Hermione Malfoy

By miaa020

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HeadGirl was always the dream. However, Draco Malfoy being HeadBoy was not what Hermione had wanted or expect... More

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By miaa020

Letting out a deep breath Draco rolled over to see what the noise was coming from the other side of the room. At his window he sees his owl with a letter that appears to be the same type of parchment he always gets from his mother.

Getting up from the bed he moves Hermione's arm off his chest and onto a pillow. Looking down at her, he couldn't help but smile at the thought of the previous night. Not that he wasn't expecting it to happen after his plan but was still nonetheless happy that the night went well. Very well in his eyes.

Making his way over to the window the owl fluttered it's wings at the sight of the treat Draco had grabbed off the wardrobe for when his owl dropped off letters. He opened the window grabbing the parchment before giving the owl his well earned treat and retreating back to his exhausted woman in bed.

Sliding back into bed trying not to wake her, he leans his back against the headboard to start to read the letter. Hearing a hum he feels Hermione slide over to him as she puts her head onto his lap with her arm draped across his legs. Smiling to himself he runs his free hand through her hair as he sees the letter is from his mum.

"My Dear Son,

I hope your holiday went well and you were able to do something lively with your friends & Hermione. I truly am sorry you couldn't come home for the holiday but I trust Hermione made the day better for you. I hope you are free to have lunch with me today around mid-day. I miss my boy too much when I go away for the businesses sake. The trip went well, we got a few good deals out of it so well worth the trip, we can divulge into it the next time I see you for when you need to take over.
Please let me know if you can do lunch at our usual spot.
Mum xx "

"You've got a letter?" Hermione says groggily as her eyes are half open.

"I did, it's from my mother. She was telling me a bit about her trip as well as asking me to lunch." he explained to her still running his hands through her messy hair. "I'll write back a bit later."

Putting the letter down on his bedside table, he moved down on then bed to lie next to Hermione. She instantly nuzzles into his chest without opening an eye. It was moments like these where it seems like the world stopped and they just stayed in the perfect moment.

"Goodmorning my love," Draco says as he kisses her forehead lightly.

Still half asleep Hermione mumbled a "Goodmorning" back.

"We should probably start to get ready, breakfast should be starting soon."

"I'm okay here." Hermione says as she snuggles in under the blankets and into Draco more if that were even possible.

Chucking to himself Draco slides one of his arms under the blanket to hold her by her waist. "Just so you know my lunch with my mother is today."

"Can I come?"

A question so simple but it made Draco happier then he thought possible. Hermione's eyes were still closed but opened once she hadn't gotten a response as quick as all the others. Opening her eyes she saw Draco with the biggest smile on his face she had every seen. "D?" she questions.

"O-of course you can come darling. Are you sure you want to come? You don't have to." He says with the hint of a smirk but they both knew he was serious.

"No, I want to come D." she smiles.

"I love you..." he says as he leans in to kiss her.

Through the kiss Hermione smiles back at him, "I love you too."

Draco leans up slightly turning his body in the process to reach over and grab the water on the night stand from after their night of festivities you could say. Hermione couldn't help but notice his very prominent v-line and she instantly her mind went over the particular event that had happened between the two. Multiple times. Moving her legs slightly she could feel how sore she was still and slightly smirked but quickly put it away before Draco turned back around. As much as she loved the mess he left her, him knowing would inflate his ego way too much for her liking.

"Are you sure you don't want to get up my love? It is getting very late." Draco questions with the slightest bit of concern.

Blushing slightly Hermione responds, "I don't think I'm quite able to stand yet..." as she can see Draco smirk over at her.

"Still sore from last night are we?" he spoke with his certain turned on tone she now knew very well.


"I was starting to think you had forgotten about it for a minute." he says as he looks down at her.

"You think I could forget a night like that? Not a chance." Now it was her turn to smirk at what she thought was a witty response.

Moving a bit closer he says, "And why is that Granger?" before taking the sheet off of her to look at her beautiful exposed body a bit more.

"Mm well when you treat me the way you did all night long and look like that? It certainly is hard to forget..." Hermione says as she bites her lip slightly without even noticing. It drove him mad when she did it so innocently and unintentionally.

