Just a Fan

By w2mm00

78.9K 2.1K 1.1K

Are you just a fan? Or are you genuinely in love with Ariana grande? I do NOT own any of these pictures. I re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 8

4.1K 114 32
By w2mm00

We gon pretend like jaguar came out during November 2019 k thanksss


Ariana's POV

I slowly open my eyes to see a sleeping
Y/n beside me holding onto me like 2 days ago. A lot more loose though. I just stare at her sleeping and run my hands through her hair. Then I realized something... it's fucking Christmassssss. That's when I decide to slap her head and wake her. She shot her ass up and looked around and then looked at me and furrowed her eyebrows.

"It's Christmasssss. Merry Christmas babyyy" I said squealing the baby part and she smiled. I know she loves Christmas as much as I do.

"Merry Christmasss ahhhh" She squealed and leaned back down and squeezed me in a hug.

"So... christmas kiss?" I asked she leaned in and placed a kiss on my lips. And then kissed all over my face which made me chuckle. She got up off of the bed and walked over to my side and picked me up. We walked over to the bathroom and brushed our teeth. After we finished we both washed our faces. We dried our faces and she walked over to go put on her shirt. She grabbed it and then threw me the shirt I had on last night before I laid down. I buttoned it up and we walked out and we saw our moms, Nonna,
Mr. Brown, and Ms, D'angelo, Frankie, Doug, Scott, Brian, and Alexa.

"Merry Christmas you guysss" y/n walked over to everyone and gave everyone an individual hug. I did the same.

"So the girls and Dante are sleeping?" She asked. Everyone shook their head and she smirked.

"Y/n don't you wake them up. You do this every year. It's 7 in the morning let them sleep"

"I can't mom. You said it already. I do this every year. And it's 7 in the morning. I have to wake them up. Ariana I'm waking your friends up too. They not safe." Well Ricky, Fredo, and Tommy left last night. They're all really close to their moms so they left. She grabbed her phone and connected it to the beats speaker that she left in the kitchen so that she could listen to music while she cooks. She grabbed the speaker and started blasting Jackson 5 Santa clause is coming to town. She started knocking hard on everyone's doors and laughing.

"Y/N IF YOU DONT GO AWAY RN!" Malissa yelled out.


"DANTE DONT BE A GRINCH I GOT YOU A DILDO FOR YOUR ASSHOLE" my jaw dropped when she said that but she looked at me and shook her head telling me she was playing. She walked in his room and he threw a pillow at her. She chuckled and walked over to malissas room.


"Shut the hell up give me some time Damn. Let me wash my damn mouth"

"Suck too much dick last night?" I hit her arm and she shrugged.

"I didn't even suck dick last night. I should've gotten Tommy's tho. He's fine as hell"

"I got you sis" I said and winked at her. She winked back and chuckled. Y/n rolled her eyes and walked over to Courtney's room next.

"I'm lowkey scared to go into her room" she said and I chuckled. She knocked hard on her door.



"I didn't do anything court, this is all her" y/n slapped my arm slightly.


"She's gonna beat my ass"

"YOU DAMN RIGHT" y/n ran away over to Victoria's room.

"You think Courtney's bad? Ha"

"Shes sweet pls"



"WHAT YOU WANT FOR CHRISTMAS? KEHLANI TO EAT YOUR SHIT OFF THE BONE??" That's when Victoria opened up the door.

"How did you know about me and kehlani?"

"Oh please everyone could tell you two had or have had a thing going on. Isn't most of Jaguar about her? And plus y'all have chemistry. You can tell." Her jaw dropped and She punched my arm.

"Damn what the hell"

"We don't talk about what you just said."

"Ight damn merry Christmas to you too" she pulled her into a hug and Victoria flipped me off and I shrugged.

"I didn't do anything"

"Mhm. I'm going to go freshen up" everyone was in their rooms freshening up and she grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the kitchen.

"Look up" She said. I looked up and it was a mistletoe.

"Merry Christmas. And I hope their can be many more" She said and I smiled and wrapped my arms around her torso and gave her a hug. I looked up at her and she gave me a kiss.

