Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITI...

Bởi niallsbabe_xx

2.9M 57.5K 26.1K

(Kind of Niall/ Luke book, but only a little lol) Good grades, full scholarship, rich lifestyle, what more co... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Not a chapter
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Epolgue 1: Move-in Day
Epilogue 2: Along Came April
Epologue 3: Promise
Epilogue 4: June 12, 2018
Epilogue 5: Better Days
New Frat boy Niall book!

Chapter 85

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Bởi niallsbabe_xx

NINE CHAPTERS LEFT AFTER THIS OMF. Also, partially edited, I'll do the rest tomorrow :)


How long will I love you ~Ellie Goulding


"Niall?" The air grew tense and tight and I didn't like the feeling that was growing in the pit of my stomach. My heart started to beat harder and my breath grew deeper as I stared between them.

Niall cleared his throat, running a hand threw his hair while he let out an audible breath. "Well, it's great to meet you, Kaylee." he held out his hand.

My arms dropped from around Niall's waist, staring at her as she stared back at him, her mouth still agape. She glanced to his hand, then to me, then back to him before she slowly lifted her hand to his.

"I-It's nice to meet you too." she gave a smile, staring at their hands as Niall reluctantly pulled his away. I couldn't decipher whether or not I liked the feeling in the pit of my stomach. I felt jealous and sick and a little worried, but I tried to push it away, thinking it was nothing.

Well, it was nothing, right? I was just over looking this?

"Well, baby. I'm going to go take a shower." he leaned down so his mouth was level with my ear. "If she leaves before I'm out, come up, yeah?" He whispered. I nodded, feeling him plant his lips on my neck. He sucked rather harshly and I yelped, laughing as I pushed his head back.

"Just go." I giggled, pushing him away. Niall laughed and kissed me quickly before giving Kaylee another glance, then turning to go upstairs to my room. "Sorry, about him." I laughed, turning to walk outside. Kaylee smiled and followed.

"It's okay." she bit her lip and sat down next to me on the lower deck where the boardwalk to the beach lead off. The sky was painted navy specked with billions of little white stars, shining brightly. The moon reflected over the water as the waves crashed against the shore. I missed this.

"So are you guys... is he your boyfriend?" She asked, pulling off her sweatshirt to reveal a small, tight crop top (like the ones Gemma and El wear to parties..) I couldn't help to glance over stomach. It was so small and her boobs were so big. I glanced down to the little skin that was showing on me, suddenly feeling very insecure as my arms wrapped around my front, covering anything from being seen.

Why would Niall want someone like me when he could have someone like her? She has the long, bleached blonde hair, bright green eyes, skinny waist, big boobs.. I was nothing compared to her.

"Uh, yeah." I bit my lip. "He is."

"Since when does he date?" I heard her whisper to herself before she coughed, trying to cover it up. But I'd already caught it. My head snapped over to look at her as my eyebrows knitted in confusion.

"Excuse me, but do you guys, like, know each other some how?" I didn't want to believe they did because if so, I'm almost positive that he would have slept with her given the chance. His old self would have, anyways. And I didn't want to plant the thought inside my head. It was bad enough with the way she looked at him.

"I-" she looked me over, trailing down my body and back up to my face, the green color in her eyes fading to a dull almost blue. She gulped and smiled, turning her head back towards the sea. "I've never met him in my life."

I wasn't very convinced, but I let out a sigh anyways. Letting go was really what I needed to do right now. Niall and I were just starting to work out the bumps, I don't need another thing to step into the path.

"Oh. Well, I'm glad you came over." Changing subjects was probably in my best interest at the moment.

"Yeah, I am too." She smiled. "Have you gone down to the ocean yet?"

"Not yet." I bit my lip. it was quite surprising that I haven't been though. As a child, my parents used to say that I had gills because I never wanted to come out of it. Whenever I was mad, or upset, or sad, they'd always find me down here swimming my problems away. The ocean was my safety as ironic as that sounds. You'd think that the rolling tides and the waves that suck you under would scare a child. To me, they only made me feel safer. I felt protected by the tumble of the rolling current under surface.

"Do you wanna go for a swim before what's-his-name gets back?" What's his name? I'm pretty she knows his name...

"Uh.." Glancing over my shoulder, the lights in the house flickered off, signaling that everyone was getting settled down for the night. "I don't-"

"C'mon, Khlo. I missed hanging out with ya and now you leave tomorrow... Please?" She was like a six year old begging for a treat in the candy shop.

"I-" I sighed. "Alright. Fo you have your suit?"

"Always." Her smile was big, teeth gleaming in the dark.

"I'll be back in a minute then." Standing, I made my way back inside and up to my room. The water in the bathroom was still running, and I could hear a faint melody streaming out from under the white, wooden door frame.

I hadn't heard the song before, but it sounded like the melody that Niall had played on his guitar that morning before everything crashed and burned. a smile was brought to my face as I sat and pulled out my swimsuit, listening to him.

"We took a chance,
God knows we tried.
Yet all along, I knew we'd be fine.
So pour me a drink,
Oh love, let's split the night wide open and we'll see everything."

I slipped on my swim suit and laid on the edge of the bed, smiling as I stared at the ceiling while listening to his voice float throughout my room.

