Thirsty? (Bakugo x OC)

By ChantalRighter

140K 4K 3.6K

Sweet like a lemon, eh? * * * Katsuki Bakugo is ready for his second year at UA to be all about him but the... More

notes and updates
One - A Fresh Face
Two - Dorms
Three - Mirio
Four - Sports Festival
Five - Rematch
Six - Katsuki Snaps πŸ‹
Seven - Nothing Happened
Eight - End of Term
Nine - Ren's Birthday πŸ‹
Ten - The Return
Eleven - Recovery
Twelve - Granny B
Thirteen - Origin
Fourteen - Perspective
Fifteen - Trial
Sixteen - Chinami-Ren Arakawa
Seventeen - Okinawa πŸ‹
Eighteen - A Date..?
Nineteen - Attack on the Sand
Twenty - Aftermath
Twenty-One - Journey Home πŸ‹ish
Twenty-Two - Re(n)venge πŸ‹
Twenty-Three - Offer
Twenty-Four - Saturdate
Twenty-Five - Endeavour Agency Interview
Twenty-Six - Burns
Twenty-Seven - School Festival πŸ‹(ish)
Twenty-Eight - Self Control πŸ‹
Thirty - Shattered
Thirty-One - Partners
Thirty-Two - A Todoroki Family Dinner
Thirty-Three - Vantastic
Thirty-Four - Unfinished Business
Thirty-Five - Tobi
Thirty-Six - Before They Dance
Thirty-Seven - While They Dance
Thirty-Eight - After They Dance πŸ‹
Thirty-Nine - A Bakugo Family Christmas
Forty - Back to the Lab Again
Forty-One - Quirky Adventures πŸ‹
Forty-Two - Intentions
Forty-Three - Spring Festival Interrupted
Forty-Four - Riled Up Rivalry
Forty-Five - Year End
Forty-Six - Session One
Forty Seven - Session Two
Forty-Eight - Session Three
Forty-Nine - Ren's Summer
Fifty - Dabi's Summer
Fifty-One - Normality
Fifty-Two - The Arakawa Family
Fifty-Three - Plans
Fifty-Four - Breaking In
Fifty-Five - Breaking
Fifty-Six - Breaking Out
Fifty-Seven - Every-goddamn-thing

Twenty-Nine - Dresses

1.9K 61 58
By ChantalRighter

a/n: hey guys sorry this took so long I was rly struggling with this because it's pure damn fluff but the next chapter will be more interesting and important. Hope everyone has had a lovely holiday season! Happy New Year to those who celebrate it on the 31st to 1st <3


We're just friends!


Ren almost dropped her collection of glass beakers as she carried them from the lab table back to the storeroom. The high-pitched squeal she heard coming from the hallway that had startled her came crashing towards her, accompanied by its source; an overjoyed Ochaco Uraraka.

She foresaw her bubbly friend crash-tackling her into her tray of glass and so to prevent injury to either of them, she dashed for the closest surface. "WAIT WAIT WAIT!" She cried to Uraraka as her outstretched arms were about to reach her. She'd just gotten the tray on a nearby table when she felt Uraraka's death grip engulf her torso. She stood, unbalanced, for a few moments while Uraraka continued to squeal and hug her all the while bouncing up and down.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" Uraraka managed to get out between her screeching.

"Can you settle down and tell me what's gotten you so excited, please?" Ren patted her brunette head and leant back to hint that her friend needed to let her go so she could breathe.

"HE ASKED ME! HE ACTUALLY ASKED ME!" Uraraka peeled herself off of Ren and bounced up and down in front of her.

"Who asked you what?" Ren asked but she knew the answer already, she just wanted her friend to be excited in the moment. Between classes that morning, Midoriya had awkwardly approached her and asked for advice regarding Uraraka. He wanted to know if Ren thought she'd be interested if he asked her to be his date to the Christmas Dance, to which Ren responded; uh, duh. She told him the perfect time to ask would be after school when everyone was on their respective cleanup duties as Uraraka was on desk dusting duty that afternoon and would be alone.


"Okay, okay, take a deep breath." She patted her shoulder and drew in a sarcastically loud breath to get Uraraka to calm herself.

"I know I'm just SO EXCITED!" She began to bounce again but Ren placed her other hand on her shoulder to stop her.