"Merry Christmas y/n/n"

"At this point you're doing this on purpose to make me feel single" Doug said and y/n and I laughed.

"I'm gonna make some chocolate chip pancakes for everyone. Would you like some?" She whispered in my ear.


"Of course"

"Then yes. But let me help."

"No. Stay and hang out with them. Get to know my family. I'll ask Frankie to help me. If I wanna be with Ari I gotta know Frankie." I smiled and bit my lip a little.

"Okay babe. Don't burn the house down"

"You've never tried my food. You'll see"

"Here take my phone. Take some pictures and what not" she passed me her phone.

"What's the code?"

"572836" she said. I put the code in

"Can I put my Face ID in?"

"Go ahead" she walked over to Frankie.

"You wanna help me make some pancakes?" She asked him. And she should've known that Joan and Marjorie Grande would have liked to help too.

"I'm helping. Move over Frankie" Nonna said and pushed Frankie over so she could walk over to the kitchen. I chuckled and shook my head. I walked over to the living room where her family was and they all smiled at me.

"I haven't seen y/n/n smile like that in a while" y/m/n said.

"Really? She seemed happy when we first met"

"That was a concert for her favorite artist that she saved money for to do a meet and greet. Of course she was going to be happy" Ms.D'Angelo said.

"Ariana you bring out a smile on her at all moments of the day. We could be sitting on the couch just hanging out. And she starts smiling out of nowhere. We'll ask her what got her so happy. And she'll talk about something you posted on your story saying how cute you look." She added on.

"You two are amazing for each other I don't know if you see it as much as we do. But you guys have a powerful connection." Mr. Brown said.

"But what I will say is that she's going to always be there for you, of course. The real question is will you be there for her?" Y/m/n questioned.

"Of course I will. It takes two. I'm here for her as much as she's here for me." They all chuckled and shook their head.


"She hides a lot of her emotions. She doesn't like to open up whatsoever. So she'll seem like she's okay. But she's not. She's messed up mentally. She hides it through working and the smile on her damn face. But since you've been around. That smile has only ever been genuine." She said which made me smile.

"Just don't hurt my baby Ariana" she said taking a sip from her coffee mug.

"She'll open up more. Give her some time." Mr. Brown said.

After a while we just kept talking. My friends and y/n's family are getting along amazingly and everyone came out their rooms and joined us.

"Where's my dumbass best friend?" Dante asked.

"Making pancakes" I said. I looked over to her and she was laughing with Frankie, Nonna, and my mom.

"Finally. Her pancakes are bomb" Malissa said and sat down on the couch.

We kept talking and they were looking at their gifts under the tree. But on cue my baby came out with a bunch of plates with pancakes with whipped cream and candy canes. She gave four people theirs. She gave Alexa, Courtney, Victoria, and Doug theirs.

"Frankie is coming right now with some more plates Ight?" She pointed behind her and Frankie came up and gave gave four people plates too.

"I'll be right back. And when I come back we could eat and open up gifts. I mean if y'all down?" She asked. Everyone nodded and she sent me a wink and I just smiled at her. She gave everyone their food and some hot chocolate. And Nonna and my mom walked out with her.

"Y/n/n you almost forgot your plate" my mom gave her the plate and y/n/n kissed her cheek.

"Thank you."

"I don't know how her fatass almost forgot" Malissa said.

"Why can't your walrus headass ever be nice to me? Like I just made you food."

"Food isn't enough for the aggravation you cause"

"You need some dick. Baby please hook her up with Tommy" she sat down next to me and flipped Malissa off.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. We ate and joked around. She finished her food really quickly so she shot up from her seat and clapped her hands.

"Gift time. I wanna give my gifts out first"

She walked over to the Christmas tree and grabbed a box. She gave it to Victoria and Victoria looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

"This isn't just Victoria's. This is actually for all of you. Open it" Victoria opened it and it was tickets.

"I heard y'all like Broadway plays. So when I was working on the construction to get the sand and shit for the Play "Once On This Island" they really liked me and said if I ever wanted tickets just ask. So I got front row tickets which would have your feet in the sand and shit. And plus. I heard that Aaron couldn't come and I know he's a Broadway fanatic so I got him a ticket too. I hope y'all like it." She says and I couldn't help but smile at her and my friends. They all got up and gave her a hug.

