Bad In Common

By prinses1010

501K 21.4K 5.7K

"Everyone has a chapter they don't want to read out loud. Mine just so happens to be a book." Allison Bridge... More

Prologue ✔️
Chapter 1 ✔️
Chapter 2 ✔️
Chapter 3 ✔️
Chapter 4 ✔️
Chapter 5 ✔️
Chapter 6 ✔️
Chapter 7 ✔️
Chapter 8 ✔️
Chapter 9 ✔️
Chapter 10 ✔️
Chapter 11 ✔️
Chapter 12 ✔️
Chapter 13 ✔️
Chapter 14 ✔️
Chapter 15 ✔️
Chapter 16 ✔️
Chapter 17 ✔️
Chapter 18 ✔️
Chapter 19 ✔️
Chapter 20 ✔️
Chapter 21 ✔️
Chapter 22 ✔️
Chapter 23 ✔️
Chapter 24 ✔️
Chapter 25 ✔️
Chapter 26 ✔️
Chapter 27 ✔️
Chapter 28 ✔️
Chapter 29 ✔️
Chapter 30 ✔️
Chapter 31 ✔️
Chapter 32 ✔️
Chapter 33 ✔️
Chapter 34 ✔️
Chapter 35 ✔️
Chapter 36 ✔️
Chapter 37 ✔️
Chapter 38 ✔️
Chapter 39 ✔️
Chapter 40 ✔️
Chapter 41 ✔️
Chapter 42 ✔️
Chapter 43 ✔️
Chapter 44 ✔️
Chapter 45 ✔️
Chapter 46 ✔️
Chapter 47 ✔️
Chapter 48 ✔️
Chapter 49 ✔️
Chapter 51 ✔️
Chapter 52 ✔️
Chapter 53 ✔️
Chapter 54 ✔️
Chapter 55 ✔️
Chapter 56 (Last Chapter) ✔️
Epilogue ✔️

Chapter 50 ✔️

5.8K 285 97
By prinses1010

" See, it's not that bad." Emily trails off. It sounds more like she's trying to convince herself.

I look over at the scene in front of me. Never in a million years did I think I would be living in this moment. I first thought it was a nightmare I was having but after pinching myself, twice, I realized that this is my new reality.

Its depressing.

" Why are they doing yoga?" Emily asks me.

" Why are they doing yoga, naked? " I ask the more relevant question.

" Why are they doing naked yoga at one in the morning?" Emily questions as we stare at the group of guys that are currently doing yoga, naked. Yes, butt naked.

" I'm just glad their backs are turned to us. "I shiver as the words leave my mouth.

" Agreed. "Emily whispers as we try and pass the group of guys without getting a glimpse of their manhoods.

We only arrived at the frat house about 10 minutes ago and I'm already regretting agreeing to it. I know I sound ungrateful but this place is seriously a mess and there are guys doing naked yoga at one in the morning for crying out loud.

Positive thoughts Ally.

It's hard to have positive thoughts when I'm surrounded by idiots.

" I'll be staying in Parker's room and you'll be staying... in Tyler's room." Emily announces but the last part comes out just above a whisper.

A shiver crawls down my spine at the mention of his name.

I hate how I'm so easily triggered by just the mention of his name.

" Is that alright with you? " Emily questions hesitantly.

I gulp before taking in a deep breath.

" It's fine." I say completely lying to myself.

This is going to be a long sleepless night.

Emily and I head back to the car to start unloading some of the more important luggage that I'll need to survive in this house. Parker also joined in about half way through and before I knew it, I was in Tyler's room, all alone, and surrounded by his scent.

His room still looks exactly the same since the first time I was in here. I still remeber that night as if it was yesterday. He didn't listen to my threat about cutting his balls off if he touched me because the second time I woke up in his bed I was wrapped in his arms like a burrito. I knew then that I wanted to wake up like that every morning. I felt so peaceful that morning. Peace wasn't something familiar to me at that time.

I thought entering his room and being hit in the face with his scent was bad but nothing prepared me for when I climbed into his bed. It was like he was right next to me. His scent was suffocating me. This whole room was suffocating me. We didn't share a lot of memories in this room but this room is him in every aspect.

I miss him.

I miss his touch, his dorky smile, his lame pickup lines and his voice.

Why did he had to go and ruin what was starting to be something great?

It's partly Zac' s fault my conscience reminds me. I can't put all the blame on Zac although he had a part in it but Tyler still did what he did no matter the circumstances were.

