2) Fantastic Four | The Begin...

By nightcrow92

8.5K 362 392

Maybe working in a space mission wasn't a big deal after The Avengers fight a genocidal alien 2 years ago, bu... More

1) Internship
2) Un-fucking-believable
3) Ashes
4) Comeback
5) Space
6) Powers
7) Attention
8) Uniforms
9) Shadow
10) Flicker
11) Fly
12) Doom
13) Superheroes
14) Fantastic
Ultimate Alliance | The Devourer of Worlds
The Phantom Adventures of the Fantastic Four

15) Johnny

355 14 19
By nightcrow92

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Chapter 15 | Johnny

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{{{{{{{{{{ JOHNNY POV }}}}}}}}}}

<<<<<<<<<< UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE >>>>>>>>>>

Today I was going to my dad's building...or tower? Whatever he wants to call it, it's a building anyway, he choose me, Ben and other people to go on a Space Station program by Victor Von Doom, now...I know that is going to be awesome, no question about it, but there was other thing that had me kinda excited which is seeing Emmet Silverman again, I know we may had a little bad blood back in high school, but it's been years since that and to be honest...after I kissed him in the Prom After Party on my house I can't get him out of my head and the feeling came back as soon as I lay my eyes on him, he doesn't seem too happy to see me but I don't care that he may think I'm still as bad as back in the day, I will try to show him otherwise, I even tried to buying him his lunch but he got even mad at me and told me to stay away from him...sorry Silverman but I will not budge that easily.

<<<<<<<<<< ASHES >>>>>>>>>>

Like I said, it wouldn't be easy for me to stay away from Silverman, I was there in his desk any free time I had from training, he tried to not talk to me unless it was something from work, but that didn't bother me, what did bother me was Leo, my god! He is fucking annoying and ever since I'm around he have grown more touchy with Silverman, for what Sue told they were just hooking up, but I might be making him jealous which doesn't bother me...unless he tries to make me jealous as well kissing, touching or anything with Emmet...god I hate that guy.

Anyway, today we have something going on with a spaceship but we are still working as orders from Doom, the astronauts, that means me, Ben and the others, will keep our eyes open in case we got something like the New York Invasion of 2012 we had orders to defend the tower, Sue didn't like that and nagged me about it, but the best was seeing as Silverman was a little worried about the thing, maybe I'm getting under his skin slowly, he even asked me to help him with something when a co-worker called for his help, I only had to keep his balance on a ladder which isn't big deal but at least I had a nice look on his ass until I felt lightheaded and after that...I don't remember....

<<<<<<<<<< BACK >>>>>>>>>>

Ok, things got pretty messy, apparently we were out like disappear from earth and the universe for like 5 years, which means we had lost 5 years of our lives...well at least we didn't age at all unlike Reed, Ben (who is now married), Cruz, dad and other people, is crazy and I just want to seize the day after that so I confess my feelings to Silverman as soon as we got back, he didn't seem to convinced but at least he told me he'll think about it which is enough for me, he is single anyway as Leo seems to have married as well, which means that he is out and I'm in.

<<<<<<<<<< SPACE >>>>>>>>>>

Maybe I got too excited expecting Silverman to date me and stuff because we didn't, he was always busy working on the Space Station again and you would think that I'll be mad at him, but I wasn't since I understand that he is kinda a work junkie, so I settle to return to hang around on his desk but this time he answer when I talk to him and I treat him with some food and coffee which he seem to appreciate, we had it going on and figure out until I had to do some intense training before leaving to space.

Space is pretty awesome and even we are far from our family we could communicate with them through some antenna/satellite on The Baxter Tower, I even had some talks with Emmet he tried to keep them short as he still a work junkie, but it doesn't matter if it's just 5 minutes that was enough for me, thankfully I have him today for more than 5 minutes because he is here to help us with the Space Station while Reed and Sue work on my dad's investigation, I was hoping we could have some time together, but my plans go to shit when the solar storm hit earlier while Ben was putting samples outside, we tried to take him back before that happened so we all could go on the shielded room on the Space Station, but no luck as the storm hit us while Reed, Sue and me were trying to help him, we got him inside but whatever hit us all got us feeling dizzy and we pass out, I just hope Emmet is safe.