"We can live in love in slow motion, motion, motion.
So kiss me where I lay down, my hands press to your cheeks
A long way from the playground
I have loved you- Holy shit, Khlo!" There was a short pause before I instantly sat up, blushing madly as Niall stood in the doorway, holding a towel around his waist.

"Sorry, I didn't hear the shower turn off." I could feel my cheeks burning. I don't know why I was embarrassed, but I was.

"You were-?" Niall's head turned back into the bathroom before looking back at me. "How long have you been in here?"

"J-just a couple seconds. I had to change into my bathing suit."

"And you lay on the bed to do so?" A sly smirk rose amongst his rosy lips.

"Well- I mean- well.." I stumbled over my words. Niall smiled and walked towards me, moving to stand between my parted legs. "You have a beautiful voice." I smiled shyly, glancing up to him.

"Thank you very much." he smiled down at me, his fingers lightly brushing over the string to my yellow bikini top. "You're a very beautiful girl, Khlo. Inside and out. I'm really glad I have the chance to have you as mine."

"I'll always be yours, Niall. Only yours." My hands moved up his arms, wrapping around his neck. Pulling him closer, his hands ran up and down my side causing shivers to freely run down my back like little ladybug patters against the palm of your hand.

"I love you so much, Khloe Rey."

"And I love you too, Niall James." I smile as I noticed him start to lean in, only to be so rudely interrupted by my door busting open. My eyes rolled and hands fell slack when I glanced at Kaylee who was staring at Niall. I almost forgot he was just standing in a towel which didn't help my lingering thoughts any. Clearing my throat, her eyes we're then casted upon me as I glared back.

"Sorry, you were taking a while. I see why now." she looked Niall up and down again and I noticed his jittery behavior as he moved to the side of my bed which was tall enough to hide his lower region while he places a white, graphic shirt over his head.

"Yeah. Now please go out and shut the door. I'll be there in a minute." I scowled to get her attention back on me. She rolled her eyes but backed out, and I have never wanted to hit someone so much in my life. "She hasn't always been like this. Well, before you got here anyways."

"Yeah." Niall mumbled.

"You're honest with me, right?"

"Always, baby." I've never been one for pet names, but for some reason every time they slip out of Niall's mouth I can't help but to internally swoon.

"Have you met her before somehow? I'm sorry, but it's been eating me alive." His eyes widened as he bit down on his plump lip. "Honestly. I won't be upset, I just need to know."

Niall sighed. "Over the summer, when I had gone back to Mullingar, I may have came across her a few times in a bar near my house."

I let each and every syllable soak through my head, absorbing the bold consonants and vowels into my brain. I suddenly started to think back to this first time that I had came home and Kaylee was waiting for me. We ended up going out and on the way home, she started telling me of a guy she'd been friends with benefits with.

"He was kind of a local at the bar I worked at; around our age I'm guessing." She'd announced. "Anyways, we began to talk, and then one thing just kinda lead to another."

"Did you sleep with him?" I had asked.

"Uh..kinda. And lets just say that he was sort of amazing. I mean, he'd obviously slept around because he had came up with a bunch of weird ideas and tricks that could pretty much get any girl off on the spot." She'd laughed. "Plus, we decided on no strings attached, so it made it all the better."

It was now just hitting me that it want just any guy, but it was Niall. Kaylee had sex with Niall. More than once. Oh my god.


"No, Niall." I closed my eyes trying not to let it get to me. It's in the past. Niall has changed now, I reminded myself. He doesn't do that anymore. He's mine now. I had to reassure myself. Tell myself that all was going to be alright. It was in the past. "It's- it's okay." Steady breaths, Khloe. "Really. Thank you for being honest."

"Come 'ere." He pulled me onto his lap, his towel damp from his wet, scrawny legs. "I love you, okay. She meant nothing to me. No one has ever meant anything to me besides you, Khloe." Niall whispered in my ear, rocking us slightly. "I love you and only you and I never want to be with anyone other than you."

"How can you say that, Niall?" I felt the tears sting behind my eyes.

I am not going to cry. Nope. Not going to happen. It's stupid of me to want to. It's the past. You can't change the past; only the future by living in the present. And my present revolves around Niall and his around me. No one else.

"Khloe, what are you talking about?"

I sighed. "Nothing."

"No, baby, talk to me."

"Just-" I let out an audible breath. "How am I any better than her? You've witnessed what she looks like and so have I and we both know that she looks better than I do, she's prettier than I am, she has bigger boobs and a butt and-" I was suddenly cut off by Niall's mouth attaching to mine. I gasped and tried to pull away, but he was quick to pull me closer and flip us over so he had me pinned under his body.

He pulled away, looking down at me. "I don't ever want to hear you say that again. You are what I want. You are what I have. I don't need anything more, Khloe. No one is going to love me like you do, no one is every going to touch me like you do, and no one is ever going to satisfy me the way you do. You are my definition of perfect inside and out. You are my definition of beautiful. You are my definition of what every guy deserves and I am just so lucky to have you. I don't ever want to hear you talk so lowly about yourself, do you understand me?" I nodded, feeling a small tear slip from the corner of my eye.

