πƒπ„π€π‘ππŽπ‘π | Draco Malf...

By Babixxi

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"π“π‘πžπ«πž 𝐒𝐬 𝐚 𝐝𝐒𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 π›πžπ­π°πžπžπ§ π›πžπ’π§π  𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 π›πžπ’π§π  𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞; 𝐭�... More

0.5: Prologue
1: Hogwarts
2: Slytherin
3: Explosive Connections
4: Triwizard Tournament
5: Durmstrang and Beauxbatons
6: The Goblet of Fire
7: The Daily Prophet
8: Friends
9: The First Task
10: 'SNAKE'
11: The Fat Lady
12: The Yule Ball
13: Home, Sweet Home
14: Boggarts and Bissets
15: Hogsmeade
16: The Second Task
17: Witch Weekly
18: Victoria Sponge
19: Isabelle Bisset
20: The Third Task
22: A Short Summer
23: Happy Returns
24: Umbridge
25: Detention
26: Daphne Greengrass
27: Living Death
28: A Seat At The Table
29: A Snake Chant
30: Thestrals
31: Mistletoe
32: Nightmare
33: Bucks Fizz
34: Unanswered Questions
35: The Smart Thing
36: Love, Maddie
37: Love (In Idiocy)
38: Raspberry Jam
39: Fireworks
40: Prophecy
41: An Ending/Beginning
42: The Last Summer
43: Liquid Luck
44: Breakfast With A View
45: Couple
46: Hickory And Home
47: Suspicion
48: Our Fathers
49: Slughorns Party

21: Cedric Diggory

125 8 12
By Babixxi

CHAPTER 21: Cedric Diggory

A few hours after the end of the Third Task, in the early hours of the morning, Madeline unfortunately found herself in Dumbledore's office.

She was numb. Fred had dragged her to the Slytherin Dungeons with Daphne and Theo, the two friends taking her into her dorm and allowing her to grieve in privacy. But she didn't cry, she simply stared at the ceiling numbly, letting the world go by around her.

Cedric Diggory is dead.

Although the Slytherins weren't particularly known for their empathy, no one slept that night. The girls in Madeline's dorm had taken to the common room, sitting with the younger students with warm drinks and blankets Theo had found in a chest. Draco and his goons had gone back to their dorm room, none uttering a word to each other. An eerie sense of finality was in the air; there was no excitement for the end of the Tournament. No one would dare.

At about midnight, Snape had come to the common room, asking for someone to fetch Madeline and bring her to Dumbledore's office.

Soon after arriving to Dumbledore's office, she found out that she had been right; the Moody she'd known had been none other than Bartemius Crouch Junior, an escaped Death Eater who's sole goal was to ensure Harry made it to the end of the maze. The real Alastor Moody was safe and sound in the Hospital Wing, found by Dumbledore not long before.

Madeline could almost feel Hogwarts grieving. Not the students, but the castle itself. Everything felt cold and sad, as if a little piece of the life that Hogwarts once breathed had vanished. Cedric had touched more hearts than he'd ever known.

"If I thought I could help you," Dumbledore said gently, shaking Madeline out of her daze, "By putting you into an enchanted sleep and allowing you to postpone the moment when you would have to think about what has happened tonight, I would do it. But I know better. Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it."

"He's dead," Madeline muttered, "I could have figured it out sooner-"

"You saved Harry's life by figuring it out in the first place," Dumbledore interrupted her gently, "Had it not been for you telling Snape about your suspicions, we may not have found Harry in time. You showed incredible-"

"Someone still ended up dying," Madeline interrupted lowly, her eyes downcast to the floor, "I should've never let Cedric compete."

"Madeline, please look at me," Dumbledore asked. Madeline found herself lifting her head, looking at the old man through his half-moon spectacles.

"It has never been a secret that you were brought here for your safety, and it seems that the very thing we all fear the most has come to find us," Dumbledore began. He crossed his arms on the desk, "Hogwarts will do all it can to keep you safe, and you've already saved someone yourself, wether you intended to or not. Now, we cannot let Cedric's death be in vain. You are not responsible for his death, Madeline."

Madeline sat in silence for a few moments, eventually nodding.

"I need you to tell me how you figured it out," Dumbledore finished.

Madeline found her hand reaching for the Bisset necklace. She wanted nothing more than rip it off her neck, but she didn't. Instead, she held the pendant tightly in her hand.

"The necklace my mother gave me," Madeline began lowly, "The one my father made her; I don't know how Luna figured it out, but she called it something; Spectrespecs. An item like that allows you to see invisible magic. I kind of just... Put it to my eye. I don't know why."