After what feels liks hours the early morning sun starts to shine through the curtains. I knew I wasn't going to sleep much through the night but I didn't expect to feel so rested. Guess I'm just excited to start this new phase of my life.

Quickly hopping out of bed I start gathering my clothes for the day. Tyler's room unfortunately doesn't have a bathroom so I have to make use of the bathroom down the hallway. A bathroom that is shared with some of the frat boys.

Oh God.

I tiptoe my way over to the bathroom. The door was closed so I had to knock and wait for an answer. After hearing nothing from the other side I slowly open the door and look inside. The coast seems to be clear so I quickly enter the bathroom and lock the door.

Once turning around and facing the bathtub I suddenly freeze when my eyes land on a guy dressed as Tinker Bell. The said guy is passed out in the bathtub with his wand behind his ear.

This house just keeps getting weirder by the day.

I put down my pile of clothes and slowly walk over to the guy. He looks so peaceful laying in the bathtub but I know for a fact that his body is going to be stiff when he gets up. I almost don't want to wake him up but I need a shower. Now.

I stretch out my arm with my pointing finger stretched out and poke the guy on his cheek. He doesn't move so I repeat my action. This time I hear him mumble some incoherent words before shaking his head.

" Dude. Wake up." I whisper as I go in for another poke.

" I want to be Peter Pan." the guy mumbles.

" And I want to shower." I spit out still whispering.

The guy slowly opens his eyes. He frowns in confusion when his vision focuses on me. He rubs his eyes with the palm of his hands before frowning again.

" Did I get laid? " he asks softly more to himself.

" Not in that outfit babe." I say getting annoyed that he's still here.

The guy blinks a few times before pushing himself out of the bathtub. He stretches for a minute or so before looking at me again. He shrugs before walking over to the door and trying to open it. After a few attempts of trying to open the door he realizes that it's locked. He unlocks it and dissappears out of the bathroom.

Not weird at all.

I make my way over to the door and lock it again. I look at my surroundings to make sure I'm the only one in the bathroom. After feeling satisfied with finally having the bathroom to myself I turn on the water and start pulling off my clothes.

I was careful where I stepped and where I touched. Not to be rude or anything but college boys live like pigs. I'm not the tidiest girl out there but damn this is something else.

After drying myself off with the towel I brought along I pull on my new set of clothes. I start gathering all of my belongings before tip toeing back to Tyler's room. I really don't want to bump into another fairy. Not this early in the morning.

After reaching the bedroom I walk over to the wall length mirror and start applying some makeup. I haven't worn makeup in a long while. It feels good to put in some effort to my appearance for once. I finish off my look by tying my hair up in a high ponytail and slipping on my favorite pair of vans.

By the time I'm finished my stomach has started begging me to feed it. It makes sense that I'm starving right now seeing as I skipped out on dinner last night. There wasn't really time seeing as I made a life changing decision in a matter of a few minutes.

I unplug my phone from my charger and head downstairs over to the kitchen. Although this house is a mess there is always food in the kitchen. Always.

Once entering the kitchen I'm surprised to see it busy. From guys in tracksuits to guys in fairy costumes and even Peter Pan in the middle of all this chaos.

Man I just wanted a sandwich.

Before I can leave the said Peter Pan makes his way over to me. He looks me up and down before his eyes widen in shock.

" You're Allison Bridge right?" the guy asks.

I nod my head unsure of how he knows me.

Before I can question him he bows down and quickly stands up to his full length.

" Jason Sanders at your service." he says not looking me in the eye.

What in the name of pregnant cows is going on here?

" Uh - I'm not sure how to react?"

The guy quickly locks his eyes with mine before averting it onto something else.

" I was told that whenever you're around I'm responsible to fulfill your needs." he says in monotone.

" Told by who?" I almost laugh. This is ridiculous.

" Tyler Anderson." he says with pride.


Well this awkward.

" You don't have to-"

" It's an order giving by the president of the house. " the guy interrupts me.

" Oh yeah and where is this so called president of the house?" I spit out.

The guy doesn't respond to my sudden outburst. I feel bad for snapping at him. He doesn't deserve this kind of treatment. I guess it's all just too much for me.

" I'm sorry Lason-"

"Jason. " he cuts me off.

" Look I just really want something to eat and I'll be more than happy to fulfill my needs on my own. Thank you Jason." I say giving him a light pat on the chest and moving past him.

I hear him sigh from behind me before he clears his throat. He makes a strange noise that sounds like a mixture between a whistle and someone choking a chicken.

