rose and walked to answer the door. It was Nicole.

"Back so soon?"

"Yeah, sorry. I forgot my purse." Charlie looked back over to where she had been sitting and, sure enough, there it was under the coffee table. You took it upon yourself to hand it to him and Nicole noticed you. "Oh, hey. I didn't realize you were here."

"She was in the bedroom when you came to pick up Henry."

"I was still asleep. We had a late night."

You heard the words leave your mouth and instantly realized how it came across. Even though everything from the night before had been completely innocuous, you were positive all she heard was, "Sorry Nicole, we were up late fucking."

"Ah. Well...congratulations by the way," she said, her voice filled with halfhearted enthusiasm. "Oh, Charlie--before I forget-- Henry wants to come back later tonight. Does that work for you?" She looked at you and then Charlie.

"Of course. This is his home."

Over the next few days, you and Charlie worked vigilantly together towards letting everyone down easily. Jules proved to be no real help at all, only offering  "you could do worse" as her one solid piece of advice.

Back at work, you were busier than ever. As refreshing as it was to take some time off, you always had to hit the ground running whenever you returned. There was no room for error, especially when it came to making Lorne happy. To top things off, you were missing the man you loved more than words could say. Falling asleep in his arms and kissing him "good morning" had become commonplace. With Henry in town, much to Charlie's chagrin, you made the decision to spend the last few nights at your own apartment. However, that didn't stop Charlie from texting you after his son was fast asleep every night.

Charlie: The bed feels empty without you next to me.
Charlie: I don't know why you had to go back to your place. You could sleep here every night if you wanted.

Charlie: Henry really likes you.
Charlie: I do too, but you knew that. Sorry for all of the texts by the way. I can't sleep.

Charlie: The pillows smell like you and it's killing me.
Charlie: I swear I'm not needy...said the man who just sent you multiple texts in a row. This is the last one, promise. You're probably asleep by now and I don't want to wake you. Call me tomorrow. I love you so much.

As for you and Mr. Barber being newlyweds, talk of your being husband and wife seemed to die down on its own. Charlie kindly sent back the few gifts that he received, informing his own friends that when there was something to celebrate they'd be the first to know. You only had a couple of people at work offer their congratulations, but it wasn't anyone you were close to so you figured it didn't really matter.

You arrived at your apartment more tired than usual and made yourself a cup of coffee as soon as you walked in the door. You sorted through your mail as you sipped the warm beverage traveled over your lips. Somehow the little place you called home felt like the farthest thing from it. The studio was certainly different from Charlie's place. It was completely yours, decorated as you liked it and everything had its place. At one time, it was your perfect little piece of New York, but now—not so much.

You crossed over to your little wardrobe and pulled out a top to sleep in. Your heart fluttered in your chest. The maroon shirt. Charlie's favorite. Between all of your overnight bags coming and going, it must have snuck in without you noticing. You held it close and breathed in its scent. The familiar, comforting fragrance of his detergent filled your nose.

You weren't sure if he'd be awake or not, but it was worth a shot. You laid down and began drafting a text. Knowing Charlie, if he was up, he'd be reading through his notes.

"Adding a picture couldn't hurt", you thought.

You quickly snapped a photo of yourself for him. You were very clearly on your bed, your legs and thighs in full view as the shirt rode up just a touch.

You: Look what I found. 😘

Charlie wasted no time replying.

Charlie: It looks better on you, my love.
Charlie: Also, forgive me--your thighs look delectable.

You could feel the heat rushing to your cheek. Your heart started beating a little bit faster, thinking back to all the times he had kissed the insides of them, his teeth marking you up as his own.

You: Are you in bed?
Charlie: I am.
You: Me too.

You allowed your mind to wander, letting it run wild as you tried to picture what Charlie might be wearing to bed. Boxers and a t-shirt? Nothing at all? His black sleep pants and soft grey shirt? You couldn't help yourself. You were embarrassed that you were even typing it, but any regrets you had went out the window the moment you pressed send.

You: What are you wearing?
Charlie: I want you to know I typed up and deleted a similar message several times before you sent that to me.
Charlie: And just boxers. I'd be lying if I said I didn't get more comfortable after you sent the photo. Dare I ask if you're wearing anything underneath?
You: I'm only wearing your shirt ❤️
Charlie: No panties?

You: No panties. 😊
Charlie: Fuck, baby.

You were pleased with yourself. You tugged your bottom lip between your teeth as you allowed your finger to tease your nipple through the fabric of his shirt.

Charlie: I wish I could taste you right now. Tease you with my tongue. Slip my fingers inside of you.
Charlie: Touch yourself for me please.

