Titan Slayer (Snk/Attack On T...

By OtakuofEpicness

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Death is something that is real, but at the same time unreal. We, as humans, think we die. But in reality... More

Chapter One: The Group
Character Appearances and Bios (Yay!)
Chapter 2: The Evacuation Begins
Chapter 3: Goodbye... I Will Miss You
Chap 4: We will survive
Chap 5: Life is cruel
Chap 6: The plaque
Chap 7: The past of one
Chap 8: Squad Flame, tactical ability's.
Chap 9: Memory
Chap 10: The Man In The Nightmare
Chap 11: Love Birds
Chap12: The Ending Of Our Friend-The Expedition Begins.
Chap13: The fight
Chap14: We are Alive
Chap15: The sacrifice

Chap16: The fight for humanity [The End]

71 6 7
By OtakuofEpicness

"We are going to capture someone who is most likely our target" Captain Erwin says.

We sit within a single dark room with only a few candles placed on oval table we sit at.

"Who is the target?" I ask.

"First I need to know if your not a spy" Erwin says. I lean forward looking Erwin in the eyes.

"How can I prove to you that I'm not a spy?" I ask.

"Because your not a spy" Erwin says leaning back into his seat. My face imminently twists itself around in confusion showing a look of how?

"Our Target is Annie Leonheart." Erwin says pulling out a drawing of her.

"So your saying she is the target?" I ask. I take the drawing of Annie from Erwin's hands immietly reconizing the face placed upon this paper. During my training I noticed her around the camp though she never spoke to anyone.

"Yes, due to Arimin's explanations." Erwin says reaching under the table to pull something out . I sit silently as I wait for him to finish. I watch him pull out a packet.

"If you want to help. Fill this out. Then we will tell you how we are going to do it

." Erwin says looking me in the eyes showing how serious this guy is.

"Yes Captain, I will help" I say grabbing a pen off the wooden table. I start to fill out the packet.

"Why do you want to help?" Erwin asks not sounding a least bit curious.

"To avenge my friends" I say finishing the first page of the ten page packet.

"Hmm? Who are these friends?" Erwin asks trying to sound curious.

"Alexander Alore, Rein Aleric, Tom Tomlison all from the 104 division" I say without a single hint of emotion. I've finished five pages since the questions are very short.

"Then what about humanity?" Ewin asks.

"I'm always fighting for them" I say looking up at Erwin.

"Because death is something I would not want anyone to face like we have." I say looking back down at my paper. I push the white packet towards Erwin signalling him that im done.

"Thank you, you are dismissed" Erwin says as he reads over the packet.I stand up giving him a salute and I leave the room from the corner entrance in this sightless room.

I push open the door being blinded by the sun burning into my eyes. I lift my left arm up to block the sun.

"John? What are you doing here?" A familiar voice shouts from ahead of me. I look towards the voice seeing my mother.

"Mom?" I say showing a strong smile.

"Yes its me" Mom says walking up to me.

"I just-never mind. I took care of some stuff" I say catching myself. I'm not allowed to speak of the meeting.

"Hmm? Nice save John" my mother says patting my right arm in sympathy.

"What are you doing here mom?" I ask seeing her in her uniform.

"I'm being re-enstated" She says.

"Wow your already better? I mean the damage wasn't permanent?" I ask sounding surprised.

"Of course not! I'm not being put back into the military!" Mom shouts in my face with a very goofy look.

"We don't need to know what happened after the interview." A man says in a small dark black room.

"Fine...What do you need to know?" I say looking deeply into the silhouette in front of me.

"Talk to us about your mission with Erwin. The one with capturing the Female Titan.

"Ok I will" I say taking a little time to think about what happened. I hate this interview already.

"Stay down...Wait for Eren and his team to bring Annie to the ambush spot.

"Tell me again why Annie?" I ask looking to my right seeing a man with his survey corps cloak covering his body. He gives a sigh looking over at me.

"She is assumed to be the Female Titan." He says trying his best to give me the short story.

