Running Yet Found| VA (Co...

By BCarter66

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Rose has two options? Kill Dimitri or find a way to bring him back? After getting a letter from Dimitri, thre... More

VA Running yet Found
Chapter 1 ✔️
Chapter 2 ✔️
Chapter 3 ✔️
Chapter 4 ✔️
Chapter 5 ✔️
Chapter 6 ✔️
Chapter 7 ✔️
Chapter 8 ✔️
Chapter 9 ✔️
Chapter 10 ✔️
Chapter 11 ✔️
Chapter 12 ✔️
Chapter 13 ✔️
Chapter 14✔️
Chapter 15 ✔️
Chapter 16✔️
Chapter 17✔️
Chapter 18✔️
Chapter 19✔️
Chapter 21✔️
Chapter 22✔️
Chapter 23✔️
Chapter 24✔️
Chapter 25✔️
Chapter 26✔️
Chapter 27✔️
Chapter 27.5✔️ Bonus
*NEW STORY*| March 5,2021

Chapter 20✔️

362 14 8
By BCarter66

This chapter was fun to write. Enjoy ! Comment and Vote.

Video up ahead and do not own copyrights.

(5,234 Words)

Chapter 20

I was on a mission.

Not a dangerous mission fighting strigoi's or taking down bad guys who broke the law like those rangers in some western novel.

No this was much worse, see that stubborn Russian god is avoiding me like the plague. All week he has been dodging me left right and centre, always following Adrian around like a lost puppy besides when he visited me.

The last few times I have spotted him around on court he has managed to give me the slip. Crying both times with heart ache and frustration, he lacked worded on his side, no explanation or a why? Dimitri did not seem to care. His only words since changing back was that Adrian saved him and owed me nothing. He told me he did not have feelings for me anymore.

Yesterday even Lissa yelled at me to leave him alone resulting me to break down in tears and waddle run home. These hormones are turning me into a baby myself, but damn her words hurt.

Today, it was the second week of November and only a few weeks left before our child arrives. Being heavily pregnant has made me slow making it easier for him to slip away from me, I was tired after a few moments of running which resulted me hunched over trying to regain my breath.

Not today, see today he had no choice to talk to me. He may not want me, but our child does not deserve this from is father.

Today Jackson and Brendan were following me around as usual. With behind heavily pregnant I could go into labour anytime and anyone who was after Abe or I could use this to their advantage. Considering someone stole those documents on shadow kissed and spirit.

"Rose you sure this is a good idea?" Jackson asked. "Maybe give him a little more time."

"I did, but this baby isn't going to wait forever in there for his dad to wake up and realise he going to miss all the important steps to being a parent." I argued. "He as already missed the appointments and other things, but I will be damned he miss the first steps, words and other things when having a baby."

"I get that, but this will drive him away." She replied shaking her head at me.

"I've got to do something, even Yeva told me to not give up on him and that's his creepy grandmother." Glancing around the wall overlooking the courtyard hoping to spot him.

I will be damned if he gets by me this time. Great now I feel like a damn stalker. What the hell am I doing, this is not me. Damn it I am Rose Hathaway not some desperate idiot.

Great now these two will think I have lost my mind and I cannot use being pregnant this time.

Sighing I reluctantly gave up and turned to them both were giving me a look of pity.

"Fine! You win, ill cut it out bit if he doesn't come back, I'm personally blaming you two."

Crossing my arms at them I than add, "Now let's go before someone catches me, I am already embarrassed I did this."

But both had their eyes trained behind me, the words I spoke were pointless. Turning around to see what was coming my way, obviously it was something if my guardians were not paying attention to me.

"Oh no," from Guardian Shields. Glancing to what was up ahead the path who had spoken, my eyes caught sight of Dimitri and his two guardians. Now I have finally got you Comrade, I change my mind I need to know.

"Boys I trust your both behaving yourselves," I asked nodding my head at Guardian Shields and Knight currently on duty watching Dimitri before looking at them. "Disobeying orders is a big no, no, right guys."