I had no words. Niall is truly one of a kind.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. He swiped his thrums across my cheeks, rubbing lightly under my eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you." He smiled and pressed a kiss to my cheek before pulling away to finish getting dressed in his boxers and gym shorts.


"Pebbles." I felt a light shake to my shoulder. "Khlo, you've gotta get up." Niall whispered in my ear, kissing the skin just under my earlobe. My eyes lazily opened and I turned in my spot, folding into Niall's chest. I'd convinced him to stay the night here last night since it was out last night in Florida and I missed him in bed. My parents had already gone to bed, and we'd be up before they were, so he agreed. "Morning, precious." His thick and raspy, Irish morning voice rang through my ears, bringing chills down my spine.

"Morning." I felt him kiss the top of my head. "What time is it?"

"Four fifteen." So I got a full three solid hours of sleep. Great. "C'mon, babe. You can sleep on the plane, but we have to leave in twenty minutes if we want to make our flight on time."

"I don't wanna go anymore." I mumbled. I really just wanted to cuddle and go back to sleep and wake up at three in the afternoon.

Niall's chest rumbled as he quietly chuckled. I groaned when I felt his arms release me. He sat up and I peeled my eyes open to watch him stand and stretch. His back and arm muscles contracted, my mouth going dry at the sight. His briefs fit well around his little, perky bum, showing off the defined dips in his lower back and the lines of his thighs. He turned around and I gulped and blushed at the view of his slight v-line which lead to an eye catching sight.

"C'mon, missy. It's too early to be checking me out." he laughed. I rolled my eyes, but reluctantly sat up, yawning in the process. If I don't get some coffee in me soon, Niall is not going to very happy to have to deal with my cranky ways.

"Fine.." I groaned and rolled out of bed, shivering as my feet touched down on the cold floor. "I hate you for doing this to me.

"Mhmm. Let's go, crabby pants." He states after he had slipped into yesterday's clothes.

"Crabby pants." I mocked, following him out the door and down to the kitchen. Niall laughed and took my hand, guiding me over to where the table was. He pulled out my chair and pushed me in the parent to their child. I rolled my eyes and heard Niall let out a huff before he walked over to the counter to start the coffee.

We ended up just eating cereal since we didn't have much time, then I was pushed back up stairs where I had threw on leggings and a black tank top, bringing my black pea coat in hand since I knew it was bound to be freezing in Ireland.

My bag was packed and carried out to my mom's car since she was going to be driving us. Harry, Louis, and Liam were said to be driving down later today to pick up Harper and Niall's car so they wouldn't sit in the drive way of my house for the next week.

Once we got to the airport, I gave my parents hugs, promising to call them once I landed. Niall and I were put through security and made it to our gates where we sat and cuddled for the twenty minute wait to boarding. Once we were on the plane, it didn't take long for me to pass out. The sun had started to rise and I could feel Niall's body heat on my skin as I leaned into him, snuggling my head into the crook of his neck.

Finally after a well rested, eleven and a half hour flight, including the two layovers in Atlanta and New York, we had landed in Dublin at ten thirty at night. Niall said that my surprise wasn't far out of town from here, but we still had to drive for a bit.

Snow started to lightly fall against the windshield, and I noticed a light in Niall's eyes spark. "It doesn't snow a lot in Ireland, but oh, let me tell you that when it does..." Niall smiled widely and shook his head, making a smile break past my lips.

"It's beautiful." I smiled. We drove past a few houses which lead into the country side, little Christmas lights already being stung upon their roofs.

"It is." Niall turned down a long dirt road, leading us into the woods a bit. "We have to walk a bit, is that okay?" I smiled and nodded, opening the car door. I let my hair down from my bun to cover my ears, digging my hands into my pea coat pockets. Niall met me in front with his bag around his shoulder, and my suitcase in his left hand. His right was placed on my back as he slid through the opening of a small, wooden fence.

Flakes of snow blew in my face causing me to giggle and bow my head. We walked down a little dirt path, and after about five minutes, I began to freeze, still not seeing the end of the road.

"Niall, where are you taking me?", I cracked a smile, trying to cover up my nervousness about the surprise. I don't do well with surprises. He just smiled and shook his head. I groaned in anticipation, feeling him slip his hand into mine, tangling our fingers together, instantly warming my cold hand.

"Don't worry about it. Everything will be ready when we get there." I groaned but leaned into him anyways.

We continued walking on the small path that was lightly dusted with frost. The grass had a thin sheet of snow over top, and the tips had started to freeze.

I've never been a big fan of the winter, not liking the fact that it's so wet. I might think differently if it was just cold, but unfortunately not. Palm Coast was nothing like this in the winter. The coldest it ever got was maybe low fifty's, but rarely ever to the point of snow.

I looked up to Niall, seeing him just carry on with a faintest grin painted on his lips. I could see the sparkle in his eyes and the life in his cheeks which were already tinted a flushed rose color. He was breathing and his heart was beating and he living and he was really here next to me. This wasn't a dream. This wasn't a fairytale. This was real life and Niall was so real.

We were so real.