"I love it"

"This is amazing"

"Thank you y/n/n" are the things that they said.

"No problem. I hope y'all really do enjoy the show though. I loved it, so I hope y'all do too."

"Okay Lemme keep my gifts goinggg" she said. She walked to another gift and handed it to Scott. They open the box and it's keys.

"Okay sooo I'm proud of myself for this one. I know a lot of people so I had to pull a couple of strings. In Manhattan they have dance studios everywhere. But this one is amazing. I paid for the first month. And this is so y'all can do one of your dance classes here." She has the only smile on her face. She's genuinely happy with the fact she's making other people happy.

"Oh shit. That's awesome y/n/n thank you" they got up and gave her a hug.

"You're welcome"

"Oh shit and y'all. I almost forgot. You get to meet the cast members. So if y'all need a boyfriend or something I know that the guy who plays Daniel is gay so... yea" She looked over at Victoria, Courtney, Doug, and Frankie.

"Anyways Nonna and Ms. G-"

"Y/n I told you to call me Joan"

"Ight Ms. J." She chuckled and I laughed and rolled my eyes a little.

"Okay sooo I got y'all this" She handed them both rectangular boxes. They opened the gifts and it was an old type of Italian wine.

"Omg y/n how did you get this?"

"Funny story, I worked on this mobsters car. And he said if I ever needed something to ask. Sooo I asked him for two of the best type of Italian wine he knew about. And he gave me these" she really put so much thought into these gifts.

"Well this is definitely a wine from back in my day. Thank you so much y/n I love it. Ariana you got a keeper" my Nonna said with her Italian accent.

"Do you honestly like it?"

"Yes it's amazing. Thank you so much" mom said.

"Okay okay good. NEXT GIFFTT." She walked over to Mr. Brown and gave him a box. He opened it and his jaw dropped.

"It's not much but I knew you would like it" She said and he gave her a hug.

"I love it. It's a flask. With my name on it." He felt around it admiring the material. "Real wood?"

"Yessir" She chuckled and he dapped her up.

"Thank you. I really like it"

"No problem" She walked back over to the tree and grabbed Two boxes. She handed one to Ms. D'angelo and then one to her mom. They both opened their presents and they both charms.

"More to your collection." She told them and they both gave her a hug. Same routine as the other gifts. She really put thought into these gifts. I hope she loves mine.


"Is it finally my turn?"

"You know what fuck you. Just open your damn gift" She walked over to the tree and threw her a box. It hit Malissa's head and she just laughed.

"Babe! Say sorry"

"Ugh. My fault grinch" Malissa flipped her off and then opened her gift.

"OH SHIT" She dropped the box and ran over to y/n and gave her a hug.

"Thank you thank you thank youuu"

"Yea no problem. Now get off of me"

"What she get you?" Alexa asked.

"Skins and makeup"

"Skins?" Mr. Brown asked.

"Some kim K shit she's been talking about. Now her dumbass could stop talking to me about it." Leave it to y/n only to do it to shut you up.

"Anyways get off of me I have to give my favorite bestie something move" she smacked y/n's head and walked back to her spot and sat down.

"Here Dante." She passed him a box and he opened it. His face dropped and then my girlfriend started dying which made Dante start dying.

"You're an asshole" he said.

"Look now you won't be lonely. Now you can cuddle it." She said. He pulled it out and it was a pillow shaped like a guys upper body. It even had a arm. Everyone started laughing and he flipped her off.

"I love it thank you."

"There's still some stuff in the box." She said. He looked deeper and it was a pajama set.

"Now you could stop sleeping over in just your underwear. I got you some damn silk pajamas" he walked up to her and hugged her.

"Thank you I really appreciate it y/n/n"

"No problem Dante." She looked at me and smiled. She grabbed a big box and walked over to me and sat down. She handed it to me and I smiled.

