Stone Cold- A Frozen lll Story

By Brooke_theauthor

107 5 24

Disclaimer!! I do not own any of these characters created by Disney, I'm simply writing how I think frozen th... More

Its Wedding Day!!

Frozen heart.

40 2 13
By Brooke_theauthor

  Nearly a year later, the King and Queen stood before their subjects for the annual Summer celebration Festival. Anna smoothed her dress and folded her hands together before smiling up at the crowd. A little girl on her fathers shoulders frantically waved at her with a warm smile.
  "Hello Mila!" Anna waved back. Her and Kristoff liked to make sure they knew as many of the commoners as possible, it made them feel more connected to their kingdom. They didn't want the people to fear them, they wanted to be approachable and friendly, just like Annas parents had been.
  "Good afternoon everyone!" Kristoff stepped up, "Queen Anna and I are honored to kickoff the Annual Summer Festival Celebration!" The Crowd roared in approval, and Children ran off to play with Gale, the wind spirit who decided to make an appearance, while the adults mingled with each other and engaged in activities. Kristoff turned to Anna, wrapping an arm around his waist. "Wheres Elsa? Shouldn't she be here by know?I know you wanted to talk to her before the festivities continued"  
  "She'll be here soon."
   As if on que, Elsa appeared next to the couple in a cloud of blue vapor. A new perk she learned came with being the Fifth Spirit.
"I heard my name?" She smiled, her hair down like always and dressed in a deep blue skin tight dress, kinda like the one she wore for Christmas a few years back. The sisters embraced tightly, Elsa had gone on a mission due to a disturbance in the forest. Sure assured a worried Anna it was nothing before she left but that they wouldn't be able to communicate for a few weeks. A few weeks turned into the entire spring and then some. It was the longest they spent without talking in years, and it was excruciating for both of them. Even with Elsa living in the forest, they still communicated through the letters Gale was so kind to deliver for them.
"I missed you so much!" Anna squealed, a tear or two escaping her eyes.
"Not nearly as much as I missed you!" Elsa pulled away from the embrace and revealed what seemed to be a purple sea shell on a long silver chain in her hand. "I met a nice mermaid while I was away, she gave me this." Anna noticed an identical shell hung from Elsa's neck. "She said they're enchanted to connect you to someone you love, So if we each have one-"
  "We'll be able to talk all the time!" Anna finished her sisters sentence and lifted her long ginger ponytail for Kristoff to put on her necklace. He gave his wife a glance, reminding her she had to have an important conversation with her sister. "It's beautiful Elsa really!" She paused and looked down at her toes, "Can we, erm, talk, maybe in the courtyard, Y'know, just me and you, alone?"

"Of course, is everything alright?"

Elsa hung her arm around Annas neck as the two entered the courtyard, away from the crowd. Anna's face fell as she took a breath. This concerned Elsa, it was rare to see Anna upset over anything.
"Anna, what's wrong?" Elsa squeezed Annas shoulders for reassurance, whatever her sister had on her mind was really stressing her out. "You can tell me." Anna looked up at her sister with tears streaming from her face down her neck. Now Elsa had a few tears forming, fearing the worst news. Had she fallen ill? Was her sister dying? Was she cursed? A million thoughts flew through her head like snowfall in a blizzard.
  "Elsa." Anna patted her eyes with a purple and green handkerchief, in effort to save her makeup before it began to melt. "Right after you left, I had a miscarage."