There wasn't a manual script given to us, there wasn't a guide on how to fix us, there wasn't a direction sheet to put us together. We had to figure it out ourselves and use each other for support. We had to depend on each other and had to trust one another. All of our problems, all of our hard times, all of our bad days- they all had to be worked out in a way which would help us learn more about each other. All of our love and our sex, and our good days- we had to find ways to purpose it. A relationship is never easy, people are never easy, life is never easy. We have to find our purposes to keep it going. We have to trust that the people we love are always going to be there for us. We have to trust that they're not going to let us fall on our good days and that they're going to help pick us up on our bad ones. We're going to laugh and cry and love together. We're going to argue and sing and dance and kiss together. It's what we do. We're a team and a team doesn't let you fail alone.

This life that we live... it's no ordinary life, that's for sure. But it is what we make of it, and Niall and I together...well for us, it's just a beginning, but it is definitely one for the books, and I couldn't be more happy at a time like this.

He glanced down to me and smiled as my eyes caught his. "What?", I asked softly, the butterflies settling down a bit as he continued to look at me.

"Nothin'." He grinned and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. I smiled sheepishly at the small gesture and could feel the blood rising to my cheeks in the cold, late November air. "You're so beautiful, Khlo." My heart started to beat faster as those words rolled off his tongue as if they were nothing, yet everything. As if they were just so easy to speak.

I blushed and looked down to my feet, watching as they would press down so perfectly into the wet grass. "If that's the case...."I teased and looked back up to him. "..Then why won't you tell me where we're going?"

He let out a full hearted laugh, tossing his head back just a little as his eyes squinted together in pure happiness. I know that I've said it before, and I'm going to say it again, but he is definitely the one who's beautiful in this relationship.

"And what does me telling you that you're beautiful have to do with me surprising you?", he asked, a giant grin plastered on his face. We stopped for a second, and I turned to him, running my free thumb over his pink cheeks.

"Everything, Mr. Horan.", I smiled back. "You can't just call me beautiful and surprise me. It's against the rules."

"And what rules are those, Ms. Sparks?", he cocked an eyebrow at me, a sly smirk forming at his lips.

"Mine.", I smiled playfully, and he returned it, shaking his head.

"Well, how many times am I going to have to tell you this before you get it.." He left a light and feathery kiss on my nose, and I swear my heart bursted right then. "I'm a rule breaker.", he whispered while giving me a smirk. I laughed and hit his chest lightly, pushing the butterflies away. I just want to ignore them, no matter how much I love them. I love what he does to me. How he makes me feel. It's indescribable.

We started walking again, and just talked about whatever- one topic leading to another. I loved how we were able to do that. Just talk about everything imaginable. It's a special quality to have in a relationship, and I'm glad that we do. I'm especially thankful that we're not those type of people that just walk in silence or just keep the conversations to the bare minimum. That's so boring. I like spontaneous and adventurous type of people, and Niall definitely fits right into that category.

I snugged my jacket to my body a little more and stuffed my hand that was not being warmed by Niall back into the pocket. Finally after walking for about ten more minutes, we came to a small little cottage-like house that sat in the middle of the open field, no society with in a few miles range.

I felt my heart warm immensely as I took in the small building. It had little white lights strung around the roof, lighting the place in the night. The log cottage reminded much of the one that you would find in The Little House on the Prairie, which Niall knew was one of my absolute favorite books.

I looked back to Niall, only to see him already staring at me with a small smile dancing across his lips and his exotic blue eyes gleaming from the lights.

"I-I don't know what to say.", I smiled and brushed my lips with my fingertips. He didn't say anything, just moved behind me and placed his arms around my waist with his head on my shoulder.

"Is this what you imagined?", he asked softly, pecking my ear. I shook my head and leaned into him, staring in silence as the snow fell around us. This was the last thing I was expecting, honestly. "Well, it's all ours for the week. Completely private, and no one around to bother us."

I smirked and rolled my eyes at him. He chuckled at his own comment, and moved back to my side, his hand still linked around me.

The whole week? Complete privacy? In Ireland? This cannot be happening. It's like a dream that I've waited years for. Like something that you would read in my dad's books. Something that is just so unexplainable and not real.

I smiled to myself as I followed in after him. He flicked the lights on while I shut the door behind us. I kicked out of my boots and Niall set the bags aside before he helped take my jacket off and hang it on the small hook.

Before even getting a chance to look around, I was pushed against the door, Niall's body trapping me in. He gave me a smirk and I raised my eyebrows at him, a light smile tugging at my lips. I love this playful mood he gets in. It's extremely adorable and my favorite mood by far. I bit my lip as he lowered his head, his lips mere centimeters from mine, but still not there.

"Are you hungry?", he whispered. I wanted so badly to just push my lips to his, but he wouldn't allow it. I shook my head, wanting nothing more than to just kiss him. He left a quick kiss on my cheek before pulling away from me and fast walking to the kitchen with a smirk on his face.

"You're such a tease!" I yelled with a giggle, following after him, a pout filling my features. "Can I please have a kiss?" I whined.



"Not yet."

"What do you mean not yet?"

"I'm making food."

"Well, then." I crossed my arms. "Looks like I won't be eating or talking until you give me one."

"Bet you can't do it."

"Bet I can." I smiled.

He ignored me though as he opened the small fridge and took out two cans of beer along with a package of chicken. He wasn't kidding when he said that everything would be prepared for our arrival. "Well, it's too bad I'm making your favorite meal then, huh?" He asked with a playful grin as he turned back around to me. I shook my head, not saying anything, pretending to be mad at him.

