Butterfly Effect ; H. Potter

By teenageffools

641K 17.8K 14.5K

antheia lupin couldn't believe the burden she had on her shoulders simply because of an event years ago. she... More

synopsis & cast.
act one ; third year.
1. the leaky cauldron.
2. dementors on the train.
3. hippogriff flights.
4. boggarts.
5. flight of the fat lady.
6. grim in the stands.
7. truth or not.
8. the firebolt.
9. silver mares.
10. gryffindor versus ravenclaw.
11. snape's grudge.
12. the quidditch cup.
13. predictions and exams.
14. the shrieking shack.
15. the marauders.
16. voldemort's servant.
17. dementor's kiss.
18. the secret.
19. owl post.
act two ; fourth year.
20. the invitation.
21. the portkey.
22. the campsite.
23. quidditch world cup.
24. the mark in the sky.
25. frilly dress robes.
26. aboard the hogwarts express.
27. triwizard tournament.
28. the amazing bouncing ferret.
29. constant vigilance.
30. beauxbatons and durmstrang.
31. the goblet of fire.
32. the fourth champion.
33. to hell and back.
34. the horntail.
35. against dragons.
36. the house-elves.
37. dates and last resorts.
38. the yule ball.
39. silences and scoops.
40. the second task.
41. history of crouch.
42. mr. crouch's visit.
43. voldemort's infiltration.
44. the trials.
45. the final task.
46. flesh, blood, and bone.
47. voldemort's tale.
48. priori incantatem.
49. barty crouch jr.
50. parting of the ways.
51. remembering.
act three ; fifth year.
52. unsent letters.
53. dear mr. potter.
54. reunions and flying.
55. the headquarters.
56. dumbledore's shrewd ideas.
57. the house of black.
58. ministry of magic.
59. mrs. figg's testament.
60. non-prefects.
61. luna and her quibbler.
62. the sorting hat's warning.
63. dolores umbridge.
64. bloody quills.
65. padfoot in the fire.
66. hermione's idea.
67. recruitments.
68. educational decrees.
69. dumbledore's army.
70. draco's torment.
71. in the mountains.
72. thestrals and mistletoes.
73. st mungo's.
74. the longbottoms.
75. occlumency.
76. madam puddifoot's.
77. seen and unforseen.
78. marietta's undoing.
79. snape's worst memory.
80. weasley twins' flight.
81. hagrid's half brother.
82. dreams and o.w.l.s.
83. through the fire.
84. fight and flight.
85. glowing prophecies.
86. sirius's last stand.
87. dumbledore's duel.
88. answers.
89. the beginning of the end.
act four ; sixth year.
90. presents for theia.
91. cissy and bella.
92. the transcendent.
93. horace slughorn.
94. snuffles the niffler.
95. draco's detour.
96. never-ending stares.
97. snape at last.
98. amortentia.
99. house of gaunt.
100. quidditch tryouts.
101. jinxes and curses.
102. revirida.
103. felix felicis.
104. mistletoes.
105. a frosty christmas.
106. murder of the riddles.
107. poisoned.
108. dobby and kreacher.
109. farewell dean thomas.
110. the unknowable room.
111. confessions.
112. the seven horcruxes.
113. better than firewhiskey.
114. a sky full of stars.
115. into the cave.
116. headmaster's demise.
117. the prince flees.
118. fawkes' lament.
119. what was awaiting.
act five ; seventh year.
120. flight of seven.
121. the lost soldier.
122. preparations.
123. only seventeen.
124. bill and fleur.
125. somewhere to hide.
126. regulus arcturus black.
127. lupin's visit.
128. magic is might.
129. muggle-borns wanted.
130. lily flower.
131. gryffindor's sword.
132. it's nice to have a friend.
133. irreparable damage.
134. dumbledore's legacy.
135. hermione's revenge.
136. xenophilius lovegood.
137. the three brothers.
138. the potterwatch.
139. malfoy manor.
140. here lies dobby.
141. teddy lupin.
142. the gringotts heist.
143. atop a dragon.
144. mystery of the mirror.
145. ravenclaw's diadem.
146. sacking of severus snape.
147. against a thousand soldiers.
148. the elder wand.
149. the prince's tale.
150. until the very end.
151. greeting death like a friend.
152. the fool tom riddle.
epilogue: forever and always.
acknowledgements & notes.

author's note.

23.1K 495 563
By teenageffools

Hi everyone! This is my first ever Harry Potter fanfiction. This will be a Harry Potter x OC, not Y/N so I'm sorry if you prefer Y/N! This fanfiction starts in third year and will go to seventh year.

About Antheia:

- Daughter of Remus Lupin and Mary Macdonald.

(I GOT SO MANY COMMENTS UNDER THIS AND DISCLAIMER: This doesn't have anything to do with the events in ATYD (I didn't even finish that but it's great) or most of the  Marauders' head canons or knowledge! It's mostly because I was pretty lazy with the writing when I planned this (I was twelve) so I just picked a random Marauders' Era girl! I apologize for the laziness but it's too late to turn back so please stop expressing your disgust!)

- Named after the goddess Antheia who was the goddess of flowers and her name means "flower" or "blossom" in Ancient Greek. That will be more important later on in the story!

- Antheia has a power that won't reveal itself for a while but it'll be revealed more in years 4 or 5.

- Antheia is a Gryffindor! Her house doesn't matter too much in this story; it was mostly for convenience.

About the story:

- It will be told from a third-person POV.

- This fanfiction is from years 3-7.

- There won't be much swearing as I'm not entirely comfortable with that.

- Based on the books, not the movies!

- This fanfiction will stay mostly canon.

- No smut/lemon only fluff! I'm sorry but again I'm not comfortable with writing smut.

Please leave any fanfiction recommendations in this line's comment section! I'm seriously going to run out.

I apologize for any grammar or spelling mistakes. You're welcome to point them out.

Enjoy the story and please vote and/or comment to support the story!

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