Julie And The Phantoms - seas...

By hcpelesslywriting

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(This is my version to the second season of JATP) Luke, Reggie and Alex are still ghosts but now Julie can to... More

Against The Heart
For Hope To Come
Running Out
Slow Dance
I Have Found You
I Belong With You
The Very First Time
Going Up

Little Melodies

986 20 37
By hcpelesslywriting

Nick was looking around him confused and then he looked at Caleb as he turned around to him.

   "What happen?", Nick asked.

   "Don't you mind that, just get that for Julie.", he said to him, pointing at the letter.

He looked at the letter and nodded, walking off. Caleb turned back to Violet and Willie, walking towards them. "It's that niece Violet I am seeing?". Violet and Willie looked at him as they heard him, looking surprised at him.

   "Uncle Caleb.", she smiled.

   "Caleb, where have you been?", William asked.

   "Just inside a person.".

Willie widened his eyes at him. "You controlled a person? You know how dangerous that is!".

   "William, I would like to have a word with my niece... alone.".

Willie and Violet looked at each other and she nodded. "It's okay, Wills.". He nodded and she left of with Caleb. They walked a little from Willie before Caleb stopped to look at her.

   "When did you get here? Ever since William told me you died, I have been worrying sick about you.".

   "Oh don't lie to me, Caleb. The only thing you've been worried about is your club and its band. Willie have been telling me what you have been doing. You were already a jerk of a wizard when you're alive but you are worse now, I was the only one who was able to see the good in you but now... I'm not sure there is any good left in you.".

   "You sure don't mean that.".

   "Oh, I do. I have recently come to care about your new discovered band, and the fact that you put your stamp onto them... just proves the point that my family was right about you.".

   "Do not talk to me like that, young lady.".

   "Young lady? You can't tell me what to do, you're not my father... you're just his brother.", she said before turning away from him, but he grabbed her hand which made her look at him and she looked down at her wrist. He gave her the stamp and as he did that, something happen that made them move and something felt different after it.

   "That doesn't usually happen.", he said.

   "Why did you do that?".

   "To learn a lesson, my dear niece. You better do something before you end up as weak as that band was.".

   "What do I gotta do?".

   "That band you seem to care about, I want them in my band, last time they refused because of their dear Julie... I was inside her friend Nick's body which made her get less time with the band, I want you to get them to join me, you four would take my band to the next level.".

   "All four of us? You want me too?".

   "You are still a dancer aren't you?". Violet nodded at his question "Excellent.", he said before he poofed away.

   Willie ran over to Violet and looked concerned at her, they looked down at her wrist. "He gave you the stamp, didn't he?".

   "Yeah, the only way I can get rid of it is as if I get the guys and myself to join him.".

   "I knew I shouldn't have left you alone with him, we have to tell the others.".

   "No, we can't!", she shook her head. "I don't want them to be worried about be, they have that concert to worry about.".

   "But we gotta do something.".

   "We can find out what my unfinished business, like the guys did.".

   "What were you on your way to do before you died?".

   "I was on my way to a dance audition.".

He nodded. "Then it haves to do something with that.".

   "How long do you think it will take until-", she got interrupted by a jolt hurting her chest.

   "That long, are you okay?", he asked her concerned.

She nodded. "We gotta warn the guys about Caleb.".

   "Yeah, let's go.".

Violet and Willie poofed from the streets.

   At Julie's house, Nick were walking up to the door and knocked on it. After some seconds, Julie opened and smiled at she saw Nick. "Nick, hi.", she said.

   "Hey, I have been told to give you this.", he said and handed her the letter.

   "Oh, who is it from?", she asked as she grabbed it.

   "I really don't remember, many things have been pretty much a blur for me recently.".

   "A blur? You don't remember things?".

   "The last thing I remember was that I stood here outside your door, holding flowers, taking you out on our first date.".

   Julie widened her eyes shocked. "But that was a week ago, why do you think that is?".

   "I have no idea, I don't feel sick or anything... my head just hurts a bit.".

   "Have something been happening to you?".

   "Not what I remember.", he shook his head.

   "Maybe you should go and see a doctor.".

Nick nodded. "Yeah, I can ask my mother about it since she is a doctor.".