<<<<<<<<<< POWERS >>>>>>>>>>

Something definitely happened to us after the storm incident, I was worried about Emmet as he hasn't wake up like the rest, but also I was bored out of my mind and decided to snowboarding and...well...I turn into fire! But it didn't hurt, I did ended up naked though, thankfully the instructor lend me something while I go to talk to Sue, Reed and the others to explain what happened and they have the same issue, even Emmet who woke up and is some kind of ghost, but who took a bigger hit was Ben he escape Doom's medical care place and when we got to him he was like a rock thing it was a little intimidating and also very weird, but something exciting happened and is that we ended saving people from a crash in the bridge, it was fucking awesome, I think we are gonna be the next Avengers and famous as fuck, when the cameras were on us it felt natural to me, but Silverman was mad at me just like the others because I got some spotlight and teased Ben, they are such party killers

<<<<<<<<<< ATTENTION // UNIFORMS >>>>>>>>>>

I must admit that Emmet being mad at me didn't feel "party killer" anymore, in fact it kinda hurt, he was so mad that he didn't let me help him move his stuff to a new room as we were gonna move from our rooms in the tower to the ones on the floor that is below the lab, he also avoided talking to me at all cost taking advantage that we couldn't see him, sometimes I try to use Jagger to help me out as he seems to feel where Emmet was but he still didn't speak to me, not even when we showed him and Ben how our space uniforms could work with our powers, they made fun of us but he didn't directly speak to me, I was mad at everybody and bored to be locked up so I got out to the Motocross X-Games and enjoy myself very much until the party killers came and nagged at me about enjoying the spotlight, I didn't care about them being mad, what I did care is that Emmet didn't came, man...that hurt even more than him not speaking to me and made me think about that maybe I mess up things with him, Doom came around after the whole nagging to make me an offer to work with him about doing video games, action figures and all kinds of things for publicity of the Fantastic Four as I'm more up to be the face of the brand, now this is what I'm talking about, this will show them how cool this situation actually is.

<<<<<<<<<< SHADOW // FLICKER >>>>>>>>>>

Things were pretty tense after the whole nagging on the X-Games, nobody wanted to talk to me, thankfully dad had some wisdom words to me since he wasn't as mad as the rest, when I talk to him about my situation with Emmet he said that I need to show him how much I care about him and that I want to help him with this situation, he didn't gave me a specific pointer but I thought that this whole deal with Doom and merchandise I could do something special for him, I even made something for Ben but he didn't appreciated as he smashed the action figure when I showed to him, fucking rude and then Sue came to nag more about not being "sensitive enough" when I was trying to do something nice for them, screw them.

I decided to go to a club and have some fun and show off, but it didn't feel completely right, so I walked away from the club and while walking around the park that was some blocks away from the building I saw Emmet and he was flickering from the ghost form to normal, something was wrong and even he was mad at me I remember about what my dad told me, so I decided to talk to him maybe use some of the words my therapist used to told me when I attended to one after my mom died and it worked, he was calmer and I even offered a kiss which he took, it felt so good and whatever we did it helped him to go back to normal, I guess this showed him that I cared and also that I could help, but we didn't have to rejoice as we see some sort of light coming from The Baxter Tower so we stand up to run there and see what was happening.

<<<<<<<<<< FLY >>>>>>>>>>

When Emmet and I arrived to the Tower we found Sue and Reed were on the ground and Ben was back to normal, they told us Doom turned villain on us and well...duh! He was mad as hell because his company was going down while the Fantastic Four were going up also his name says it all, but he escalated pretty quick mostly when he used a heat seeker missile on me, I got ballsy and decided to try to fly away from the Tower to save the rest but the missile was too fast and it almost got me if it wasn't for Emmet, he follow the missile and helped me, no wait, he save me and he was freezing cold after getting in the water with me, but it didn't take long for some dude in a boat to help us out and now it was my turn to save him, he thought I wasn't gonna give him the towel the guy give us when I put it around me, but he shut up once I hug him to give him some of my body heat, he can be fast to jump in conclusions, but I don't care mostly when he is pressed against me so close.

