Hero of Grace - Dekiru

By TheHinokami

467K 11.9K 5.4K

This is the story of Izuku Midoriya otherwise known as Dekiru! Izuku meets All Might three years earlier than... More

Story Facts & Izuku Proflie
Chapter 1: Prologue - Quirklessness, Training, Bullying
Chapter 3: Hell Training Pt 1.
Chapter 4: Enter Inko Midoriya & Future Plans
Chapter 5: Hell Training Pt 2. & Bonding
Chapter 6: Middle School & Signs
Chapter 7: Death & Guardianship
Chapter 8: Bakugo's & Funeral
Chapter 9: New home & Settling in
Chapter 10: City & Run-in with a girl!?
Chapter 11: Training & School
Chapter 12: Bakugo Problems
Chapter 13: Nezu War Path
Chapter 14: Education & New Quirk?
Chapter 15: UA Quirk Analyst & Nezu-Sensei!
Chapter 16: Final Year of Middle School & Provisional Exam?
Chapter 17: Relocating & UA Entrance Exam
Chapter 18: Results & First Day!
Chapter 19: Class & Nezu!
Chapter 20: Battle Trial & All Might!
Chapter 21: Media & Break-in?
Chapter 22: U.S.J & The Forces of Evil!?
Chapter 23: U.S.J Aftermath & Questions!
Chapter 24: Staff Meeting & Sir Nighteye?
Chapter 25: Sports Festival Training & Stain!?
Chapter 26: Sports Festival & Stain Hunting
Chapter 27: Talking with Stain & Truths revealed!
Chapter 28: Internships & New Quirk!
Chapter 29: Quirk Training & Finals
Chapter 30: Mall & Camp Trip!
Chapter 31: Press Conference and Counter-attack!
Chapter 32: Bakugo & Students POV
Chapter 33: Final Battle & Regrets
Chapter 34: Aftermath & Reactions [End]
New book! [Blissful Ignorance]
new book [The Forgotten Clan - Izuku Uchiha ]
New story [Hero of Courage: Fulcrum]
New book [Broken Faith]

Chapter 2: Last Year of Elementary & Skeleton!?

15.9K 381 216
By TheHinokami

3rd Pov:

It was the last year of elementary school and they would soon head towards their middle school lives. Izuku would soon turn 11 in the coming year and his body would still have more scars across his body from the horrible treatment that he has received from growing up than his own stupid and reckless training equipment that is barely holding itself together in a forest! Izuku was sitting in his classroom doing his normal routine since he had long surpassed this level of education. Even though his grades wouldn't show it since the teachers don't like the fact that a quirkless brat is doing better than their quirked star student (Bakugo). As such, Izuku was stuck just sitting in the classroom doing some notes in his hero journals for the future when the class came to an end. 

The bell ranged and Bakugo and his followers came up to Izuku. Bakugo slammed his hand onto Izuku's desk and screamed in Izuku's face asking him why he was writing in a stupid journal about heroics when he would never become one! "Dam DEKU! Learn your dam place and give it up. You will never get into a hero school. They don't even let quirkless people in! They know how worthless you people are!" Bakugo stated. Izuku just kept himself calm even though some tears went down his face. Even though he was used to this treatment by now the words and physical violence still hurt. He was just a child and it still hurt! "UA actually removed that rule just last year! So that means I can attempt for it!" Izuku stated without stuttering out. Bakugo didn't like this show of disobedience and just grabbed the book and blew it up and tossed it out of the window. 

"Listen up you dam Deku!" Bakugo said as he placed his hand on Izuku's shoulder and burned it with his quirk." Don't even think about it you weak piece of shit!" Bakugo stated and went towards the door. Izuku thought he was done but he wasn't... it was fate for Izuku to learn on this day that his former friend he knew as Kacchan is nowhere alive inside this Bakugo Katuski. Bakugo stopped at the door and looked back at Izuku. "OI! I know a way for you to get a quirk if you want to be a hero so badly!" Bakugo said and Izuku looked up wondering what he was talking about. "If you want quirk so badly then go up to the roof and take a swan dive off the roof and pray for a quirk in your next life!" stated Bakugo with venom in his eyes. The followers were just silent. They helped bully Izuku but even for them, the suicide baiting was too far for even them! If Izuku did it then Bakugo's life was over!