   "Okay, but thanks for stopping by. I will read this.", she smiled and he smiled back. "I will see you at school tomorrow, right?".

   "Right, I'll see you then.", he said before walking from her house and she closed the door.

Julie looked at the letter as she went upstairs to her room. Nick was on his way back home and Caleb appeared in front of him, but he didn't see him. Caleb tried to get himself back into Nick's body but it didn't work, he got shocks by it. He looked confused at him.

   "Why can't I go in you?", he asked himself as Nick walked through him. "You can't even see me, can you? What is going on? My powers... they are gone.".

   Caleb looked at his hands with anger, then poofed away.

In the garage, Violet and Willie appeared and Luke, Alex and Reggie looked at them surprised. Alex walked closer towards them, looking concerned. "What are you guys doing here?".

   "There's something we have to tell you.", Willie said. "Do you remember when you told me that Nick saw you?". Alex nodded to answer him.

   "It's Caleb.", Violet said. "He went into Nick's body and controlled him.".

   "You know Caleb?", Luke asked as he approached them.

   "He's my uncle.", she looked at Luke and all of the guys looked shocked. "He died when I was eleven years old, and today I met him once again. And... and he told me what he have been doing, the reason to why you haven't got that much time with Julie is because that Caleb in Nick's body have been with her, so you would reconsider joining him.".

   "Of course he still wants that, but we won't.".

   "I know you won't, but that was his plan. He can try to get back into Nick's body to get back onto his plan, he just went out to see me.".

   "Are you okay?", Luke asked her concerned. "He didn't do anything to you, did he?".

Willie and Violet looked at each other before she looked back at Luke and shook her head. "No, he didn't. But he offered me a spot in his club, as his dancer.".

   "Oh, I remember those dancers. They have addicted moves.", Reggie said and Alex slapped his head gently. "Ouch, what?".

   "I'm not gonna dance for my uncle, not after what he did to you guys.".

   "We have to warn Julie.", Luke said and exchanged looks with Reggie and Alex.

   "Yeah, you do that.", Alex said.

Luke looked at Violet and noticed that she had her hand against her chest, and that she looked down at it. He looked worried at her. "You sure you are okay?", he asked.

   "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine, it was just hard to see him.", she nodded as her eyes met Luke's.

He nodded and poofed away from the garage. Willie and Violet looked at each other nervously, sighing in relief. Luke appeared in Julie's room and she looked up at him, he gave her a small smile.

   "Hey.", he said and looked at the letter. "What'cha got there?".

   "A letter from Carrie, she wrote how sorry she is and that she hope we can figure things out.".

Luke leaned against her drawer. "Who gave you that?".

   "Nick came and dropped it off.".

   "Was there anything else he did?".

Julie shook her head. "He told me that he doesn't remember what have happen lately, the last thing he remembered was the day after we played at the orpheum.".

   "Yeah, we know the reason to that.".


   "Violet and Willie just told us something and you have to know it too.", he said and looked down before looking back up at her. "Do you remember the guy that gave us jolts? Caleb".

   "Yeah, he wanted you guys to join his band.".

   "Exactly and well... Violet just told us that he got into Nick's body and controlled him without Nick knowing, that can be why he doesn't remember anything. Caleb got out of his body to talk to Violet... he's her uncle.".

   "Oh wow, that actually makes sense, but why did he do that?".

   "To get his plan going, to get us to join his band since him in Nick's body made more time for you and him and less time for you and us.".

   "And he could go back into him?".

   "It could happen, was he acting different?".

   "Yeah, he used some new words, were different towards me.", she said as she thought about it. "That must be why it felt so weird when I was with him, because it wasn't actually him.".

   "You must keep an eye on him, if Caleb gets inside his body again, he can try to take you away or hurt you.".

   "I can take care of myself.".

Luke sat down on the floor and grabbed Julie's hand, they looked down at each other's hands before looking up at each other. "I just don't want you to get hurt, I don't know what I would do without you... I would be devastated.".

   Julie placed her hand onto Luke's hand to calm and comfort him. "I will look out if he is acting weird again. Hey, maybe Violet can help me since she is his niece, she knows him more than you guys.".

   "That sounds good. I will go and ask her.".

   "She's here?".