"And you saw the potion effect," Dumbledore nodded in understanding, "I see."

Madeline rubbed her head. She needed to stop thinking about Cedric. Instead, she began thinking about her friends; she couldn't let anyone else die. Not if she could help it.

"So, now what?" Madeline asked, a newfound determination in her voice, "Because I'm pretty sure we're both well aware that he's back."

Dumbledore was silent for a long moment. He leant back in his chair, his arms crossing over his lap, "I believe, my dear, that he is."

Madeline wasn't shocked; she'd known it deep down. The Dark lord had killed Cedric, and had risen again. And now, everything was about to change. She was about to change

"I'm an idiot," Madeline sighed, rubbing her eyes, "I should've known something like this was going to happen when my mum sent me here in the first place, and it still happened. I didn't do enough, I could've-"

"You're still young," Dumbledore interrupted her once again, "You're a young woman who is being forced to grow up too fast."

"Things are going to change now," Madeline sighed. Suddenly, she remembered something. Her eyes widened in fear; "I collapsed in the stalls, and my necklace started burning. It was right before Harry got back; do you think-"

"You are not connected to the Dark Lord," Dumbledore shook his head, "Don't worry dear. You are in possession of a magical item; perhaps the use of the portkey activated it. After all, it was created using a large amount of magic."

Madeline nodded doubtfully; it made sense, but she knew it wasn't right. She huffed, "There truly is danger at every corner, isn't there?"

Dumbledore smiled sadly, "I'm afraid, my dear, that you are at the centre of it all."

Despite the blaring need for sleep, Madeline's head shot up to look at Dumbledore. She faintly heard the sound of the door locking as Snape stepped into the room, moving to stand by Dumbledores side silently.

"My dear Madeline," Dumbledore continued. He folded his hands together on the desk, "I regret to tell you that there is a target on your name. Your mother tried to protect you from it, but it seems it has followed you here. One day, perhaps soon, you will have to choose a side. I cannot tell you which side to choose, but I can only hope you follow your heart."

"Professor, I think I've made it pretty clear that I'm not about to willingly waltz over to the dark side," Madeline snapped irritably, "Please, just tell me what's going on!"

Dumbledore kept his calm composure, ignoring Snape's pointed gaze. "I knew your father quite well, especially during the war. He was far smarter than his years, and also very proactive. So much so, that he predicted his own death."

Madeline's eyebrows furrowed, "...What?"

"She's not ready," Snape interrupted, "She's too young, you cannot expect-"

"I will decide my own fate, thank you very much Professor," Madeline interrupted, glaring at Snape defiantly. She turned back to Dumbledore, "Cedric died tonight. You said it yourself Sir, we cannot let it be in vain. So, tell me what I need to do."

Snape looked at Dumbledore pleadingly, an unspoken tension between them. Eventually, Dumbledore turned back to the girl, as calm and composed as ever. Snape was not pleased.

"Your father predicted he'd be a prime target in the war," Dumbledore began, "He was smart; he prepared. He hid something very important from everyone, even your mother. Something he swore no one would be able to find. Apart from one person."

Madeline looked at the Headmaster in confusion, "Who?"

"His daughter."

"Excuse me?!" Madeline looked shocked, "I don't-"

"We have no idea what this item is or where it is, but we have reason to believe that if The Dark Lord truly is back, he will stop at nothing to retrieve it," Snape interrupted irritably, moving to stand next to Madeline. He looked down at her, "It is the key to something much bigger than yourself, Miss Bisset."

"You're still not telling me the whole truth," Madeline snapped, rising to her feet. She was angry; angry that the two people who were here to look out for her were still lying to her, "A boy died tonight; a friend. And if it really was Voldemort to kill him, then I'm not about to stand idly by as he destroys everything good about this world!"

The two Professors remained speechless as she continued, "So, Professors, what do you want me to do?!"

The two men stayed quiet, studying the girl carefully. Neither seemed phased that, for the first time, she used the Dark Lord's name so freely. Madeline could feel her chest rising and falling as she panted, her fists clenched tightly. God, she was angry. Angry that people were making decisions for her; that there were still secrets no one would tell her about. Angry that her friend, one of the best friends she'd ever had, was now dead at the hands of Lord Voldemort.

She was angry.

Dumbledore smiled gently, "All I ask is that you keep that fire within you burning, Madeline. And wield it wisely."

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The next few weeks were a blur.