"Fine, Im still having a hard time believing this" I say wiping some sweat from my forehead.

"Eren's Decoy is almost to the site." A man shouts from behind us.

"Roger that!" The man shouts back.

"Hey John" Loren says from my left.

"What is it?" I ask looking over seeing her face.

"I'm a bit worried about Dina. She looks very, very, pissed off.' Loren says trying her best not to hint Dina that we are talking about her.

"I agree, she just wants to kill this bitch" I say taking a short glance at Dina.

"Yeah..." Loren says looking away from me and up at the sky.

"I hate this life...." I say.

"Why?" Dina asks looking me in the eyes.

"Ive met so many people and most of them are great hero's as well as great friends....then I see them Die...One by one." I say feeling my sorrow sink into my mind.

"But do you regret meeting those people?" the man to my right says pulling down his hood. Revealing his face. He has brown hair and auburn eyes. He looks to be of age. In wich he looks like he is in his later years .

"No" I say sounding startled.

"It is not my place to say...But...You should never forget the times you got to spend with them. Yes they may be dead. But what is the point in letting them die in your mind?" The man says.

"Fuck...." I say not knowing how to respond.

"Think about it" The man says becoming silent once again.

"Whats your name? If you don't mind me asking" I say looking ahead at the spot where Annie will get trapped. In an underground tunnel.

"Gunnar Dahl....Im just an old soul trying to fulfill his only purpose." Gunnar says with his deep rusty voice.

"You don't have anyone to go home to then?" I ask realizing I might be digging to deep.

"Yes...No family at home" He says looking a bit sad.

"Sorry" I say looking ahead.

"Quiet down they are on their way!" One of the members shout quietly. I put my hand up signalling that I got the message. It is time to avenge my Friends. It is time to kill this bitch.

I hear footsteps and quiet mumbling below. Eren, Mikasa, Arimin, are guiding the bitch Annie into our trap. Then she stops at the entrance. Looking deep down into the hole where both Eren, Mikasa, and Arimin have dissapeard into.

Then hysterical laughter emerges from the bitch. Signalling the plan has failed, or that a really fucking funny Joke was told.

"Fuck get her now!" Gunnar shouts jumping off the roof.

"Griffin's squad and Squad Flame! stay back!" The Lt shouts.

"Its to late!" A man shouts as thunder strikes in front of us throwing people off the roof. As steam follows right after.

"She turned! Kill her!" The Lt shouts as he fires his maneuver gear.

"Now squad! distract her while Eren transforms!" I shout as I fire my hooks sending me into the air.

"Lets kill this bitch!" Loren shouts flying through the air dodging attacks.

"Dina! Move to right flank!" Loren shouts as she fires her hooks into Annie's ankles forcing her speed to go Un-natural.

"John! Go for the nape!" Loren shouts taking charge as she gives a rough slice through Annie's Ankle.

"Fuck! This!" I shout as I fly right past Annie's head as she struggles to take all of us out.

"Now!" I shout twisting my body as I slash Annie's nape to only feel my swords get smashed like glass.

The next thing I see is Annie smashing Loren with her right foot then follows up her right fist for Dina to only miss Dina as she speeds around Annie.

"Loren! Fuck no!" I shout. I quickly twist my body around seeing a fist coming for me.

"Get the fuck out of the way!" A man shouts slamming his body into me sending me into the roofs of the surrounding buildings.

The man swiftly doges Annie's fists as the rest of his squad joins him.

"Conner! Reuben! do what you do best!" The man named shouts as he flips, twists, and dodges Annie's attacks. Dina lands to my right with a thump.

"Fuck! FUCK FUCK!" I shout repeatedly looking at Loren's squashed body.

"John! focus on the battle! Loren is dead! That's that but your life and every fucking person in Alex's home town Stohess! Get it together." Dina shouts with rage boiling in her blood. I felt so surprised from Dina's outberst since she is so quiet and calm.

