Rosemary Riddle

By theyl0velli3e

98 0 0

She was forced to be a death eater, daughter of lord Voldemort. But what will happened when she is sent to Ho... More

Death Eaters


5 0 0
By theyl0velli3e

I walk back to the common room taking my time not wanting to see Harry. I get to the portrait hole, and someone knocks me to the side. "Oww..' i groan. I turn and see Lavender Brown running out of the portrait hole. I get up and sit on the couch inspecting my scraped knee. "Ugh another stupid cut. Episky." I mutter pointing my wand at it.

I close my eyes and lean back. I was exhausted. I feel someone sit down next to me but don't open my eye's. "Hey." i hear Harry's voice say from next to me. I keep my eye's shut tight and ignore him. I feel him looking at me but still don't move. "I'm sorry, i just don't think you should hang out with Malfoy, he- well, err.. just be careful around him, please." I turn to look at him. "Its Fine, just don-" I get cut off by him hugging me.

"Harry, just saying, what me and Draco need to tell Dumbledore, is something you not going to find out." i say softly when we break apart. He smiles and i turn around and see Hermione giving Harry a thumbs up. I smile knowing Hermione had sent Harry. Later that night when we were sitting by the fire eating marshmallows I start to feel tired. I close my eyes for minute and the next thing i know i was asleep on the couch. "Morning Rosy." A gentle voice says shaking me. "Hmm?" I say sleepily. Someone sits next to me and strokes my hair. "Come on, you gotta get up." The voice says. "No, it's Saturday." I mumble still not knowing who it was. "I'm going to have to carry you." The voice says. I still don't get up so the person picks me up (bridal) and takes me to my dorm.

They set me down on my bed and I open my eyes. "Harry." I say sleepily. He smiles and starts to leave- "noooo stay with meee!" I say. He comes back and sits next to me. "Come here bub." I mutter. He lays down next to me and pulls me closer. I eventually fall asleep again, in his arms.

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