Madeline found herself floating from class to class, barely registering the world around her. She managed through her final essays and assignments numbly, Theo and Daphne trying their best to cheer the girl up once again. Eventually, they realised the best way they could help her was to be there for her, which is exactly what they did.

Eventually, she started seeing the world in colour again slowly, but it took time.

Even Draco had backed off, no longer searching for Madeline as the target of his taunts and jokes. In fact, when she wasn't with her friends, Madeline had been spending hell of a lot of time in the Gryffindor common room. Fred, George and Lee were the first to manage a smile out of the girl, and Neville would often sit with her by the windows, neither of them speaking, but just appreciating the other's presence.

Her and Fred had grown closer as well, spending evenings in the Gryffindor common room, Madeline reading while Fred worked on new products and ideas. He'd finally confided to her about his and George's plan to have a joke shop after Hogwarts, and of course, Madeline had been in full support.

The Golden Trio, specifically Harry, had decided to lay low for the rest of the year. No one had forgotten the particularly horrible article Rita Skeeter had written about him, and now rumours were flying rampant about Harry's sanity. Madeline knew he was right; The Dark Lord was back. But, she knew voicing this out loud wouldn't be a good idea.

In fact, most of the school skirted around her too. Perhaps they were formulating their own theories about how Cedric had died, especially those who had witnessed her breakdown in the stalls just minutes before Cedric and Harry had returned from the maze. She didn't mind people avoiding her. In fact, she found she didn't care very much. She liked it best when she was with her friends, or Fred. They knew she needed time to grieve, and they gave her space to do so.

"Harry's coming back to the Burrow with us this summer," Fred began one evening as the two sat around a chess table, mugs of tea steaming on the table, "You could come along, you know?"

Madeline pursed her lips, thinking. Eventually, she shook her head. "I need to go back to France, at least for a little while. Perhaps I could come join you later in the summer?"

Fred smiled, nodding enthusiastically, "I'll let my parents know."

Although she tried her best, Madeline didn't manage to catch sight of Luna for the rest of the year. She had a sea of unanswered questions for the blonde girl, but no answers to be found. In fact, she also couldn't find Cho Chang anywhere. Eventually, she did find out from Daphne that the Ravenclaw had decided to return home early for the summer, which was more than understandable.

A highlight of the final weeks of term was Hermione's capture of Rita Skeeter. The girl had whispered the story to Madeline in secrecy, explaining how Rita, now in her water beetle form, was trapped in a magic jar in her dorm room. Madeline had found it hilarious, promising to keep the secret.

Eventually, the end of term came. Madeline packed her trunks with a heavy heart, joking along with Daphne as the two exchanged addresses to write to each other for the summer. Even Pansy had been particularly nice to her, a rare sight to be seen in Slytherin, but not an unwelcome one.

The Leaving Feast, which was usually a cause for celebration, felt rather melancholy to Madeline. Looking back to the first time she'd stepped into the Great Hall, she'd become a completely different person. She felt like she'd lived, albeit she'd also lost. She'd experienced things she'd never dreamed of in her sheltered little French villa, and her heart yearned to return back in September, even with all the pain it had been through.

Harry and Madeline had avoided being in the Great Hall when it was too full, preferring to eat when it was nearly empty to avoid the stares of their fellow students. Madeline had broken the rule on occasion to sit with her friends, those who didn't think she was completely mental, but she couldn't help but gaze at the Hufflepuff table every time she entered, the spot Cedric had once occupied remaining empty.

When the Slytherins entered the Great Hall, Madeline noticed at once that the usual decorations were missing. Instead, black drapes lined the wall behind the teachers' table, candles floating lower and above the students heads. A mark of respect to Cedric.

The real Mad-Eye Moody was at the staff table now, his wooden leg and his magical eye back in place. He was extremely twitchy, jumping every time someone spoke to him. And really, who could blame him? Professor Karkaroff's chair was empty; rumours had been circulating about his whereabouts, especially with the Dark Lord's return. Durmstrang had been left without a headmaster.

Madame Maxime was still there. She was sitting next to Hagrid. They were talking quietly together. Further along the table, sitting next to Professor McGonagall, was Snape, who had been keeping a watchful eye over the young Bisset

Now, the funny thing about the events of the Third Task was that Snape had begun looking out for Madeline. He was no longer hard on her in classes, no longer snapping at her. He kept a watchful eye on the girl, despite being far away from her.

"Bloody hell, I'm starving," Daphne sighed as the trio sat in their usual spots at the Slytherin table. Tracy and her boyfriend sat further along the table with Terence Higgs, who was now dating that girl from Ravenclaw. Draco, Pansy and Blaise all sat themselves next to the Slytherin Trio, Crabbe and Goyle following suit.

