Dipcifica Lesfic

By Lesbee1

364 4 3

Exactly what the title says 🙃 More



252 2 2
By Lesbee1

Gravity Falls is a place that never takes too outsiders. This town is surrounded by miles of cliffs, lakes, man-sized-bugs and pine trees. Mabel and I transferred here, the people welcomed us with open arms, because we were adorable six year olds.

Not saying they weren't 'iffy' about having two more members of the Pines family running around. Gruncle Stan hasn't given us a good name down here, but we proved ourselves to be a couple of angels in no time.

I walked inside my shared attic bedroom, wrapped in a towel. My body shivered as I made my way to the wardrobe and changed into my favorite red lingerie. I'm not trying to look sexy for my sister. (Even if I look pretty damn sexy. It's just my style.)

I rubbed my shoulders up and down to get warmer. “Jeez, it's frigging' cold.” I've lived in Gravity Falls for ten years, but this is my first winter, where it's snowed. The sun likes beating down on us with a raging heat all year round.

I can't complain about the cold since, It's nice to have a break from the constant sweating, and having to change my clothes multiple times throughout the day.

I grabbed my hair brush off the vanity and unwrapped my brunette forest from the hair-towel. My eye twitched as I worked the bristles through the semi-wet mess on my head.

I'm a true blue curly cue, so this hair requires immediate attention when I get out of the shower.

I couldn't hear over the sound of my hairdryer, if I could, I would've evaded the oncoming Mabel from behind.

The hoe barreled towards me at record speed. I heard her footsteps at the last second and spun around in time to get a face full of Mabel. She tackled me to the creaky floorboards, emitting a sound that I can only describe as a mix between an angry elephant/gorilla hybrid... gorillaphent!

“Mabel! What heck!?” I tried defending myself with the hairdryer, but that did nothing to stop Mabel from grasping both of my chesticals.

She wailed, “Why are they so much bigger! You bitch how dare you!” She's on the verge of tears and refuses to release her tit-grip, no matter how hard I slap.

“Remove your hands from my body woman!”

She made a noise of defiance... I think... couldn't tell. So, I pushed her off and stood up. “They aren't that big...” I mumble while switching the hairdryer off.

“No... but they're bigger than mine. What the heck, Dipper! We're twins! We should BOTH have magnificent boobs.” She tried grabbing my boob once more.

I slapped her hand away and resumed brushing my now dried hair. “They'll grow... eventually.” I'm not sure if that's true, but it seemed to pacify her. At the very least, it stopped her tears of depression.

“Do you think so? *sniffle sniffle*”

I placed a hand on her shoulder and gave a thumbs up. “Of course I do” I lied, but whatever could I do!?

My ta-ta's have always been one cup bigger than Mabel's. She just can't handle it. When she sees me without a shirt, that woman's brain goes from sixteen-year-old crybaby to six-year-old crybaby in a split second.

“Should become a lesbian like you?”

My eyebrow raised itself. “What?”

“I'm just saying' all Lesbos have perfect boobs...” A bright sparkle flared to life in her eyes. “If I swing the other way, maybe they'll grow!” She declared with a finger triumphantly pointed at the ceiling.

“You're a genius, Mabel.”

Will she pick up on my sarcasm?

“I know right.”

No, no, she didn't.

“Well, you have fun changing your sexuality. I have a nap to take.” Dropping my brush on top of the dresser, I face dived into my comfortable bed.

“Nope. I must be gay another day. Tonight I've got a date with a hottie.”

Wrapping my half naked self in my comforter, I looked at Mabel suspiciously. She unlocked her pink glitter-covered phone and started swiping across the screen. “Here Dipper, check him out!” Mabel squealed as she jumped on my bed, shoving her phone in my face. “He's so handsome isn't he!?”

What I saw on her screen had me questioning my twin's eyesight. “Chubby drug addict... soooooo handsome.”

She was showing me some pale dude, with a dopey face, framed by a ratty black hoodie that was torn up and dirty. He'd be a dead ringer for Robbie, if not for his round figure and pudgy cheeks.

Mabel slapped my shoulder. “He's not pudgy!”

“So he's only a drug addict then?”

“Ugh. He's not that either. His name is Norman and Norman is treating me to dinner.” She wore a proud smile as she hopped off the bed and ran over to our dresser.

“Sis... I don't know if I'm comfortable with you dating a dude who looks that...” I struggled to find the right word. “Illegal.”

As she dug out an arm full of her best clothes, Mabel commented, “maybe if you found yourself a girlfriend you wouldn't be so focused on my love life.”

“Date life” I corrected, “you don't love the guy just yet. And I might not have a girlfriend but even if I did, I'd still be worried about my sister hanging out with a a dude like that.” I pulled the covers over my face in an attempt to hide the offended scowl.

I've never been good with humans. I'm not socially awkward I just have a problem shutting off my sarcasm, and most of the time, I come across as way-too-smart-talk-too.