Bakugo walked out the door and didn't even turn back. Izuku was left alone in the room frozen. His former childhood friend who his mother thinks as a nephew had just told him to kill himself.... Izuku didn't know what to do but his body just started walking on autopilot to get his book from outside. Soon Izuku found it on the ground and it was burnt and a bit damaged.

"Idiot! If I did it then you would get thrown in jail! The laws don't protect you anymore and everything you are doing is criminal now!" Izuku muttered under his breath. He soon started to walk away and decided to take a longer way home today since he wanted to calm himself down before he faced his mother. 'Can't let mom know what Bakugo just said to me. It would destroy her. She already has to put up with my existence...' Izuku thought while walking down the road.

3rd Pov:

In another location in the city, a villain made of sludge had just robbed a store and took off with the money. The people were screaming for help when a figure had walked out of another store. It was the skeleton of a man. This made me transformed without anyone noticing (Like really, how did no one notice!) and it was a hero known to the world as All Might! He said his signature tag line of "Have no fear, For I am here!" before running after the villain. However, unlike in one world where the villain would be chased into a sewer and come out to attack a young green hair kid, this time All Might will miss the villain going into the sewer and will try to find him on land. He would soon arrive at an underpass where he would drop his muscle form since he had lost the villain but as luck may have it the villain jumped out of a sewer hole and found a yellow-haired skeleton of a man.

All Might Pov:

I can't let this villain escape me! I don't have a lot of time today because I already pushed it! Dammit! Soon, I came around a corner and had lost the villain. (What All Might didn't notice was the bit of sludge next to the sewer to his side.) I need to see if he is in the area or else I need to report it to the police and have them search for him. How could such a low-level villain give me the slip so easily? After about another 10 minutes of looking, I came to an underpass and decided to drop my form. "Looks like he got away from me. I wonder how he did that?" I stated out loud since no one was near me. Suddenly I heard a noise behind me and found the manhole cover flying off! "WHAT!" I yelled out as I tried to transform but I was out of time. I could only cough blood up. The villain that appeared was the dam sludge villain! 'HE WENT INTO THE DAM SEWER! THAT'S HOW HE GOT AWAY FROM ME!' I thought as the sludge villain started to rush me and grab me. "STAND STILL! I need to hide from that dam man! of all people I had to run into it had to be All Might!" the villain said and All Might could only find it ironic due to his situation. The villain he chased had come out to attack someone to hide and he found all might himself without knowing it. 'Is there where I die!?' I thought since I couldn't transform anymore. 

Izuku Pov:

As I was walking down the street I heard a noise coming from up ahead. I looked and saw a green sludge thing attacking an older male that looked like a skeleton! The man was being killed as the sludge villain was going into the guy's mouth or at least trying to. Suddenly I felt my body just move. As my body was moving my mind went into overdrive as it was trying to think of how to stop this villain. I flashed back to my notebooks and the entries inside. I remembered one villain fight where they attacked the eyes because even if the body was liquid the eyes weren't. As such, as I was running I grabbed some stuff out of the trash cans I was running past and I had grabbed some rocks and glass bottles. 

As I got closer I slammed the glass bottle onto the ground and broke it into shards. I had planned to stab the villain in the eye. I threw a rock at the villain to grab its attention to provide the man inside a second to breathe. "OW! DAM BRAT!" The villain roared as the man inside looked shocked at what I was doing. As the villain turned to deal with me I jumped out of the way to avoid the whips of sludge that the villain had sent my way. I moved around them quickly and jumped onto the side of the underpass wall and launched at the villain and hit him right in the eyes with the glass from the bottle. This caused the villain to jump back in pain. 

At that moment I grabbed the older male and pulled him out of the sludge villain. The reason I launched myself from the underpass wall was to build up enough force to pull the man out when I went by him. It worked and the man came pulling out onto the ground with me. "Get behind me sir and call the police if you have a cellphone!" I stated.  What I didn't notice was that the man had suddenly transformed behind me since the villain couldn't see currently as his eyes were reforming still.

