Broken Soul {Cyberpunk 2077 f...

By Authortius

17.7K 457 120

Y/n is the daughter of Hanako Arasaka. She is naive to the dark dealings that happen within Night City especi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 2

2.1K 60 9
By Authortius

Franciscini's Cafe
Little Italy

"So how's things with Yoshi?" I look at my mother weirdly, but continue to eat my meal.

"Just imagine my daughter marrying a joytoy," she mumbles out loud. This makes me shake my head.

"There's nothing wrong with that," I shrug at her. My mother smirks.

"That's true, nothing wrong with that....but," she trails off.

"I'm going to use you as my pawn, and arrange your marriage with one of those wealthy CEOs. Just so you can expand the company," she says with a smirk. I give her a straight face.

"No way mother, that's not happening in a million years, those CEOs are such gonks," I roll my eyes at the thought. I grab a champagne glass and take a sip.

"Okay what type of person would you marry," My mother asks while taking a bite of her sushi.

I stand up from the table. Thank goodness we are in a VIP room or this would be embarrassing.

"I'm going to marry a gangster," I do a peace sign. She raises her eyebrow.


"Someone who has tattoos!" I exclaim with a serious tone and deepen my voice. My mother chuckles.

"And they will be bald," I state, looking into the distance. She bursts out laughing. I join her and sit back down. These times are the best.


I sigh knowing my mother has to get back to work or something. My mother answers and her eyes flash meaning she received a message.

"Oh honey I have a meeting later, would you like to join or should I call Yoshi to come pick you up?" I wave it off as I take my last sip. Remembering that my mother wanted me to see the truth behind the Arasaka business. This peaked my curiosity.

"Sure I'll join,"



The AV lands indicating we have arrived at who knows where. The doors slide open and we seem to be at a sort of rundown area. I don't see anyone around, so we must be parked at a secluded area. It makes sense. Two members of the Arasaka family arriving at a rundown place would draw way too much attention.

Not shady at all..

I climb out with my mother following and four bodyguards stand around us, scouting the area.

We approach two people a woman who looks really scary and a guy who is probably her lacky.

I realise that we really stick out in this area. Our formal attire doesn't fit here. However this doesn't change my mother's serious and stoic face.

"Ms Arasaka, I don't remember you mentioning that you would be accompanied," The woman gestures towards me. Good thing I had my glasses on.

"Neither did you Rogue, but I suppose we don't take our chances. Do you have the agreed payment?" The woman called Rogue nods and gestures us to follow her. We walk through an entrance illuminated green.

It's an underground club. The bright lights are overwhelming but after a few harsh blinks I get used to it.

We walk into a back room. Two other people are there but I don't know them. Two of our bodyguards cover the entrance once we enter the room and the other two follow us inside.

"Do you have it," Rogue takes a seat crossing her legs and resting them on the table. My mother clicks her fingers and one of the bodyguards bring a large briefcase and opens it. Inside is very sleek looking chrome parts, and a portable computer.

I take out my cellular netpad not bothering what this is really about.

"Ms Arasaka, it seems that you are short on your product. We agreed to seven briefcases of steel and two computers," A male voice sneers towards my mother, I can feel my eye twitch.

"That's true it's not what we agreed upon, Ms Arasaka I'm sure you are aware of how we fixers work hm? The deals off," Rogue states in a serious tone. I chuckle out loud at this, making sure they all hear me. Although I keep my eyes on my netpad

"It's amazing how you think speaking to my mother like that would earn you respect, the fact that she is willing to do a deal with you should make you relieved that she chose you. A deal with an Arasaka doesn't knock on the door twice, there are better people out there that are willing to take this deal," Rogue scoffs, I could feel her stare on me. They didn't know that I am the daughter of Hanako Arasaka. Though this didn't faze Rogue.

"Then go to those people for the deal--"

"--watch your words, because in a blink you could say goodbye to this club, and become a nobody on this planet," I cut her off and give a wink directed to them and turn back to my netpad. The air is tense. I could feel the prideful aura coming from my mother. Someone clears their throat.

"Alright let's continue the deal," the man's voice was shaky, but I could feel Rogue's conflicted stare. I can tell she doesn't know how to react but hides it behind annoyance. This makes me laugh internally. Making tough people tense, is my specialty.


City Centre

I release a tired sigh as I lay down on the couch. Looking around the penthouse, it's beautiful. It makes me wonder why my mother prefers a penthouse over a mansion. Oh well. I close my eyes, but a gentle pat on my leg causes me to open them.

It's my mother. She gives me a serious look.

"Y/n, we need to talk," I nod at her, giving her an opening to continue. She doesn't say anything but walks away and walks downstairs.

"Aren't you coming?" My mother looks at me pointedly. I shake myself out of bewilderment and follow her.

Minutes later we enter a room filled with computers, T.V screens and neon lights.

"Woah, what's this?" I look around curiously.

"A netrunner workspace," she enlightens me. My eyebrows furrow at this.

"I'm guessing this is yours then...but isn't it a little small?" I turn towards her but she shakes her head with a chuckle.

"This isn't mine, it's yours," I freeze at the words my mother utter. This is mine?

"B-but isn't netrunning illegal?"

"Yes it is," My mother clarifies.

"They are the most dangerous in this world, I will help you become the best. But first a test," She continues. I take a seat in front of the large monitor. Hands are placed on my shoulders.

"What type of test?" I ask.

"You have two days to find the location of Jackie Wells," My mother sneers once she says the name.

"Any particular reason as to why?" She releases my shoulders and gives a sigh.

"Do this and you will find out," I purse my lips as she walks towards the door.

"Remember what I taught you," With that she leaves the room and shuts the door. I turn to the monitor.

"Remember what I taught you,"

Her words ring through my mind.

"What do you mean,"I mumble to myself and bang my head softly on the table. I'm given a task and I don't even know how to do it. I just find out now that my mother is a netrunner and now I need to find the location of some random person.

This will be a long two days.

A/n Wow I'm really grateful that you guys voted for my book, the comments as well!

I appreciate it a lot. Thank you :)

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