Nodding to me they both stayed composed behind Dimitri. Good, exceptionally good. Any sudden lip and I will remind him what happened last time.

"Wouldn't want me to remind you how fragile bones can break, right Guardian Shields." I asked amused breaking out in a wide grin.

Giving me a stern glare, he kept his mouth shut. Me I just smirked; he knew exactly what I can do even pregnant besides hitting pregnant woman was worse than disobeying orders in my opinion. Dimitri on the other hand was confused on what I was saying yet looked like he wanted to run for the hills. Which he has been doing one to many times, time for him to out his big boy pants on.

Both Jackson and Brendan behind me snickered behind me. Turning to give them both looks they quickly shut up.

"Now do me all a favour and stand there while I have a chat with your charge quickly, he has done a find job avoiding me, but I've got to talk to him now." I say looking into Dimitri's beautiful brown eyes that I loved so much.

"Sorry Hathaway can't do that, court order's as well as your old mans." Guardian Knight answered.

Sighing I closed my eyes annoyed; I knew this was going to happen. Opening them back up I looked at both guardians.

"There is four highly trained guardians it's not like he can run far without being brought down. It will only be a few minutes and your close by, unless you want to start a fight with me, do you honestly want me to rebreak that nose of yours and you can match his just as quick." Sizing them both up.

Right now, I could not take them with this belly, but they did not need to know, only needed to do.

"I'm starting to think you're the demon there is no way your human," Shields grumbles. My left eye twitched as he called me a demon. Ill show you a demon, strigoi will be the least of your worries, when I am through with you strigoi will be nothing but fluffy bunnies.

Glaring at me he and the other guardians move far enough out of earshot.

Perfect now time to face this once and for all, it was either he wants his kid or not either way my future is the same.

"Sup Comrade, done ignoring me now." I asked sweetly but my smile on my face was not what it was, I was pissed rubbing my belly consistently as my child kicked me. "Considering all the things I did and went through to find a way to bring you back a minute of your time should not be a problem. Right?"

"What do you want Rose, both Adrian and the princess has both told you to leave me alone." He said sternly. "Adrian was the one who saved me Rose, not you." Rolling his eyes at me. How mature of you comrade.

"When have I ever listened to anyone, for someone who used to be my mentor, you should have known that by now." I replied sarcastically, crossing my arms. "Considering you bedded her."

Dimitri sighed shifting on his feet clearly, I was irritating him. "Rose were over let it go, you have other things to worry about and you don't need me in the way."

"Oh really, how observant of you to make a decision without my knowledge. Didn't know I felt that way." I sarcastically replied. "What is your issue."

"My issue right this second is you, Rose when I turned back something changed in me." Dimitri explained. "When I came back, I haven't been able to feel and I don't feel nothing between us, my feelings have changed."

"If this is about everything you did, I don't blame you, I've been thinking you hated me because I chose everyone else and instead Adrian saved you." I confessed. "But not even that what about our baby, are you just going to abandon him to."

"You're both better off without me," Eyes meeting mine. "And the child is not mine."

Feeling like my heart split in half, the fact he lied still made my heart ache at those words. Especially when he knew the truth, Adrian's spirit was strong enough to put me under a trance there was no way I could lie. There was no reason for me to lie.

"Don't do this Dimitri, don't do this to us," I begged, tears running down my cheeks. "You know the truth, don't abandon him. Fine give up on us but don't do this to him."

"Give it up Rose it over,' He shrugged nonchalantly. "Love fades Roza, mine has."

My hear tore. The feeling felt painful, like it was constricting my breathing, I felt like I could not breathe panting every breath I took. To be honest if felt worse than when ghost Mason told me Dimitri was a strigoi, yes it was a horrible experience, but this was worse. The memories and times we shared are sullied and gone in front of my eyes even when he is here alive. Having the man, you love to tell you that his love faded killed after everything was dreadful.

"You bastard." I growled. "Prey and predator that's the way of this life. We both know the nature of Strigoi since we could remember so stop blaming yourself on something that you have no control over.

You want to redeem yourself or do good to earn everyone's trust fine do that, do it by giving them locations, plans and a chance to strike back at them but stop blaming yourself when I have forgiven you already."

