The Varied Path (Akatsuki no...

By NotchesAndBullets

207K 10.2K 5.5K

Shin-ah x OC "I told you once, a long time ago, that you would have to choose which lives to save." Steel eye... More

Chapter 1: The Cell
Chapter 2: Moonlit Excursions
Chapter 3: Reunion
Chapter 4: Secrets, Steel and Suspicion
Chapter 5: Confrontation
Chapter 6: Betrayal and a Half
Chapter 7: Hairpin
Chapter 8: Fuuga
Chapter 9: Repairing Old Wounds
Chapter 10: Intentions Revealed
Chapter 11: Out of the Dark
Chapter 12: A Fighter Called Notch
Chapter 13: Family Heals
Chapter 14: Departure from the Wind Tribe
Chapter 15: Encountering the Fire Tribe
Chapter 16: Yoon and Ik-soo
Chapter 17: The Prophecy
Chapter 18: Intent to Kill
Chapter 19: Hakuryuu
Chapter 20: The Gang's Antics
Chapter 21: Catacombs
Chapter 22: Seiryuu
Chapter 23: Second Impressions
Chapter 24: Complications
Chapter 25: A Token of Gratitude
Chapter 26: Passing It On
Chapter 27: Shin-ah
Chapter 28: Recuperation
Chapter 29: Friendship
Chapter 30: Looking for Ryokuryuu
Chapter 31: Awa
Chapter 32: A Hint of Green
Chapter 33: Former Pawn
Chapter 34: The Chase
Chapter 35: Internal and External Wounds
Chapter 36: Shin-ah, Calista and Hani
Chapter 37: The Warning
Chapter 38: Captain Gi-gan
Chapter 39: Senjusou
1K Special: Calista's Knives [Oneshot]
Chapter 40: Preparations
Chapter 41: Ambush
Chapter 42: Game Changer
Chapter 43: Setting It Up
Chapter 44: Insight
Chapter 45: Enemy's Den
Chapter 46: Courage
Chapter 47: Freeing Awa
Chapter 48: All Too Innocent
Chapter 49: Party
Chapter 50: Poison
Chapter 51: Farewell to Friends
Chapter 52: Ouryuu
Extra: Bathhouse [Oneshot]
Extra: Training [Oneshot]
Chapter 53: Blood Claims
Chapter 54: The Next Step
Chapter 55: Forgiveness
Chapter 56: Comfort and Dreams
Chapter 57: Hak and Yona
Chapter 58: Katan Village
5K Special: House Hunting [Oneshot] Modern AU
Chapter 59: The Dark Dragon and the Happy Hungry Bunch
Chapter 60: Strategies
Chapter 61: Too Late
Chapter 62: Seiryuu's Power
Chapter 63: Aftermath
Chapter 64: Returned Feelings
Chapter 65: Hindsight
Chapter 66: A New Idea
Chapter 67: Underground Initiation
Chapter 68: Underground Initiation [Continued]
Chapter 69: The Triplets
Chapter 70: Unwelcome Newcomers
Chapter 71: Tae-jun's Poor Disguise
Chapter 72: Rich Boy's Back
Chapter 73: Arguable
Chapter 74: Chief Se-dol and Grandmother Mi-rae
Chapter 75: Eyes Opened
Chapter 76: Nightmares
Chapter 77: Changing Colors
Extra: The Girls Are Freezing [Oneshot]
Chapter 78: Following Up
Chapter 79: Patience
Chapter 80: Stranger Danger
Chapter 81: Battle Scars
Chapter 82: Ik-soo's Wisdom
Chapter 83: Parting Words
Chapter 84: It's Not Easy
10K Special: Beach Day [Part 1/7]
10K Special: Coconuts [Part 2/7]
10K Special: Snorkeling and Swimming Lessons [Part 3/7]
10K Special: Veiled Cove [Part 4/7]
10K Special: Campfire Talks [Part 5/7]
10K Special: Campfire Talks Continued [Part 6/7]
10K Special: Moonlight Dance by the Ocean [Part 7/7]
Chapter 85: Two Way Mirror
Chapter 86: New Destination
Chapter 87: Cramped in the Tent
Chapter 88: Senri Village of the Kai Empire
Chapter 89: Iza Seeds
Chapter 90: Breaking Down Walls
Chapter 91: Yona's Dance
Chapter 92: Jealousy
Chapter 93: A Mistake
Chapter 94: Overprotective Brothers
Chapter 95: Settling the Score
Chapter 96: The Request
Chapter 97: Light Humor
Chapter 98: Unexpected Guests
Chapter 99: Leaving Sen Province
Chapter 100: Mission
25k Special: Shin-ah and Calista's First Date [Oneshot] Modern AU
Halloween Special: Caramel Apples and Tricksters [Oneshot] Modern AU (Part 1/2)
Halloween Special: Caramel Apples and Tricksters [Oneshot] Modern AU (Part 2/2)
Extra: Among Us [Oneshot] Modern AU
Chapter 101: Li Hazara
Chapter 102: Tension
Chapter 103: Nightwatch
Chapter 104: Daybreak
Thanksgiving Special: It Doesn't Have To Be Perfect [Oneshot] Modern AU
Chapter 105: A Princess' Decree
Chapter 106: Scattering the Troops
Chapter 107: Revelation
Chapter 108: Caring
Chapter 109: The Coming Storm
Chapter 110: Everything's Interconnected
Chapter 111: Measures of Safety
Chapter 112: Kan Soo-jin vs The Imperial Army
Chapter 113: Return of the Happy Hungry Bunch
Chapter 114: End of the Fire Tribe's Rebellion
Chapter 115: Patching Up
Christmas Special: Personal Heater [Oneshot] Modern AU (Part 2/3)
Christmas Special: Personal Heater [Oneshot] Modern AU (Part 3/3)
Chapter 116: Dreams From a Long Time Ago
Chapter 117: Learning Reliance
Chapter 118: The Wanderers' Market
Chapter 119: Attracting Customers
Chapter 120: Yona's Feelings
Chapter 121: Hak and Yona's Unofficial Date
Chapter 122: A Hint of Trouble
Chapter 123: The Enforcers
Chapter 124: Planning in Advance
Chapter 125: Friends Forever
Chapter 126: The Annual Cull
Chapter 127: Day Two
Chapter 128: Until the End
Chapter 129: Rescue Operation
Chapter 130: By His Side Once More
Chapter 131: Detachment
Chapter 132: Warm Safety
50k Special: Quarantine [Oneshot] Modern AU
Chapter 133: Regarding Tae-yeon
Chapter 134: Healing Slowly
Extra: Heated [Oneshot]
Chapter 135: Sword Practice
Chapter 136: Their Pasts
Chapter 137: The Shisen Port of the Water Tribe
Chapter 138: Jae-ha's Chains
Chapter 139: Withdrawal
Chapter 140: Forced Normalcy
Chapter 141: Secrets in the Night
Chapter 142: Waking Up
Chapter 143: Nadai Infestation
Chapter 144: Three Clues
Chapter 145: His Breaking Point
Chapter 146: Don't Let the Darkness Hide
Chapter 147: To Take Action Means Putting the Rest Aside
Chapter 148: Silk Dresses
Chapter 149: Bodyguards and Boyfriends
Chapter 150: Performance of Light in Death Town
Chapter 151: Assault from the Addicted
Chapter 152: The Fight Rages On
Chapter 153: Conflicted
Chapter 154: Past Regrets
Chapter 155: Fighting for Each Other
Chapter 156: Never Give Up
Chapter 157: Lady Lili
Chapter 158: Returning Back to Everyday Habits
Chapter 159: Heart and Soul
Chapter 160: Infiltrating the Red-Light District
Chapter 161: Girls' Talk of Love
Chapter 162: Love's Stakes and Consequences
Chapter 163: The One Who Knows
Chapter 164: Resurfacing Insecurities
Chapter 165: Tentative Waters
Chapter 166: An Unfortunate Encounter
Chapter 167: Sharp Silver
Chapter 168: Flames of Resilience
Chapter 169: Unbridled Bravery
Chapter 170: Clinging to the Hope that Everything'll Be Alright
Chapter 171: The Impact of a Memory
Chapter 172: Lapses in Judgment
Chapter 173: Guarding the Moment
Chapter 174: No Such Thing as Tact
Chapter 175: Unashamed Gratefulness
Chapter 176: Pact
Chapter 177: The Son Siblings' Vow

