Fixing Adora

By CrazyBakaLover

18.5K 436 187

Also posted on AO3 Im aslo known as CrazyButterSock Previously named "Good Girl" Adora grew up in the Horde... More

Late Night
Stay with me
Good Morning
She was what?
Where am I?
Deja Vu
What was that?
Don't Change
I didn't mean too!
Adora's Room
Its my fault
Heading to Dryl
Too Many Bots
What's wrong with her?
Now We Wait
I Want Her Safe
Meeting Linda, The Dolphin

Let's go

566 10 13
By CrazyBakaLover

"Th-This is i-itchy!" Adora whined as she pulled at her sweater, "A-And hot! Eeeeehhh..." Glimmer looked over from her spot, feeling the same about her own clothing.

"Are you sure you didn't bring anything else to wear?" Glimmer question, staring at Castaspella, "Adora's about to have a breakdown by the look on her face..."

Glancing over to said blonde, Castaspella watched in horror as Adora bagan to rip at the knitted sweater. Glimmer gasped in shock as she watched Adora in discrete glee. Castaspella fell to her knees.

Once one strand was free, the rest quickly fell apart. Pulling at the yarn Adora smirked as she saw the smile at Glimmer's face. She continued from there, quickly getting wrapped up in her activity at hand. (Ha ha, get it?)

"Ah- why-why?" Casta asked in disbelief, picking up the scraps of yarn from the ground, "I worked so hard on that..."

Walking over to her aunt, Glimmer put a hand to the woman's shoulder, "It's fine auntie, that was an old one you gave me..."

"But she didn't need to rip it." Castaspella wiped away the small tears that leaked from her eyes. Getting up, she shot a silent glare to Adora, who got tangled in the yarn.

"Grrrr..." Adora's smile was gone, replaced with a scowl that looked frighteningly familiar from earlier. Growling as she struggled to get untangled, "Let me OUT OF THIS THING!" Flailing her arms she fell onto the floor, her left leg now attached to her right arm. She began to hyperventilate.

"Stay still, Adora. I'm gonna help you." Glimmer approached her slowly, like a cornered animal.

Hissing at the princess, Adora started to rip at the yarn again. Castaspella with a swish of her wrist, untangled Adora with her magic. The blonde's eyes widened, watching as the yarn was wrapped in a ball and placed on the floorboards.

"It's alright, Adora." Castaspella calmly stated as she watched Adora back into a small pile of luggage. "I'm not mad... I was just shocked."

Looking left to right, the girl accidentally bumped one of the bags. The contents spilling out in front of her.

"Hey, it's okay." Glimmer watched as Adora scrambled to pick everything up. The muttering was back again. "Adora." She said firmly, "Drop those things and sit down."

Adora did as told, be it reluctantly. Her hands were clasped tightly in front of her. Eyes darting around the room, looking for a possible escape if needed.

Sitting down in front of Adora, Castaspella and Glimmer waited patiently. Watching her movements slowly become less rapid.

"I-I -hick- I'm- I'm sorry..." Adora looked at her hands, picking at the hangnail on her thumb. "I-I don't know w-what is w-wrong with m-me..."

Castaspella thought for a moment then said, "Well, if you can hang on for a little bit longer as you are, we are going to be in Mysticor in a few more hours."

Adora nodded and sniffled, "O-Okay... W-What are we gonna do till then?"

"We are going to find you clothing that won't set you off again." Glimmer replied, getting up, "Apparently yarn is a no go."

"I-I don't know w-why I d-did that..." Adora whispered, "I'm s-sorry."

Castaspella smiles, "It's alright, Adora. I'm not upset about it." Anymore, she thought for a second. "I should have known that the ocean air was too much for a yarn sweater."


"Turn left! Turn left!" Scorpia shouted as Catra sped through the trees with the skiff, "Why don't I drive? I have more experience after all."