I sat at the little oak table and crossed my my legs under while I pulled out my phone, still ignoring him as he chatted to himself, pretty much about how jealous I was going to be and how much he was disappointed at how he'd be eating by himself tonight. I just smiled to myself, pretending to find something interesting on my phone.

"Khlo. Khlo. Khlo. Khloe. Khloe.", he kept saying from across to kitchen but I still kept my eyes pinned on my phone screen, fighting the erge to look up. "Oh, Khloe...", he sang. "My most beautiful Khloe"

I continued to look down, pushing away the smile. I distracted myself by bouncing my leg, trying to ignore the fact that with each 'Khloe' pronounced, he'd take a step towards me. I took a deep breath and smiled at my phone as he pulled up a chair across the table.

I could see that he was just staring at me with his head rested in his folded hands. I wanted so badly to just run over and give him a big kiss, but I fought it. I am not backing down from this. I'm going to win. I will not allow myself to crumble and fold no matter how tempting it is.

The chair screeched against the wooden flooring. I could see out the corner of my eye as he moved over and crouched next to me. He sat his head my lap, trying to get me to atleast look at him, but I refused. He huffed and lifted his head so it was right next to me ear.

"Are you mad at me?" he whispered and it took everything in me to just give a stiff nod. He sighed and jutted out his lip, leaving a soft kiss on my ear. "Are you still?" I nodded again. He trailed feathery kisses to my jaw, kissing me on the corner of my lips. "How about now?"

I sighed and swiftly turned my head, catching his lips in the process. It caught him off guard, but he still managed to chuckle and kiss back. I smiled as we pulled away. He pecked my lips again before standing up and walking back towards the oven with a smile.

I hate myself for giving in, but I just couldn't stand it anymore. He was standing there so innocently, giving me kisses asking if I was still mad. Who wouldn't give into Niall when he does that? But, I like to see him smile anyways, so I guess it was worth it.

I stood up and followed him, resting my head on his back while my hands held the sides of his shirt. He finished cutting the meat and tossed it in the pan over the stove.

"My little chef.", I cooed and squeezed his side, knowing where he was ticklish. He let out a girly squeal and clenched his arms to his sides as he turned aroud to face me.

"Hey! Why'd 'ya do that?", he chuckled, wrapping his arms around my back. I shrugged and smiled, leaning into him. He kissed the top of my head and turned us sideways so he could continue to cook while still holding me.

Once the meat was done, he poured the sauce in the pan and let it simmer while he heated a can of mixed vegetables.

"I have the best boyfriend in the whole world. He cooks for me now, gives me kisses, and even takes me to Ireland for a second time to see his home lands.", I stated out loud with a smile, more to myself than him, but he still interjected.

"Well, I'd have to agree with you on that." he smiled. Niall kissed the top of my head as he walked around me with two plates in his hand. He sat them both on the table and even pulled out my chair for me. He stared at me with a smile on his face, as he waited for me to take a seat, probably not even noticing how much I appreciated this.

I grabbed the two beers off the counter and placed them on the table before I took a seat. "Thank you, kind sir.", I smiled up at him.

"My pleasure, princess." My heart fluttered at the sound of him saying that. His thick accent, all deep and raspy. I blushed and picked at my food, letting the juices of the marinated chicken and steamed vegetables burst through my tastebuds with each bite.

"You should cook for me more often. Honestly, top down, best meal I've had since before I can remember." I smiled at him as I took my last bite, taking a drink of the beer after to wash it down. Beer wasn't as good as everyone made it out to be... as Niall made it out to be.

"Or...", he stood up and put his plate in the sink. I followed after him, placing both of ours into the little dishwasher. He pulled me by my hips, pressing his front to my back. I laced my fingers with his and placed them on my stomach as I leant into him.

"I could do this.", he whispered. I felt a pair of lips press to my ear and trail to my neck. I took a deep intake of air, cocking my head to the side. The fire flamed throughout my bones, igniting my skin. My stomach tingled with butterflies, sending shivers down my spine. Niall chuckled, vibrating my skin, as he began to suck on the base.

I swallowed hard, trying to force the soft moan back, but it was nearly impossible as he bit down. Turning my head to the side, I happened to just be in time to steal his lips, causing him to smile into the kiss and turn me around to get a better angle.

I smiled as Niall's tongue ran over my botton lip, but I continued to press my lips together, denying entrance. He pulled me even closer, squeezing my waist. I pressed my arms down to my sides where his hands were and chuckled, but the second my mouth opened, he stole the opportunity, also turning us so that my back was now pressed against the sink. The kiss was rough and filled with hunger, but love nonetheless.

"Niall.." I mumbled, pulling back to get a breath. He smiled at me, his eyes doing that twinkle thing they do when he's happy. It makes my heart melt when I see him like this. This playful and happy side- I don't think I'll ever get used to it.

He leaned in and kissed me sweetly this time, a little more passion condensed within it. I kissed back, tugging at the roots of his hair. He deeply moaned into the kiss, and lifted me up so I was sitting on the ledge of the sink. I pulled him closer so that he was standing in between my legs that I had now wrapped around his lower back.