"So you wanna go dress shopping?" She asked as she picked up the tray of beakers again now that it was safe.

"Yes!" Uraraka clenched her fists and pumped them in front of her. "We gotta get all the girls together."

"I think that'd be pretty fun, this weekend?" Ren asked as she stepped into the storeroom and began returning the beakers to their respective spots.

"Already sent the text!" Uraraka chimed from the lab. "I wonder if anyone else has been asked or asked... Has Bakugo asked you yet?"

Ren almost dropped the tray she'd tried to hard to protect when Uraraka asked her that question. "No." She said irritably. "I don't think he's literally thought about it."

"Why don't you ask him?" Uraraka joined her in the storeroom and began helping her to unload the beakers.

"You know what he's like; he'll go off about how I obviously think he's too weak to ask me himself so I had to do it for him and then we'll end up just having a fight about that when it's exactly what happened." Ren rolled her eyes. "I dunno..." She sighed and placed the last beaker on its shelf. "Ever since Momo mentioned Todoroki wanted to ask me I've felt kinda weird about the dance... I don't want to make anyone upset or uncomfortable."

"They're big boys Ren, they can deal with it." Uraraka reassured her as the two of them stepped out of the storeroom.

"I guess..." Ren thought back to the night she showed Bakugo how her quirk had improved and how talking about Todoroki had sent him into a jealous frenzy of her body. The hickeys lasted days and she was so grateful her training uniform and scarf could cover her neck. "But enough of that miserable dumb boy talk, let's talk dresses."

Meanwhile in a classroom one level down and slightly to the left of where Uraraka and Ren where conversing. The dragged out awkward yell of Izuku Midoriya was travelling down the hallway.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Midoriya's trail of yell echoed along with him and he dashed into the classroom where Todoroki, Kaminari and Ojiro were mopping the floor. He collapsed onto one of the desks, his body shaking so much that the desk began to rattle beneath him.

"Are... You... Okay.... Midoriya?" Kaminari asked as he slowly stepped towards him and poked at his shaky frame a few times with the handle of his mop.

"I... Actually... Did it." He turned his head towards Kaminari, a half dead expression plastered on his pale face. "I asked Uraraka to the dance."

"Woah! Go Deku!" Kaminari punched the air and bounced up and down. "I didn't know we were even asking..." He settled down and tapped his chin a few times in thought, wondering if it'd be worth asking someone.

"What did she say, Midoriya?" Todoroki stepped closer and peeled his shaken friend from the desk. "Your physical state makes me think it didn't go so well."

"Actually... She said yes." Colour returned to Midoriya's cheeks in the form of a light flush. He'd blurted it out more than asked her nicely and Uraraka had gone completely pink before she blurted a yes back to him. Before they'd discussed anything further they'd both turned on their heels and rushed to find their respective friends to unload the tension in their chests.

"That's great." Ojiro said with a little smile. "I always thought you two would make a good pair."

"Are you three done in here yet?" Iida's commanding presence entered the room along with his checklist and clipboard. "Midoriya, you should be in the library returning textbooks from our last class."

"Give him a break rep, this player just asked Uraraka to the dance." Kaminari swung his arm over Midoriya's shoulders and pulled his neck down a little as he did so.

Iida raised a brow. "And that's supposed to be an excuse?"

Kaminari unwrapped his arm from Midoriya and held his hands out defensively. "Okay, okay, you're the boss. Midoriya, fill us in later. Better get back to your duties before Iida has a hernia."


The girls all gathered in the living area that night to make a game plan for what stores they should visit and to exchange Pinterest boards of dream dresses for a winter dance. Ren had offered to make everyone a cup of tea while they online window-shopped, and so was in the kitchen waiting for the kettle to finish boiling, placing various tea bags into mugs.

Bakugo lazily rounded the corner into the kitchen, scratching his toned stomach beneath his t-shirt as he yawned. "Hey." He mumbled to Ren as he drew in another dramatic yawn.

"Hey." She mumbled back as she glanced over at him briefly. He made for the snack cupboard and pulled out the tub of chilli chocolate protein powder he'd aggressively marked as his and only his by threat of death.

They remained in silence as they continued with their individual tasks. Ren pouring the hot water into the mugs while Bakugo measured out some protein powder and dumped it into a shaker. Ren leant on the counter and stared at the hot water as the tea seeped into the liquid, turning the water into different shades of brown, red and green.