Then continued. "How about instead of moping like a bitch you man up and act, do something before you lose everything. Have not you lost enough in your twenty-four years of life."

Dimitri was silent for a minute before he answered me. "It doesn't change a thing Rose, I meant what I said. Love fades, now move on."

"I knew something was wrong when you watched me cry both times since you've been back and you didn't flinch no apologies, nor were you remorseful, after everything we have been through. What I am currently going through, raising a miracle child inside of me, something we both dreamed about together and you run when it happens. You really are a monster; not a person." I argued. Lashing out, wanting him to feel the hurt when he spoke those four little words. The words still repeating itself in my mind.

"Love fades, mine has."

He does not love me, love us. My child will lose his father and I feel like I have failed him.

"Love fades, mine has."

"You told me you didn't love me, then you tell me over and over that Adrian saved you, while I did everything else, because I loved you and you broke me, broke us. Our so-called pure love that brought us our child; and all for what! All for you to leave me alone. Breathless lying awake feeling numb and scared, not for me but for our child. Dropping out of school, ruining my chances of being Lissa's guardian all for you, because I love you."

"Rose...I." Dimitri stuttered. No, I could not listen to him anymore I could not listen to his words anymore for I will break. I needed to run, get away.

Putting my hands up to stop him I turn to face my guardians. "Save it, guys lets go. 'My son' is hungry," I emphasised, making Dimitri flinch. "I've wasted enough time for nothing." Blinking my tears away I quickly get as far away from Dimitri as I could get. Someone who I loved so much, someone I craved to be around me was gone. I wanted no I needed to get away before I either do something I regret; the darkness was itching to surface, and I needed my child to stay safe.

Running as fast as I could go, I went in the direction to the only place I could ever feel happy, my home. Zipping through the field past a group of guardians who glanced at me as I passed by, until I could see my house. Slowing down I opened the gate and ran up the steps of my porch.

Sitting on the stairs I cried my eyes out until

Thankfully, no one lived close enough to me to see my meltdown.

Just as I was going to unlock the door a letter was jammed in the door.

What the hell? Why is there a letter?

Looking around at my surrounding I was hoping to catch who might have left it at my doorstep. Unlocking my door, I step in and kick it close with my foot as I tore the letter open.

Walking to the kitchen I place the letter on the table and shrug my coat on and throw it on the chair, picking the letter up and read it.

The words on the page made my blood run cold. Letting out a strangled cry I knew things just got worse.

Someone knew, someone knew about the true existence of my child. With a select few who knew the paternal father was disturbing, the few would not send me this. Abe and his few guardians, Tatiana, Lissa, Adrian and Dimitri himself.

Which brings me to who else knows my secret, someone have had to let it slip and told someone. Sure, it was no secret I was pregnant, but the father was left silent for a reason.

Riddle me this shadow kissed, blood whore:

There once was a dhampir and she ended up pregnant,

The bastard, the abomination made from spirit,

both mother and son who should not have been here.

To lose it all as you live in fear,

Your destruction will be my personal gain, taking it all with a lot to gain.

Listen here as I tell you so, what I take from you one by one.

First the lover,

Then your friends. When hell breaks loose, you will need defence.

All alone just you and I, ill take your child so say goodbye.

Too see you crumple is such a bless.

Ill see you soon, in a few months or less.

All that effort to just to become a mother, will do quite a number.

Call for help, just know ill be nearby.

Do not think you can win; I have always been sly.

Always the winner

For now, goodbye.


My heart was beating my ears were ringing I felt like I was going to lose it. How and who could do this to someone. What did I ever do to deserve this, first Dimitri now this. Who could play this sick game and threaten to kidnap a child. Fumbling through my jacket frantically for my phone I then dialled Abe.

Please pick up, please pick up. I mentally repeated.

"Yes, young lady how may I help you." Abe asked sounding distracted. "Right now, isn't exactly the right time for a chat."

"A-Abe I need your help, please come to my house." I stuttered.

"Are you alright, are you hurt?" He replied.

