Night Disease

By kipekipe

22.4K 1.3K 134

UNDERGOING EDITS/COMPLETED A day can change your life in an instant, just like one decision can change the pa... More

Author note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Author's note

Chapter 65

125 9 1
By kipekipe

"That bitch," Melanie swears her fist hitting her desk with deadly force shaking the hardwood. After my explanation on the issue with the old witch let's just say Melanie didn't take it well she swore and she never swears.

"Hey safe the swearing for me that's my thing," I joke failing miserably like always. Sighing I nod to Deric. He goes over and calms his wife down. "I can leave lead them away. The witch is after me she will follow me if I leave everyone here is safe. I can go to the other side of the world to lead them away."

Melanie takes a deep breath calming herself down. "No you will not go anywhere you are not going to leave that child you are taking care of. We can handle the witch together without you sacrificing yourself."

Sighing I nod, there goes that idea. "Then what are we going to do?"

She grins "we are going to prepare."

Minutes later everyone is gathered below looking at the three of us on the first-level deck. "Some of you know Kaindra here a hybrid of an ancient species and a friend. She has brought to my attention that a fellow witch with a group of vampires and demons plans to attack us in hopes of getting her power. We are not going to allow that. Until they come to attack we are going to train and train hard. Anyone who tries to harm one of us harms all of us we are one of the forests and the forest is one, we are Sylvaine and no one will destroy us."

Cheers rain down from the crowd. The werewolves howl, the vampires' snarl, and all the demons, angels, and witches let out a giant blast of magic into the sky. This is why Melanie is the leader no one can make a crowd this excited and proud to fight.

I swear this place turned into a war training zone quicker than you can say go. The next day weapons of all kinds of magic and not are being crafted. Young witches are learning defensive spells and poison-making well the more experienced are starting offensive spells. Humans are training with the bow at the shooting range, some with spears. Demons and angels are training in their strengths the ones who see the dead are learning any special skills lost in time.

Everyone is training going from breakfast to the training fields in a snap, one day after the announcement. The early bird gets the worm and we don't know when the witch plans to strike. The engineers and tech people are working hard on repairs and building new reinforcements on the walls and overall place.

The kids are learning defence just in case some more ahead are getting a small weapon just in case. Enya is one of the more ahead kids as I started training her. Her shields are top-notch in her age group and the ones above so are some of her offensive spells.

I talked to Bella last night she told me all about what happened the day my family died. It was a blood bath of a massive degree. The vampires went after Enya as they recognized her scent but my parents stopped them. My sister got Enya out before she was caught along with Kaitlyn and Jen's families. They died heroes all of them.

"Hey, Kain long time no see," at the quiet voice I look up seeing Cherise's red and gold hair above me.

Grinning I jump to the deck she is on "long time Cherise how are things? Everything good with you and Ash?"

She blushes hiding her face "everything is good, Ash and I are good."

I grin watching her fidget "something tells me you and she have had some good nights huh."

Her pale face turns beet red "Kain stop."

I laugh gently pushing her shoulder "okay okay I will, just don't tell me any of the details I don't need that image."

She pushes me out of my chair pulling her shirt higher on her face. Laughing I get back in my chair "how about you Kain how have things been? I heard about what happened to Jordan and your friends and family."

Sighing I watch the people work below for a few seconds "I had an episode like before worse though. But Lucifer helped and I am doing better now it still hurts though."

She stays silent, I feel her arm go around my shoulder pulling me into a side hug "it will be okay I don't know how it feels but it will be okay."

Hugging her back I wipe the few tears that escaped my eyes "I know Cherise I know, and...thank you for being a good friend."

We sit in silence after that watching the people below. We are scheduled to train yet or to train others so we have time to ourselves. A terrified scream penetrates the lively atmosphere. Snapping to attention I vamp over to the direction of the scream. More screams come from the same area from different people.

A crowd forms as I slow down having push my way through. Pushing through the last row of people I come face to face with the shooting range filled with the people I brought from Jake's pack. And standing staring at their hands is a man with the fire burning in his palms.

Slowly walking over I eye the fire so similar to the one I make but slightly different more wild. The man's eyes snap over to my approaching figure his eyes a bright fiery amber looking so similar to the fire in his hands. "St-sta-stay back I don-don't wan..want to hu..rt you."

I hold up my hands making them warm with my dark black fire of my choice. "It's okay you can't hurt me. Take slow calming breaths okay, like this." I motion with my hands an in and out motion taking deep breaths. The man copy's me slowly calming down his fire burning out. "That's it just stay calm okay." He nods taking deep breaths to calm down, his eyes still glowing with an inner fire but much calmer.

Another person screeches watching as the grass grows around them snaking up their arms. More and more people may be twelve or fifteen from the group have their eyes change quickly to the colour of an element each having that element come to life around them under their control.

The most common are fire, water, air, and earth two can shift and one can make ice. Surprisingly one makes cool lighting. It takes me some time to calm them down and get their powers under control.

Melanie stands in a corner watching as the last of the people calms down. I kicked out the rest of the people for their safety it's really dangerous for an untrained magic user to be in the presence of people when their emotions are wild. Melanie walks over as I stand back watching as some manage to use their element in a calm fashion twisting them around their hands.

"You are going to need to train them," Melanie says quietly.

I nod "I know and I will, do you know why this happened? How?"

She shakes her head "no clue but if I had to guess your blood unlocked the hidden gene allowing them to regain their caster heritage."

I nod that would explain why only a few got the ability. "I will train them to get their power under control."

She nods "I know you will. I contacted Lucifer he said he will come and help."

I grin of course he will he wouldn't miss this fight for the world. She turns to leave but I call out "Melanie."


"I have some friends at Shilo if by any chance I can bring them here can I?"

She giggles "of course Kaindra you can bring anyone here you want as long as they don't kill anyone or anything."

I laugh "thanks Melanie, and thank you."

"For what?"

"For everything, for building this place it means a lot."

She smiles "you welcome, now we better get training."

I grin "yes we do." I wave as she leaves turning to the new generation of the caster. "Now everyone we have some work to do." I grin maybe this is what Lucifer meant by I had a bigger purpose than what I thought if only my family could see this our ancestry being reborn.

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