Catra scoffed, "And how am I gonna get experience if I don't-" She swerved, avoiding another branch, "drive, huh?"

Scorpia covered her eyes with a claw, not wanting to see what was coming. "I mean yeah, I guess that makes sense. But I heard what happened last time you went out in a skiff..."

"That wasn't my fault!" Catra defended, she turned her head away when Scorpia gave her a look, "Okay, maybe it was partially my fault. Adora was practically begging me to take the steering from her!"

Giving her a look, Scorpia raised an eyebrow. Catra turned her head away from the scorpion woman's gaze.

"Do you even know where we have to go?" Scorpia questioned lightly, as they sped through the trees. Catra did a hard stop, almost launching them both off the skiff, "Whoa! Careful, Wildcat."

"You should hold onto something." Catra mumbled, as she sat down, "Where are we going?"

Rubbing the back of her next, Scorpia sat down next to her. "I thought you knew that. Though I do have an idea of where we could start..."

Catra's eyes widened, "No. We can't go there." Was Scorpia asking for a death wish? Because the moment they step foot or claw in there it is prison or worse.

"But the Queen will know where they went." Scorpia argued. "If she cares about Adora, she will tell us."

"Will- Will she help us stop Shadow Weaver?" Catra asked pawing at the floor of the skiff. "I am so tired of all this..."

Putting a claw on the cat girl's shoulder, Scorpia smiled, "We can join the Rebellion after this if you want."

"I don't wanna fight in this stupid war!" Catra shouts, a few birds in the trees flew away. Why doesn't anyone understand her? The only person who does is currently out of order. And gone with the prior mentioned Rebellion. "I just wanna get away from Shadow Bitch and be done with my life. UUUGH!"

"Calm down, Cat. I'm sure we can get this solved, then we can go to the Crimson Waste after this." Scorpia smiles brightly, "I heard thats where -"

"People go on missions and die." Catra interrupted, "Nobody comes back from there, heck I'm sure there is nothing but sand."

Scorpia opened her mouth and closed it again. Taking a moment to think she began, "It won't hurt to check," Catra was gonna speak but was cut off, "after Adora is better, of course."

Catra sat there thinking for a moment, "Alright, let's get to Brightmoon." Starting the engine again, they turned left into the thicker part of the woods. With Scorpia driving of course.


"G-Glimmer?" Adora asked suddenly, the princess's back turned to her.

"Hmm?" Glimmer hummed, in acknowledgement. She was playing a made up board game with Bow and Perfuma. Currently winning by three points.

The blonde fidgeted in her spot in the deck, "I- I have a question ..."

Turning her body, Glimmer faced Adora and smiled, "What is it?"

"W-Well it's about that thing that h-happened back home..." Adora looked down, Glimmer was confused until she clarified, "The th-thing that happened in the bathtu-"

Quickly Glimmer slapped a hand over her mouth, laughing nervously.

"HA HA HA! I have no idea what you're talking about Adora!"

Bow and Perfuma gave each other a knowing smirk.

Ripping her hand off, the blonde continued, "-YYou told me you wouldn't t-tell me lat-" The hand came back to her face.

Adora's eyes hardened as she threw Glimmer's hand off her face. Getting up she stomped over to Mermista, sitting down with her back to the princess.

"What.. just happened?" Bow looked to where Adora now sat. "Did something happen while you were alone?"

Groaning, Glimmer fell back onto the deck, "It's not anything big, I swear."

"Well it has to be big if the both of you are fighting with just a few words..." Perfuma mentioned, "Would you like to share?"

"No I would not." Glimmer stated, but the look they gave her made the princess wilt, "Fine." She took a breath and let it out, "Adoraaccidentallykissedmetwice."

"Wha- wait!" Bow squealed, "Oh my gosh! That is sooo cute!" Perfuma being the closest, became the victim of a strong hug.

"I knew you would react that way!" Glimmer hid her face behind her arms, it burned brightly.

To be Continued...

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