"Merry Christmas" She said. I unwrapped the paper and opened the box. There was a book, a case with sunglasses inside, and then another individually wrapped gift. I grabbed the book first. It looked used. When I opened it, it had highlights notes and questions written in it.

"That's my favorite book. It kind of reminded me of me and you. Two different worlds." She said and I smiled and brought her into a kiss.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome"

"You have an... okay handwriting" I said.

"I know it's bad right? It got better over time though. I still write like a middle school boy. Anyways next gift" I opened up the case for the glasses and they're beautiful.

"I love them. Thank youuu"

"Mhm. No problem"

"Y/n/n tell her wtf I went through getting these damn glasses" Malissa said

"First of all I paid for them. Anyways, she was on the train and this old lady tried to take the bag from her"

"Old broke bitch"

"MALISSA. That's wild disrespectful." Dante said

"And that bitch was wild broke" Malissa said and I laughed along with everyone else.

"Okay okay okay okay okay. Next gift." She said excitingly. I reached down and grabbed it and unwrapped it. I squealed and put the box down and threw myself on top of her. I kissed her a bunch of times and she giggled in between kisses. That's when I whispered in her ear.

"I might just let you wrap your hands through my hair tonight" She chuckled and leaned back to look me in my eyes.

"I would do that any other night" She whispered back.

"What did she get you Ariana?" Nonna asked.

"A wand" I squealed and opened the box to hold it.

"Okay so this wand is completely customized. I had to fill out this damn survey that took almost an hour. But I had a little help from your besties."

"What was the survey on?"

"Stuff about you. And I had to give them your zodiac sign and everything. Like this wand is literally one of a kind" I squealed and gave her another kiss.

"Thank you thank you thank you"

"No problem no problem no problem" She said and I rolled my eyes and slapped her.

"Geek" Courtney said and I flipped her off.

We kept exchanging gifts and it was y/n's turn and everyone started hanging her gifts.

"Me first move" Dante pushed Malissa out the way and handed her a gift.

"What's in it? A gun?" My face dropped and she laughed. She opened it and closed it back and started dying. She flipped Dante off and he started laughing.

"What is it y/n/n?" He asked her and she shook her head.

"I'm not saying. But you're an asshole. Imma get you for this one. Watch next year."

"What is it?" I grabbed the box and open it and close it back. I tried not to laugh but I couldn't help it.

"Bro so you guys are just going to sit there and not say what it is" Victoria said

"Fine. It's a cock ring" their mouths dropped and they started dying.

"You trying to say something Dante?" She asked him and he shrugged.

"No but there's something else in there." She kept looking and it was a PlayStation controller

"Holy shit!"


"He got me a custom controller" She got up and gave him a hug.

"Thank you"

"Mhm. I still love you even tho you're a dick head sometimes y/n/n" He pushed her off of him and she shook her head and she walked back over to the couch.

"My turrnn" Malissa said

"Here comes the fuckery" y/n/n said and I chuckled. Malissa handed her the present. She opened it and it was hand cuffs.

"Really? Did y'all plan this?" They nodded their heads and she laughed and flipped her off. She kept looking deeper and it's yet another sex item.

"A- a gag ball? Malissa what the hell?" She whisper yelled at her

"You like this type of stuff" she shrugged

"I don't- I don't think Ariana-"

"Oh no. I do. I'm just not saying anything because my grandma and mom are in the same room as us." I whispered so only Malissa and y/n/n could hear.

"Oh." She said. I shot her a wink and she visibly swallowed.

"Umm... anywayssss." Malissa said fake gagging.

"Keep looking in the box" it was a painting. I didn't know she liked art.

"You got me the painting?" Malissa nodded her head and y/n/n got up and gave her a hug.

"Thank you. I love it."

"You're welcome" Malissa said.

"Our turn!!" Y/m/n said. She got up and passed y/n a box. Y/n opened it and she shook her head and laughed.

"Condoms? Really?" She asked and my jaw dropped. I already know I was blushing. She didn't look embarrassed at all.

"Keep looking" Mr. Brown said. She looked under the confetti thingy and she pulled out a bottle.

"Lube? Honestly y'all are weird" They laughed and her mom motioned her hand for her to keep looking. Her jaw dropped and she smiled so hard.