"No, yes not really." Feeling like I am having a panic attack. "Someone left me a letter."

Before hanging up he than says. "Lock your doors till I get there, I am coming."

Minutes later Abe let himself in with his spare key.

"What seems to be the problem." He asked with both Pavel and my guardians behind him. Holding the letter towards him he takes it, reading it over a few times he cursed in probably his native tongue. Handing the letter to Pavel he also read it quickly, nodding to Abe he must understand what my fathers thinking. Considering he has been his guardian for a long time he was bound to pick up on things we could not comprehend.

Jackson came closer and hugged me briskly.

"What's going to happen now I can't lose my child Abe I have already lost Dimitri," I asked worried, worried they will hurt or steal my baby from me when he arrives. Birth scared me before now losing him was worse. "Will my child be safe? Who could do something like this."

"Alright, Jackson and Brendan pack your stuff at the guardian head quarters you will be moving in now," Abe ordered. "This will be coming with me," Putting the letter into his jacket pocket.

"As for you, no leaving the house unless both guardians are with you, also keep your guard up it could be anyone threatening you. Maybe someone you know or have screw with, gathering your history at the academy you were not exactly an honor student." Abe guessed.

Rolling my eyes at his mention of my history at St. Vladimir's I shook me head. Who ever it was had to have been was not a student from the academy, this person was smart and knew things that should not be known to anyone besides who already knew.

"Who ever it is knows my secret, if this gets out, we could cause problems in our worlds but also put my child in bigger danger than just Strigoi's." I explained. "How they know is what bother's me only the select few and other's who swore secrecy."

"Write down who knows, and we will start the interrogation someone have had to spill the secret. Pulling out a pen and paper I began naming off everyone.

Starting with Queen Tatiana's.

Tatiana, Adrian, Lissa, Sydney, Jackson, Brendan, Doctor Jenny, Dimitri... Naming everyone who has knowledge no matter who it was.

Right now, I needed to weed out the snitch, only they can tell me who is the perpetrator.

"Excellent now get some rest tomorrow we will begin the search. Stress is not good for you or the child so get some sleep." Abe said, taking the list from me, looking to both of my guardians than said. "You two alternate shifts I want eyes and ears on this place at all times, who ever sent this is near by and will look for a weak point, the person is going to be cautious."

Nodding they both looked determined. Letting himself out Guardian Brendan locked up behind him. Getting ready for bed routine and all Jackson and Brendan were checking all windows and doors making sure everything was secured.

"Alright guys I am heading to bed, if you need anything for your rooms like extra pillows and blankets in the closet and the house is stocked with food." I say, walking up the stairs with my glass of water.

"Goodnight Rose, thank you for the hospitality." Brendan replied, near the front window. He was currently now scanning outside.

"Don't thank me its no bother," I smiled before looking to Jackson who was also getting ready to sleep before she took her swap with Brendan. Following me upstairs we bid our goodnights and separated as we entered our rooms. Closing the door behind me I waddle to my bedside and set the cup down. Peeling the bed covers back and quickly turn the lights off. Getting into bed I close my eyes.

But I could not sleep, the whole night I was tossing and turning. The thought of losing my child or Lissa and my friends was keeping my mind racing.

The next morning with probably a few hours of sleep I got up to start the search, pushing my self from bed I head to the bathroom to shower my tired body. Leaving the house with my guardian's we stop at the café before we meet up with Abe. All three of us needed something to wake us up, there caffeine and for me hot chocolate and donuts.

With Abe on my side, we are determined to figure out who sent the letter, starting with interrogating everyone who knew excluding, Queen Tatiana, Adrian and my two guardians as well as Sydney. Abe figured this person was connected but wouldn't say who?

Tatiana gave Abe permission to use the guardian interrogation room.

This morning I watched him interrogate anyone who knew my secret he started with Lissa. Watching Lissa answer each of questions we knew she did not do anything before the interrogation. We wanted to rule out the idea that someone might have somehow used Lissa to find out any clues to my secret.