" Out! " he yells out over the kitchen nearly startling me. In a matter of seconds the kitchen is empty besides from myself and Jason.

Was that really necessary?

I turn around to look at Jason in disbelief. He doesn't look me in the eye but still manages to smirk. He quickly leaves the kitchen leaving me as the only one in the room. Well at least I can get to the fridge now.

" You're not even here a full day yet you already have everyone wrapped around your pinky." I hear a voice from behind me.

Turning around I notice Mason standing at the entrance of the kitchen. Just as I thought my morning couldn't get any worse.

" Mason spare me the chit chat. I haven't even had my coffee yet so I would adivce you in the kindness way possible to fuck off." I sigh and reach for the fridge.

" Always the feisty one." I hear him comment before hearing his footsteps entering the room.

Well there goes my appetite.

" You know you are basically treated like royalty around here. Why not just order someone to do shit for you?" he asks after a few minutes of silence.

" I have two hands and two feet that work perfectly fine on their own. Why waste such a blessing?"

Mason rolls his eyes as he walks over to the pantry and starts pulling out some snacks.

" You know I never understood why you didn't give me a chance." he speaks up all of the sudden.

" And I never understood how you got through high-school. "I bite back.

I hear him chuckle before he closes the door to the pantry. His arms are stuffed with various snacks. Such a healthy boy.

" I'll get you one day. "he winks before walking out of the kitchen.

I think I'll need to get a restraining order against him one day.

The second he's out of my sight I hurry over to the fridge and start pulling out the ingredients I'll need to make myself a sandwich. I have to be quick before anyone enters again. I don't think I've ever made a sandwich this fast nor eaten it at such a speed. At the end of my mission I was satisfied and ready to take on the challenges that will come with the day.


" The apartment is only a 10 minute drive from campus and it's in the middle of everything. Shops, hospitals, liquor stores, restaurants." Emily blabs from the driver's seat of her car.

" Babe please focus on the road." Parker begs his girlfriend. I don't blame him. The guy is sitting in the passenger seat of Emily's car while she is driving. I've been there before.

" I'm just so excited!"she shrieks.

Parker chuckles before resting his hand on her thigh. The action makes my heart ache. I'm starting to feel really single here in the backseat.

" We're here! "Emily cries out as she pulls up in front of a large gate.

I watch as a security guard walks over to her and starts taking her details. In a matter of seconds the gate opens and allows us to head inside.

It's a beautiful complex. Very modern but still down to earth kind of vibe. I feel relaxed just looking at the patterns on the walls of the tall buildings. Soon enough we come to a stop in front of a building. Without warning Emily jumps out of the car and rushes over to the main entrance of the building.

" Don't mind her. She's just really excited." Parker chuckles as we walk side by side into the building where Emily rushed off into.

" Noted." I laugh along.

" So tell me, are you okay?" Parker asks all of the sudden getting serious.

I nod my head not really wanting to go into this conversation with Tyler's best friend.

" He fucked up Ally but he really does love you."

Damn it Parker. He isn't really helping at all.

" He was going out of his mind when you were in the hospital. I didn't know how to calm him down. He kept telling it was his fault that you were hurt and that he won't be able to forgive himself. Ally we've been friends for 15 years and that was the first time I've ever seen him cry. This whole situation messed him up real bad. " Parker continues to crack open the wall that is holding back all my unshed tears.

" Parker please-"

" I'm sorry Ally. I just had to let you know." he sighs.

I know he feels bad for bringing up the elephant in the room. I get it. He's his best friend and it's his duty to stick up for Tyler. He knows Tyler messed up but he also made sure to let me know what a wreck he was after the incident.

" It'll get better. Just wait and see." Parker lightly smiles while pulling me in for a side hug.

His reassuring words makes me feel a little better. I hit an all time low and I know from here on out things will only get better for me. God I hope so.

We come to a stop in front of an open door. Emily pops out of no where with a huge smile on her face.

" Welcome home."


Heyyy guyssss!

Yes I'm alive and yes I feel terrible for not updating in a longgggg while :(

Please don't hate me ❤️

I've just been crazy busy these last few weeks and I'm still crazy busy right now but I made time for my favorite readers!

I'm not sure when the next update will be but I haven't forgotten about you guys! Please just be patient and your girl will continue to amaze you with new updates 🙃

ALSO WE MADE IT TO 100K!!!!!! This is truly a blessing and it's all thanks to my awesome supporters ❤️

Peace out ✌️

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