He was perfect. It was perfect. Everything. The way his mouth sculpted to mine. The way our tongues moulded around eachothers, his always gaining dominance.

This.. this feeling. I would never get used to it. It was something that Niall, and only Niall could ever give me. It was like all of our flaws would just disappear and we'd be so wrapped up into eachother that the perfections would shine through and it would just be so natural for us.

"Khlo.", He smiled, breathing hard as he leant his head against mine and drew circles on my thighs.

I bit my lip and smiled, letting his eyes engulf my own. I love how they're so captivating. I love how at first I hated it, but I grew to like them. I love how when I look into them, all of my problems disappear and I'm stripped of myself. Like he doesn't care about my past, but just about the time that we share in that moment.

"Don't do that...", He groaned, tossing his head back. I chuckled and watched him in amazement. No matter what happens, this boy will always be the only one to ever make me feel like heaven. He's the only one who will ever look at me like he does, and he's the only one who my heart will ever belong to for eternity, and no one can change that. Whether we're miles apart, or we're centimeters from touching, he will be the only one and that's a promise.

"Do what?", I smiled, holding onto his shirt at his waist.

"Do.. That thing. Where you bite your lip.", He smiled and rested his forehead back on mine. His eyes were a wild fire, sparking and flaming as they danced in the light.

"Why?", I smirked. "Does it turn you on?", I asked, acting innocent. Of course it does. I can read his mind like an open book that was made by a children's author.

"So much.", He whispered. My stomach dropped at those two words. Even though I already knew it, it was still so nerve wracking to hear him say it out loud.

I closed my eyes and pressed my lips to his, locking us together. It caught him by surprise, but I could tell that he pushed it away as he put himself fully into it.

It surprises me how different each kiss is. How original they are. They all have a different feeling or emotion put into it, and it's an amazing gift to receive. An amazing feeling that just completely overwhelmes, yet completes me.

I ran my one hand through the top of his hair, pushing it off his forehead, while my other hand gripped to his left bicep as he picked me up, carrying me down the hall and into the little bedroom.

"Shit!", Niall mumbled as my back came into contact with the wood frame of the door. We both chuckled as I muffled an 'ow' against his lips.

Neither of us discontinued the kiss as he placed me on the queen sized mattress, resting slightly between my legs while he hovered over top. Wild and crazy butterflies flew throught me, stripping me of all sanity as we endorsed ourselves with eachother.

He's like a drug. I've said that from the beginning, but it's true. Once you get a small taste, no matter how badly you want to quit, it's nearly impossible. Your body becomes ammun to him and just wants a little bit more to give you that edge of what you've been looking for. That feeling of just total satisfactory and happiness.

He traced light circles on my inner thighs, making me shiver and form goosebumps under my pants. Without warning, an audible moan released from the back of my throat making my cheeks flush if they haven't already. Niall chuckled and pulled away, but missed no time by moving to my jaw and leaving firm kisses along it as he trailed to my neck. What is he doing to me...

I gasped as he started to suck, roaming his hands around my body. Our breathing grew heavy as he continued, making me literally lose my mind. A shiver raked down my spine as he gently lifted my shirt, trailing his hands around my stomach and hips.

I gently tugged at the bottom of his shirt, wanting to touch him in every way possible. He slipped it over his head, disconnecting our lips for a split second; allowing me just enough time to take a quick breath before our lips met again. Niall pushed down on my stomach a little, still rubbing circles.

I can't take this anymore. He's just so... ugh..

I felt his bulge press against my inner thigh, making my cheeks burn. My shirt came next, allowing my laced black bra to be exposed to his lust filled eyes.

I sat and stared at Niall for a second, My chest heaving with each breath I took. A smile settled on his lips, automatically calming the nerves as he ran his hands all over my body. "Fuck, Khlo- baby." He moaned. I smiled and pulled his head back to mine, connecting our lips again. He groaned as I tugged on the roots of his hair, his voice vibrating throughout my body making the butterflies come back only this time ten times more intense. I don't think you really can ever get used to this feeling. I don't see how you could.

I wimpered due to the loss of contact of our lips as he moved down on me, kissing down my neck, trailing between my breasts. I arched my back while he undid my bra with just one hand.

I forget how skilled he probably is at this. I mean, he's had sex countless times with different girls. Of course he knows how to simply undo a bra. Hell, he's mastered it if he can do it with only one hand. I don't know why I'm just thinking of this, but I think the thought of Kaylee was still haunting my mind...

"What's wrong, baby?", Niall panted as he lifted his body up a little more, leaning onto one elbow and his knees, straddling me in order to get a better look at my face as he ran his free hand down my cheek.

"Hmm?", I mumbled, coming back to my senses, my eyes staring into his deep sea ones.

"Somethings wrong. I can tell." I shook my head frantically, staring into his eyes. We've made love a few times, but I felt different tonight for some reason. For some reason, I felt like I was in a competition. He's probably had the best sex of his life, and it's tough to top that, especially with how inexperienced I am.