When Abe was finished with her, he brought in each guardian who was there when Dimitri kidnapped Adrian. Watching him in Lissa's interrogation to there is a significant difference, this Abe was a lot more menacing more threatening. He threatened them with bodily harm. I could partially understand why my mother kept me away from him. Still there was no lead on who could have sent me that letter.

When his guardians were done Jenny Miller my nurse was next, and from what I gathered she was terrified.

"Ah miss Miller, how unfortunate to meet this way." Abe smirked. "Unfortunately, you are few who knows Rose's paternity."

"Ye...Yes sir, how may I be of service." Jenny stuttered, shrinking away from Abe. Truthfully, I felt bad for her, back when I had the appointment, she was already scared of the mention of him and now she is in a room being interrogated by him. Personally, I feel like she was not the culprit.

"Someone has spilled the paternity of the child and is now threatening her and the child." Abe explained. "You are going to tell me if you have spilled anything you know."

"I swear Mr. Mazur I have no idea who could have known, after the appointment Guardian Hathaway takes the file with her so there is no evidence in my office." Jenny explained. "Also strongly believe in confidentiality of my patients, id rather die than break my oath. Jeopardizing my job and life is not something I want to do.

"You do know if I catch you lying, I will see to it you get a harsh punishment for not only lying to me and breaking your oath, but I will personally destroy your life one thing at a time." Abe threatened. "Do I make myself clear Ms. Miller."

'Yes sir." She agreed.

Question after question Abe asked, covering any base trying to conclude who sent the note. She knew nothing.

"My shift starts in forty-five minutes; will that be all the questions." Clearly wanting to get away from him. Personally, I do not blame her hopefully she will not drop me as her patient, I really did not want to look for another.

"Yes Ms. Miller and have a good shift, if anything suspicious concerning Rose and the child happens please call this number." Handing her a business card.

"Yes, I will, hopefully things will turn out alright." She replied, getting up from her seat she excited the room.

My stomach rumbled hungrily; I knew it was time for me to take a break of watching Abe threaten everyone in existence. Next up to the stand was Dimitri and I wanted to stay much away as I can. Sitting here for the last six and a half hours was killing my back as well, standing up I turn to Jackson and Brendan.

So, Abe brought Dimitri in. Before he arrived as I was leaving for lunch, I had asked Abe to ask him if his strigoi buddy Dean Abdulov would be behind this. Something tells me he does not have anything to do with this, but he is a Strigoi and arnt exactly truthful.

Walking into the room a half an hour later after an enjoyable lunch with my guardians in tow, the stroll around court was perfect to relieve my stiff legs and back from sitting so long today.

When we returned in the room, I could see Abe was still questioning Dimitri.

Behind the glass I watched Dimitri sit in the seat as Abe stood across him. Watching him sit there being crucified again still hurt, yes, I was mad and hurt with him leaving us, but I would never wish this to happening to him again.

"Sorry again Mr. Belikov for dragging you out of your chambers, especially when you just finally got out of the court prison cell. Your are not in trouble with them or the fact of me knowing you and my daughter are not exactly getting along, which isn't not my business but there not the reason you're here getting questioned."

Abe explained clearing his throat he than continues. "There is a reason why I am asking you all these odd questions, I needed to see if you are telling the truth and if I can trust you enough to answer these questions. Someone knows things they shouldn't know, and it put a lot of people in danger."

Nodding his head Dimitri than speaks. "What can I do to help you."

Abe smirked.

"I like the sound of that, lets get started than."

Pulling the letter from his jacket he drops it on the table for Dimitri to look at him. Picking it up he reads it. "Have you told anyone about the paternity of child or know anyone who could have sent this." Abe asked as Dimitri's guardian masked slipped for a moment he was surprised and disturbed about the riddle.

"No, I haven't spoke to anyone about it nor even thought to do so." Dimitri replied.

"Would you have happened to get any threats about the interests in the child." Abe asked. "Or Rose?"

"No, I have been trying to not think let alone talk about them." He replied. Wow talk about a low blow Comrade, might as well dig a little bit deeper. How much more pain can we both take before one of us loses it completely. We have both suffered enough in our lives. "Why would anyone be after Rose and the child, it doesn't make sense."