"Sorry" I say seeing that Annie is further down the row of buildings smashing in the sewer gates as she fends off Griffin's squad like she is swiping away a bunch of Flys.

"Lets move!" I shout jumping off the Roof and back into battle. I fire my hooks endlessly as I quickly build up my speed for and quick ankle attack. I hear a swoosh as Dina flys past myself and into combat dodging a few of Annie's attacks and slashing a few key muscle points.

My eyes widen from this speed reminding me of Corporal Levi's speed and agility.

I lift my arms as I approach Annie's ready for a clean swift slice.

"Take this you son of a bitch!" I shout slicing Annie's ankle. I felt my swords hit hard as they snap from the pure force of my attack. The Bitch did not fall over instead she started running away.

"Yeah fucking run you bitch!" I hiss using all the vulgar language I could think of.

"Chase her!" The man who saved me shouts as his squad fallows him.

"Lets show her what Humanity is made of Griffin!" A guy from Griffin's squad shouts.

"Men she is not running away! Shes going for the wall!" A man shouts from behind.

"Rodger that! We will stop her at all costs!" I shout feeling the warm wind blow against my skin as we chase the Bitch Titan at the 3D maneuver gear's max speed.

Suddenly another strike of lightning flashes across our vision as thunder fallows after.

"Graahhhh!" The screams of a Titan emerge from a distance.

"Get on the roofs! We have to let Eren settle this! We have no space to maneuver!" Griffin shouts pulling back along with his squad.

"Fuck!" I shout feeling my anger rise from within.

I land on the roof feeling my adrenaline rush through my blood as I watch Two human Titans clash in hand to hand combat.

"You two! Come with me!" a man shouts from behind.

"Why?" I ask looking back at the man seeing that it was Gunnar.

"We need people at the walls! We will intercept her if she gets past Eren!" Gunnar shouts as he jumps off the roof and towards the wall as both Dina and I follow.

We arrive at the wall to only see Annie already climbing the wall with steam seeping out of her leg.

"Stop her!" Gunner shouts surprised at her speed.

"GRRRAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" The loud screams come from behind as Eren who is now covered in flames charges at Annie in a blink of an eye.

"I stood on the ground in amazement from the sight that I sall. So much was happening that I was having a very hard time keeping track of what I was suppose to be doing. Eren then quickly takes Annie's legs as she relentlessly climbed up even without her legs.Then out of no where she fell leaving her fingers behind" I say looking the man in the face.

"Right....We know she failed her mission due to Eren. But I want to know...Did Eren really hesitate before attempting to kill Annie?" The man asks letting out a huge sigh.

"Yes he did. I have no clue why but....He did" I say leaning back in my seat.

"Right...well this is all I need to know. I understand you have things to attend to" The man says setting a packet of papers on the desk.

"Yes I do" I say feeling sorrow run through my body thinking about the Death ceremony's for Loren, Alex and Tom.

"Your going to be placed under command by Captain Griffin Along with your comrade Dina." The man says standing up.

"Thank you for sticking through this" he says stepping into the light showing his face. Making me insistently recognize

"Gunnar? It was you!" I say sounding glad.

"Yes me. Now get out. I got three hundred more interviews to go." He says wiping some sweat from his forehead.

"Ok" I say walking out of the room and into the sunlight. I was interviewed about this fight I had along side my friends. My family.

I told the story of my squad. The squad that has faced many hardships. But this is only the end of a beginning. Now....its the beginning.

Death is something that is real, but at the same time unreal. We as humans think we die. But in reality...We are reborn. That we never die, because death for humans, no matter what type of death. Is just us stripping everything we used to be, and putting on a new set of skin. May it be a titan, or may it be your child's child. I'm just saying...Death is real, but not as it seems.

(Star me and fallow if you enjoy! It helps me know if I'm doing things right or wrong. Thanks for reading! I will write the next fan-fic when the anime starts up again and ends again. Or when I find a good place to mark as an end for the second fan-fic in the manga. Anyways Thanks for reading in till the end! Bye!)

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