"Nothing's wrong.", I stated as I lifted my hand to his cheek, running the pad of my thumb over it. He just stared at me, as if he didn't believe a word I just said. "I-It's just that... those other girls.. Niall, I'm nothing-"

Sighing, he leant down and pressed his lips to my forehead. "Khloe, you need to stop. I know it's hard, and I am so, so, so sorry that I can't change how I used to be. But, you are my present and my future. I don't want them; only you, so don't let them effect 'ya.", he whispered, pressing light and feathery kisses to my ear and jaw. I nodded and pulled him closer, running my hands up and down his bare back. "I love you. Not them, you. So please just stop comparing yourself to them."

I sighed. He's right.

"Now, just relax, okay?" I bit my lip and nodded as my eyes watch his every move.

He began to place slow and delicate kisses down my jaw, moving to my left side, just next to my breast, then down to my stomach as his hands slowly ran down my sides and over my hip bones as they drew light, ticklish patterns. This time everything was more slow and gentle- which I loved, but it was driving me absolutely nuts.

His fingers quickly found the band of my legging as he slowly eased me out of them.

Everything was as if it were in slow motion. The way his silky blue eyes gazed into my brown ones. The way he was slowly pulling my pants off with one hand while his other was just softly rubbing over my stomach. My heart was beating immensely fast, but my breathing was slow and ragged.

Once I was left in nothing but my comfortable black underwear, it didn't take long for him to lean back up and place his lips back on mine as he carefully pushed at the top of my thighs to separate them more.

A goggy moan was released from the back of his throat as my hands fumbled to get a hold of his jeans. If mine were coming off, so were his. He laughed as he could tell I was struggling, so he quickly sat up, pulling them off for himself. My giggles began to drown out as we both just stared at eachother. I wonder what he's thinking. What keeps his mind so content most of the time.

"Ready?", he leant back down, his body between my legs again, supporting himself on his forearms by my head as his lips were left just an inch above mine. I couldn't help but to stare at them. They're driving me insane. If I were to just tilt my head up, they would colide. I watched carefully as they formed each word and syllable. My eyes never wanting to forget their light pink shape and form.

"Always." I smiled, lifting my head just the slightest to capture him. Niall smiled against my mouth, one of his hands finding a perfect position on my breast as he squeezed and tugged at it. I let out a moan, pressing my fingers into his shoulder blades.

His left hand then moved down on me, trailing down to my center. I could feel the moisture in my underwear as he ran his slightly rough fingers gently across the skin on my inner thigh.

"Niall..", I groaned. I wiggled around a little, growing slightly irritated with his teasing.

He just chuckled and sat up, lifting my legs so that way they were both resting on either side of him. "Don't like that?" he raised his eyes, his playful side starting to peak though.

"Now is not the time." I groaned, fisting the sheets and turning my head into them. I'm beginning to be frustrated. More like sexually frustrated from this little 'game' he was playing.

"Really, and when is?" I gasped at his sudden touch as he lightly ran his index finger over the center of the black cotton. Holy hell, Niall.

"Please." I gasped again as he pulled his finger away, running them across my lower abdomen. He smirked, wiggling his fingers underneath the top of my panties. "Just pull them down already." Let's just say I was more than ready to go and he is making this so hard.

"Needy. I like it.", he winked before he finally got the gist of pulling my underwear off my legs. He smirked as he just stared at me in awe. I felt the blush form on my cheeks as I burried my head into the blanket.

"Stop staring at me.", I giggled.

"I don't think I could ever do that." Niall mumbled in my ear, making me realize he was a lot closer than I thought. I blushed more, but luckily it was dark so he couldn't tell. He pressed a kiss to my cheek, making me smile, before he sat back up.

He ran his finger over my center again, making me arch my back and turn my head to face him. I couldn't tell what he was thinking and it kind of made me nervous until he did it again, making me moan and grab the sheets again.

"You're so wet, khlo." He smiled as he left a small kiss on my knee and down my inner thigh, all while his fingers were circling my clit.

I moaned again, my breathing starting to increase. "Please, Niall." I gasped. "I need you."

"Not yet, babe." He smirked as he slid a finger inside of me; his thumb still rubbing circles.

"You're so tight." he whispered, his voice thick and raspy. I could feel his hot breath against my skin, adding more to the pressure of needing him.

He quickly slipped in another finger, making my back arch off the bed as a stream of profanities tumbled out of my mouth. He pushed them in further and curled them inside of me, just about making me scream, before he pulled out again.

"I want to taste you." I moaned as the words left his mouth. Soon after, his fingers left me, causing me to whimper due to the loss of contact.

"Niall!", I moaned as his head disappeared between my legs. I felt his tongue trail up my center, making me cry out before he began to suck.

The pressure was intense in the pit of my stomach, making my muscles tighten. I fisted the sheets between my fingers, burying my face in them.

I felt myself flinch as his fingers entered me again, bringing a whole new feeling to the scene. My hands involuntarily found his hair, tugging on it just the slightist, causing him the groad against me. Vibrations from his mouth cause the euphoria to take over, making my high come a lot faster than intended, his name leaving my mouth in a muffled cry.

"Holy shit." My breathing was heavy as Niall sat back up laughing all while licking my excitement off his lips with a smirk. I took in a deep breath, just staring at the blonde boy who sat in his black briefs at the end of the bed, his bulge becoming more obvious by the second.

"Come here." I motioned towards him, and he quickly obliged. I pressed my lips to his hungrily and he did the same, a slight smile present.