He nodded. "In the garage, with Willie. You can come down and meet them if you want.".

   "Maybe later.", she smiled.

   "Okay, I'll see you there. ", he smiled and winked at her before he poofed out of her room.

Julie smiled as he disappeared and then looked down at the letter.

   Next day, Julie and Violet was walking together in her school and she looked around curiously. Julie looked at her. "Are you okay?".

   "Yeah, I just... I haven't been to this school for 20 years, a lot have changed.", she chuckled and looked back at Julie.

   "You went to this school?".

   "Yeah, in fact, I was in the music program before I died. I miss all this.".

   "Well, we are not here for explore the school, we are here to check if Caleb is back inside Nick's body.", she said. "How will you know?".

   "Well, if he Nick sees me then Caleb is back, if not, he isn't in his body which cane mean in some how he have some difficulties with his powers.". Julie nodded at her answer. "Hey, are you okay with all this? Me coming into your and the guys' life just so sudden?".

   "Yeah, it actually feels great to have a female ghost.", she smiled.

   "Oh, you tired of being with the guys?".

   "Not really, but I think it will be great for both me and them. They have someone to be with while I am school.".

   "I guess that's true.", Violet looked around, searching after Nick. "So who's Nick?".

   "Oh, Nick is this guy that I'm seeing... or maybe kinda not since it wasn't really him.".

   "No, I meant as in which one of the guys is him.".

   "Ahh.", she said and giggled, she looked around for him and then pointed at him. "There he is, blonde hair and blue jacket.".

   Violet looked at Nick and nodded. "He's kinda cute, but I don't get what you see in him.".

   "Just go.", Julie chuckled while smiling at her.

Violet smiled back at her and walked towards him, Julie watched them. Violet tried to get his attention but Nick walked through her, she looked at Julie and shook her head. Julie nodded and then she heard some music from the gym room, but then she saw Violet walking towards her which made her turn her attention back to her.

   "So I guess Caleb is having some trouble with his powers, or maybe he just stopped with the revenge, but that doesn't sound like him.", she shook her head.

   "So what are we gonna do?".

   "I don't know, but I think I will have to find him and for that I need to speak with Willie.", she sighed. "I see you back at the garage when I hopefully have some more information.". Julie nodded as she looked at her and Violet poofed away.

   Julie turned her eyes to the gym room and walked towards it, opening the doors and there she saw Carrie and her girl group rehearse one of their new songs "Little Melodies".

Little Melodies


In this little life, we thought we would rule

But then we got to learn the little ugly truth

Whatever, we are done with this whole world

We are going another way, and I know exactly where we're gonna be

It's going to be like

(All of them)

Aa-aa, aa-aa-aaa-aaa

Yeah, aa-aa, aa-aa-aaa-aaa


We are so much better without any of your help

And all of us know, your eyes are all on me

So you better give us the words that we all wanna hear

Here you're gonna hear

Our sweet little melody

(All of them)

Aa-aa, aa-aa-aaa-aaa

Yeah, aa-aa, aa-aa-aaa-aaa

We're gonna use these little melodies

They may be sweet, but we are gonna show that we are not

These little melodies

You don't wanna go around

And play them all wrong and on

Yeah, we are using these little melodies

They may be sweet, but we are gonna show that we are not

These little melodies

You don't wanna go around

And play them all wrong and on


You may just think that we are okay with the wow

But all these coloring lights, they just have to stop

No, we are not, these little plastic dolls

We have new sound

A little like this

(All of them)

Aa-aa, aa-aa-aaa-aaa

Yeah, aa-aa, aa-aa-aaa-aaa

We're gonna use these little melodies

They may be sweet, but we are gonna show that we are not

These little melodies

You don't wanna go around

And play them all wrong and on

Yeah, we are using these little melodies

They may be sweet, but we are gonna show that we are not

These little melodies

You don't wanna go around

And play them all wrong and on


We are tired being in the shadow

Cause we all are waiting for that something big

Yeah, we are at the edge of

The edge of wow

So you better not do us wrong

Our melody goes on and on

(All of them)

We're gonna use these little melodies

They may be sweet, but we are gonna show that we are not

These little melodies

You don't wanna go around

And play them all wrong and on

Yeah, we are using these little melodies

They may be sweet, but we are gonna show that we are not

These little melodies

You don't wanna go around

And play them all wrong and on

After the song, the music stopped and Carrie and her girl group stood in a pose. Julie applauded as she walked towards them, Carrie noticed her and looked nervously at her. They were not in their usual colorful clothes and wigs.