"We currently have no leads on who could have written this, but something tells me it is related to Marcus Oliver. Marcus is a rogue dhampir who used his guardian training to become a paid assassin. Who once attended the same Academy I went to many moons ago who still owes me large." Abe explained pulling the chair backwards and took a seat. " He not long ago stole valuable documents from Alchemist headquarters containing information on shadow kissed and spirit its records dating back as far as it goes."

"I believe someone at court has signed a contract with him to collect these documents and god knows what else, who ever this is must have a fairly deep pockets to pull this off and still keep under the radar."

Pulling out a red king chess piece than says. "Do you remember what I said in courtroom." Dimitri pulled the red queen chess piece from his duster pocket and looked down at is as het sat it on the table. Staring at it made me think back to when Guardian Jackson threw to him the night, he was turned back from being a strigoi. She also said something, but I still never understood what she meant.

"Zemy has also asked us to give you this," Throwing something tiny at him.

"He said there is two roles to this piece possesses. He never explained what the first one was something you will understand when the time is right." Jackson said.

Catching it dimitri looked at it, confused he looked up at Jackson showing us what was in his hand.

A chess piece. Abe gave him the red Queen chess piece.

"And the second one?" Dimitri asked.

"You lose, Checkmate." She smirked.

I had completely forgotten about that until Dimitri sat the chess piece on the table.

"Do you remember what I said to you in that courtroom when I told you what the first role the queen pieces possesses." Abe asked, repeated.

Dimitri nodded. Suddenly I got excited, what could the other purpose of the queen chess piece be?

"That doesn't matter, I've already made up my mind Mr. Mazur." Dimitri replied.

Now I was confused nothing was making sense, obviously there not going to say what he said so now ill be left wondering, again. "I appreciate everything you have done for me, but I will not talk about Rose and I's personal business with you."

"Why am I not surprised, you're a stubborn man just like your father." Abe replied before sighing. Quite brave too. Do not make the same mistake I did, that burden is worse than the ones you are facing right now. Trust me what ever you are dealing with will get better with time. But how much time do you want to lose out on his life. Missing out on Rose's whole life I have come to regret not being around, yes Janine knew best because of my line of work, sometimes it did bother me when her birthdays came around and updates from school telling me how she was."

"As time passed it was hard not interacting and having that relationship with her was dreadful, when Janine called to tell me she was in Russia I jumped at the chance to bring her home and see her for myself."

"We are two different people with two different situations, I am not capable to love or be loved. If I got with her and tried to be a family, I would be lying to them and myself, I am saving us all from a future problem." Dimitri replied, guardian mask in place. Even I could not tell if he really meant it or not, right now I believed he meant it.

Not wanting to hear anymore of his words, I felt tired and drained. "Let's go guys, I just want to go home to bed." Signing I stood up and grabbed my jacket from the empty seat next to mine. Not bothering to wait for them I walked out the door and started to head for home.

Hearing the door open and close behind me I knew they were not far behind. After everything that has happened the last two days has taken a toll on my sleep and body. Right now, a nice cup of tea and a warm bad will do me so good.

Unlocking the door to my house we all entered, Brendan quietly locked it behind him.

"You aright Rose?" Jackson asked me as I quietly went to the kitchen to make a tea.

"Yeah, I am fine, we will be fine," I replied, turning the kettle on and grabbed the sugar and milk and a mug from the shelve. "Sorry for all of my never-ending baggage, that seems to be piling up. When this is all over, I will make sure Abe pays you well and a vacation to see family."

Pouring the hot water in the mug I put the sugar and milk in and mixed it. "Don't apologise I truly understand the way you feel, and helping a friend is what she tends to do so why can't I do it to." She laughed, making me smile in return.

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it, now go get some sleep." She lightly ordered pointing towards the stairs.

Nodding I headed for the stairs, telling T.J and Laura goodnight again I headed upstairs to have a quick bath and finally get some much-needed sleep.

Tell me what you think !! Hope you enjoyed this chapter see you next week ❤️

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