Forgotten DaughterπŸ’™


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Read to find out how YB stop showing Kind attention so she did the unthinkable. More

New Main Characters
New House
Mental Health


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(Thank you three for commenting on chapter 3 and I will start doing shoutouts to the first 3 comments in every chapter so if you want a shoutout then comment anything and I'll give you one in the next chapter. Also Ace is taken but silent and DK is tied so please decide who she's going to date.)

Kind POV

I just woke up to Silent laying on top of me shirtless and the rest of the gang on my floor with blankets and pillows. They pushed try outs a little closer because spirit week is coming up so I have try out this afternoon. I looked at the time and seen it was currently 6:57 and I had to get up. I pushed Silent off me and went to take a shower. The whole gang said we were going to match today. We had on out rugrats hoodie, black jeans, and playground 13's.

We said we were going to all go to the mall for spirit week. But first I had to get my duffle bag packed. After I packed all my stuff I ran downstairs and hopped in my car. I'm thinking of getting a customized Hellcat or Rolls Royce. Then Silent and London and Sev hopped in the car with me too. I drove to school and we went through security and all that good bullshit. We all separated to our classes until lunch.


Class had been boring so far but me and Silent on our way to get McDonalds because they had some spaghetti and we didn't want that.


So I'm in the locker room putting on my clothes and stuff for tryouts.

We stretched first and then she divided us up to 2 teams. So we could go against each other and see who qualifies to be on the team.

So it was a few of us that made it like a solid 10 or 11 but everybody else were put out. But the coach started talking about what the team is and how we practice and stuff. We practice with the basketball teams. And we all get jerseys today depending on our size. I had to get an extra small in top and shorts. And we had to wear some bred 11's and I had to get a size 4 in those. She said if we pay early she'll give you your stuff early. Me and London both were now on the team. She was leaving with me since she was coming to the mall with us. But we had to take showers and stuff. I dropped off Silent and London at Ace house and me and Sev went and took showers. And got dressed.

I waited on them to come here so we could all leave together.

Once everybody came to the house everybody looked over everybody else outfits. Until it got to me and Silent. We planned to match during lunch so shit was regular but they making big deals bout the shit.

After the Mall

So we were at the mall for like 2nhours and guess who's in Jersey. Yep that's right Eisha. So she was with Rell, I think that's his name but they wanted to bark and. What not and got me and my gang kicked out. So we decided let's take this shit elsewhere. So I told her to meet me at MY house or the park. But her ring scared she said nah she don't wanna fight me. But as soon as I touch down to my house with the gang I get a notification from one of my fans that she live and my daddy was watching. So you wanna know what I did. I joined her live still in my good clothes and everything. And the chat took notice so they started telling her to invite me. So I requested to join her live. When she accepted it I went and got her ass.

Kind-I'm scared to fight you Eisha. When we were just in the mall and I told you pussy ass to meet me at my house or the park and yo ass was scared. Talking bout, "I don't wanna fight you" well it's pressua now hoe. Cause what we not finna do is cap on Kindly Daysha Hefling Gaulden's name
Eisha-You was scared in the mall that's why you and yo pussy ass nigga left cause he felt threatened by Gutta
Kind-Bitch ain't shit ova this way pussy except yo bitch ass friend Gitta or what ever the fuck his name is. Wasn't saying shit to my nigga and I know that for a fact ugly ran through thot
Eisha-Kind stop tryna pop shit on social media cause y-
Kind-Nah shut that shit up you the one tryna pop shit cause you brung yo ass to social media bitch ass luh kid
Eisha-Ask yo nigga how Gutta dick taste
Silent-Aye say bitch you making me come out of my body leave me the fuck outta yo pussy ass friend group because I'll really swing on every bitch and every nigga yo ass know so don't keep saying shit bout me nor my lady
Gutta-Shut up choking on dick that's why you don't like talking because yo throat be hurting
Kind-Meet me at the park on Fourth Avenue

With that being said I left and changed my clothes. I seen everybody else except an and Silent had changed clothes.

We all walked outside to our cars and drove to Fourth Avenue. As soon as we get there we see Eisha,Gutta,Rel,Fendi,Chris, and Debo. Like what the fuck they suppose to do. Not a damn thang. I had London recording and the rest was backup. I walked up to Eisha and Silent was right behind me. As soon as I get to her I punched the shit outta her. Then I sling her to the ground and went to pound town on her face with my fist. I felt somebody pull me off her and they started swinging on me. Next thing I know is they just vanished like they weren't hitting me or nun. I got up and seen Gutta knocked the fuck out. Then I went back to Eisha and see she was bloody so I left her how she was. And look how I left the fight. Nothing but a scratch and that was from Gutta.

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