Christmas Special: Personal Heater [Oneshot] Modern AU (Part 1/3)

475 20 8
By NotchesAndBullets

Words: 1.3k

Calista shivered, pulling the blankets closer to her form as chills racked her body. Somehow, the winter cold always got to her no matter how many layers she had on. The window in her room was drafty but she hadn't told anyone, not wanting to bother them with it.

Hak and Jae-ha had already repaired the roof in several places as instructed by Yoon and it was the holidays. She didn't want to give them more work to do. It wasn't fair.

After her date with Shin-ah, they started to date seriously off the bat, neither one of them playing around when it came to the other. Their friendship had ensured things between them not to be taken lightly.

They had kept things on the down low but it wasn't very effective for long. Zeno figured it out about as fast as Kija remained oblivious. Jae-ha had always been more in tune with the group's dynamic than she gave him credit for and Hak knew her too well to know that when her blushing and stuttering increased when Shin-ah was around, something had happened.

He actually had the audacity to corner her one day, demanding an answer out of her and once she caved, he stomped off to find the blue-haired, sweet and soft man.

According to Shin-ah, he didn't threaten him. Which she was very glad for since the last time she introduced him to someone, Hak nearly broke his neck for sitting too close to her. And that guy wasn't even anyone special to her, he had been over at her and Yona's apartment for a school project.

Thank goodness that he didn't overreact when it came to the guy she actually cared for and had deep feelings for.

Yona already knew of the crush developing on her best friend and Yoon wasn't called a genius for nothing.