All Might Pov:

As I was dying at the hands of the villain, I heard someone coming. I turned a bit to my side and saw a green hair kid! The kid threw a rock at the villain's eye which caused him to loosen a bit and gave me enough breath to live. For some reason, it felt like OFA was reacting to this kid but I thought I was crazy due to lack of air. Suddenly the kid jumped onto the wall of the underpass and launched at the villain. The kid had glass in his hands that he had hit the eyes of the villain with causing them to deform. It was at that moment the villain pulled back and the kid had come flying by me and grabbed my hand that was out of the sludge. The kid had just saved me without using a quirk that I could tell of! 

"Get behind me sir and call the police if you have a cellphone!" The green hair boy yelled. It seems he was putting my safety above him. How heroic! How Selfish! Suddenly it felt like OFA was on fire inside of me! It was like they were calling for the boy! Then I felt OFA grant me more power and allowed me to buff up. The villain's eyes hadn't reformed yet so he wouldn't know I had transformed. I transformed and placed a hand on the boy's shoulder and he turned around and was shocked. "leave it to me kid. I'll finish this up! However, I would like to talk to you after this!" I stated as I powered up a texas smash and nailed the villain blowing him apart onto the underpass. I used what time I had left and quickly cleaned the villain up into a few bottles that I had on me and then pressed the lid shut with my strength. 

3rd Pov:

Izuku was frozen. He had just helped save a man from the sludge villain and the man had transformed into All Might!? Izuku didn't know what was going on anymore. Then All Might had texas smashed the villain apart and quickly cleaned him up and placed him into bottles that he placed into his pants. Then All Might dropped back down to a skeleton man form! "What's going on? Were you not in real danger since you could transform? I'm sorry if I caused you a problem but my body just moved before I started to think." Izuku asked. All Might look shocked for a bit and then had a smile on his face. "No my boy. I was in danger. You see I have a time limit of how much hero work I can do now due to an old wound." All Might stated while showing the old scar.

"So you didn't cause any problems. In fact, you just saved the symbol of peace from an early death. I do have some questions for you though. What do you want to do with your life and what is your name?" All Might asked.

All Might Pov:

I wonder if he wants to be a hero so I decided I should ask him what he wants to do with his life. I was shocked to say. The boy told me his story. "All Might, I am Izuku Midoriya and I want to be a hero! I want to be a symbol of light, of hope for everyone that doesn't have a quirk, a weak quirk, or a so-called villainous quirk. Though I know my journey will be hard and near impossible since I am quirkless! However, I refuse to give up and will find a way to do it no matter what because I will change this society and its views of how it sees peoples without quirks, weak quirks, or so-called villainous quirks." the young boy said. I was shocked! This boy who had just saved me was quirkless! He has so much determination in his eyes but being a quirkless hero would be nearly impossible. I can't in good concise encourage it... Suddenly it felt like time slowed down. "Don't be a hypocrite Toshi!" stated a voice I've longed to hear again.

Suddenly I saw the image of my master behind young Midoriya. 'How am I seeing this!?' I thought. Then she placed her hand onto Young Midoriya's shoulder. "OFA feels itself being called towards him. It's the same feeling I had when I found you Toshi. OFA has judged him fit to be the 9th user. Now it's up to you to decide if you will take the boy on and guide him since your current wielder. Just remember you were quirkless as well and I provided you a means to achieve your dream didn't I?" she said as she vanished. Then time felt like it caught up again and I was looking back at the boy.

'If OFA has judged him fit then I would like to observe him and see if he has the determination to truly become my successor. I know of a beach that needs to be cleaned and if I set a time limit for him to do it then it could be a test. If he gives up then I know his determination wasn't strong enough to carry the burden of this ancient quirk. If he finishes it, then well I will take him on and guide him.' thought All Might. Then I looked at the boy and started to talk.

Izuku Pov:

All Might was silent for a bit too long. Was he going to tell me to give up like everyone else? "Young Midoriya. I will be honest with you. I was about to tell you to give it up and be realistic. However, I can't in good concise do that. As such, I want to give you a test. I want to train you for 10 months and you will need to clean a beach that is filled with garbage. If you can clean the entire beach I will make you an offer of a lifetime but if you fail to do it then the offer was not meant to be. So what do you say, want to do 10 months of physical training with me?" All Might asked me. I was confused about what this offer would be but I accepted it regardless. I needed to increase my physical training anyway and this would be a good route. As such, that started my 10 months of hell.

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