"I treat you the way any man should have, like the absolute goddess of a women you are." He says with lust filled eyes. "Oh and you mean like this?" he asks as he shows his abs he knows Hermione loves along with his very muscular biceps.

Biting her lip, Hermione mumbled an 'mhm' obviously entranced on the sight he gave her. He runs his hand down her back ever so slightly, giving her goosebumps in the process. This side of Hermione never failed to drive him wild, knowing he was the only one who could get the gentle and innocent Hermione Granger so turned on.

Turning to get off her side of the bed Hermione smirks, "Maybe we should get ready..."

"Oh no you don't..." Draco smirks as he grabs her waist and pulls her back to him causing Hermione to laugh as they roll over in the bed landing with Hermione straddling Draco.


Looking around the open corridor, they could see lots of students roaming the halls chatting on their way to breakfast.

What a pity that one of them was next.

Thinking to themselves to see if they could even identify one, a few names came to mind as they passed by.

Harry Potter, Ginevra Weasley, The Little Boagley Twins, Lavender Brown... it truly was surprisingly easy for them to name off the names of so many students.

Going off to the outside of the school they fled as quickly as possible while thinking of when to strike next.


Hermione and Draco made it to breakfast in time to grab a small pastry and fruit of choice before having to head to classes with their friends. Draco of course chose a green apple to which Hermione called him boring but he paid no attention to her as he enjoyed his apple.

The group walked to Potions not particularly ready to be brewing anything this early as they all had quite the night before.

While they all got seated in Potions they could see Slughorn looked particularly nervous today.

"Is it just me or is everyone on edge recently?" Ginny said as she sat down next to Draco.

"I said the same thing Gin but someone told me I was overthinking it." Hermione said as she shot a glare at Draco.

Shaking his head with a chuckle, "Okay I was being reassuring love."

Piping in, Blaise says, "In Draco's defense reassuring people is not Draco's strong suit. "

"Blaise..." Draco sighed.

"I'm trying to help you man," Blaise shrugged as everyone laughed at the interaction.

"I do agree that everyone seems to be tense though, there has to be something going on." Harry chimed in.

Hearing a tapping at the front of the room they all turned to look at Slughorn. "Alright class today you and your partners or um pairs or um... yes partners..."

Whispering Pansy says, "Definitely something wrong."

"You will all be brewing a simple remedy potion located on page 493 of your books. You have the full class if needed. I am up here if you have any questions. " Raising his voice he added in, "About the potion, only the potion. I can't answer any other questions regarding anything else." Slughorn said with a slight chuckle clearly nervous to be speaking to the students.

Hermione went up to grab some ingredients from the cupboards to start the potion while Blaise starts reading the textbook.

"Hey, want to snoop around a bit at lunch time? See if there's any talk amounts the professors?" Ginny says as she comes up next to Hermione to grab a few spruces of herbs.

"I actually am going out to lunch with Draco's mother but maybe tonight during rounds we should." Hermione says looking at Ginny.

She had a worried look on her face, "Mione your terrified to meet the woman why are you going out to lunch with them?"

"I'm not terrified of her Gin.." Hermione said shaking her head as Ginny tilted her head down giving her the look. "Okay maybe a little but she sent me that gift that one time and she always says kind things about me to Draco. Realistically I have to meet her at some point if Draco and I plan on staying together long term." she explains.

As they slowly start walking back, Ginny keeps her voice low so none of the boys hear their conversation, "Very true but I mean it's Naricissa Malfoy. You aren't going to the manor are you? I can't imagine you would want to go back there?"

"Oh no, we are meeting at the Three Broomsticks I believe. The manor is a very different ordeal that we'll have to figure out." Hermione said as they approached their tables.

"Why does something seem different about you right now?" Ginny asks looking at her weirdly.

Not wanting to divulge into last nights activities Hermione walked a little faster. "We'll talk more later..." she whispered as they sat down.

After a long potions and Ancient Runes class, Hermione and Draco left by the floo network to go to Hogsmeade. The only passage they could use at the time is the one in the DADA class but Hermione made a note to herself to ask McGonagall if the one in their common room would work.

