Deep Sea Diving

By _Crystal_Plays_

4.8K 99 29

It is said that when you fall in love, it is like sleeping, you fall asleep, little by little, until suddenly... More

Act One
High School Days
A Friend Long Forgotten
A Night to Remember
Growing Bonds
Surprise, Surprise
Talks Among The Stars
New Lives
Act Two
Infinity 1 - Premonition - Part 1
Infinity 1 - Premonition - Part 2
Infinity 2 - Ripples
Infinity 3 - Two New Soldiers
Infinity 4 - Haruka Tenoh, Umi Shinkai - Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune
Infinity 5 - Setsuna Meioh - Sailor Pluto
Infinity 6 - Three Guardians
Infinity 7 - Transformation - Super Sailor Moon
Infinity 8 - Infinite Labyrinth - Part 1
Infinity 9 - Infinite Labyrinth - Part 2
Infinity 10 - Infinite - Upper Atmosphere
Infinity 11 - Infinite - Judge
Infinity 12 - Infinite - Journey
Act Three


215 4 5
By _Crystal_Plays_

The next day, I was ready for school before my morning alarm. I pulled my hair into it's braid and wrapped it around my head just as the clock struck seven-thirty. I pranced to the door after breakfast to the bemusement of the staff. "What's you got in a good mood?" One of them asked.

"Just..." I sighed. "I know today is gonna be a good day. Oh!" I took my engagement ring off my finger and handed it to the butler. "Make sure Father gets this back, tell him the deal is off." I slipped my shoes on and hurried out the door. Haruka was waiting for me, book bag slung over her shoulder. I grinned, hurrying over to her. Despite her wearing the male uniform, she held the same glint in her eyes from last night.

"Someone looks happy." Haruka commented. I wrapped my arm around hers and pressed close to her side.

"Well, we've been reunited after how many Millennia? I've missed you." Haruka and I chatted happily to school, taking the scenic route, but as soon as we got into school property, Ituso stormed up to us.

"Where the hell were you?!" He snarled. I stood tall, after finding Uranus last night and gaining more memories, I had grown more confident snd started to feel more like my old self again.

"I was walking with Haruka today, is that a problem?" I asked calmly.

"I thought I told you-"

"I don't have to listen to you anymore."

"You are my fiancée, you listen to me-"

"Shut up!" I snapped.

"You little-" Itsuo raised his hand and brought it down on me. My own hand snapped up and caught his wrist. "Hey! What the hell?!"

"Don't touch me." I told him calmly, pushing his wrist back. Itsuo wailed in pain, falling to his knees as his hand bent back, not enough to break, but enough for him to know I could. "I am no longer in a relationship with you, Ituso, tell your father that the wedding is off and that I want nothing to do with you or your family ever again." I pushed Itsuo away, and he fell backwards in surprise. "If you don't mind, we have class now." I linked my arm with Haruka's and together, we walked into school.

Haruka and I left school together as well, arm in arm. We spent the afternoon together, and stayed together well into the night. "Come, I want to show you something." I told her around midnight. I lead Haruka to the arcade, inside and towards the Command Centre.

"Oh wow." Haruka breathed.

"Yeah." I said, dropping my schoolbag and blazer beside the console. "Just wait a second." The console lit up, the monitor's appearing instantly. Haruka stepped back in shock as the console scanned her.

"Identification Confirmed." A voice sounded. "Haruka Tenoh. Sailor Uranus, welcome."

"What the hell was that?" Haruka asked.

"The Command Centre is very particular about who it let's in." I explained. "It did the same thing with me." The Command Centre then lit up red. A picture appeared on the console monitor. Black clouds surrounded the Sankakusu once again, but there were more creatures. "Again!"

"Let's go, we need to save them!" I nodded. "Uranus Planet Power!"

"Neptune Planet Power!"

"Make UP!" Water started to surround me, wrapping around my legs, arms and torso to create my pale blue heeled pointed pumps, with a strap that wrapped around my calves and stopped just under my knees, my white gloves that stopped midway past my forearms, with a pale blue cuff. My skirt appeared on the main body of my suit, it was a pale teal that matched the cape that appeared on my shoulders. A pale blue bow appeared at the back of my skirt, and one on my chest that was held together by a pale teal broach. My necklace was a strip of teal fabric with a clamshell resting on the front. Neptune's planetary symbol appeared on my forehead, which turned into my tiara, which was mainly gold with a pale teal gem in its centre. I grabbed my mirror out of my bag.

Uranus and I raced out of the Comand Centre, leaping over buildings to get to the problem. When we got there, Sankakusu was overrun with the creatures. I lifted my mirror, "Submarine Reflection!" I shouted. A tidal wave exploded from my Mirror, slamming into the creatures.

"World Shaking!" Uranus shouted, taking out some of the Monsters. Together, Uranus and I dispatched the creatures. I was breathing heavily, watching the weird egg things disappeared into nothing.

"This is the second attack here in a week." I muttered. "Something is definitely going on here." Uranus nodded, gazing around woridly.

We were right. More and more creatures appeared throughout the Sankakusu district over the next week. Haruka and I spent more and more time together, and continued to do research in the Command Centre. It was one weekend that Haruka and I had a major talk about what we were going to do. "We can't just ignore this, Haruka." I sighed, the two of us watched Sankakusu from a park. "If Sankakusu is the place being targeted, then we need to be where the enemy is, Moto Azabu is too far away."

"Yeah." Haruka agreed, her eyes sweeping the area. "You heard that there was a new school opening around here, right? Mugen Academy?" I nodded.

"Yeah. I want to transfer over, know my Dad, he's as strict as they come. I'm gonna see if he let's me." I looked up at Haruka. "If not I'll just force him to make me." I jumped out of my seat and put my arms up like I was strong. "I'm the strong and confident protector of Neptune! No one can stop me from getting what I want!" I yelped when a pair of hands grabbed my hips and pulled me down into a lap. Haruka laughed in my ear, wrapping her arms around my waist.

"You are the strongest woman I know." Haruka said, her lips pressed against my ear. I smiled, my hands gripping Haruka's arms.

"That's because I have the most wonderful person supporting me." I turned my head to face Haruka. She smiled, and we shared a sweet kiss, my hand coming up to tangle in her hair.

I walked into the house, and it was tense beyond all reason. I could tell I was in for it when Father was standing at the top of the stairs. "You have disgraced this family." Father sneered. "You think I don't know what you've been doing? Hanging around that Tenoh. You are to stop hanging out with that...racer." Father turned as if his word was final. "You're getting married soon, I can not have you fraternising with other men." Father started to walk up the stairs. I glared up at him.

"If you think you know what I've been doing you should know that I've broken up with Ituso, and I've called off the engagement."

"You what?" Father snarled, turning to me with a glare of his own.

"You've been dictating my life for as long as I can remember, well, no more!" I shot my hand out in a cutting motion. "I am almost an adult, I don't need you telling me what I can or can't do. All I've ever done is listen to your demands to please you, to get you to see me as a worthy daughter, but you never have." I dropped my arm. "I have found someone who loves me for who I am, not my money. She is the most wonderful woman in the world.

"A woman!"

"Yes! And I don't care. You've never loved me, only seen me as a tool for your own gain. more. I'm transferring to Mugen Academy, no ifs, and's or buts. You will be paying the tuition and the cost of my condo in one of the towers.


"No buts, Father, this is my decision. I'm still going to be using your money, it's the least you can do for all you've done to me. I'll be returning in a week to finalise the transfer papers and get my things, if they're not ready then I will not hesitate to tare this business down brick by brick." I turned on my heel and stalked out of the house.

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