   "That was amazing, Carrie. Are you trying something new?".

   "Yeah, I feel like all the fake hairs and clothes isn't really us. Goodbye Dirty Candy, hello Little Melodies.", Carrie smiled and chuckled.

   "Well, for the record, I like Little Melodies more.".


   "I actually came here to talk to you."

Carrie nodded and snapped her fingers so her group would turn their attention to her. "Well done, you can take off.", she said as she looked back at them and they listened to her, leaving the gym room. Julie watched them before she looked back at Carrie.

   "I got the letter you wrote me.".

   "Oh good, Nick got it to you. He was kinda rude about it.".

   "Carrie, why didn't you just come to me?".

Carrie sighed. "I have tried but you always seem so busy minded when I get to you, you always find a way to walk away.", she looked down. "A letter was the only way I could get to you.".

   "I'm sorry for that.".

   "The point is that... I want us to start over, Julie. You have changed since you started your hologram band, music got back in you and it made you happier... I realized that I don't wanna be enemies anymore, I wanna try to be friends again if you are willing to.".

   Julie gave her a smile and nodded. "I would like that, I actually have missed having you around.".

   "Aww, I've missed having you around too. And my dad can't stop talking about you and those hologram boys, he's talking about them like he knows them which is impossible.".

   Julie looked nervously at her and nodded. "Well, it's good that people are talking about us.".

   "Yeah, when are you gonna perform again?".

   "I don't know, we are currently working on the song for the anniversary concert.".

   "I get that, you wanna get to class together?".

Julie nodded smiling. "Sure.". They left the gym room and started to walk to the classroom together.

   In the streets of Los Angeles, Violet and Willie were walking together. "You sure he couldn't see you?", he asked her.

   "He didn't see me at all, he actually walked through me. Caleb's not in him, maybe something is up with his powers.".

   "Did something strange happen when he gave you the stamp?".

   "I... yeah, something did happen, a feeling came through our bodies as we touched, and he said that have never happen before. I just thought that was usual.".

   "Maybe that stamp is stronger on you because of that.". As he said that, Violet got a jolt which made her place her harm on her stomach making a hurting grimace. "Are you okay?".

   "Hmm, yeah.", she struggled out.

   "I really think we should tell the guys.".

   "No, I just came into their lives, I don't want them to worry about me. They have Julie to focus on, and you have Alex to focus on.", she smiled.

   Willie smiled chuckling and then Luke appeared beside them, they looked at him getting a bit surprised. "Luke, what are you doing here?", she asked him.

   "Well, I saw this on the floor and I know it isn't mine, Reggie's, Alex's or Julie's. It haves to be yours.", he answered showing her a little ballerina necklace.

   "Oh my god, it fell of? That must have happen while I was singing with you guys.", she smiled and grabbed it from him. "Caleb gave it for me on my tenth birthday, one year before he died.", she chuckled and looked down.

   "So sorry for that, how did it go at the school?".

   "Caleb was not in his body.", she shook her head.

   "Well, that is at least good news. By the way, Willie, Alex is waiting for you at the skating park.", he said, looking at Willie.

   "Great! I'm gonna him his own board today.", Willie smiled.

   "Have fun.", she smiled.

Willie exchanged a look with Violet before walking away, leaving Luke and Violet alone, they looked at each other and smiled. "Do you want me to put that on you? The necklace?", he asked.

   Violet looked at the necklace and nodded. "Sure.", she gave it back to him before pulling all her hair to the right side of her neck. Luke watched her before he wrapped the necklace around her neck, locking it. She looked down at the necklace and smiled, looking at him from behind. "Thanks for giving it to me.". Luke smirked and gave her a smile.

   Suddenly a brown haired girl walked through them and Violet looked at her, furrowing her eyebrows confused and surprised at her. The girl was on phone and she turned around so Luke and Violet could see her face. "Oh my.", Violet said.

   "What is it?", Luke asked curiously as he looked at the girl and then back at her.


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