"Wanna do something this weekend?" Bakugo asked after a little while as he began to shake his drink up.

"Can't." Ren said plainly as she glanced at him again. She pointed in the direction of the living area as a chime of laughter erupted from the group of girls. "We're going shopping."

Bakugo rolled his eyes. "Of course you are." He popped the lid of his shaker and took a deep sip. Ren remembered the one time she asked for a sample of his protein powder, even though Kirishima had pleaded that it was a terrible idea, and he was right. The makers of the powder may as well have left the chocolate out all together as Ren's mouth burned from the instant the liquid had touched her tongue.

And Bakugo had the audacity to say it was mild.

"What? Cause we're girls?" Ren rolled her eyes back at him and sauntered over to the fridge. Bakugo shrugged a yes and took another sip. "For your information, we're going dress shopping for the winter dance." She pulled the milk from the fridge and bumped the door closed with her hip.

"Ah." He grunted before he took another extended drink. "I haven't even thought about that thing."

"Hmm." Ren raised her brows as she pulled the teabags out of the mugs. "I'd noticed." Before Bakugo could ask her what she meant by that she sighed and continued to speak. "Anyway, they seem pretty excited and I am too so I don't really want to reschedule."

"It's okay." He unscrewed the lid of his shaker and rinsed the container in the sink. He was clearly annoyed, and he was annoyed at himself that he felt annoyed, Ren was free to do what she wanted with her friends but he wanted to be her number one priority. She continued to prepare her friends tea when Bakugo stepped over to her, and without saying anything or looking directly at her, he wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his body into her back. He nuzzled into the crook of her neck and deeply breathed in the scent of her sweet fresh shower gel.

Ren froze. "What are you-"

"Shut it." He cut her off before she could ask. "Just keep doin' what you were doin'." His grip tightened around her waist for a second as he kissed her neck softly. A small smile spread onto Ren's lips as she mixed the milk into their teas.

"I gotta take the teas out, can you give me a hand?" She rested her arms gently over his and let her head fall against his. He responded with a muffle into her neck that sounded like it could've been a yes before he moved off of her.

"Ren, I just thought of something-" Uraraka came skipping excitedly into the kitchen. Even though she knew, Bakugo snapped back to the counter behind where Ren stood and leant against it casually as if nothing had happened. Uraraka paused when she saw he was there too and raised an eyebrow, followed by a playful smirk and chuckle. "Heeeeey Bakugo..."

"Shut up, Round Face." He muttered to Uraraka as his eyes narrowed at her.

Uraraka puffed out her cheeks and folded her arms across her chest. "Be nice, I can spill the beans." She tilted her head from side to side and rolled her shoulders in a smug power display to which Bakugo just stared at her with a little frown.

"Ahem." Ren cleared her throat. "What's up, Ochaco?"

"Oh yeah!" She broke from her little display and leant onto the counter as she spoke to Ren. "Do you think I need to match what Midoriya is wearing or does he need to match me?"

"Why would you wanna coordinate with Deku?" Bakugo asked with a little snarl.

Uraraka and Ren both rolled their eyes at his attitude towards Midoriya. "He asked her to the dance." Ren explained. "And I think he should coordinate with you. Dresses are far more important and interesting than suits, any day."

"Deku asked you out?" Bakugo's irritated expression only got more intense.

"Uh-huh!" Uraraka nodded with the biggest and most precious damn smile you ever did see.

Ren smiled to herself as a devious thought popped into her brain. She wanted Bakugo to ask her but she didn't want to blatantly tell him that it was what she wanted, she wanted him to just know what she wanted. And Ren knew he was competitive, especially when it came to Midoriya.

"Ochaco is really excited, and we're all excited for here... And ya know what, I'm pretty sure he's the first and only guy in our class to have asked someone to the dance. Doing something like that it uh, takes a lot of guts. Don't you think, Katsuki?"

Bakugo stared Ren down for a few moments until the silence and tension in the kitchen became unbearable. It was like the two girls could see the cogs turning in his head as he processed what Ren had just said.

"Yeah, whatever." He grumbled before he shoved his hands in his pockets and slumped out of the kitchen.

"H-hey! You were gonna help me with the tea!" Ren called after him.

"Use a damn tray!" He barked back, already having reached the stairwell.