"I truly hate the floo network. So much dust and powder!" Hermione complains as she wipes off her pants and jumper.

Patting himself off as well Draco nodded in agreement. "Mm just so you know my mother is going to ask you to come to the Manor for the Christmas Holiday but you obviously do not have to say yes. You can tell her you haven't figured out plans yet or something along those lines."

"Alright," Hermione answered quickly as they push open the door to the Three Broomsticks.

Grabbing Hermione's hand, Draco led her to the usual table he and his mother sit at. As they approached Hermione could see Narcissa writing on a piece of parchment looking exactly how she remembered her. The black and silver hair was up in a half up half down clip while her makeup stayed simple. Her outfit was full black with the exception of her emerald necklace.

Narcissa saw them approaching and a huge smile appeared as she stood up from the table to greet them.

"Draco dear!" she said lovingly as she pulled him into a hug while Hermione smiled at the twos bond. Draco has always voiced how close he was to his mom but seeing it warmed her heart.

Turning towards Hermione she immediately pulled her into a hug as Draco says, "Mom this is Hermione.." Looking over at Draco, Hermione can see the concern on his face at his mother's actions knowing Hermione was nervous. Giving him a smile, Hermione signals Draco that it's alright and she sees him become less tense.

After pulling away, Narcissa guides them back to the table. "It is so nice to finally meet you again Hermione, I have heard so much about you."

"It's really nice to see you as well, and thank you so much for that gift you sent the last time Draco went for lunch with you. It was beyond beautiful!" Hermione says kindly as Draco grabs her hand under the table, intertwining their hands.

"Oh I was happy to send it! I'm glad you loved it." Narcissa smiles as some butterbeer and tea is brought over by one of the workers.

"So tell me how is being Head boy and Head girl?" Narcissa asks as she sips her tea.

Looking at Draco while she sips her butterbeer, Hermione signals him to answer.

"It's going well. Definitely an adjustment for sure since it includes so much time and responsibilities. So far it's gone well and the patrols aren't as bad as I had thought they would be." Draco explained leaving out the hooded figure for now as to not worry his mother. I mean how would he explain it without worrying her parent hearing there is a hooded figure trying to hurt people would presumably freak out.

Nodding her head she seemed delighted. "I am so happy to hear that! Is the common room separate for you two? No more house towers?"

"Yes we have our own common room, it is beyond amazing. It has everything we could need and more." Hermione says as. Narcissa listened intently.

As if they had known each other forever, Narcissa and Hermione spent the rest of lunch chatting away about Draco's childhood to which Draco was thoroughly embarrassed about, and so much more. Although he hated the stories his mother told, seeing the two most important women in his life talk as if they hadn't just met sort of that morning was something he never knew would make him so happy. Hermione was unlike some of the other girlfriends Draco had in the past. Most of them girls he met on a whim and wanted to see the manor and when meeting his mother had no manners at all. This was a nice change of pace, Hermione was well mannered almost to a fault and could have a conversation with anyone it came so easy to her.

"You know I truly appreciate you coming out to lunch with Draco and I, Hermione. As soon as I found out you two were together I wanted nothing more than to make amends with you." Narcissa started as her expression became solemn and full of hope.

Interjecting Hermione says, "I want you to know I don't hold anything against you. We all had to do what we had to do to stay alive during the war and Draco speaks so highly of you, I know you have changed for the better. Plus what you did for Harry none of us will ever forget."

As Hermione spoke Narcissa's eyes welled up with tears. After seeing this Hermione felt like she had said something wrong. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you in anyway..." she says as Draco puts his hand comfortingly on her back as Narcissa shakes her head.

"Oh honey I'm not offended! I am just so glad there are people like you who do not see us as monsters and I am so glad that Draco has found someone like you."

Hermione smiled up at Draco as he spoke to his mother, "I told you that you'd see why I like her so much once you met her."

Shaking her head slightly at his comment, Hermione looked back over at Narcissa who was staring at the two lovingly.

"I definitely do." she said as her face lit up with excitement as she got an idea. "Hermione, we always love to host Christmas and we would love for you to come this year!"

Just as Draco goes to speak up Hermione butts her way in. "I would love to! I believe I am seeing my parents Christmas eve but I would love to be there for Christmas day." she says as she smiles up at Draco.