"OH MY FUCKING GOODNESS. YOU DID NOT" She walked over to Mr. Brown,
Ms. D'angelo, and y/m/n and gave them all a hug.

"What is it?" I asked and she smiled at me. She walked back over to the box and grabbed it.

"A toy?" I asked. She gave me a look and furrowed her eyebrows.

"oh shit" Dante said. I shrugged my shoulders at him and Malissa started laughing.

"No ariana. It's not a toy. It's a collectable."

"Umm... okay."

"Ariana please. You just got excited over a wand" mom said and my jaw dropped.

"Wow mom"

"It's just the truth sweetie"

"Anywaysss" I said.

"Yes. Anywayssss. It's the blue metallic Batman. I've been looking everywhere for this stupid fuck. And it's so much prettier in person. The pictures don't give it justice"

"I refuse to believe that she's getting horny over a funko pop." Doug said.

"Shit, Doug. I might just fuck it" everyone laughed but I flipped her off and walked back over to the couch and sat down.

"I love it. Thank you so fucking much." She gave them another hug.

"You're welcome y/n/n"

"My turnnn" I said and got up and grabbed the biggest box that was their.

"What the hell" she said as I passed it to her.

"Just open it." I sat down beside her and pulled out my phone. She unwrapped the gift paper and then opened the big cardboard box.

"Oh shit a yeezy hoodie. Babe you basically just got yourself a hoodie because I know damn well you're about to steal it."

"Ain't that the truth" Victoria said and I waved her off.

"Just keep looking."

"Okay okay" She chuckled and took out the hoodie that was on top and put it on.

"Look at that. Fits like a glove" she said.

"Keep looookiiinnggg"

"Okay okay ari dang" She kept looking and she saw the black Jordan box with the gold Jordan logo. She took the sneaker box out the bigger box and looked at me with a confused smile. She opened the sneaker box and moved the paper so she can see the sneakers.

"No the fuck you didnt"

"I diiid" I squealed out. And she leaned in and kissed me.

"Thank you" *kiss* "thank you" *kiss* "thank you" *kiss*

"Holy shit you got her the sneakers she hasn't shut up about?" Malissa asked

"Yes ma'am. Jordan 11 citrus" she said and looked back at her sneakers.

"Try them on" I said and she smiled. She took off her slide and slid her left foot into the sneaker.

"Oh shittt" she said. But quickly took them off.

"Here she goes" Dante said.

"Dante shut up. Don't start" she said.

"What just happened?"

"I'm putting them away. They're fire but they're also white. And Dante and Malissa ALWAYS manage to step on any new sneaker I get. So not today" she said and they rolled their eyes.

"Thank you I love it." She leaned in and kissed me again.

"There's one more gift" I said with a smile. She looked in the box and grabbed the present I really wanted her to grab.

"Holy shit is that the-" Mr. Brown said but she quickly cut him off.

"Brakes for the Volvo" she started to get teary eyed. And looked over at me and gave me a hug.

"Thank you." She sniffled in my ear.

"Wait I don't get it what's so good about breaks" my mom said and my eyes almost fell out my head.


"Ariana it's fine." She chuckled.

"Uhh well before my grandpa died he had a black Volvo p1800 with red interior. When he died he passed it on to my dad. When my dad was alive he and I used to work on the car all the time. It was a complete wreck. When my dad died it ended up passing down to me and ever since then I've been working on it. But I was missing the breaks. And after all these years I finally found it. But it's crazy expensive so I couldn't really buy it."

"Oh sweetie I'm sorry."

"No it's okay. You couldn't have known." She said. She just stared at the gift for a couple of seconds and put it back in the box and brought her attention to me.

"Thank you so fucking much Ariana. Like you honestly don't know how much it means to me."

"You're welcome. And as long as I can be there to watch you set it up then we won't have a problem." She nodded her head and leaned down to kiss me.

"Oh gosh here they go. Where's my pillow? I need to hug it. I feel lonely now" Dante said looking around for his pillow.

"Are you gonna name it?" Y/n asked.

"What should his name be?"