You wouldn't dream of denying him. You began easing your hand lower until you reached your aching cunt. You spread your legs and planted your feet firmly on the bed, imagining you were opening wide for Charlie. You dipped inside, collecting your own wetness on your fingertips, and swiped over your sensitive little clit causing you to gasp. You wondered if your admission made Charlie hard, if he had his cock in hand, pumping his length as he thought of you.

You rolled a nipple between your fingers as your other hand began exploring your depths, your sweet juices leaking out of you as you fucked yourself the best you could. Damn Charlie and his able fingers. It wasn't the same. You missed the feeling of him leaving you completely stuffed as he sucked on the precious bundle of nerves between your legs. You imagined his tongue stiffening, languidly lapping up your juices as he ate you out.

You must have been taking too long to reply because your phone started ringing. Of course it was him.

You moaned his name as soon as you swiped to answer.

Charlie was panting and that's how you knew---he was stroking his cock, desperately needing you just as much.

"Don't you even think about hanging up until I make you cum."


"So I was thinking we could have lunch sometime this week." When Nina called out of the blue to set up some sister time, you weren't sure what to make of it. Normally, Nina was fairly predictable. She was the type who preferred to plan things way in advance so when she scheduled something on a whim, you could count on it being one of two things: either Nina was really missed or she had big news. It was typically the latter.

"What day were you thinking to meet up?" You asked, looking over your work calendar.

"What about Tuesday?"

"Tuesday's no good for me, Neen. I'll be up to my eyeballs in sketch scripts."

"Sunday then?"

Sunday was supposed to be your day with Charlie. You briefly contemplated inviting him to tag along, but ultimately decided against it. As excited as Nina would be to meet your new beau, she'd love giving him the third degree even more. It never failed. She always managed to come up with questions to make men run for the hills. In some ways, when it came to interrogating your potential suitors, she was worse than your dad. At least your dad didn't outright threaten them...too much.

"I actually have a date Sunday, but I can talk to him and see if we can move things around."
Nina audibly gasped into the phone. "A date? With who?"

"My boyfriend?"
"Since when are you dating, Little Bit?!"
"I've been seeing Charlie for a while."
"Oooh! The mystery man has a name. How did you meet?"
"It's a long story." You heard the lie leave your lips. It wasn't that you didn't want to explain it to her. It was simply that you'd witnessed the less than stellar reactions from others when you tried to tell your romantic tale and, in a world where we swipe right for love, you were surprised people weren't more understanding.

"Luckily for you, I've got time all the time in the world on Sunday. This is gonna be so exciting! Oh! You should bring him! Bring him and if he makes the cut, I'll tell Mom and we can invite him for Easter or something."

"What makes you think I'm coming home for Easter?"

"Listen, Little Bit, I have to go. I have another call, but I love you to pieces and can't wait for Sunday! Yay!" She blew kisses into the phone and hung up.

You were ready to bang your head into laptop when your desk phone rang.

You answered with "Go for..." your name.

"Hey, it's Cynthia. You have a guest here. Should I pass him in?"

You could hear her pull away from the phone to talk to whoever it was when you heard his voice.

"It's Charlie Barber."
"I guess you can let him back," you said playfully.

"In all of my years in New York, I've never been to a taping or toured this set. This is kind of incredible."
"Do you want to do the thing?"
Charlie looked confused.
You gave him your best jazz hands. "Live from New York it's— Thursday afternoon."
Charlie chuckled. "Will you upset if I say no? I don't want to embarrass you."
You shook your head and went in to give him a small kiss when you heard someone calling out from behind you.

"Oh my god! It's Charles in Charge in the flesh!"
You practically facepalmed before shooting her a death glare. Jules raced up and nearly tackled you from behind. You'd remind her to lay off the sugar-free Redbull later.

"Charlie, meet Jules. Jules. Charlie."
He extended his hand. "It's nice to meet you."
She looked at his hand, then you, and the back to his hand before taking it in her own.
"I promise she's never this awkward."
Jules snorted. "That's a bold faced lie. This is my general state of being. Also right back at ya."

She was grinning. "Did you show him the update desk yet?"
"Unfortunately I can't stay too long because I need to get back to the theatre," Charlie took your hand in his. "But I did want to bring you lunch."
"Handsome and he makes sure you eat? You chose well."
"You can see he's still here, right?"
"Oh yeah. For sure."

Charlie smiled and winked at you.
"I'll walk you out, babe."  You said, stealing a kiss.
"Sounds good." Charlie turned to Jules. "It was great to finally meet you."

"Oh yeah, you too."

You were walking hand in hand toward the studio exit when Jules started singing, most likely to embarrass you, getting a snicker out of Charlie.

Charles in charge
Of our days and our nights
Charles in charge
Of our wrongs and our rights
And I see, I want
I want Charles in charge of me


A/N: For any who aren't familiar, Charles in Charge was a sitcom from the 1980s. Here's the version of the theme song Jules was singing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzIpFR9YKvQ

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