"Contain yourself, Greengrass," Theo joked lightly.

"So, Mads," Daphne began, leaning forwards towards the girl, "How'd you rate your first year at Hogwarts altogether?"

"Honestly?" Madeline scoffed, "Despite the... Obvious; not that bad, actually." She caught Draco's eye, smirking to herself, "Including Malfoy's tendency to get himself transfigured into a ferret."

Pansy and Blaise snorted loudly, Daphne bursting into a full cackle. Draco simply glared at the girl, "Watch it, Bisset."

"I'm watching, and I'm not seeing much," Madeline shrugged, cheekily sipping her pumpkin juice. However, before Draco could reply which what was sure to be a scathing remark, Dumbledore took his place at his podium, the room falling into silence.

"The end," said Dumbledore, looking around at them all, "Of another year here at Hogwarts."

He paused, and his eyes fell upon the Hufflepuff table. Theirs had been the most subdued table before he had gotten to his feet, and theirs were still the saddest and palest faces in the Hall. No one had seen the sea of yellows for a while, actually. They had suffered a great loss, Madeline was sure.

"There is much that I would like to say to you all tonight," said Dumbledore, "but I must first acknowledge the loss of a very fine person, who should be sitting here," he gestured toward the Hufflepuffs, "enjoying our feast with us. I would like you all, please, to stand, and raise your glasses, to Cedric Diggory."

Madeline felt her heart clench at the sound of his name. She was the first Slytherin to stand, her pumpkin juice in her hand. The benches scraped as everyone in the Hall followed suit, and raised their goblets, and echoed, in one loud, low, rumbling voice, "Cedric Diggory."

Madeline didn't notice the tears pooling in her eyes until she spotted Fred looking at her through the crowd of Gryffindors, and sent him a reassuring smile.

Yes, she'd always miss Cedric, but she'd be okay. Eventually.

"Cedric was a person who exemplified many of the qualities that distinguish Hufflepuff house," Dumbledore continued. "He was a good and loyal friend, a hard worker, he valued fair play. His death has affected you all, whether you knew him well or not. I think that you have the right, therefore, to know exactly how it came about."

Madeline's eyes widened. She looked around the crowd of Gryffindors, scanning for Harry. And indeed, Harry was watching the headmaster with wide eyes.

"Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort."

Madeline closed her eyes as a panicked whisper swept the Great Hall. People were staring at Dumbledore in disbelief, in horror, but Madeline knew the man to be perfectly calm. As she opened her eyes, she ignored the prying eyes of her housemates, and continued to watch the old man.

"The Ministry of Magic," Dumbledore continued, "does not wish me to tell you this. It is possible that some of your parents will be horrified that I have done so - either because they will not believe that Lord Voldemort has returned, or because they think I should not tell you so, young as you are. It is my belief, however, that the truth is generally preferable to lies, and that any attempt to pretend that Cedric died as the result of an accident, or some sort of blunder of his own, is an insult to his memory."

Madeline nodded to herself in agreement. Everyone was starting at Dumbledore now. Well, everyone but Draco Malfoy, who stood to her right.

"Blundering mad old man he is," Draco whispered to Crabbe and Goyle, both of which snickered quietly.

Madeline felt a searing hot rage pool in her stomach. Without attracting any further attention, she swiftly kicked Malfoy in the shin, keeping her eyes on Dumbledore. No way was that arrogant, slimy little ferret going to ruin Cedric's memorial.

"There is somebody else who must be mentioned in connection with Cedric's death," Dumbledore went on. "I am talking, of course, about Harry Potter."

"Oh bloody hell," Madeline muttered to herself as swoops of whispers echoed through the hall. Most eyes turned to Harry, who seemed to be cowering under everybody's gaze.

"Harry Potter managed to escape Lord Voldemort," continued Dumbledore, bringing the attention back to himself. "He risked his own life to return Cedric's body to Hogwarts. He showed, in every respect, the sort of bravery that few wizards have ever shown in facing Lord Voldemort, and for this, I honour him."

Dumbledore turned gravely to Harry and raised his goblet once more. Nearly everyone in the Great Hall followed suit. They murmured his name, as they had murmured Cedric's, and drank to him.

But Madeline did not.

He showed bravery, sure. But she was not about to honour him in the same way they were honouring Cedric's memory. And for that, she soundly placed her goblet on the table. It seemed that a lot of the Slytherins had been watching her, following suit. This of course, did not go unnoticed by Harry.