After that all happened, they made a show of embarrassing the two of them together before their friends reassured them that they were happy for them and would support them.

She no longer shared a room with Yona, both the girls choosing to spend more time in their respective boyfriend's room more than their own, so much so that no one knew exactly where they chose to sleep since it could change every night.

Calista had chosen the loft as her sanctuary and stayed there most nights, her previous bedroom more of a space for her and Yona when they needed it.

Closing her eyes briefly, she rubbed her hands together but it wasn't just to warm up the frozen fingers as they shook uncontrollably. She jumped as the double doors burst open and two rascals sprinted in.

"It's Christmas morning, it's Christmas morning!!!!" Hani screamed excitedly, emerald eyes brimming with eagerness.

A bunch of their family and friends had come over yesterday to celebrate Christmas Eve and by the end of the day filled with games, movies, stories and a whole lot of food, the adults and the gang decided it would be easier to let them stay the night instead of having them drive all the way back home only to come again the very next day.

Finding bedding was a hassle but it didn't take too long once Yoon found them. The kids borrowed her and Yona's old room while the triplets bunked with Jae-ha in the attic.

Another set of footsteps pounded against the carpeted floors as the little girl jumped up into her small, foldable bed and bounced up and down.

She beamed enthusiastically down at the exhausted raven-haired girl. "Can we open our presents now?!?!"

"But Hani, I'm hungry!!"

Tae-yeon's small head lifted over the side of her bed, huffing and puffing as he pulled himself up beside his sister, pouting as he encountered more obstacles than he was expecting due to his height.

Hani shook her head at her friend. "Food can't be more important than presents, Yeonie!!"

"Is food and gifts all you two think about?" Calista yawned, resting an arm behind her head so that she could look up at the two of them, a fond twinkle in her eyes to let them know that she was just joking.

"No, we also think about Sootie." Hani stated matter-of-factly, calling to mind her black kitten that her guardian had let her keep after Halloween.

"And Ikki." Tae-yeon reminded her of her beloved pet ladybug.

"And Hak."

"And Yona."

"Ooooo and pizza!!"

Her brother remained adorably serious as the other little girl flew off the rails. "And Gramps and all of our friends. How many blessings we are fortunate to have."


Calista chuckled, ruffling his hair while Hani was still hung up on pizza. "Alright, alright I get it. You two are ready to start the day."

"Yeah!!!" They chorused together, nearly sending her into the air with how hard they were jumping.

"PRESENTS!!!" Hani cheered, racing out the door with such vigor that Tae-yeon lost his balance on the bed and landed on top of his sister.

The older girl let out an 'oof', but didn't hesitate to push her little brother out of the way as a ball of black and grey fur tunneled into her, knocking the wind out of her lungs.

"Ivaylo..." Calista chastised with a playful wag of her finger in warning as the large canine's ears drooped in shame.

Shin-ah had rescued him from the pound. Due to his unnaturally large size and huge appetite, the people were going to put him down since no one seemed to want such a giant dog that resembled a wolf more than anything else. He had stopped them before they could and took him home that day.

Originally, he had planned on adopting a stray from a shelter, one that needed love but it just so happened that this one needed him more.

The animal hadn't responded to anything that he said until he said, "Vulo", meaning wolf in Bulgarian. Figuring out that he wasn't native to the area, he had taken to calling him Ivaylo until he had time to choose a proper name. Fortunately, he didn't have to change it.

After he had told her the story once the wolf mix bounded out of the box when she opened it after their date at the Shedd, Calista had scratched him behind his ears and called him Iva.

She first thought that it sounded too feminine but he responded well to it so it was pretty clear what his name was going to be. Although, they had made a pact with Yoon to keep it out of his kitchen if they wanted to keep him.

"Careful, Iva." She spoke to the wolf without hesitation as if he could understand her. "You almost knocked over Tae-yeon."

The little boy poked his head up from the foot of the bed, squealing and rushing forward to throw his hands around the now calmed down dog.

Swinging her feet over the side, Calista braced her hand against the adjacent wall as a wave of dizziness washed over her. She gripped her forehead in pain as a pounding headache made its way to the forefront of her mind.

Tae-yeon paused before exiting the loft, bounding back towards her with concern shining in his innocent eyes.

"Callie?" He asked timidly.

She sighed, mustering up a lopsided smile for his sake. "I'm alright, don't worry, Tae-yeon."

His expression didn't change, going so far as to scrunch up his nose in distaste at the obvious lie. She wanted to laugh at how much he resembled Hak in that moment but erupted into a fit of coughs before she had the chance to do anything.

By then, her youngest brother had made up his mind.

"I'll go get Hak!!"

"No!! Tae-yeon, wait— Ack!!"

Violent coughs cut her off and caused her to collapse against the wall as she tried to stand, only to have her legs give out from underneath her. By the time her blurry vision focused, he was long gone.

"Ah..." She smiled weakly as Ivaylo padded over to her. "I guess I've done it now, haven't I?"

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