If I try holding my big brain at bay, that's when I get awkward. People think I'm trying to be funny when I'm not, I have a tendency to say all the wrong words, and my awkwardness becomes contagious.

“Guess I'm stuck in a life of single-pringleness” I mumble under my breath.

“What was that?” Mabel called from the other side of our room.

“I said shut the lights off before you leave. Also, send me a text message every thirty minutes, so I know that creep ass hasn't murdered you.”

Mabel giggled. “Yes mom. What time should I be home.” She's being sarcastic, but I know she'll at least text me once or twice.

I turned on my ringer and snuggled up in my blankets. “Night Mabel, love you.” I rolled over and shut my eyes.

“Love you too. Sweet dreams.”


I woke up with an odd craving for pickles the next morning. The day time brought on a little extra warmth, so I didn't bother putting on three layers of clothing. Instead, I put on jeans and a long sleeve T-shirt and headed downstairs. I'm dead set on finding a pickle to eat but, we had none.

“Gruncle Stan!”

A man with messy gray hair limped his way into the kitchen. He grunts at my existence as he opened the fridge.

“We need pickles.”

“And I want a new car.” He laughed like he made a good comparison.

I frowned and crossed my arms. “Nope, not the same thing.”

Stan scratched himself like the animal he is. “Eat a bowl of cereal like everyone else.”

I sighed in defeat. “Looks like I'm on my own.” I left the kitchen, passing Mabel and Soos on my way to the front door. They were talking about Mabel's big date last night. Apparently, she's in love with him. Just like she was in love with that guy named Jimmy, or that other guy Carlos, and the guy dude before him. Mabel runs through men like Soos goes through video games.

I made my move through the snow-covered pine forest and into town. The streets weren't busy and not one soul was outside. I zipped my jacket up as the wind blew past me.

My destination is the convenience store around the corner, but fate had a change of plans when turned down the sidewalk and bummed into someone. She let out a yelp of horror as I hit the ground. Next thing I knew, an extensive amount of scolding fiery liquid drenched my torso.

“FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKSHITFUCK!” I cried as I struggled to get back on my feet. The stink of disgusting coffee filled my nose, causing a wave of nausea to smack me across the face. I hate espresso and the smell of coffee.

“OHMYGOSH!” A woman exclaimed with a thousand shades of apology. “I'm so sorry I-I didn't see you coming.” The sexy big-boobed blonde bent down and pulled me off the ground.

I got a look at her face and suddenly the burning coffee didn't feel so awful. “I-it's fine. Well, no because it hurts like really bad, b-but don't worry.” It drenched my hair in the sticky vanilla creamer she'd used. I shuttered at the feel of my breast sticking and unsticking together.

“Come on, I'll get you something else to wear.” The tall blonde took my wrist and lead me down the sidewalk. “I am so sorry,” she apologized again. “I shouldn't have been staring at my phone like that this was my fault.”

Usually, I'd turn an offer like this down, but I don't have a choice at the moment. I can either let this nasty coffee cool down and freeze me to death or let this beautiful woman buy me some new clothes. I'll take the latter.

Wincing from the pulsing burns on my chest and face caused her to sink into herself. “Hey, look I'm okay it wasn't your fault. I wasn't even starting at a phone and I even ran into those... gigantic flotation devices of yours.”

She let out a nervous laugh. “Are you talking about my...” she trailed off.

“Chest? Why yes I am.” I giggled, still trying to stop my tears of pain.

Pacifica looked back with a smile. “I'll take that as a compliment. I'm Pacifica, by the way.”

I noticed she was keeping a soft grip on my wrist while we walked. I didn't mind, this woman can touch me all she wants. “I'm Dipper” I smiled back.

“It's nice too meet you Dipper.”

“It's Painful too meet you Pacifica,” I chuckled. Why am I laughing so much? Quit or you'll like... freak her out or something.

Pacifica tensed up and stuttered out, “S-sorry, I didn't mean too. Are you hurt?”

My eyes rolled, but not sarcastically like they do. It was playful and I couldn't avoid the smile from pulling on my lips. “Quit apologizing.” I reached over with my free hand and grabbed her wrist. She looked back in surprise as I pulled on her arm to slow her fast walking speed. “Slow down. My legs aren't as long as yours.”

Pacifica blushed when she realized she'd been dragging me down the street like a rag doll. I was almost exhausted to be honest. Disappointment filled me when Pacifica retracted her hand, and averted her eyes. “Sorry. Forgot I had a hold of you.”

I smirked to her surprise. “What did I say about apologizing?” Then I reached up and looped my arm in hers. “That's better.”

“Whaaaat are you doing?” She raised a quizzical eyebrow.

“Help me walk” I ordered. “I twisted my ankle when you barreled into me with your hot coffee.”

It was a lie, but who cares. She's way too beautiful to not take advantage of this moment, and besides I think she caught on to my little white lie because her shy expression took on a more (lacking a better word) 'seductive' smile.

She looks pleased. “Eh, why not? I did sort of shower you in cappuccino.” Pacifica pulled us closer together before we started walking. This time at a slower pace.


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