Thrilled at her response, Narcissa claps her hands together as she looks at Draco. "Draco isn't that lovely! The manor will be so lively again! Please invite all your friends, we have more than enough room for everyone!"

"It will be mother and will do." he smiled at her. "We should probably be heading back for the rest of our classes but it was lovely to see you mother." Draco says as he stands up from the table and the girls follow suit.

"Of course of course! Thank you for the lovely lunch. I love you son." she says as she gives him a hug before giving Hermione one as well. "It was nice to see you Hermione, I look forward to having you for the Holidays!"

"I do too, it was a pleasure." Hermione says warmly.

As Draco and Hermione made their way back to the fireplace they came from, they realized how much they missed Hogsmeade.

"I wish our trip hadn't gotten postponed. I would love to come here for shopping." Hermione says looking around one last time..

"I agree, I love Hogsmeade this time of year."

They made their way back to Hogwarts before rushing to Arithmancy so they weren't late. It would not look good being late after missing a day of classes before for their day spent inside the common room.

"You didn't have to say yes to coming for Christmas you know." Draco says as they turn down a corridor.

"I know... I wanted to. Eventually I will have to go to the manor and you said yourself it's different now so there's a chance the memories won't even pop up." she said with a shrug trying to be on the positive side of things.

"I also said I would buy us a new manor if needed." Draco said looking down at her.

Narrowing her eyes at him she says," Draco I am not letting you spend that much money on me."

"Just wait till you see what I'm getting you for Christmas..." Draco snickers.

"What?" Hermione questions as Draco replies, "What?" before they both giggle and walk though the door for Arithmancy.

Taking a seat at their usual table Hermione leans over to talk to him without anyone listening in. "Since we're having the holiday talk, would you like to come with me Christmas Eve to see my parents? I was going to ask later but since it's come up..."

"I would love to." Draco says as the professor starts class.

Tuning into the class Hermione started taking notes on everything the professor was talking about whole Draco was thinking of the holidays and how he could make Hermione comfortable at the manor. He would buy her a new manor without so much as a second thought but he did grow up in the manor and his mother and he really changed it a lot after the war. It was beautiful now. Thinking for a bit he finally got an idea.

Moving his seat slightly closer to Hermione's he leaned down pretending to take notes to whisper to her.

"I have an idea." he says plainly as she mumbled a 'hm' as she continues to take notes gesturing for him to continue on.

"Well Blaise and Pansy always stay at the Manor from Christmas to New years for our ball," Draco starts as Hermione gives him a quizzical look at the mention of a ball. "I'll explain that later however if you are comfortable with it of course you could stay the week and think of it as a test run of sorts. You can get a feel for the manor while being with your amazing boyfriend," Hermione rolled her eyes at that one.

"Oh come on love, you know you love me. But if by the time we come back to Hogwarts you still don't feel comfortable in the manor then i'll buy us a new one." he finished explaining.

Thinking it over for a moment Hermione could see the nerves on Draco. "Yea okay, that could work." she responds lowly as she looks up at him with a small smile.

"Really?" Draco says excited at his brilliant plan.

"Yea, I think it's a good idea to do a test run." She smiles. Genuinely she thought it was a good idea. Sure she was a bundle of nerves at the thought of having to go and stay at the manor for a prolonged time but over the Holidays it may be fun and this time is different. No one is against them anymore and she has Draco now.

Remembering the talk with his mother he mentions, "You could ask Ginny and Harry to come along as well. I've already invited Luna as she is somewhat of a cousin to me but mother won't mind them coming."

Nodding her head excitedly she agrees. "That will be so fun... so what is this ball?"

"Every year my mum threw a new years party with family and friends. Given most family is gone it'll be small this year but everyone dresses up. Of course you'll be able to pick out a gown and so will your friends." he explains.

"So this is the Malfoy Life? Manors, money and holiday balls?" Hermione questions with a smirk.

Smiling over at her he says, "Indeed it is. Still up for it?"

"If it includes you? yes."


I know it's been such a long time since I updated but I hope you like this chapter and the next few get CRAZY so trust me it'll be worth the wait!!

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