Uraraka glanced at Ren and raised a brow. "Nice try, I guess." Ren sighed and the two of them gathered up the teas to take back to the girls. Why can't boys take a hint?


Dress shopping day had the girls absolutely buzzing with excitement as they headed into the chilly and rainy shopping district. Ren snuggled into her thick scarf as she scrolled through the different dresses she'd saved to her phone as options.

"First we get hot chocolate, then it's onto the first store!" Ashido pumped her fist into the air while Hagakure cheered excitedly next to her.

"Didn't your parents offer to get a designer in to make you a dress?" Jiro asked Yaoyorozu as she rubbed her sensitive earphone jacks after Hagakure and Ashido's squeals had made them peak.

"They did, and if I really had trouble finding what I wanted then I could just create my own but I love shopping." She clasped her hands together and held them under her chin before she sighed.

"There's the coffee shop." Uraraka pointed it out and the group hurried out of the misty cold rain and into the little corner store housing plenty of chilly customers ready for a warm drink.

Yaoyorozu and Ren memorised everyone's orders and went up together to pay for three hot chocolates; one with a shot of peppermint, all with a marshmallow, an earl grey with almond milk, two mochas and an oat milk caramel latte. They took their matching cups back into the misty rain and made for the first store on their list, one of the major department stores that had a formalwear section.

"The more I've looked at them, the more I think I wanna do a two piece pants set." Ashido commented as she pulled on the skirt of a black dress to see its design. "I think it'll be more unique and chic." She dropped the skirt and the dress swung back into place on the rack. "Plus I've got a great ass."

Ren chuckled as she inspected one of the poshed-up mannequins. "Nobody could deny that. You're a dancer too, right?"

"Yeah, pants will make it easier to bust my moves without worrying about flashing anyone. Have you thought about what style you wanna go for?"

"Maybe something blue... I do have this dress in my closet somewhere so if I can't find anything then I guess I could just wear that." Ren shrugged. "It won't be very warm though."

"I definitely want to get something pastel but... These colours are kinda dark." Uraraka tilted her head as she stared across at the racks of jewel tones.

"I'm gonna get this." Tsu held up an emerald green dress with long off the shoulder sleeves and intricate leaf details embroidered with the same shade of green.

"Didn't you want to try it on first?" Yaoyorozu asked as she gestured to the changing rooms behind her.

"Nah." Tsu shrugged her shoulders and poked the tip of her tongue out. "It's green, it's my size, it's on sale and I like it."

"Fair enough." Jiro chuckled.

"Let's go then!" Ren placed both hands on Tsu's shoulders and directed her to the checkout counter. The next destination was a smaller but very high-end boutique that seemed to specialise in formalwear with a structured aesthetic. It was here that Yaoyorozu found a deep red gown that hugged close from head to toe with sharp shoulder pads and long cape sleeves that trailed behind to the floor. She looked like a queen, as per usual. Ashido also succeeded in finding the two-piece pants outfit she desired; high-waisted black pants with a matching bandeau top and some bling shoes to finish the look.

For Hagakure and Uraraka, they ventured out to a store that stocked pastel Princess-inspired gowns. Uraraka chose a pastel blue ball gown with bardot sleeves and sweetheart neckline. It was in this store that Ren was waiting outside of Hagakure's changing room while she tried on one of her many, many, many picks.

"Okay, I'm coming out!" She announced before she thrust back the curtain to reveal an iridescent gown that shifted from pale pink to pale green to a light golden colour. "TADA!" Ren can only assume she thrust her arms out to the side to show off her gown. "What do you think?"

"I think it's beautiful." Ren paced back and forth in front of her as she examined the gown. "And it'll work well with your body when the light travels through it."

"Do you think Ojiro will like it?" Hagakure spun in a little circle, making the iridescent qualities of the dress sparkle in the light.

"Ojiro, hey?" Ren raised an eyebrow and smirked at Hagakure.

She guessed Hagakure must've blushed from the way the dress folded down a little on her frame, as if she'd covered her cheeks and crouched down a little. "Yeah! He said after he heard Deku asked Uraraka he wanted to know if we could go together."

"How cute!"

"We're just friends!" Hagakure pleaded.

"I'm sure." Ren chuckled and helped her back into the changing room.

"We are!"