"Oh my goodness, Anna, I am so sorry." Elsa held her sister tight, allowing a few tears to shed herself. "If I would have known I wouldn't have gone, are you okay?" Anna nodded and Elsa gave a sigh of relief as she pulled away from her sister once more.
"Thats actually not what I wanted to tell you though. I guess I'm just still grieving the whole thing and I'm scared for-?"
"For?" Elsa raised an eyebrow, praying her sister wasn't blaming herself for what had happened. She'd already prepared a speech to reassure her it wasn't if that was the case.
"Elsa, I'm pregnant again. I found out three months ago."
"Anna thats wonderful! You'll be a great Mother!" Despite the devastating news moments before, Elsa was elated for her sister, finally becoming a Mother like she always wanted to. But Anna gave a short smile and turned away. "Is- is it not great news?"
"No-no it is! It's just- I-"
"You're worried about what Hans said at your wedding."
"Yeah." Anna sucked in a shaking breath, "Not about your powers passing down or anything, I think that would be great, if it was even possible obviously but.." Anna babbled on.
"Anna." Elsa shook her head with a smile, "I know thats not what you're afraid of."
"You do?"
"Of course." Elsa said confidently, knowing in her heart Anna was never and will never be ashamed of her gifts, and would handle having a magical child beautifly. "But did you forget you have a magical sister with four other spirits on your side? No one will hurt our family, I can promise you that." Both sisters let out a breath they forgot they were holding, Gale the wind spirit whirled around them as if to congratulate Anna and take away their tension. Anna smiled a big goofy grin and ran into her sisters arms, finally feeling like she can celebrate the news herself.
   "I should tell the kingdom!"
"You should."
"Lets go!"
  The kingdom was overjoyed to hear Arendelle would be getting a new heir in just a few months! The night of the festival was filled with many congratulations, laughs and with much to celebrate about. By the time the Royal family had made it back to the castle, the sky had awoken and the sun had set far beneath the horizon.
  "ELSA" called a voice, who ran to Elsa's feet at the castle doors.
"Hello Olaf! where were you today?"
  "Sven took me on an adventure!"
"Did he now?" Elsa raised an eye brow as the little snowman nodded.
"He did!" Olaf yawned, "good night everyone, good to see you, Elsa."
"Goodnight." The Royal family said simultaneously.
"You're not leaving, are you?" Anna pleaded.
"Of course not! I planed on staying for a week or so anyway." Elsa yawned, waved her hand and all three of them were dressed in matching blue and white striped pajamas. "But I'm exhausted, so I think I'll turn in for the night."
"Me too." Kristoff kissed his Wife on the cheek, "Coming to bed, Anna?"
"One second, hon." Anna hugged her sister again for probably the millionth time that day. "Thanks for letting me get out my emotions earlier, I love you."

"I love you too."


Four months later,

  Life had gone back to normal after that day. Well, the new normal, since the King and Queens lives now revolved around preparing for the arrival of their prince or princess.
  "Do you think we should make the nursery enchanted forest themed or baby animal themed?" Anna held up two designs that had been drawn by the Royal designer, Sir Henry and his husband, John. The same men who decorated Anna and Elsa's nurseries when they were babies.
  "Love, does it really matter? I mean it's not like the baby will care." Kristoff shrugged, bending down to plant a kiss on Anna's growing stomach.  "I'm sure which ever one you choose will be perfect."
"I say a snowman themed room!" Olaf said, who was following Anna. Because of the concerns after Han's threats, Elsa and Kristoff made sure someone was with her at all times. Olaf was usually a willing candidate no matter what. And when Anna couldn't sleep or was bored with nothing to do around the castle, Olaf would tell her how he planed to make their baby his best friend and how he would take them on adventures around the kingdom. And everytime Anna would have to explain to him that babies are small and fragile and can't go on adventures right away.
"Olaf, could you give kristoff and I a moment, please?" Anna huffed. Olaf did as he was told, calling for Sven out the window before running out of their room.

"Whats the matter, min elskede?" (my beloved in Norwegian) Kristoff furrowed his brows.
"The 'matter' is that you don't care about ANYTHING! I ask you about clothes, you don't think it's important, I ask about names you say, ' its up to you', I ask about the babies nursery and you STILL don't care!" (A/N ; absolutely not me getting angry while writing this) Anna, pushed away his arm he attempted to caress her cheek with. "When we agreed to have a baby we agreed on doing everything together! And now anytime I bring up something you don't want any part of it.  I REFUSE to let our child grow up with an absent parent!"