"You should name him Shawn. Since you can't get the real Shawn Mendes" She said and he rolled his eyes.

"You're a fucking asshole" he said and she chuckled.

"Movie?" mom asked. Everyone agreed and we put on Home Alone 1 and 2. After a while we got hungry and heated up the food from last nights party. We kept watching movies and y/n ate more food. She sat down next to me and wrapped her arm around me holding the bowl of roasted nuts in her other hand.

"Thank you. You didn't have to do that" She whispered in my ear.

"I didn't have to. But I did." I kissed her cheek and she let out a sigh.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't want you spending crazy amount of money on me ariana. Like I really like you and I want to be able to do the same. But I can't. And now I feel like what I got you was wack as fuck."

"For one, I loved those gifts. The wand is fucking amazing. Two, you don't have to spend money on me to show me you care. I did it because you deserve it." I pecked her lips and she kissed me back. We pulled back slowly and she gave me an Eskimo kiss.

"I'm going to barf" Malissa said and she flipped her off.

"You just need dick" I slapped y/n/n's arm and she shrugged her shoulders as if she didn't just say anything.

"Stop being mean to Malissa"

"Tell her to go get dicked down"

"No." I pecked her cheek and she rolled her eyes. She fed me some of the roasted nuts while we kept watching the movie. After a while we got tired of that and just had some fun doing Christmas karaoke songs. We mostly just ate and some of them fell asleep on the couch. Who am I kidding... everyone fell asleep on the couches. Well y/n and I are awake drinking wine and just talking.

She stared me in my eyes and just chuckled.

"What?" I asked and took a sip from my wine.

"I can't believe I'm dating Ariana Grande. Matter fact... it's not even that. In my eyes you're not Ariana Grande you're just... Ari." I blushed and covered my hand with my face.

"Ariana can I ask you a question?" She put down her wine glass and grabbed both my hands before kissing the back of them.


"Do you honestly want to have sex. Or do you think it's what you think I want. Because I'm cool with whatever you want. Once again it's your body and I would never force you to do something you don't-" she was rambling so I shut her ass up with a kiss.

"Of course I do. What kind of question is that?"

"Well I was thinking. Maybe we should take it slow... I mean you just got off of tour and I don't want you to add onto your anxiety or anything."

"You're not adding onto my anxiety y/n I'm fine. When I'm with you, you remind me that I'm a regular person as much of the rest of the world is."

"I get that I do. It's just... I'm not trying to replace anyone. I'm not trying to have you forget about him. Because I'm not that type of person. I'm telling you. That if you don't want to have sex. We don't have to. I'll wait. I'll wait as much as you would like. If sex is going to be like what we did two days ago... then I'll wait because that was honestly the best sex I've had." I blushed at that last comment and got off of the stool I was sitting on and walked in between her legs and wrapped my arms around her neck.

"And if I did want to wait... what would you do if you got horny?" She raised her eyebrow and laughed

"Jerk off. What else am I gonna do? Go out and fuck some rando?" Should I get her upset? I want to get her upset? The makeup sex ugh

"I mean you used to Fuck random hoes"

"Exactly. Used to. That's past tense" I can tell she got a little upset so I leaned in but she moved her face so she can take a sip of her wine.

"So you're really about to dodge my kiss?"

"About? I thought I just did" she took another sip.

"Excuse me" She said as she pat my hips.

"Give me a kiss and I'll move." She lifted her eyebrow and pulled me in close and my breath hitched. She stood up looking down at me, into my eyes as chest was against her body. She leaned in and our lips were nearly touching. I felt my breathing get heavier.

"I'm going to ask one more time." She took a deep breath and exhaled out through her nose. "May you excuse me?" She said against my lips and I felt her breath. It didn't stink. She's been eating candy canes all fucking day. Her hungry ass better eat this- woah wtf has gotten into me. Anyways I like this side of her.

"And what if-" she licked her lips and looked down at mine and back into my eyes, causing me to stutter.