<<<<<<<<<< DOOM >>>>>>>>>>

As soon as Emmet and I arrived to the tower Sue hug me and then punched me mad about me jumping off the building, I don't know why she is mad since it worked anyway and we are safe, besides our problem now is Doom, we need to take him down, Reed and I are in for the idea, but Sue and Emmet are a little unsure, I think Emmet is still scare of doing this whole superhero thing, but he shouldn't after he just save me and his powers are awesome, he seems to be the one that is more in control than any of us, after all this craziness is over I will make sure to let him know all the time how awesome he is, maybe he doesn't like that kind of cheesy stuff but I will do it anyway, besides if he keeps his powers and we work together that means we can fly around together which is a pretty awesome thing to do, maybe it could be like our thing.

<<<<<<<<<< SUPERHEROES // FANTASTIC >>>>>>>>>>

I thought that taking down Doom would be very hard giving the description Reed told us about his powers but it wasn't, well at first it was but when we all worked together like my father said we could overpower him and stop him, we even helped two of The Avengers, which establish us not only as our own group of heroes, but also we are in the reach of Nick Fury for any big issue which basically means that we are Avengers...sort of, I think.

Now all of us embraced the fame of the Fantastic Four, even Emmet comes along and introduce himself as Phantom in a press conference, they referred to him before as "Ghost Boy", I thought it was hilarious but he was mad about it, we had to explain the whole situation of Doom and show people that we are here to help them, we even got some help as well for Ben, 3 people that are part of a team called the X-Men helped my dad, Reed, Sue and Emmet to come out with some rings that could recreate the storm or something that could make him go back to normal for regular life and can go rock to help us and still be part of the team, I'm happy for him, I apologized after being insensitive to him and he asked me to stop the teasing but...I can't make any promises about it, it's part of who I am.

Anyway talking about Emmet...things turned out amazing, I asked him to be my boyfriend 6 months after what happened with Doom and he said yes, don't know why I thought that he would say no, I did every kind of romantic gesture and date to swoop him off his feet, now let me tell you ever since that it's been amazing, the dates, the talks, the sex...fuck, I'm falling hard for him, I had a romantic plan for our "monthversary" which he kinda hates as he said that anniversaries should be a year thing and not a month since it's just basically a way to capitalize a relationship, I wanted to do it anyway because I just like to make him feel special, but Nick Fury came for us that day about a mission, so guess we are gonna have to wait for that one.

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A/N: Well, guys here we are just like in the Spider-Man book, last chapter was the epilogue and this is basicallylike a cute way to end the story (I think) showing a compilation of Johnny's thoughts and POV during the whole story.

Anyway, this concludes this book, but is not the end for them, I just hyped something there, did you guys see it? I just wanted to do it like in the movies, maybe is silly but so am I 🤷🏽‍♂️

Special shout outs to LamontTingz KingFirebird  -asclepius Deathsythey PURPLEODELL peterbanana theloneroneJADE Short_Pessimist TheBlackNekomata56 fudanshi18 Corson510 riverajojo951 RaphaelNascimento718 kolalabear Myleiki for following this story and supporting this book with Votes and Comments, also for supporting me as an author as well, I really appreciated, also obviously a shout out to greysvirgo for inspiring me doing this new idea for my own Marvel universe/multiverse thing 🧡

Sorry if I forgot someone around here, but i'm thankful for you as well so don't think I take for granted any support because I appreciate all support 🥺

Thank you to everyone that is maybe reading in the shadows, please manifest if you haven't do it because I wanna know who you are so I can give u a big virtual hug for reading this book and because I like interacting with my readers 🤗

To any new person stumbling around this book and getting this far like poledyplop and Paula_Sthefany thank you in advance to any new reader that comes around.

Anyway, I'm talking too much, sorry about it, but you guys thank you all because just like the Spider-Man book, thanks to all of you we have reach 1.1k reads in this book!!! YAIIII 🎉🧡🙈

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Remember to also check out a book that is kind of related to this one called "Spider-Man: Elements of Choice" if you haven't and if you have thank you for that and also keep an eye in JANUARY for more things to come 😏🤭

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