"Look I know you didn't grow up with normal parents but that doesn't mean your child should have to suffer because YOU'RE scared. I-"

"Anna!" Kristoff yelled back. Anna stoped, tears falling from her blue eyes and her cheeks red from the adrenaline. "You're right. I am scared. Terrified actually. I'm terrified I'll make the wrong decision or say the wrong thing I-. I never told you what happened to my parents." He sat on their couch placed  in front of their bed and patted the spot next to him for Anna to sit. " I was five years old at the time, my parents weren't the best at making decisions for their child..."


"Mama, Papa look over here!" A blonde little boy jumped up and down, desperate for his parents attention who were to busy conversing with men bundled in clothing so tightly their faces were hidden away. "I'm the ICE KING!" The toddler stood proudly on top of a thick block of ice his parents had retrieved from the lake just hours before.
   "Kristoff Bjorgman, off that Ice at once!" The boys Mother, Anette scolded. She was a brown haired women with bangs that shadowed her green eyes. "You are no king, just a boy. And this gentleman here says he and his friends are going to pay good money for that ice, your father and I need it if we want to last the winter. 
"And to buy a big teddy bear right Mama?"
"Quiet, son!" Barked Kristoff's Father, Henrick. Henrick was tall and sturdy, had blonde hair like his son and blue eyes to match. It was obvious Kristoff took after his father.
"Sorry, Papa."
    Just then, Anette shrieked, the men had both parents in their arms with knives to their throats. Something about they owed them for the alcohol or a game, Kristoff couldn't quite understand.
"Run my son, RUN." Anette called, her dying wish before the bandits threw her and her husband into the freezing lake. Kristoff waited a moment for them to come up, knowing surly they wouldn't leave him there alone.
  Instead of running, he hid behind their family cabin while the men weren't looking, breathlessly waiting for their voices to disappear, then he would find Mama and Papa. The toddler waited until the day turned to night before daring to move.
     Slowly, he crept out of his hiding spot and started towards the lake. The stars twinkled through the clouds above him and the Northern Lights filled the sky with greens and purples and pinks. The snowy wind blew harsh against young Kristoffs skin, his teeth chattered as he continued. Two figures appeared in the distance, seemingly lying on the floor. Hopeful, little Kristoff ran towards the figures.

  "Mama! Papa!" He called, "It's getting cold can we go inside and have some hot chocolate?" He received no response. As he reached the figures he noticed they were, in fact, his parents. "Mama, that was so scary! But I was brave, just like you taught me, Papa!" The boy proudly puffed out his chest, still waiting for his parents approval. But they didn't applaud him like he thought they would, they just layed there motionless. Kristoff had been taught better to lay in the cold like this, you could freeze to death! His mother would have told him had it been him laying in the cold.
  "Mama? Papa?" His lip quivered, "You'll freeze if you don't get up!" Kristoff reached to hold his Mothers hand, which to his terror, was froze solid. "Mama! Papa!" He screamed his vocal cords raw. 
  Not knowing what else to do, Kristoff ran into the woods with his tiny sleigh. Where he met a baby reindeer who had been orphaned due to poachers.
"I think I'll name you Sven!" He declared and the reindeer licked him in approval, "We will always have each other, I promise."
    For a few months the ice men of Arendelle took the boy and his companion under their wing, they made sure he was fed and let him have his fun pretending to help them with the ice. Until one night when he and Sven noticed a particular trail of blue glowing ice. The pair followed the trail to a strange valley, where the rock trolls took him in and raised him as their own.

-End of Flashback-

".... And that's why I'm so afraid I'll make the wrong decision, I know it's stupid and you're right, I'm sorry, min elskede. I love you and I promise I'll try harder. By the way, definitely enchanted forest." Kristoff grinned and faced Anna, terror filled his body. "Anna?" Anna's eyes where glowing and her skin began turning a light shade of blue. She was frozen to the touch. "No, no, no, no, no, no!" Kristoff picked Anna up bridal style, ignoring any castle worker who questioned and practically flying down stairs and into the sleigh where Sven stayed with Olaf. "Sven, trolls, now." Kristoff breathed out, leaving Olaf behind without an explanation.

"Elsa!" He called into Anna's shell necklace, "get to the rock trolls, Anna's in trouble

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