"-what if I didn't" She chuckled and moved her good hand to my throat and squeezed, not softly but enough to make me really fucking like it. She didn't use her whole hand she used her only middle finger, ring finger, and thumb which hit a pressure point causing me to let out a soft moan and remove my arms from her neck. She leaned down to my ear and licked the helix of my ear and whispered, "Then I would make you" then nibbled on my earlobe softly.

"Being as though you don't weigh barely anything." She whispered and let go of my throat and moving it back down to my hips which led to her sneaking her way down to my lower thigh. She picked me up swiftly and placed me on the counter. My legs wrapped around her waist while my arms wrapped back around her neck.

She pulled back and choked me again. She tilted my neck to the the right and placed pecks of kisses on my neck. She started kissing slowly around my neck and moved her way to my jawline. She followed it back to my ear and I felt her breath on my ear which sent me chills down my spine. She started kissing back down my neck again but she moved her thumb that hit my pressure point and she licked my spot with the tip of her tongue and then kissed it. I started to feel her kissing it again and she started biting and sucking down on it and then soothing it again with her tongue. She breathed on that same spot making me breathe way heavier than I was before. She kissed back up to my jawline following it to my lips. I went to lean in but she pulled back. She was definitely teasing me. She looked me in my eyes and smirked.

"You're quiet. What happened to that bold ari? Ain't so bold now?" She said and I kept staring and her lips and then back up into her eyes. She went back down to kissing and sucking on my neck.

"Mmm" I moaned. While she was kissing and I'm pretty sure leaving hickies once again... she was running her hands on the hem of my shorts. And she slipped her hand in but rested it on my hip.

"Are you wet?" She whispered in my ear. And I swear I almost came right there on the spot.

"Right- right here? With everyone in the living room?"

"You scared? What happened to Ms.Bold?"

"I-I just don't want anyone to walk in"

"You'll be done before they walk in. But thats only the case if I can start now. So... are you wet or not?" She whispered in my ear and that made me wetter than I already am. I nodded my head shly and she chuckled.

"Can I?" She asked and I nodded my head and it almost fell the fuck off. She slipped her hand into my underwear, sliding her finger through my folds.

"Damn ari. I make you this wet?"

"Mhm" I agreed but it came out like more so of a moan. She rubbed her finger on my clit with slow, soft, circular motions.

"Mmm Fuck" I moaned into her ear and bit it softly. She rubbed harder abs and then I felt not one... but two of her fingers enter.

"I-holy fuck. Baby oh shit" I squealed out and gripped onto shoulder and moved down to her bicep and started to squeeze it. She started fingering me and it felt amazing. And my Adrenaline was pumping. I don't know if it was the fact that it was that our friends and family where right on the other side of this kitchen. Or the fact that two of her fingers are ramming inside of me.

probably both.

She tilted her fingers and hit a specific spot.

"Wait fuck baby. Y/n/n do that shit again" She smiled and did it again but harder.

"Ugh Fuck that feels so fucking good y/n keep doing that" and she did. She kept ramming her fingers into my pussy and then I felt her rubbing on my slit.

"BA..." she covered my moans with her other hand. I felt my walls closing against her fingers and that's when she leaned into my ear.

"Cum for me Ariana. Cum hard for me. I want you to swallow your fucking screams" she kept ramming into me harder and I felt her dick against my leg getting hard. After a i couple of hits to my g-spot I came all over her fingers. She kept going slowly after I came but I had to grab her hand and stop it.

"Fuck baby" I breathed out. She pulled her fingers out of me and licked the cum off while staring me in my eyes.

"You taste so fucking good Ariana." Ugh the way my name rolls of her tongue.

"Can you just fucking kiss me already? I grabbed both sides of her face but she shook her head no.


"Because in your words I fuck hoes. And when I fuck hoes I don't kiss them." She winked at me and patted my leg and started walking upstairs to the room.

"You coming?" She asked and I nodded.


After a couple of  rounds we finished and we didn't kiss not once. She was laying on her back and my naked body was on top of hers. With the blanket covering us.

"Merry Christmas" She kissed my lips finally.

"Merry Christmas y/n/n"

It is currently 3:19 and I'm tired asf. Anyways thank you for 1K!!! And merry Christmas y'all. Oh and I didn't proof read so yea.

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