When everyone had once again returned to their seats, Dumbledore continued, "The Triwizard Tournaments aim was to further and promote magical understanding. In the light of what has happened - of Lord Voldemort's return - such ties are more important than ever before."

Madeline could see Fleur's silvery blonde hair at the Ravenclaw table. She'd be saying goodbye to her soon, with the promise of seeing each other over the break in France. In another universe, she would've been one of those Beauxbatons girls, returning to France with just a bad memory and a bad year. But here she was, clad in green and silver.

"Every guest in this Hall," continued Dumbledore, his eyes lingering upon the Durmstrang students, "Will be welcomed back here at any time, should they wish to come. I say to you all, once again - in the light of Lord Voldemort's return, we are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided. Lord Voldemort's gift for spreading discord and enmity is very great. We can fight it only by showing an equally strong bond of friendship and trust. Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open."

"It is my belief- and never have I so hoped that I am mistaken - that we are all facing dark and difficult times. Some of you in this Hall have already suffered directly at the hands of Lord Voldemort. Many of your families have been torn asunder," Dumbledore looked directly at Madeline, offering her a small smile, before returning to the room, "A week ago, a student was taken from our midst."

"Remember Cedric. Remember, if the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember what happened to a boy who was good, and kind, and brave, because he strayed across the path of Lord Voldemort. Remember Cedric Diggory."

Madeline held her necklace in her hand as Dumbledore spoke his final words. No matter where she ended up, she'd treasure Cedric's friendship forever. He'd been kind, true and good; the opposite of what many had expected Madeline to be when she'd arrived at Hogwarts. All but him, who gave her a chance from the first time they met.

She'd miss him forever, but eventually, she'd be okay.

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Trunks had been packed and goodbyes had been given. Madeline stood in the courtyard, hugging Fleur one final time as the Beauxbatons students prepared to re-embark into their carriage.

"Write to me when you're back in France," Fleur demanded immediately in French, holding Madeline's hands, "We'll see each other, yes?"

"Of course," Madeline replied with a smile, "And you can tell me all about that Bill-"

"We're just writing to each other," Fleur rolled her eyes, "Nothing more."

"We'll see when the wedding rolls around. I want to be maid of honour," Madeline joked. The two friends hugged once more before Fleur turned, rushing off to say her final goodbyes to the Golden Trio.

Madeline watched the world unfold around her. Viktor had just given Hermione a slip of paper with his address, promising to write to her. Evie Sterling and a young muggle-born Durmstrang boy seemed to be swapping phone numbers, a funny occurrence in Hogwarts. Madeline eventually spotted Theo and Daphne, both sat with their luggage on the steps of the Entrance Hall.

Madeline walked over, her own luggage already loaded into a carriage. She snuck behind her friends, squeezing between them with a laugh. Something the two friends had missed hearing.

"Summer," Madeline mused dramatically, wrapping her arms around each of her friends, "Here we come."

"Speak for yourself; you're going back to France!" Daphne rolled her eyes, "Sunny vineyards, nice cheeses-"

"I never said you couldn't come visit," Madeline winked, smirking at Daphne's excited expression.

"Yes!" Daphne gasped, "Absolutely! We're definitely coming!"

"We?" Theo teased.

"Oh shut up, you know you want to go."

"We'll see," Theo joked, leaning back onto the steps.

Madeline grinned at Daphne, "So, Greengrass; favourite moment of first year?"

Daphne paused dramatically, rubbing her chin. Eventually, her eyes sparkled with a memory, "That time you put an exploding sweet in Draco's goblet."

"I have to agree," Theo nodded, "That was pretty clever."

The three friends sat silently, looking up at the sky. It was another beautiful summer's day. Madeline found it hard to believe that she'd soon be back in France with her family, entering her old life once again. But it was okay, because she'd return to Hogwarts that September.

Because Hogwarts had become her home.

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It's been hell of a ride to write this first part of the story, and I cannot thank all of my readers enough for the INCREDIBLE support I've received through all platforms I've posted this story on!

However, I do have one favour to ask of you guys;

Please, PLEASE share this story if you've enjoyed! There is nothing more rewarding than waking up to notifications of reviews and comments you guys leave. I want to continue this story right through to Deathly Hallows, and I hope to be able to bring as many people as possible on this journey with me.

I'll probably be taking a few days to post the beginning of Order of The Phoenix, purely so that I can map out the structure of the plot nicely. But I promise you that this new section of the story... Well, it's going to really pick up, and I can't wait.

Thank you all! Please comment, review, anything you'd like!

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