His briefs were quickly shed from his hips and strewn across the room somewhere to which is irrelevant. He sat up and pulled open a night stand drawer, cursing when he noticed it was empty. I bit my lip, watching as he shifted and opened another, smiling as he pulled a box out.

"Knew Greg wouldn't let me down!" He mumbled, tearing it apart. I laughed, covering my face.

"He knows we have sex?!"

"He's a guy, khloe. He knows that men have needs that need to be met."

"Dear lord." I laughed, blushing. Niall slid the condom over his length, leaning down so he was level with me.

"Are you okay now?" I nodded. "No more second guessing yourself?" I shook my head, bitting my lip. "Good." he grinned and pressed his lips to mine, lining himself up at my entrance.

Moaning out as he slid in, my hands grasped his skin, fingernails digging into his hips. Niall groaned, his head falling down onto my shoulder as he let out a satisfied breath.

"You have know idea how hard you make me." he groaned, waiting patiently for me to adjust. When I gave him the okay, his hips began to slowly move, his thrusts slow and deep. I moaned out as an euphoric feeling flew through my stomach, my walls already clenching around him.

"Oh my, Niall..." I exhaled, my head turning into his neck where I began to suck on his skin. He pulled out gently and gave a hard thrust, raking a loud moan from my throat. "Niall." my eyes fluttered closed, my hands moving up to hold onto the back of his neck. He began to nibble on my ear, his large hand massaging my chest as his hips continued to move at an agonizingly slow but hard pace. It felt so intense. "Faster- please go- faster, ni-all." I panted.

Niall sat up and spread my legs widely, positioning them how he wanted. His hands grasped my thighs, watching the point where our bodies met as he began to pick up pace, smoothly sliding in and out of me. I moaned the loudest I have yet, my back arching at the feeling of the intense yet delightful pressure. "Fuck, Khlo." Niall bit his bottom lip, sweat glistening off his hairline and around his eyes.

"Oh! It feels so good.." I mumbled, my voice starting to raise in pitch. I let out a deep, satisfying breath, my hands digging into my hair as my chin tilted up towards the ceiling. "Niall." I groaned.

"That's it, baby" he groaned, shifting us again to go deeper. I felt my eyes start to roll, my orgasm coming quick and hard. "C'mon, Khloe." Niall grunted, one hand moving to my ribcage while his other moved down to my center.

"Holy- fuck, Niall!" I gave out to him, the loaded pleasure tearing through me like lightning against a piece of paper; searing and powerful and just so strong. My back arched as a sheet of white clouded my vision, my body becoming overly sensitive to all touch. "Niall, Niall, Niall.." I breathed, feeling his climax only seconds after mine. He collapsed next to me, the only sound in the air being the deep, loud, ragged breaths shared between us.

Neither of us said anything for the first couple minutes, just letting out bodies be soaked in the ecstasy. Even after the first couple minutes, my heart was still beating at an immensely fast pace, my chest heaving.

I felt Niall's arm wrap around my stomach, pulling me into his body. "Don't ever say that you aren't good enough. I have never fucked anybody like I just did you and I have never felt this way towards anyone that what I do you." He kissed my forehead. "You are so much better than those slut, do you hear me. I love you for you, Khloe. I love everything about you. Don't seek yourself short, understand?"

"Yeah." I whispered, looking up into his eyes. A faint smile crossed his lips, his hands moving up to my hairline where he pushed my dirty blonde strands back, spreading the waves around my pillow. "I love you."

He smiled down at me. "I love you." He left another kiss on my cheek before sitting up. "Can you find me my boxers?"

I sat up and looked around, having to turn on the little night lamp to see. I glanced across the floor, smiling as I found them on the on the little treasure box at the end of the bed. I grabbed them and handed them to him, also grabbing his shirt and my underwear. after tossing on clothes and pulling my hair into a bum, I cuddled down into the sheets.

"You have to go turn off the lights I the kitchen." I reminded Niall, smiling because I was already warm and comfy.

"Actually, love, that's your job."

"Why is it mine?"

"Because I'm sleeping." I quickly turned around, seeing his eyes shut, a smirk across his mouth.


"I'm sleeping. Shh..."

"Go turn them off."




"No. Shh.. I'm trying to sleep."

"Niall. I will kick you out of this bed."

"I will kick you out of this house."

"Not if I kick you out first."

"That would require you moving. So you could turn out the lights then." he smirked.

"Oh my gosh, Niall."

"Don't be a puss."



"Asshole." he smiled, his eyes still shut.

"Love you."

"No you don't." That was the last thing I said before my foot came into contact with his side causing him to 'surprisingly' just fall off the bed.


"Glad your awake. Now, that you're up, go turn off the lights." I smirked and snuggled back into the blankets, smiling victoriously as I heard his feet patter among the wood. The lights went out and seconds later he was back in bed, pulling me into his side. "I love you."

"Go to bed you asswipe." I giggled and smiled, however letting sleep consume my thoughts.

It has been one year of Frozen today! Don't know how I managed to string it out for a whole year but I did haha

Also, happy birthday to my baby boy. Even though he's 21 I seriously don't feel like he's changed at all. It's like puberty still hasn't hit his personality, only looks :)

Have sweet dreams/ a good day! Love you guys! :) xx

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