"Yeah, yeah, I hear ya!"

The last place they visited was another department store with a different range of brands selling formal attire. Jiro chose a faded lavender tea length dress with tulle skirt and spaghetti straps. She said that dress would work well with her leather jacket and it was comfortable enough for when she'd be on stage helping Present Mic DJ the event.

Ren hadn't seen anything she liked more than dress she already had tucked in the back of her closet. Uraraka found a navy dress with a high neck and sheer sleeves and demanded she try it on. Ren was a little unsure but she was tired and feeling a bit defeated and so tried it on and liked it enough to buy it.

By the time they'd returned to the dorm building, they were tired and worn down from carrying all of their bags of dresses, accessories and shoes. Ashido was planning out how they'd have their hair and makeup done before the dance when Todoroki interrupted their discussion from his reading spot against the window.

"We have our work study that day."

"Really?" Ren asked.

Todoroki nodded. "We can get there from work, there's plenty of facilities to get ready there as you're aware."

"That's kinda disappointing." Ren mumbled before she sighed. "Oh well, hope you guys have fun regardless."

"It's still a little while away, plans can change." Yaoyorozu said reassuringly.

"Anyone want a snack?" Ren asked, quickly changing the subject.

"Yeah, I could go for something!" Ashido exclaimed excitedly.

"Yeah I'm kinda starving." Jiro nodded.

"Ribbit." Tsu nodded.

"Cool, I'll get us something." Ren handed Uraraka her bags to take up to her room while the others headed up to their rooms too.

She entered the kitchen, riffling through the cupboards to find some snacks for all of them. She heard Kirishima's bubbly and excited voice travelling up from the gym towards the kitchen and turned to the entry just as Bakugo and Kirishima walked in.

"Hey guys." She said as she pulled a box of Oreos from the top cupboard.

"Hey Ren, how was shopping?!" Kirishima asked excitedly, trying to swipe the box of Oreos from under her nose but Ren was too quick, pulling the box out of his reach before he could grab it.

"It was good, I guess. We all got our dresses." She explained with a little shrug before she pulled down some crisps. "What did you guys get up to?"

"Kirishima's been annoying me all day." Bakugo grumbled.

"Whaaaaat?" Ren asked sarcastically. "That doesn't sound like something he'd do."

Kirishima folded his arms and leant against the counter, pouting his lips before he huffed dramatically.

"Aww! Kiri." Ren swung her arm over his shoulders and gave him a little hug. "You can bug me all day, any day."

"Thanks Ren!" He gave her a toothy grin that dropped when Bakugo shot him a dirty look.

"Hey," Ren was about to try her strategy again. "Did you guys hear Ojiro asked Hagakure to the dance?"

"Yeah, I think I heard him mention he asked." Kirishima nodded at Ren, and if by some miracle it seemed he knew exactly what Ren was up to, giving her a knowing wink. "Pretty manly, don't you think, Bakugo?" He turned to his friend.

Bakugo glanced between the two of them a few times before he shrugged. "Who cares?" Ren sighed to herself while Kirishima rubbed his temples. "What?"

"Nothing." Ren said plainly before they heard the rest of the girls returning from upstairs. "I better go feed my friends." She gathered up their snacks and headed for the living area.

"Katsuki Bakugo, you're an idiot." Kirishima said with a little chuckle when Ren was out of sight.

"THE FUCK YOU JUST SAY TO ME SHITTY HAIR?!" Bakugo almost launched himself over the kitchen island to grab Kirishima's shirt and throw him into the wall.

"Chill out dude!" Kirishima held his hands out defensively, moving around the kitchen as Bakugo stalked behind him. "Isn't it obvious to you that Ren wants you to ask her to the dance?!"

Bakugo paused from chasing Kirishima in circles around the kitchen. He sighed, rubbing his messy hair before grumbling. "Aaah, yeah, I know."

"Really?! Then why don't you?!" Kirishima shook his head.

"I will, I will, okay." Bakugo glanced around to see if anyone was nearby or possibly listening. "Just... Let me do it in my own time. I'm not- I'm not good at this stuff, man." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm trying not to screw this up and sometimes I think I am."

Kirishima noticed him looking around and did the same before he lowered his voice. "You just gotta talk to her dude. Keep an open communication or whatever."

"Yeah." Bakugo sighed. "I know."

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